27. Predators(Alex Danvers and Black Widow)

There's another Hit the Mark Blog Exclusive Chapter featuring Black Siren and Felicity Smoak. Check it out at: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2018/11/more-interestinghit-mark-blog-exclusive.htmlPredators(Alex Danvers and Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow)

Alex broke out into a deep breath. She thought herself to be a good fighter and she had confidence in her abilities. However, she found herself face to face with one of the most dangerous and extremely deadly people on the planet. One of the most skilled people she ever fought and even after several minutes of combat, Alex found herself sucking wind and out of shape.“To your feet.”Alex staggered to her feet. She just needed five more seconds. The deadly Black Widow lived up to her name and swept Alex down onto the ground.“You fight adequately against people without any combat skills,” Natasha told her. “But, you’re out of practice against people who can handle themselves hand to hand.”“Yes, I noticed that,” Alex responded with a deep breath.Natasha motioned for Alex to rise to her feet. A soft smile cracked over her face. Natasha moved in and swept Alex by the legs and took her down. Natasha pressed down onto her a few seconds. She leaned closer towards Alex, the DEO Agent squirming. She realized just how much Natasha could do anything to her and Alex would have to let her. The thought of it brought tingles to her.“You know, you need to quit getting distracted,” Natasha said. “People will take advantage of you like this.”“You mean like you’re doing now.”“Yes.”Without another word, Natasha swooped down and kissed Alex as hard on the lips as possible. Alex squirmed underneath Natasha, and pressed her body against the younger agent’s. The experience of Natasha and Alex’s vunerability.“I’m not doing anything to you that you don’t want,” Natasha said.That was a matter of opinion, although Alex was only telling herself out of bravado. She wanted to kiss Natasha back. The deadly Black Widow straddled her body, the heat between the two of them growing even more immense when they pushed together. Alex knew it would not be too long before she succumbed, submitted, and whatever to this touch.“And you want this. Completely. Utterly.”The front of Alex’s suit came unzipped and Natasha pressed her hand against her body. She sensed the heart beat of the agent. She had encounters with women, and yet was so inexperienced that it was almost endearing. Natasha pressed her luck and her lips further down Alex, teasing her cleavage and riling her up. Alex broke out into a hearty and hungry breath, knowing what Natasha was doing to her. And knowing that she needed to accept these touches for they made her so hot.“Your nipples are so hard I can use them to cut glass,” Natasha said. “I’m going to suck them.”“I’ll let you.”“Yes, you will.”Natasha popped the nipple into her own mouth and sucked on it. The worship of Natasha’s mouth on Alex’s nipple send her into fits.The worship traveled from her right breast to her left breast. Natasha knew exactly how to touch her and how to hit all of Alex’s right buttons. She thought that Sara was something, but Natasha, as amazing as Sara was, the Black Widow was on the entire new better.“The Black Widow spider is a fierce predatory,” Natasha commented. “Sizing up her prey and slowly, but surely, devouring her. Making her weak...helpless….vunerable.”Natasha pushed her lips against Alex’s body, moving down to suck on her belly button. Alex could have lost it right there. The suit came down as did Alex’s underwear. Natasha reinforced that Alex was her prey, and she laid on the practice mats, legs spread.When she had the chance to go toe to toe with the Black Widow, Alex expected nothing like this. Granted, she expected to be on her back, but nothing like this. Nothing like having her legs kicking into the air and the Black Widow devouring her, sucking her wet pussy. That luscious red hair tickling her thighs just as Natasha went down on her.Alex could hardly keep her head afloat. Widow knew all of the right spots to drive Alex and to push her so much further over the edge. She reached to her chest, but Natasha grabbed her arms and forced them back onto her head. This allowed Alex to shove Natasha’s face back into her pussy and she moaned, with her body just shifting back and forth and up and down.“Mmm,” Natasha breathed in a few seconds.Almost complete mental shutdown, that was what Alex was undergoing. Natasha knew how to hammer all of the right buttons and make her just break out into a series of breathy moans. Yes, she was about ready to explode, thanks to what Natasha was doing to her. Natasha pressed her fingers against Alex’s nipple and sent her flying over the edge.Lust burned her up all over. A heat emitted from Alex’s body and the juices never stopped flowing. Natasha knew how to hit all of those right buttons, repeatedly sliding her tongue into Alex’s warm and willing depths. She edged her almost all the way to the end, stopped, and kissed alway on Alex’s thighs.“I’m going to lose my mind,” Alex warned her.Natasha just registered with a predatory smirk and went down on her, kissing Alex’s nether lips. Alex pushed up and down, breaking out into a series of hot breaths. Her entire body twitched underneath Natasha’s constant attack. She was really playing with Alex, really trying to get her over the edge. Alex did not know how much longer she was going to last, how much longer before she fell over the edge.Two more times Natasha edged Alex oh so close to that sweet spot, right before she exploded. Alex dug her tongue deeper and faster inside of her body. She shifted deeper and deeper inside Alex, making the DEO Agent breath heavier and heavier.Eventually, she exploded, with Natasha dropping in and lapping up the juices which spurted out of Alex. The moans continued.“Ooooh!” Alex cried.That was about the only thing she could manage soundwise. Pretty much all coherence left Alex’s body. Natasha dropped down onto her, lapping up those pussy juices. Alex shifted up and down, holding her hips into Natasha’s face. She could hardly, well it did not matter what she could do, or what she could not do. Only thing that mattered was that sweet tongue edging her several steps closer to the edge.Natasha rose up, with a predatory smile on her face. This caught Alex’s attention. Natasha once again straddled Alex’s lips and slowly undid the zipper of her body suit. Alex’s eyes glued on Natasha’s perfect, round breasts, and then her flat toned stomach that followed. Natasha’s nice juicy ass and very nice legs followed, and Alex breathed in heavily.She really did have a body which was perfect for two things. Kicking ass and seduction, and Alex could say that the Black Widow knew how to do both.The lightest pussy on pussy contact sent Alex several steps over the edge. Natasha folded her fingers against Alex’s nipples and rolled her hand all over it. She moaned in pleasure, with Natasha squeezing Alex’s nipples and releasing them.“You like that?” Natasha asked. “No need to answer. I know you like it….and you’re going to like what I make you do next.”Natasha allowed Alex to sit up. Alex’s eyes widen and she came face to face with Black Widow’s magnificent chest. One touch of it showed that those breasts were real, natural, and extremely perky and firm, not to mention big and round. Alex cupped her tits and moved in, to suck on the woman’s nice round nipples. Her hunger increased, the deeper she touched that nipple.“You have a good mouth. Put it to good use.”Alex intended to do just that, burying her face into the Black Widow’s cleavage. She sucked on those big round tits, and caused Natasha to rock back and forth. Her hands placed on the back of Alex’s head and caused her to take into a breath.Natasha breathed in to Alex’s ear and caused her to moan. Those nipples just called for her and Alex answered their song, sucking on them. She knew that Natasha pulled the younger woman into her wet. The Black WIdow’s experience was more than enough, and it broke her down into a fit of pleasure. Natasha pushed her nipple deep into Alex’s waiting mouth as she sucked on it like it was her lifeblood.“That’s it!”The Black Widow moved her chest back and forth into Alex’s waiting mouth. She practically drooled over Natasha’s nipple, sucking it extremely hard. She moved up and down, rubbing her pussy against Alex’s. Natasha moaned and pushed her breast further into Alex’s waiting mouth. Alex’s face disappeared in her cleavage and then reappeared, sucking on her tits. She took a few moments to suck them, and make Natasha just wet as hell and ready to receive.She wanted to see what this sexy government agent was really capable of. If Alexandra’s mouth felt so good on her tits, than Natasha wanted to appreciate it in other manners. She pushed in close, hungering and almost exploding for her woman.“It’s going to be time soon,” Natasha breathed in Alex’s ear.Alex squirmed and she could not help, and wonder what the devious Black Widow had for her. The spy pinned Alex back down onto the ground.The Black Widow cornered her prey and kissed Alex several times over her body. She crawled over Alex, seduction burning over her body. Alex was as hot as hell and she did not know what the hell was going to happen next.Natasha stood up, her foot on Alex’s chest. Alex squirmed, feeling very helpless, but also extremely horny. Natasha turned around and the first thing Alex saw was that beautiful ass of Widow’s. She could bounce quarters over it.“I’ll let you worship it next time,” Natasha said. “But, your tongue is needed elsewhere.”She came down and sat on Alex’s face. Alex sucked in a breath and was right in the Black Widow’s sweet pussy. Oh, it tasted so good, and Alex needed to get her tongue in there so deep, so deep, she could almost feel it. Alex rutted around in there, sucking her juices and making Natasha leak all over her.Natasha rode the face of her younger lover. They were always so eager to please and to get some kind of illusion of control. She planned to rain down her juices on Alex’s face and slowly lick them off, making her squirm even more.She liked watching women squirm beneath her, especially this one. Alex’s fingers grabbed onto the back of her leg and Natasha smiled when the younger agent tried to bring her pleasure. Natasha squeezed her thighs against her and released a shower of juices all over Alex’s face.Alex sucked in the honey from Widow. She could hardly, well she could hardly keep her head above the water. Alex pushed her tongue deeper and deeper inside, moaning with Natasha shoving her tongue inside and eating her out.“Fuck me!” Natasha yelled.That tongue worked wonders in making her gush all over Alex’s face. Natasha whipped back and cupped her breasts, humming when she rolled her hips back. Suddenly and immensely smashing her thighs all over the face of Alex Danvers, draining her in splashes which coated every square inch of Alex’s face.Alex was breathing heavily, the taste of the Black Widow’s delicious honey still in her mouth. She wondered what was going to happen next.Ask a question, get an answer. Natasha pushed herself onto her. Those breasts squashed against her body and Alex found herself pinned down, dominated, kissed. And every inch of her body, squirming, got caressed. She moaned in Natasha’s ear when she bent down and kissed Alex firmly and fast on the lips. Their mouths connected together.“Mmmm!”Natasha sucked on her lip and tasted herself. It was a very good taste, and one that she wanted to put her into her mouth. Combined by the drooling and squirming woman.“Maybe it would be nice if I let you finish.”The predatory woman crawled down Alex’s body and hit her with kisses. Each one caused Alex to make a delightful little sound and this brought an even more devious smirk to the Black Widow. She edged closer to Alex’s pussy.Toys were nice, but Natasha’s hands were still the most deadly weapon she possessed. And they were deadly whether on the field or in the act of lovemaking. Something that Alex Danvers found out when Natasha slowly slipped her fingers inside of her, rubbing her wet pussy and making her as horny as hell. Alex  rubbed her hips back and forth, causing Natasha to go inside.Three fingers getting Alex off better than anything else in her life, was there any question why this felt so good? She twitched underneath Natasha’s push. Natasha knew exactly hot to hit all of the right buttons and get Alex squirming all over her.Alex let out a very passionate moan with Widow bottoming her fingers inside of the squirming woman. She edged closer and Natasha made sure to ride out Alex’s orgasm with her fingers. Alex reached for her chest, palming it. She was getting a workout and all Natasha used was the three fingers on her left hand.“You don’t need much when you know exactly how to break a woman,” Natasha commented with a smile.“You don’t...say!”Her voice broke and Natasha just smiled.“I do say.”That much was true, Alex was not going to deny that. Her body shifted and quivered all over the mats. Her juices flowed out from Natasha working her out. Natasha rode her all the way through that amazing orgasm, Alex’s body quivering.Alex did not know what to think. She never felt this good, and obviously Natasha knew what to do and how far to go. The Black Widow’s smirk showed Alex how much she had submitted and to be honest, she was perfectly okay with that.No shame in falling at the feet of the master.Natasha withdrew her fingers from Alex and then licked them slowly. She spent a fair amount of time savoring the taste.Alex laid in wait, wondering what wonderful tortures Natasha had for her next. Just by the Black Widow’s eyes peering at her, Alex was on the edge of anticipation, anxiety, and arousal.Just the way she liked it.End. Next Chapter: 12/2/2018.