26. In the Night(Vixen and Wonder Woman)

There's a Blog Exclusive Chapter featuring Sara Lance and Ava Sharpe. Check it out here: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2018/11/sara-and-avahit-mark-blog-exclusive.html

In the Night(Diana/Wonder Woman and Mari McCabe/Vixen)

A smile crossed the face of the Amazon Princess when she put her arms around the waist of her partner and leaned into the bed, to kiss her firmly on the back of the neck.

“You always knew how to wake me up just right.”

Diana just smiled and nuzzled her face into her partner. These two members of the Justice League found solace in each other, during some pretty dark times. And there were always dark times when you had to defend the world against some of the most vile people known to anyone. Diana’s stomach turned when she recalled at least one threat came from those who she considered sisters.

The Amazons were not perfect. Some of them took Hera’s teaching about the darkness that lurks in the hearts of men to extremes. Not knowing that similiar darkness can and have lurked in the hearts of women. Diana found herself rather grateful.

And now with a predatory smile, Mari shifted over to Diana. The two women went face to face on the bed, with Mari leaning in to kiss Diana on the lips. Diana returned the kiss. So much passion and energy shared between the two strong and powerful women, cornerstones of the Justice League. Their hands moved in circular motions, the faster they put themselves into this position.

“I want you now,” Mari said.

Despite her bravado, a slight shudder comes from Diana’s body. She kew that if Mari wanted something, it would be hard to discourage her from getting it. She moved in closer, cupping Diana’s breasts and giving them a couple of squeezes. Diana shifted on the bed, underneath Mari’s touch and she moaned. Mari mounted her, and kissed her on the chest. A smile came from the face of the woman.

“You look almost good enough to eat,” Mari breathed as she nuzzled up against Diana. “And the huntress becomes the hunted.”

Diana took a few breaths as Mari hit all of the right spots on her body, sending her toes curling into pleasure. She pushed against her body, kissing all over. Each kiss opened her up to more of a primal attack. Diana spread her legs apart, prying them for Mari to bury her pretty face in between. Her thighs spread out and Mari was in the process of eating Diana out.

Oh she could really use that tongue. Diana did not, she could not do anything other than suck in some warm breaths as Mari did the same thing. She could have praised the goddesses, but to be honest, Mari deserved her praise a lot more.

Diana’s desire to taste her lover became prominent as well. Mari lost her panties and crawled over Diana. She stood completely up and sat on Diana’s face. Now Diana buried her face between Mari’s delicious chocolate thighs and returned the favor.

“Such a gooddess,” Mari cooed. “Mmm, I feel….I feel like I need to take you, this night and every night after that.”

Mari shifted her fingers back and a hunger spread through her body. Those hands rubbed against her chest and the pleasure filled her body. She shifted back and forth, the deeper Diana twirled her tongue inside and then pulled completely out.

Now, Diana sucked her juices out and Mari tightened her grip against Diana’s chest. She rocked back and forth, getting off on the gifted mouth of this Amazon Princess. She was gifted by Aphrodite with certain skills and these skills pleasured Mari immense.

Her totem glowed in the darkness, pure animalistic instinct hitting her. She wanted a piece of Diana, more than a piece if she could manage it.

Diana’s hunger only increased when buried between Mari’s succulent thighs. She could not have enough of her and she could not have enough of Mari. She sucked her dry of all of the juices.

Mari pulled away from Diana, almost winded from the force of the orgasm. She got her bearings back very quickly and climbed on top of Diana. Their mouths almost connected with each other with a kiss. Diana wrapped her leg around Mari’s tight ass and pulled her into position. They increased the depths their tongues went, their mouths sealing together.

The hunger in Diana’s eyes burned bright, the faster she shoved her tongue deep into Mari’s warm mouth. Mari sucked on her tongue, moaning intensely with the depths that she took it inside. Diana knew exactly how much Mari wanted to give her that tongue and she accepted it.

Something long and hard pushed against Diana’s entrance. Mari’s totem sprung to life and Mari just smiled.

“My totem has many uses, as I found out,” Mari said. “As in saving me a lot of money on certain toys.”

“I’m blessed, then,” Diana said. “Or rather, you are.”

The energy coursing between their bodies was intense. The mystical energy of the totemn pushed between them, as Mari grew a cock of pure energy. She was not sure what animal she tapped into to grow this appendage, but she was pretty sure it was something very large and well hung. She pushed almost all the way into Diana and she broke out into a moan.

“Oh, is that too big for you?” Mari asked her with a smile.

Diana furiously shook her head, fierce determination shooting through her eyes. She grabbed onto Mari and pushed her further, further into the bed. She wanted Mari as deep inside of her as humanly possible, wanting to be filled with that cock of hers.

“Fill me completely,” Diana moaned in Mari’s ear.

Mari pushed up and down, her skin slapping against Diana’s the faster she speared down inside of her body. Diana lifted Mari up off of the bed and crashed down into her. The breasts of the Amazon bounced in perfect harmony and opened themselves up for Mari’s constant worship.

The two women worked up a sweat, with Mari experiencing the very sweet tightness Diana offered her. She groaned when filling up Diana a few more times. Their thighs collided together, with immense heat spreading through them.

“Diana!” Mari groaned. “Are you getting close?”

“Mmm,” Diana moaned.

The sweet smell of arousal stirred up more of Mari’s most primal instincts. She wanted to see Diana bounce herself up and down on the mystically created cock.

Diana just smiled, getting the hint, and wrapping her legs around Mari to flip her over onto the bed. The totem’s addition shoved deeper into her and filled Diana up.

“Oh, you’ve just made it bigger for me!” Diana yelled. “Aphrodite’s gifts are as good as advertised.”

The totem infused with Mari’s nerve endings and she felt Diana clutching her. It rocked her body and sent fluids pouring out of everyone of Mari’s pours. The totem appeared to also have given a side effect, of causing milk to spurt from her nipples.

Diana’s eyes gazed down at Mari’s dark, lactating breasts, and licked her lips. Those breasts expanding and contracting looked so sweet and made Diana’s pussy throb even more. She decided to lean down and milke Mari’s breasts to cause her to break out into a loud scream of passion.

“You like that, don’t you?” Diana asked her. “You want me to keep touching you breasts like that, don’t you?”

“Yes,” Mari breathed heavily. “Keep touching them...don’t you dare stop.”

“I wouldn’t dare stop,” Diana commented with an impish grin. “Not until I get all of this nice warm milk you’ve generously supplied for me.”

Diana milked Mari’s breasts and caused the milk to squirt into the air. She leaned down and kissed Mari on the nipples, which caused her to throb. She felt something rise within her body, the desire to cum inside of Diana, reaching.

It was helped along by Diana pressing her face against Mari’s breasts and sucking them. Sucking them until she almost passed out from the constant waves of pleasure. The Amazon knew all of the hot spots to make Mari just break out into a series of breathy moans.

“Oh, I can suck on these all day,” Diana said.

“And I’d let you.”

“I know.”

Diana returned to bouncing up and down on Mari, knowing that she was about to finish. The powers of the totem subdued Diana ever so slightly, as this big throbbing cock pushed into her body. Diana lowered herself down, her tanned thighs hitting Mari’s chocolate ones. Watching the gorgeous woman writh on the bed, the sweat sheening against her body, caused Diana to clamp down nice and tight hard on her.

“You’re just too much,” Diana mewled in pleasure. “I have to have all of this...you know.”

Mari did not grow a set of balls along with her totem cock, but she swore, that she felt the weight of them. Regardless, Mari pumped the magically created essence into Diana, splattering on the inside of her womb and making a mess in her.

Their bodies melded together, with the power of the totem reducing Wonder Woman to a whimpering, mewling woman. Mari just broke out into a very obvious grin, closing her thighs down onto her and then dropping up and down on her.

“I have to have all of this,” Diana breathed.

“You’ll get everything that you’ve ever dreamed of and more.”

Mari finished, at least this round. Diana crawled away from her and instantly, Mari noticed Diana’s perfect ass in front of her. The ass that many men and a lot of women dreamed along, having just five minutes alone with. And it was right there for Mari to grab and for Mari to taste.

The totem bearing dove in between the Amazon’s ass and started to nuzzle her face between it. She licked Diana’s hole and caused her to break out into a moan.

“Oh, you naughty woman!” Diana cooed.

Mari felt Diana’s pussy and how wet it was. She wanted to get her ass just as wet to have some real fun. Mari shifted her tongue in circular motions until Diana was moaning. She spent some time nuzzling her face against Diana’s tender cheeks.

“But, I’m pretty naughty too,” Diana panted while she played with her nipples.

She wondered, if Mari would get inside of her ass, using that totem to bring pleasure. Diana never had anything that big in her ass. And Artemis and her mother and aunt had quite the collection, and Diana smiled in fond memories of some of the more intimate parts of her training.

Mari rubbed and worshipped Diana’s ass, because it was meant to be worshipped and touched. Her smooth fingers rubbed against Diana’s worshipped ass as she got Diana’s most intimate hole nice and wet.

“I’m not going to hold back once I get back there.”

“I don’t want you too.”

Diana positioned herself, almost giving herself to Mari. Not that Mari was going to hold back from taking that hole anyway, the situation warranted it. Still it made her at ease to know that Diana gave her consent and her ass to her willingly, without any arguments whatsoever.

Spending a moment or two exploring the other parts of Diana’s body, prior to go on into her tightest hole made Mari explode with electricity. She drove all the way into Diana from behind, groaning the second she was inside of that super tight and super snug back entrance. Diana moaned as well, with Mari rubbing her body all over.

“I’ll get you to drip,” Mari said.

“You always do,” Diana said. “And you already have.”

Sure enough, juices oozed from Diana. Mari took them into her hand and fed them to herself and her Amazon lover. The slow and sweet submission of Diana sent those tingling feelings through her lonis.

Nothing beat grabbing onto some thick ass cheeks and plowing all the way inside. Mari rubbed her nipples against Diana’s back.

“So good,” Diana said. “I wonder how long you could last.”

“Enough to leave you pin a pool of your own juices,” Mari said with more nibbles down the side of her neck and leading to Diana’s ear.

It was a promise that Mari made to herself. She palmed Diana’s breasts and squeezed them, kneaded them, played with them. She worked herself deeper into Diana.

“I think you can push a little bit further now.”

“In due time,” Mari said. “I want you to choke for it, Princess. To beg me for that cock….it’s good for you, isn’t it?”

“It certainly is,” Diana managed.

Mari pushed herself as far into Diana as possible, going practically as deep into her ass as she could manage. Diana’s ass, while tight, could accomodate a lot. Mari praised Aphrodite, and wondered if she could test the limits of Diana’s rear hole with this totem.

For right now, Mari pressed her hands all over Diana’s body and enjoyed the ride she had. Slapping Diana on the rear, this earned her a soft moan of content. Diana really was getting into this and there should be no reason why she wouldn’t. Mari knew all of the right buttons to touch.

“Cum for me, Princess,” Mari said while jamming her fingers inside.

Diana obeyed her dominant lover’s whims and let her juices flow. Mari’s probing fingers soaked. Until they were completely dripping wet, Mari dug them into Diana and Diana rode out her own orgasm on Mari’s probing thrusts.

The two enjoyed the touch from each other. Mari knew that this would not last forever, but she wanted to spend as much time exploring the tightness of Diana’s most private hole as possible. While kissing and touching the other parts of her body. Despite being in control, this did not mean that Mari could not worship Diana. With a body like this, who would not want to worship it?”

“You’re getting close,” Diana breath.

“Mmm, Princess, I’m sorry for the mess I’m about to make in your ass.”

“You wouldn’t be the first,” Diana commented.

Mari smiled and rode out her orgasm inside of the tightening rear of the kinky Amazon. That bronzed ass bouncing with each thrust made Mari just burn with lust. She squeezed Diana’s hips and made her coo extremely loudly.

Worshipping her body, that was what it was meant to be. With Mari thrusting faster and further as possible, the slap of skin echoing throughout the room. Mari pulled on her nipples and rocked inside of her body, with a long and powerful ride, and the slapping against her hips accelerating.

Finally, finally, Mari lost herself in Diana’s perfect ass. She squeezed the perfect cheeks together and rocked her, riding her out. She gave Diana a matching blast of juices from her pussy earlier.

“I can take you all day, as many times as I want,” she purred like a literal sex kitten.

Mari kissed her way down Diana’s body after pulling out and decided to taste herself from Diana’s ass. She slurped her own juices and by the looks of things, this made Diana’s toes curl.

Diana’s body heated up, the lust only increasing despite getting off several times. She wondered what else Mari had in store for her.

In Diana’s mind, she lived up to the name Vixen.End.

Next Chapter: 11/18/2018.