31. Deeper Meaning(Alex and Tatsu)

Deeper Meaning(Alex Danvers and Tatsu Yamashiro/Katana)

The past few months had been very rough for Alex Danvers, in a number of ways. She decided to take some time off to go on this spiritual journey in an attempt to find herself. She sat, out of the window, overlooking miles of mountains and a valley which stretched for quite some place.

The DEO agent returned to the center of the room, dressed in a silk black kimono which fit loosely against her fit body. The woman who joined her, Tatsu Yamashiro, just smiled and offered her a cup of tea. She dressed in a matching Kimono and Alex could not help and see how gorgeous she was. The skilled Samurai had a body that could either break her enemies or seduce them to their doom.

“Sit,” Tatsu said. “And drink...and you should drink that while it’s still hot.”

The tea was not the only thing that was hot in this room. Still, Alex drank it, and she felt more relaxed and less inhibited. 

“Hesitation,” Tatsu said. “It’s the root cause of many failures. And doubt...if there’s a seed of doubt in your mind about anything,  you should do well to prune it. To move on from your failures from your doubts. And regret, that’s the most important thing at all. Much like you regret the turn that your relationship with Maggie went.”

Alex responded with a sign. They just wanted different things out of life. It was unwise to paint Maggie as a monster because of that. Hell, Alex figured she might be the monster in that situation.

“And it’s no one’s fault, it’s just life tends to cause even the strongest of us to drift apart,” Tatsu said. “Close your eyes...and realize that you are the only one who could take control of your life. And remember, any hesitation will lead to a lost opportunity.”

Tatsu put her hand onto Alex’s knee and Alex could feel the skilled woman. Her silky dark hair was something that Alex wanted to run her fingers through when she kissed her. 

And then, Alex decided to take Tatsu’s advice, doing just that, and kissing her. Tatsu placed a hand on the back of Alex’s head, almost to test her reaction. However, Alex was persistence and assertive. She moved in with the kiss, until the point where she was deep inside of Tatsu’s mouth, and nibbling on her lips. The two ladies moaned when leaning into each other, going lip to lip with each other. 

Alex did the very thing she wanted, rubbing her fingers through Tatsu’s gorgeous hair. Oh, it was so soft, so silky, so beautiful. She leaned in and repeatedly kissed her jawline. Tatsu just gave her a smoky smile and Alex decided to do even more by helping Tatsu out of those robes. 

She almost had been struck dumb by the sight of Tatsu’s beauty. Her toned body, with her flat stomach, nice perky breasts, and a thick ass exposed itself, not to mention some long legs, which Alex longed to wrap around her to the point where they practically squeezed her apart. Tatsu spread her legs and caused Alex to see a moderate amount of hair. Not enough to be a wild jungle which Alex could get lost in and lose the point of going down there, but enough where it was not bare. 

“I’m yours to do with what you wish,” Tatsu said. “But, first.”

She undressed Alex and kissed her. The toned DEO agent flushed when Tatsu kissed her and rubbed her body all over. It was a heated encounter, their mouths darting forward, their tongues aiming to dominate. Alex ran her fingers down the back of Tatsu’s scalp and rubbed it quickly and furiously.

“Mmm,” Tatsu breathed. 

Alex pulled away from her, a strand of saliva snapped off of their lips. Tatsu slid behind Alex, but Alex turned around and pushed Tatsu down onto the mats. 

“Have to taste you,” Alex said.

She explored Tatsu’s toned body with kisses, and every inch was more delicious than the last. Of course, the prize that Alex Danvers sought was a bit further down. She brushed her nose against Tatsu’s warm folds and dove down inside of her. She gave Tatsu a very light lick and played with her. 

Tatsu enjoyed this moment. She was not certain how Alex reacted, but she needed this about as much as Tatsu did. The skilled warrior looked down just in time to see Alexandra Danvers dive between her legs and begin to eat her out. 

A breathy moan came out of Tatsu when her hands roamed down the back of Alex’s hair. She merely encouraged the woman. Everything that she did, was on Alex’s own eager exploration. She prodded the tongue as deep inside of her as possible, exploring that pussy. 

Tatsu’s expression of lust fueled Alex on. She did everything and anything possible to make this woman happy, wondering what it would be like to lay with her. She pressed her knees on the mats and doe in, for the all that she could eat buffet located between Tatsu’s firm thighs. Her hands rubbed around, going back and forth, spreading more heat through her body.

“YES!” Tatsu moaned. “This is what you need to do all along!”

She really did not have anything coherent other than that to say. Alex was inside of her, burying her tongue deeper and deeper. Tatsu came hard and Alex was there to lap up the juices. Alex’s twirling tongue made things really hot and really intense. 

Alex came up for air and this caused Tatsu to pounce on her. They kissed each other, Tatsu savored the taste that she left behind on Alex’s lips. Along with pleasuring those delicious lips, sucking on it. Alex grabbed onto the back of Tatsu’s head and deepened the kiss herself. Their mouths latched together in exploration, the deepest fantasies between both of them coming to life. 

Tatsu pressed her hand against Alex’s chest and squeezed it. She reacted with a very passionate moan and then Tatsu pulled her up off of the ground.

“Let’s go to bed,” Tatsu said. 

Alex was not going to complain about it. The two fell onto the bed, just barely making it there. Tatsu pinned Alex down, the mattress creaking ever so slightly. Tatsu leaned in and sucked Alex’s womanly lips and getting her all hot and bothered.

“Oooh!” Alex breathed. 

Now Tatsu proved to be more than adept of returning the favor from earlier and she was as good with her mouth as she was in her hands. And Tatsu proved to be very good with said hands. That much proved to be true with Tatsu massaged Alex’s thighs in time with the slurps and sucks. Alex rolled her head back, looking alive, and horny as hell. She mewled in delight, her body very nearly breaking underneath Tatsu’s probing tongue. She clamped down hard. 

Tatsu could drink from this lovely women for days and days. She gave Alex a toe-curling orgasm and then came up briefly to suck on her clit. The sounds Alex made inflamed her as well and it would not be too long before Tatsu wanted a piece of her. 

The rug munching continued and Alex breathed in. Tatsu going down on her, she learned all of the spots well. Comparing her to Maggie or Sara or Sam or anyone, it was unfair, but still, the comparisons would come. For now, though, Tatsu was making a very real play for the top of the list. Her mouth sucked deeper and deeper, sucking the juices out of her. 

“Oooh, yes!” Alex yelled. 

Tatsu could make her cum all day long and Alex would never get sick of it. She grew increasingly addicted to the touch and the taste of the skilled warrior. 

Speaking of addiction, Tatsu fueled her own by sucking on Alex’s juices. Her tasty pussy was never enough to sate her desires and her urges. Tatsu wiggled her tongue against Alex’s warm slit and then pulled out, before driving all the way back inside of her. 

“You’re going to make me explode.”

True to her word, Alex squirted into Tatsu’s mouth. The juices flowed instantly and Tatsu sucked them down like it was her last meal. Alex shuddered all over the bed. 

The two women sat up on the bed, and Tatsu made her way to the door.

“Roll over,” Tatsu said. 

Tatsu pulled out a bottle of oil from the bedside table and splashed it all over Alex’s body. The skilled fingers of the Samurai worked around, causing Alex to moan and groan. She was getting all hot and bothered, and the touches continued.

Every third pass down Alex’s body, Tatsu fingered the government agent. It was only for ten seconds, but it was for ten very long seconds. Tatsu breathed in, spreading her legs and then closed them together. She took a few more breaths when Tatsu moved down to further worship Alex.

Then, Tatsu did something which caused Alex to almost develop a nosebleed. She played with Alex’s ass and squeezed her cheeks. A finger slipped into her ass. 

Sara had been the only one...well Sara was kinky like that. Regardless, Tatsu proved to be skilled in worshipping Alex’s ass. A loud slap down it echoed with Tatsu running her hand all the way down the back of her leg and to the sole of Alex’s feet, working a simulating blast of heat from the hot oils. 

“You get wetter when I touch you here.”

Alex could not deny that she got off on having a woman play with her ass. Especially one who had a pretty good idea to touch her in all of the right spots like Tatsu did. Tatsu repeatedly kissed Alex’s shoulder blades and moved down to bury her face between Alex’s ass, eating her out.

“Oh, Rao!”

She was hanging around Kara way too much. But Tatsu did not comment about the odd declaration. Rather, she continued to explore Alex’s ass and get her all hot and bothered. It became obvious that by some of sleight of hand, Tatsu slipped into some kind of strap-on and she pushed it against Alex’s rear passage. Alex closed her eyes, the thought of penetration exciting her so very much.

“Do you want me to go further?”

What kind of question was that? Of course, Alex wanted Tatsu to go further. Of course, she wanted Tatsu to go as far as possible and plunder her ass. Oh, those hands, they were amazing, they thrilled Alex and got her as wet as could be. 


“Good girl!”

Tatsu plunged herself deep into Alex’s ass, and it was a nice tight fit. She could feel the temperature of her little toy regulated and the feeling of Alex’s perfect ass squeezing into her hands got Tatsu off a lot. She was very slow, savoring the moment. She made sure Alex was on her hands and knees, in such a position that Tatsu would be able to get a good hold of Alex, whenever and however she wanted.

“She’s perfect,” Alex moaned the faster that Tatsu drove deep inside of her ass.

“I knew you would love this,” Tatsu said. “Oh, you’re so horny...and so wet….and yes, thank you...but you’re pretty nice as well. See what happens when you relax? When you give yourself to your desires?”

Tatsu worshipped Alex’s body and that caused her to break out into a hot breath. 

“Would you like a finger up in your pussy?” Tatsu breathed.

The word sounded so hot coming from her, and so exotic. Said hole gushed honey all over the sheets.

“Yes, I do!”

Tatsu rewarded Alex with her prompt answer and a finger deep inside of her warm gushing hole. She worked in and out, slapping against her. The sound of flesh slapping together was one of the greatest bits of music.

Now that she was relaxed and now the oils seeped into her body, Alex rose to pleasure even more. She wondered if this was by Tatsu’s design. It was so quick that Tatsu moved her hands from Alex’s pussy to her chest and squeezed it. 

“Getting closer,” Tatsu purred.


Alex could not resist a single second of what Tatsu was doing to her. Because what Tatsu was doing to her was magic. She never felt pleasure like this. The ease that Tatsu slid into her rear passage and brought her pleasure was beyond all imagining. 

“Oooh!” Alex moaned a second later. 

“Yes, my love, let it all out. You know you want this.”

Tatsu nibbled behind Alex’s earlobe and this was something that very nearly set her off even more. Tatsu knew how to press all of these delightful buttons and make her hornier than hell. Those fingers coasted against her, rubbing her lips and making her just lose it completely. All over Tatsu’s fingers, which brought her so much pleasure. 

And Tatsu felt herself burn with lust. She hoped that Alex would return the favor soon enough, although she did push her past all defined limits. Tatsu squeezed Alex’s breast and then came back around, slapping her rear end and then pulling all the way back from her. 

“Oooh, my love,” Alex said. 

“Yes, that sound so nice to hear you say,” Tatsu said. “You deserve to be loved. Everyone does...you didn’t do anything wrong...you just have to pick yourself back up and feel.”

Oh, Alex was feeling everything alright. All of her sexual tension burned through her body into one explosive charge and sent her juices just spurting out of her in a constant explosion.

Tatsu came all over Alex’s ass. That just made her ass look even more delicious, when she pulled away from her. 

The two basked in the afterglow, the heavenly afterglow of a shared orgasm. Alex leaned in and kissed Tatsu on the lips one more time. This one was more subdued and relaxed. She removed the strap on from Tatsu to get full access to her lips and then the two pushed together. 

Alex smiled when she scissored Tatsu and got full access to her breasts. They were just getting warmed up, and Alex prepared to test Tatsu’s lips. 

Tatsu closed her eyes. It had been a long time for her as well, and there were itches they both needed to scratch. 

And scratch them they will.End. Two More Chapters(Chapter 32 and 33) to be posted on January 9th, 2019.