37. Heat of the Moment(Vixen and Nightwing)(1/23/20...

There's some more blog exclusive smut, featuring Eliza Harmon/Trajectory and Caitlin Snow. Check it out at: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2019/01/comforting-armshit-mark-blog-exclusive.htmlHeat of the Moment(Mari McCabe/Vixen and Dick Grayson/Nightwing)

Excitement tingled through Mari McCabe’s body when she finished up a very nice patrol, busting some smugglers and taking some weapons and drugs off of the street. Any night where she could make the streets a little bit safer, is a good night for her. And when someone helped her, it was so much better. And it was a hell of a someone as well.Tall, dark, handsome, and more than than able to hold his own in battle, and other places as well, was Nightwing.“We make a pretty good team,” Nightwing said.“We do,” Vixen said. “But, there’s something else that I want from you...and I think we know what I want...what we both want.”The two lovers close the gap between each other and kiss the ever living daylights out of each other. Nightwing, Dick Grayson, always had found himself in the company of an extremely beautiful woman and most times, he found them easing their way into his bed. And it did not have to be a bed, as was the case here with Mari wrapping her legs around him.“You’re so hot,” Nighting murmured in her ear. “Beautiful.”“You are too,” Vixen said. “And gifted...and if half of the rumors are true….I’m going to enjoy this.”Vixen was almost back to her loft, but she could not resist getting a sample of the merchadise. Namely squeezing Nightwing’s package to the point where he was smiling. She could feel the pressure build within his costume. Nightwing wrapped his arm around her and kissed her several more times.“Why don’t we head inside?” Nightwing asked.“I’ll let you inside anytime.”The swaying hips of Vixen lead Dick to their destination. They moved through an open window. The lights barely came on, before Nightwing spun Vixen around and kissed the ever living daylights out of her. Nightwing squeezed her firm ass, kissing down her jawline as well.The power of the totem around Vixen’s neck flickered to life and she sank her nails into his bicep, feeling how strong it was. She tore into the bottom half of his uniform to reveal the prize she sought. Vixen had been blown away, and was now just going to simply blow him, hard.She pushed him down onto the bed, leaving him in nothing other than his mask, boots, and gloves, and it looked very hot. Slowly, but surely, Vixen pealed her own costume away. She straddled Nightwing first in her underwear and then nothing at all.Her healthy chocolate skin was vibrant in the light. A nice contrast to Nightwing’s paler, but tanned flesh. Mari and Dick, Vixen and Nightwing, they moved to join each other. Mari pressed her breasts against him. Dick closed his eyes and enjoyed the sweet, exotic, and wild scent coming from the horny heroine. Mari kissed him several times on the lips, working her way down his body. She eased further down, pressing her lips down onto him and kissing his tool.Mari enjoyed the scent and the taste of him. This was an extremely strong man, laying underneath her, preparing to be pleasured. Mari could not resist what was about to happen next. She leaned down, bringing him as deep into her mouth as possible.“Vixen!” Nightwing groaned.She lived up to her name, being a sexual vixen, when pleasuring him with her mouth. Mari’s lips sealed in the delicious meat, rubbing her cute nose against his pelvic bone when diving down onto him. Dick’s legs tingled and his namesake pulsed into the mouth of this goddess. She knew precisely each and every movement to drive him to the edge of pleasure. Mari pressed down onto him, slurping him harder into her mouth. She popped around his tool, releasing him inside of her mouth.“Good, good!” Nightwing groaned.Mari enjoyed the power she held over him. She stroked his strong legs and moved down to grab a pair of thick balls. Damn, they were as gorgeous as the rest of him, those balls were so swollen they could seed her several times over.She teased him, with her soft and supple flesh, lips burning when they sucked on him, and sucked on him hard. She pressed her hand against his balls, cupping them tight and releasing them. She would love nothing better than to milk them.“You are such an angel,” Dick said.The angel happened to be a sexual predator as well, and Dick was determined to keep being her prey. Her soft, supple fingers stroked away at him. Dick could feel his orgasm ramp up, despite his best attempts to keep it down. Conditioning allowed him to last several minutes longer than most of the people would in this place. He closed his eyes, and took several deep breathing exercises, to stave off the inevitable.Mari made louder and more vulgar sounds, along with really working him over. Her hands and mouth worked in perfect harmony. Dick realized, as he melted underneath her like butter, Mari would not just let him hold off for long. She was the type of woman who would go all in when she wanted something and something she wanted, was pressing down hard. Dick appreciated that, appreciated that very much.She squeezed him, releasing his thick balls and causing them to spring back down onto him. Mari rotated her tongue in a corkscrew motion and then pulled back completely. Mari bobbed her mouth up and down on him, hungering for even more. Her sexy face pressed down onto his manhood, sucking him in so hard and so fast that it almost hurt.“I’m almost there,” Dick said. “You better watch it.”Those beautiful eyes staring him down showed Dick that she was going to do the opposite of watch. She wanted everything that Richard Grayson, Nightwing, the first Robin, could give her. The second Mari deep-throated him extremely hard, Dick’s blood rushed through his body, to his engorged loins. Mari understood what she had to do to get what she wanted.A tightening of his body resulted in a release. The release with Mari drank up, all while stroking away at him. Her hunger increased the more times she went down onto him, pressing her face up against his pelvis and grinding hard against him.“Always there for you,” Dick breathed in and out.Mari pulled completely away from him, licking the seed from his dripping cock. She taken a full load which she took her time in swallowing. Damn, she looked stunning with the glint of light coming through her body.She spun around, at the foot of the edge. On her hands and knees, and at the same time, primed like some sexual huntress. Despite getting deep-throated and vigorously sucked off, one look at Mari’s body brought Dick back to life, in more ways than one.He rose up to climb behind her, with Dick pressing himself against Mari’s entrance. He ground up against her, making Mari just break out into a loud and pleasure ridden moan. He was onto her, massaging her body. Mari’s deep, rich flesh was something that Nightwing could entertain himself for days, weeks on end. He moved around to cup her ass, supple and fresh, every inch of it just threatening to mold underneath his hands.“Always there for you,” Dick repeated.“I want you in me, now,” Mari said.“In good time.”Dick took a taste of Mari’s core and got the juices flowing in more ways than one.  He showed why he was well loved by the beautiful heroines and some villainesses as well. Many of them as it turned out, but most of the time, they just needed to get laid. Regardless through, Dick pressed his mouth against Mari’s core and repeatedly sucked the juices from her, making her just break out into a pleasurable moan.Mari threatened to rip into her own sheets from what he was doing to her. She wanted him inside of her, but hell, there didn’t come a man who came along who could eat a pussy quite like this. She was more than willing to wait, despite her own eagerness.Her talented lover ate her her orgasm, making Mari breath in heavily when thrashing on the bed. Nightwing climbed up behind her, pressing his crotch against her body, and rubbing up against her wet pussy. Nightwing stretched in and cupped her breasts, making Mari just burn with excitement underneath the fingers, when he pleasured her like it was no one’s business.They hung like overripe fruit on the vine, just waiting to be plucked. They were so nice, and so supple, that Nightwing kept pushing his fingers into them, squeezing her nipples. Mari offered her sweet sounds of sweet moaning the more Nightwing pressed into her. She almost broke out into a soft cry, lust bruning through every inch of her body.“Fuck me hard!” Mari called for him.Nightwing prepared to do just that, grinding up against her. He could tell how much she wanted it, and there was no need to waste. He sunk as deep into her as possible, the tightness of her body constricting around him, like a crushing python. Mari clamped down onto him, moaning in pleasure when her talented lover just pleasure all over her body.The gravity of the situation, of Dick Grayson fucking Mari McCabe doggy-style hit them. Vixen and Nightwing, together, with the heat of their bodies governing each movement. Their arousal fueled their actions like nothing else. Nightwing enjoyed her and she enjoyed him.“We should have done this a long time ago!” Vixen moaned. “Oooh, you touch me in so many places….how can you be so big?”Dick happened to be an apt name, if Nightwing had to say so in his own biased opinions. He pressed his thick tool as deep into Mari as possible, stretching her hard and fast with multiple thrusts. His balls cracked down onto her body, making Mari just break out into more cries the faster he slammed inside of her.He could feel the heat in her body, just rising. Mari almost slid off of the edge of the bed until Dick pulled her in for some more love. And she was loving this, loving his big bloated balls slapping against her. They were full despite the fact that Mari sucked all of the cum out of her.Dick pressed his hands against her body, sending Mari into jolts of pleasure. He pressed down onto him, with more kisses down the back of her neck.“Just leaving my mark, beautiful,” Dick said.That name just brought a smile to Mari’s face, which only got wider when her loins tightened around him, Oh, yes, Dick touched her in all of the right places, making her so hot and so wild for him. His balls slapped down onto him, threatening to break her with the constant wave of pleasure. Dick put his all into her, slamming as fast into Mari as humanly possible.He was a sex-machine, and Nightwing was built to last the distance. Mari hoped to have him all night long. She closed her eyes, just feeling this moment. He was all in her and she flexed around him, trying to get the seed out of him. Nightwing rubbed her breasts and made her just cry out for him. She wanted more, she wanted more of Dick...she wanted Dick to pound her hard.In every sense of the word.After her next orgasm, Mari collapsed on the bed. Nightwing was not done with her, although he pulled out of her. Mari was balanced on his lap, facing him. She tightened her legs and arms around him, burning passion going through her eyes. The two lovers looked at each other when they made their next move. Those roaming hands set Mari’s loins ablaze, biting down on her lip while rocking herself up and down onto her lover, crashing down harder onto him.“Oooh, yes,” Mari breathed. “Give it to me handsome...give it to me...HARD!”He slid as far into Mari, stretching her wet pussy out completely. Mari snapped around him, moaning as hot and heavy as possible. He was sheathed inside of her and judging by the look on his face, he loved this just about as much as she did, if not more so.Yes, it was pretty good, with Nightwing thrusting harder and faster inside of Mari. His balls cracked up against her wet thighs, showing her just how full they were.“I want you to cum inside me,” Mari said.She did not even care if Nightwing bred her. The very thought excited Mari like nothing else. She just wanted him, she wanted all of him. She bounced down harder, pressing against his body. Nightwing groaned, squeezing her tight ass extremely hard.“Yes, you know you want to.”“I want to,” Nightwing grunted. “But you should know that good things...come to those who wait.”“And what about the good things that come inside those who want it.”She flexed around him, making a pretty good argument. The gorgeous woman sank down onto him, her eyes blazing with primal urges, urges which Dick understood. Humans, at their base nature, could be pretty animlistic as well. Mari scratched up his back, unapologetic. Dick responded by squeezing her body.Oh, being inside of her when the heat was pulsing down onto her, it was something else to put it mildly. Nightwing pressed up against her hard, his balls slapping harder and harder ,leaving marks on her thighs. She did not mind, she just encouraged him.“Feel my pussy, feel how warm it is,” Mari said. “You want to cum inside me. I bet you do...I bet you can’t resist my nice tight pussy clamping down onto you like that..”She squeezed him tighter than before and she gave a primal roar, before slamming down onto him. This tigress got what she wanted and what she wanted was her womb plastered with the contents of these balls. He pressed deep into Mari, making her howl in lust the faster they moved together.Seconds passed, with Nightwing hoping that this would last forever. But he knew, he knew that it would not, somehow. He could feel the tension just building inside of his body, threatening to release everything insdie of her. Mari closed ranks around him, allowing him to spill the load from his balls inside of her, plastering every single last drop inside of her warm, tightening, gushing pussy.The two finished their climax together, Mari smiling in triumph. She could feel her body stretch the limits of what she thought to be physically capable of. The thrusts only buried deeper inside of her, when she finished draining him.Both collapsed on the bed, the release they shared causing them to breath. The rush returned from earlier, and Nightwing and Vixen knew one thing to be certain.They would find each other again and again throughout the night, and any night as well. Their passionate kiss opened the door to another round of wild lovemaking, with no strings attached.End.Two New Chapters(Chapter 38 and 39) posted on 1/30/2019.