36. Deep Breathing(Jesse and Iris)(1/23/2019 Update...

There's some more blog exclusive smut, featuring Eliza Harmon/Trajectory and Caitlin Snow. Check it out at: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2019/01/comforting-armshit-mark-blog-exclusive.htmlDeep Breathing(Jesse Wells/Jesse Quick and Iris West)

Jesse Wells, the heroine of Earth Two known as Jesse Quick, took a couple of deep breaths. She dressed in a pair of tight yoga pants and a sports bra which showed off plenty of lovely flesh. What it covered also gave anyone who had viewed her a tantalizing hips of her nice ass and her perky breasts. Her flat stomach rose and fell, taking some deep breaths.The alternate version of Iris West, from another Earth, just smiled at her. She had taken the name Impulse as her codename, and had been the one to be gifted the speed force powers, and not Barry, on her Earth. In fact, the dark matter energy turned Barry into her version of the Thinker. It was really strange how these things changed from Earth to Earth.“So, I couldn’t have finished the platform without you,” Iris said.“Oh, it was nothing,” Jesse said.And she was not being modest, the exact opposite in fact. It was nothing for someone of her intellect. Granted, Jesse tried not to be too giddy about her own smarts because that was not an attractive trait. Still, why should she not have pride in your work?“Maybe someday I can change his mind,” Iris said.“There has to be a cure, isn’t there?” Jesse asked.“I hope so,” Iris said.She looked a bit anxious and Jesse could understand. She wanted to move forward to comfort this version of Iris, who had been through a lot in her life. She lost her father a year ago and her best friend now being this madman thanks to the accident, that had to be tough on anyone. And then, having to deal with a bunch of lunatics as the Flash, and well, Jesse could see it was a wonder why Iris did not break down.“There will be better days,” Jesse told the older woman.“Maybe, they’re here today,” Iris said. “But, I hope there here to stay.”“How poetic,” Jesse quipped.“Shut up and kiss me,” Iris said.Like a magnant, the two speedsters drew together with an extremely passionate kiss. They had been pulled together, and Jesse realized that this version of Iris was bisexual. Than again, she knew nothing of the Earth-One or Earth-Two versions of Iris West, and really, was that honestly Jesse’s business?Regardless, Jesse found Iris’s tongue demanding entrance. She tried to fight off the woman, but Iris West was just that, a woman. A goddess, with that dark chocolate flesh and tantalizing curves which made Jesse’s mouth water. The two increased their passions, kissing deeper and faster, their tongues burying together in their mouths. Jesse sucked on Iris’s lower lip, and then shifted behind her with more kisses.“I want you,” Iris said. “Do you want me?”Jesse’s pants came down. She did not wear any underwear when she was in uniform because it got reduced to ashes being so close to her skin. That was one thing that she had not figured out to control, and when she got aroused because of her lust for speed, that was something else entirely.She got a lust for something else entirely, the lovely and talented Iris West and her fingers dipping down into Jesse’s wet mound.“No need to answer, the state of you tells me so much,” Iris said. “But, I thought that you were cute...no a puppy dog is cute.”Iris kissed Jesse’s neck several times.“You’re beautiful,” Iris breathed. “And I want you so badly.”Iris stripped and revealed her delicious breasts to Jesse, which made her mouth water. The speedster moved ever so closer towards the woman and grabbed onto her tits, squeezing them with so much lust burning through her eyes that it was almost insane.“Good girl,” Iris purred in Jesse’s ear. “Good girl.”Jesse sucked on Iris’s right nipple while feeling up the amazing woman’s left breast as well. That body had curves as far as the eye can see and Jesse imagined Iris tightening the grip with her legs around Jesse’s waist, having her way to the horny girl.“Go ahead, Jesse,” Iris said. “Mommy knows what you like.”That caused a tingle through Jesse’s loins when Iris referred to herself in that way. She latched onto Iris’s delicious tit and kept sucking away, making a whole lot of noise from her actions. Iris’s fingers danced through her hair, creating extremely delicious friction.Iris closed her eyes, enjoying the eager young girl. It had been too long since she had gotten so much pleasure for someone. She had been ran ragged for so long.“Why don’t you eat my pussy?”To do so, Jesse needed to ease down Iris’s body, going between her luscious thighs, which made Jesse’s mouth water. She could not help herself, to kiss and lick Iris’s thighs. She felt the smallest trickles of arousal coming down them. The evidence that Iris was wet for her and that made Jesse just break out into a breath.“Remember your deep breathing,” Iris said.Jesse remembered, it was important to a speedster to breath, that was one thing she learned the hard way a long time ago. She shifted between Iris’s warm thighs and started to suck her juices out of her pussy. Iris closed her eyes and stroked Jesse’s hair.The lovely young woman between her legs was a treat, a complete gem and Iris could not have enough of what she was doing. The tender attacks to her lips, the vigorous sucking threatened to make Iris come undone right away. Iris stroked away at Jesse’s hair and breathed in heavily. She encouraged this lovely woman to go on, to keep sucking her.“Go ahead, lick Mommy’s pussy,” Iris breathed.This only made Jesse’s tongue vibrate against her. Iris matched her speed and friction emitted from their two lovely bodies. Iris grabbed onto Jesse’s hair with bucking hips sending those delicious juices which Jesse could not have enough of. She slurped iris’s warm pussy, hungering for more. The lust was almost too much, almost insane with how she was feeling.“Lick it, lick it really good!”Jesse grew numb in arousal, the faster she danced her tongue inside of Iris. She was in deep, almost too deep as a matter of fact. She grabbed onto Iris’s pussy and rubbed her furiously, making Iris jolt up and down, feeding her a clear splash of juices.The moment Jesse came up for air, Iris bounced onto her. Iris backed the younger girl into the wall, the two of them nearly vibrating through it. Iris held onto Jesse’s waist at the last second to put her into position for an aggressive kiss. Lips and nipples rubbed against each other, when Iris dipped her fingers down between Jesse’s legs and stroked her warm pussy, making Jesse moan.She was extremely wet, and Iris’s ministrations make Jesse just wilt underneath the pleasure of what Iris was doing to her. Iris turned her around and finger-fucked her at super speed, making Jesse ooze from every time Iris delved into her.It was so good, and Jesse really wanted to voice that fact. Her nipples ground against the cold wall making everything just that much better.“Cum for me, baby girl,” Iris breathed in her ear.Jesse’s eyes watered and she really was about ready to lose it. Iris knew exactly how to press all of the right buttons, or perhaps push Jesse’s buttons. Not that she minded it, and the heat rising through her body, bringing Jesse to the peak was amazing. Her heated loins started to gush.Iris laid one hand on Jesse’s ass and the other dug deep inside of her hole, pushing deeper inside of her body. She broke out into a pleasurable scream the faster that Iris buried deep inside of Jesse. Jesse dug her nails into the wall and broke out into a scream.“Good girl.”Iris removed her fingers from Jesse’s dripping hot pussy and enjoyed the juices which spilled off of her fingers. She eased the fingers into her mouth, sucking on them extremely hard. Iris’s eyes fluttered shut the moment she tasted those juices.“Good, you taste as good as you look.”In a blink of an eye, Iris produced a strap on, which rubbed down Jesse’s back. Her breasts also pressed firmly against Jesse, grinding against her. She moved Jesse over, towards a table on the right side of the room. She bent Jesse over the table and cupped her ass.It was obvious that Iris could not get enough of grabbing her ass when she bent her over. Well, at least that was a trait constant in the West family throughout the multiverse, but Jesse was getting ahead of herself. Iris rolled her fingers down Jesse’s body and made her pant with pleasure.“Do you want Mommy to put her cock inside of you, baby girl?” Iris cooed.“YES. FUCK ME MOMMY!”Iris could tell she had been a kinky one from the start and she massaged every inch of Jesse’s perfectly nubile body, rubbing up and down. She got Jesse set up and with another plunge, she drove the dildo straight into Jesse’s tight pussy.Jesse closed her eyes, it felt so good for Iris to be ramming into her. The couple breathed with Iris nibbling down the back of her neck and against her ear. Jesse clutched onto the wall, the faster that Iris went into her, the faster her arousal just creeped through her body. This toe curling plunge from Iris made Jesse almost lose her mind against the wall.She could also feel Iris’s powerful fingers stroking her ass and making Jesse just clamp down onto her pussy. She breathed in and breathed out, with heat just erupting thorugh her body. Iris clutched Jesse’s ass and worked faster and faster into her, a sudden blur which only sped up through each thrust. Iris grabbed Jesse and spiked her into the wall.“About ready to cum, baby girl,” Iris breathed.Jesse shuddered underneath Iris’s fingers running a marathon all over her body. And then, she clenched up and released a slick amount of juices. Every now and then, Iris’s wet fingers pushed against her asshole and perhaps Jesse was imagining things, but Iris was prepping her for something. Ths speed of which Iris drove down into her had been intense and the heat bubbling between her thighs had been extremely intense. Iris clutched the wall hard.“Good deal, baby girl, cum for me,” Iris told her lover.“Ooooh, fuck!” Jesse yelled the faster that Iris plunged into her body.The loud sounds echoed throughout the room, and Jesse was cumming extremely hard. Her inner muscles tensed up and then released upon Iris, milking her. This dildo appeared to be able to channel some of Iris’s juices inside of Jesse’s warm body. She proceeded to milk Iris with thrusts.Iris fingered her ass and rode out the orgasm inside of Jesse. Much to Jesse’s agitation, Iris pulled away from her and squeezed Jesse’s ass.“Time for the main event,” Iris said. “I know you must have had a cock up your ass once.”“A couple times, yes,” Jesse said.“Oh, you’re a naughty girl!” Iris cooed. “Maybe Mommy should punish you.”She slapped Jesse on her firm ass cheeks a couple of times and made her just break out into a deep breathing. Jesse rubbed against Iris’s fingers when they teased her pussy as well as spanking her. She was getting hotter than hell and ready to take anything.Iris pulled Jesse up and sat on a stack of crates behind her. She pulled Jesse into position, her amazing and luscious breasts rubbing against Jesse’s hair, making both of them moan. Jesse grabbed onto Iris’s legs for pleasuring, hoping she would get a chance to worship Iris’s legs and feet at another time, because she always found her gaze drifting to them.“Behave yourself, darling,” Iris breathed.She marked Jesse’s neck and that made Jesse just break out into pleasure. The cock sunk between her meaty cheeks and into her most taboo hole. Jesse did not have any time to cry out in pain, due to Iris distracting her with several kisses around the side of the neck. She pushed in and out with a fluid moment, working Jesse’s tight asshole.Jesse squirted all over Iris’s hand the minute the older woman buried into her ass. She could not help and get off at anal sex, it was such a taboo that it made Jesse extremely hot. Her father would have a stroke if he found out what she was up to right now at this moment.“Such a dirty girl, enjoying having her ass fucked,” Iris said. “Are you Mommy’s dirty girl, Jesse?”“YESSSS!” she howled out.Iris rewarded Jesse by plunging deep inside of her ass. Every few plunges, Jesse enjoys the feeling of Iris pinching down on her clit and sending electricity exploding through her body. Jesse could feel it, could feel the older woman pushing her cock down into her ass and pleasuring her.So much pleasure, so much pleasure that Jesse would explode, and she did in one sense of the word. Iris dug her fingers and pushed open Jesse’s snug little back passage, threatening to bring Jesse over the edge. The lust only increased the deeper Iris worked her asshole, making Jesse thrash and moan.This might be a shorter session than the earlier one, but damn if it was not intense. Jesse’s lust bubbled to the surface, the faster Iris plunged into her body. The intense working over of her ass, made her just explode into endless waves of pleasure.“I’m close too, don’t worry.”Iris was not lying, being deep inside of Jesse’s ass made her want to erupt. She pushed faster and faster into Jesse, while bouncing her perfect ass against her thighs. She had a fine booty, if Iris had to say so herself. And very eager to get touched and to touch her, which caused Iris to reach her peak. She buried deep inside of Jesse and performed a super fast hand movement, more powerful than a vibrator on the highest settings to really get Jesse’s juices flowing.The two lovely ladies reached their peak and came together. Iris squeezed Jesse’s perfect ass and sank her all the way down. Their moans intermingling through the air were like music.Jesse spun around after Iris was done. Her body felt like it ran a race. People who said that something was better at sex were normally overrating that thing. Because sex was pretty damn great. She grabbed iris’s dark hair and kissed her. Iris kissed back, the two of them enjoying the time they spent exploring each other.It was an unspoken agreement they were far from finished. Jesse hoped that with time and practice she could turn the tables on Iris. However, the more experienced speedster made sure Jesse understood her place beneath. Iris cupped and stroked her ass, making Jesse made some lovely sounds when the two of them made out.The next play would be extremely interesting.End.