30. Submit and Secure(Talia al Ghul and Black Siren...

Submit and Secure(Black Siren and Talia al Ghul)

Broken Bird seemed to be a very good description to Dinah Laurel Laurel of Earth Two, the Black Siren. She found herself pinned down by her sparring partner and not in a good way. Black Siren prided herself on being good, very good, better than many people out her. But, there was just one problem, she was facing off against a woman who was far more skilled than anyone that she ever fought before.Talia al Ghul smiled when she pinned her opponent down onto the ground. A blonde in tight leather always caught her interest. Especially one who acted like she was in control, but that was an opposite of reality. Talia relished the moment when she pinned her foe down. Black Siren twisted and attempted to break free, but Talia put her further down onto the ground.“I wonder what I should do to you, now that I have you right where I need you.”Talia pressed her lips against the side of Black Siren’s neck and kissed up it, until she reached her ear. It was not a sign of affection, but a sign of power and control. Black Siren’s intense gaze came up towards Talia. Earth-Two Laurel tried to force herself out.“You just wait….”“Wait for what?” Talia asked.Siren realized just how pathetic her threats seemed. Despite undergoing many hardships, in some ways, Black Siren was very much a girl and Talia was a woman, a woman who could break her as she pleased. The thought of this seductive older woman having her way with her sent tingles through the Black Siren’s body. Her face heated up and said heat spread until it reached her loins.“I’m not completely harsh,” Talia said, lightly stroking her face. “I can be as gentle as the situation warranted...or as aggressive.”She dug her nail into Black Siren’s cheeks, forcing her to wince. Talia leaned in a bit closer, her mouth coming inches away. Black Siren begged for a kiss, begged for her touch, begged for pretty much anything. Talia had her, why did she not do anything?“We don’t win a battle by going in for a quick and messy kill,” Talia said. “You will learn that flash and substance only gets you so far. Slow and subtle...it’s what wins.”She flashed the barest hints of cleavage to Black Siren. It lasted half of a second and only made Black Siren want to gaze on Talia’s fine, perky breasts some more.  She wanted to touch them, grab onto them, squeeze them, just mold them into her hands.Talia’s eyes flashed and she slipped Black Siren’s jacket off of her, revealing her bare and toned arms. Some fingers brushed against them, seconds passing into the ether. Talia leaned into her, a long kiss following when she planted her mouth against Black Siren. Black Siren moaned, putting her hand onto the back of Talia’s head and leaning into the kiss.It was something that she wanted for some time. Talia knew exactly what Black Siren wanted. The slow, and swift domination of Black Siren, with her mouth.Someday, Black Siren would get the upper hand on the skilled assassin. However, she realized that today would not be today. Talia’s gentle caresses to her scalp paled in contrast to the aggressive plunge her tongue was making. Black Siren and Talia pushed against each other, with Talia once again pressing Black Siren onto the leg.The heart beat even faster with Talia pulling up to a half standing position. She cupped Black Siren’s breasts through her top and made her just break out into a soft and not so subtle moan.“Touch me,” Black Siren moaned.“I want something from you first, my dear,” Talia told her.Black Siren wondered what it was going to be. Talia stood up and lowered her pants down. Black Siren felt herself dizzy, at the exposure of Talia’s black thong, on her ass. That made her just wonder what other pleasures she had to offer.“You know what to do,” Talia said. “Or, you should...if you ever want to finish.”Talia’s hint could not be more explicit if she tried. If Black Siren wanted to finish, then Talia would need to be finished herself. She lowered down, the thong sliding to the side. Black Siren gazed upon Talia’s beautiful pussy, shining with arousal. The dark hair on her mound rubbed against Black Siren’s nose ever so briefly, allowing her to inhale the arousal it took.Then, without any question, Black Siren dipped her tongue deep into Talia’s warm hole. The juices flowed through her and Black Siren could not help and taste them. They were so sweet that she needed to dive down into the hole, deep and eat her out. The moans escalated the further Black Siren edged her tongue into Talia’s sweet, and sticky mound, savoring every last taste.“Oooh, yes,” Talia moaned, pressing her finger against her chest. “You’re either experienced...or a natural.”No response to that other than deeper and more intense licking. Talia did not care about that. She just wanted Black Siren to do a good job in eating her mouth. She was as good or even better, than her best students. Talia pushed her finger against her nipple and broke out into a soft moan. She shifted up and down and rode Black Siren’s perfect face. Her thighs ached with need.“Keep it up!” Talia encouraged her.Why Talia thought that Black Siren would do anything other than keep eating Talia’s pussy, she would never know. She dove up and down, sucking the juices out. Black Siren knew exactly the right spots to hit, or rather she learned about them.And Talia was a good teacher, making sure she opened her up for all of the opportunities. Her fingers dug deeper into Talia’s thighs and rocked back in. She let her tongue just unload into Talia and Talia rewarded her with a spraying of juices.Talia pulled away from Black Siren. Still bare from the waist down, Talia climbed on top of Black Siren and put her mouth onto the meta’s with a very long and very passionate kiss. Black Siren dug her nails into the back of Talia’s head and moaned, the faster that tongue dove deeper inside of her. She took a few seconds to indulge herself, tasting Black Siren’s sweet, succulent lips, ensuring that the juices would flow back into her mouth.Then, Talia just smiled. She kissed Black Siren’s neck several times and then sucked down. She wanted the entire world to know this delightful, if slightly broken, young woman was hers and hers alone. Talia stroked her way down Black Siren’s body, the hunger in her eyes.“You’re a cougar,” Black Siren managed.“Well, I’m about to devour you at any rate,” Talia said.She was pretty sure that was a common about her age, but the children of the demon were very long lived. Although some of them were weak and pathetic. That statement brushed into the back of Talia’s mind when she lowered her face down onto Black Siren’s exposed breasts. They were much more bountiful than her Earth-One counterpart’s was before her pathetic death.Talia squeezed her supple globes and leaned down.“I need you,” Black Siren managed.Talia worked her way down. She left Black Siren only in boots. The sultry assassin wished that the stunning meta-human would have only worn that along with fishnets, but Talia supposed that she would just have to get over it, sometime soon. Her hands brushed against Black Siren’s thighs and lit her up. Black Siren thrashed all about, moaning hot as could beat. Her body practically sizzled underneath Talia’s grip and Talia rubbed her thighs even harder.She understood what Black Siren needed and desire. Talia stripped off the top part of her garment and then moved in to touch Black Siren’s body. The two of them molded together in a hot and passion kiss. Black Siren attempted to wrap her legs around Talia, to cause some false illusion of control. Talia amused herself with this action for a moment.Still, the one finger tracing down Black Siren’s legs told her exactly who was in control. The hint was that it was not Black Siren, not in the slightest.“Turn over.”Black Siren gave her a challenging look, but Talia stinging her with a slap to the chest caused Black Siren to be a little bit more obedient. Talia pulled herself behind Black Siren and then rubbed down her body. The devious woman pressed her chest against Black Siren’s back.The Earth-Two meta wondered when the torment, the slow and vigorous torture, she wondered when it was going to end. She craved for nothing more than for Talia to enter her body. Talia, on the other hand, seemed more content with stirring up her pleasure on the outside. Multiple kisses sent Black Siren over the edge.“Don’t you worry my darling, you will get everything you want. But….I need to teach you how….glorious things are when you anticipate them.”Talia could have killed Oliver Queen at any time, but she played the long game. She wanted to drag it out. Her reasons for far more complex than petty revenge over the death of her father, but that was beside the point. Talia channeled her aggression against that pathetic man, who allowed himself to become pathetic by whom he surrounded himself with.That was lost in the Black Siren’s warm folds. Or at least, Talia’s fingers were, slowly stroking away at her, and making Black Siren just quiver and moan loudly. She wanted more and Talia gave her more, she gave her plenty to think about.“If I pulled out ,would you scream?”“I don’t think that you would like if I screamed,” Black Siren commented.“Oh, yes, as enchanting as your song is...it’s best we be prepared.”Talia forced a ball gag into Black Siren’s mouth. Her muffled moans were enchanting, but no one could hear her scream. It had been reinforced to prevent any scream from coming out of her. She pushed deeper and deeper into Black Siren, until her fingers were as deep as they could go.With a forceful extraction, Talia removed her fingers, to taste the juices coming off of them. She smiled when looking down at Black Siren. There were so many directions she could go. Namely, Black Siren’s shapely ass coming up and being grabbed and pulled out, while she fucked her.Talia slipped into a strap on and rubbed herself against Black Siren’s pussy.“When’s the last time anyone has touched you?” Talia asked her. “Man or woman….oh...my apologies...you can’t answer that.”Talia planted more kisses down Black Siren’s body. The torment continued for the next several minutes while Talia got her tip nice and moist for her. She took in a deep breath, and rubbed against her body, humming against her. She moaned in response, the touches continued to send her completely over the edge with excitement and with passion.“Oooh, yes,” Talia said. “I cannot wait to slip inside of you. I wonder if you will explode the moment I penetrate you.”Watching a young and powerful women squirm underneath, weak as a drowned kitten, was one of Talia’s major turn ons. She pressed against Black Siren’s body, enjoying how this powerful woman anticipated her touch. Talia stroked her chest and made Black Siren just break into a very hot and passionate moan. Talia just smiled and kissed the back of her young lovers head.“And now, the grand finale,” Talia said. “Or your grand finale.”Black Siren’s legs spread in anticipation for Talia finishing her. Talia put her hands on Black Siren’s ass and squeezed it. She would be able to touch this fine piece of art for days. After amusing herself with the way her firm ass felt, Talia plunged deep into Black Siren.Black Siren, she knew that...she could not do anything other than breath in tightly. Talia pressed her hands against Black Siren’s chest and proceeded to grab onto them, milking at her breasts in time with the deep plunges inside of her body.“It’s a shame that I can’t hear you scream,” Talia said. “But, hearing is an important sense. I prefer not to lose it.”Well, Black Siren lost something, namely her mind the faster Talia planted her cock into her. She felt the sizzling feel of Talia’s soft hair rubbing against her legs. The orgasm edged up with Talia bouncing back and forth, crossing her hands underneath Black Siren’s chest, the pinnacle of all things great.“Closer,” Talia muttered. “Cum for me.”Black Siren’s entire body just tensed up. Talia knew exactly to hit all of her right buttons and send Black Siren into a fury. She pumped faster and faster into her and slowed down just when it was right. Talia stroked her body and made Black Siren just break out into a pleasurable cry in response.“Mine,” Talia said. “You’re all mine.”Talia pushed her fingers against Black Siren’s body to cement her ownership on the woman. She put her hands all over her body and made Black Siren just break out into a very intense scream, even if the ball gag did it’s job in holding it black.The end came when both of them came together. Talia saw stars flashing through her eyes, the faster she plunged into Black Siren. She rode the woman, putting her in a daze. She pulled out and flipped over Black Siren.She pulled Black Siren onto her lap and removed the ball gag.  She kissed Black Siren’s neck and moved over to her ear. The woman’s sweaty, lovely body pressed against Talia’s. The aftermath of their sex made them both tingle.“Remember, anticipation,” Talia said. “The result is always the best if you let the message sink it”Talia’s nails sunk into Black Siren’s lovely legs, stroking them.“I can agree with that,” Black Siren commented.“And it is rude to eavesdrop, Ms. Sharp.”The teenager at the door’s eyes widened, as she had been caught, maybe not with her pants down, but her hand down her pants when watching the two older women.“Oh, I think that she learned much more than she would out of any sex education class,” Black Siren said.Talia did not doubt that as Evelyn stammered her apologies. If she was not a such a useful tool for manipulation, Talia would suggested to Prometheus that she would have been disposed of. However, perhaps she did have uses in other ways.And perhaps some punishment was in order.End. Next Chapter: 1/6/2019.