38. Sweet Addiction(Power Girl and Black Siren)(1/3...

There's another Hit the Mark Blog Exclusive Archive, featuring Iris West with Carol Ferris. Check it out at: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2019/01/following-lighthit-mark-blog-exclusive.htmlSweet Addiction(Dinah Laurel Lance of Earth Two/Black Siren and Karen Starr/Power Girl)

Nothing Black Siren enjoyed more was a thrilling hunt, a game of cat and mouse, and to be perfectly honest, she enjoyed being the hunted on some days more than the hunter. Which is why she became giddy with excitement when she came face to face with the most prominent heroine of her Earth. Normally, she handled the world breaking and world ending threats, so to get the attention of Power Girl was a huge feather in the cap of Black Siren.“You thought that you could get away with this, didn’t you?” Power Girl asked.“Obviously,” Black Siren said. “Did you honestly think that I would try something so brazen in Metropolis of all places if I didn’t think there was a chance I could get away with this?”Black Siren got a good look at Power Girl and boy, she was something else. That muscular, yet sexual, body poured into that white one piece, with blue boots, gloves, and a red cape. The ever present cleavage window brought numerous thoughts to Black Siren’s mind about what she would like to do with Power Girl’s nice succulent breasts. She practically drooled at the thought of touching them.“You’re not going anywhere,” Power Girl said.“I’ll return the device and be a good girl,” Black Siren said. “I just hoped to meet you...and to maybe say how you’re an inspiration to strong women anywhere. I mean, you dress like that, and you don’t give a fuck what anyone things. You are confident, bold, and I like that in a woman. It’s so hard to find in a man these days, nevermind a woman.”“What’s your point?” Power Girl asked.“My point is….I’ll hand over the device, if you kiss me,” Black Siren said.Power Girl raised an eyebrow and Black Siren smiled looking her down.“Come on, you can’t  tell me with a straight face you haven’t at least considered,” Black Siren commented, smiling. “Just one kiss, what will it hurt? Afraid you might like it?”“There better be no tricks,” Power Girl said.Black Siren turned against the wall, facing away from Power Girl.“You can frisk me for hidden weapons,” Black Siren said. “I know that my Siren Scream might work, or it might not. I’m sure someone like you has a sonic dampener on you.”“Oh, you mean like this one?” Power Girl asked.She slapped a choker on Black Siren the second she turned away. Black Siren broke out out a huge grin.“Oooh, you’re a kinky girl, but I don’t mind,” Black Siren said. “So, how about it? Do you want to perform a strip search now, or later?”Power Girl just smiled, she had to admit a bad girl in leather was a turn on. She ran her hands over Black Siren’s body. She reached around to cup her firm breasts, enhanced by her meta-abilities from their natural size. Funny how that worked out. For women it went to the chest, for men it went to the crotch, or so Black Siren heard anyway. Sometimes, she was admanent that for men, it went straight to their head and not the good kind either.“Seems like these could be very dangerous,” Power Girl said while she molested Black Siren’s breasts.“Not as dangerous as what you’re packing, sexy,” Black Siren purred, casting a seductive glare over her shoulder.Power Girl pulled down Black Siren’s leather pants to reveal a sexy thong underneath. Slowly, Power Girl performed a body cativity search, jamming her finger deep into Black Siren’s pussy. She moaned and thrashed onto Power Girl to get her finger nice and wet.“Not sure if this is legal, but I’ll allow it.”The other hand explored Black Siren’s firm cheeks, squeezing them. Power Girl fingered her ass and pussy at the same time.“Looks like you’re clean,” Power Girl said. “But, you’re still a dirty girl in other ways.”“Dirty girls should get spanked,” Black Siren said.“I believe I promised you a kiss.”Power Girl aggressively dominated Black Siren which was just the way she liked it. While Black Siren was a strong and independent woman most of the time, although she had her share of bad choices in men, she did like someone strong to take her in hand. And Power Girl was taking her in hand and kissing the ever living daylights out of her. This aggressive kiss stunned Black Siren and made her just moan loudly, the further Power Girl sucked on her lips.And speaking of lips, Power Girl shifted the bottom of her costume to the right side. It confirmed Black Siren’s suspicions that she wore nothing underneath that fetishwear when she was flying. And that caused Black Siren to lick her lips.“If you’re really sorry,” Power Girl said.“Oh, I’m sorry that I didn’t get to do this sooner,” Black Siren said. “Your pussy looks delicious. I can’t wait to taste it.”Black Siren dropped down to her knees, and worshipped her goddess. Those juicy lips begged to be sucked and slurped, and Black Siren knew all of the ways in which she could pleasure the goddess before her. Power Girl grabbed the back of her head and eased her hips forward, to make the woman before her suck on those lips.“That’s it,” Power Girl breathed hungrily. “More. More!”Oh, the meta-human criminal would gladly give her more. She would gladly give Power Girl everything. She could drink this honey from Power Girl for a long time. She was getting wet and the furious rubbing of her clit sent Black Siren into a daze. Power Girl rolled her hips back and forth, with Black Siren’s eyes just blinking in lust several times over.Power Girl rocked back, her breasts practically falling out of her top. The rubbing of her nipples sent electrical delight through her. The tongue of her talented lover worshipped Power Girl in some many different ways, ways which sent tingles through her.“Yes, yes, mmm, yes,” Power Girl moaned extremely loudly. “Take that tongue and show me what you have for me!”She edged her pussy a little bit further into Black Siren’s conquering little mouth, the intense lust she felt certainly something. Power Girl grabbed onto her lover’s hair and edged ever so closer to the point of no return.Black Siren sucked down the juices and made Power Girl squirt. She was Power Girl’s pussy slave, and there were far worse places to be. She should know. Black Siren breathed in, sucking in more of the juices. She drank heartily and hungrily from Power Girl.The second Power Girl snapped her fingers, Black Siren jumped to her feet. She came face to chest with Power Girl, who grinned down at her.“You know you want to,” Power Girl said.What red blooded man or woman wouldn’t want to? Those breasts would not look out of place in a porno, and yet they were so natural and so supple, that Black Siren found herself almost drooling over them. Maintaining some dignity, Black Siren rubbed Power Girl’s standing nipples and kissed the underside of her chest. She really wished that Power Girl did not shut off her powers, but that was just to get her to trust Black Siren’s intentions were pure.Well pure as someone who was doing what she was doing was anyway. Black Siren threw those thoughts off to the side, diving down and motorboating Power Girl’s breasts. Power Girl clamped her hands down onto the back of Black Siren’s head and stroked her hair.“Suck my tits like it’s your job,” Power Girl told her.It was her job now, that was for sure. Black Siren could not keep her mouth off of these succulent wonders. She wondered what other fresh pleasure that Power Girl had for her. Power Girl’s hands made sure to guide her to what she did not.What she was not sucking, Black Siren groped fiercely, leaving nail marks in Power Girl’s breasts. They would heal quickly, but it was the thought that was there. She made several loud sounds.Power Girl closed her eyes. This was getting really fun and Black Siren was really hot with what she was doing. The loud and passionate sucking increased, with Power Girl stroking her clit in time. Black Siren rolled her fingers down to join her and Power Girl got off immensely.The next thing Black Siren knew, Power Girl scooped her up bridal style and marched her over to the office area. She noticed out of the corner of her eye that the office belonged to Karen Starr, the owner of Starrwave Industries. As in the company that Power Girl caught Black Siren stealing from.Power Girl slipped into the desk and slipped on a strap on. Black Siren eyed the big phallus hanging from it, and her mouth watered. A woman fucking her with a strap on caused her bisexual desires to rise up to a fever pitch.“Wow, you get on my ass and you’re stealing sex toys from the desk of the owner of the company,” Black Siren said.To be fair, she was not surprised that an owner of a multi-billionaire dollar company would have sex toys in her office.“Shut up and suck my cock,” Power Girl said.“Yes, mistress.”Black Siren’s warm lips wrapped around the cock, noisily slurping on it to get nice and wet. She could not help and grab a handful of Power Girl’s ass. Which was overlooked and underappreciated when one stacked it up to her breasts.Something that Black Siren rectified right away. Oh, her ass was so nice and maybe someday, she would get in the position to fuck Power Girl up the ass. It would be a long game though that she would have to play. And Black Siren was too busy getting throat-fucked by the dominate heroine to play it.The beautiful criminal sucking her cock made Power Girl throb, the warmth spreading throug her loins increased. She did not want to spill it down her throat. Still did not get the component where it could impregnate women right, she would make a killing from lesbian couples who wanted children, but did not want to adopt. But, that was for later, for now she just face-fucked Black Siren.“Stop,” Power Girl said.Disappointment flashed through Black Siren’s eyes. Power Girl motioned for Black Siren to get on her hands and knees, and Black Siren did.Her pussy was completely soaked, and her hard sucking left the toy nice and wet. It would be very easy for Power Girl to slid into her. She did so, enjoying the feel of Black Siren’s silken walls. Oh, she was so tight, it made Power Girl wonder if she was just acting out to get laid.Or maybe she just needed to get dominated and hard, which Power Girl did so. She fucked Black Siren as hard as possible, without breaking her. Understanding her limits made Power Girl a very proficient lover and the screams coming from Black Siren echoed throughout the room.“Mmmm!” Black Siren cooed. “OOOH! OHHH!”Those sounds were music to Power Girl’s ears. She shifted, working herself as deep inside of Black Siren as humanly possible. The loud sounds of skin slapping across flesh echoed, with Power Girl planting herself as deep and fast into Black Siren as humanly possible.“Still with me,” Power Girl said.“Always, lover!” Black Siren yelled. “I should have been caught by you a long time ago.”“Next time I catch you, I won’t be so gentle.”Black Siren intended to test that threat, because if there’s something that the criminal liked to do, it would be to push her luck. Not as deep as Power Girl pushed her tool further and further into Black Siren’s tight, clenchig pussy. The loud crack of skin on skin echoed through the room.“You can fuck me as hard as you want to,” Black Siren said. “I don’t mind….just make me feel so good!”Power Girl just smiled and tested those words, along with how far Black Siren wanted to go. She repeatedly and endless drove deeper inside of Black Siren’s body. She could feel the tightness closing around her, and she was almost ready to cum.But, despite the fact, Power Girl could not do anything other than fuck away at Black Siren. The sounds she was making were intense. She screamed loudly, even without her powers. And she had been rewarded by so many deep thrusts.“One more time,” Power Girl said.Oh, Black Siren hoped that it was more than one more time. She did not intend for this little encounter to go this far, but Black Siren was not sorry it did. Collared, powerless, and being dominated by Power Girl, these were memories that she would hold on to through some very lonely nights.Power Girl closed around Black Siren’s waist and plunged into her. Nothing lasted forever, and her orgasm was at hand. She came hard alongside of Black Siren, burying inside of her. The splash of juices stained the desk beneath them.Black Siren almost slid off of the desk with Power Girl just pulling her back in the nick of time. Several more thrusts dominated her body, until she shuddered out on the desk.The dust settled and the two sexy blondes were coated in sweat and their own juices. Black Siren whirled around and climbed onto Power Girl’s lap. Those legs were just too much to resist when Black Siren drapped them over Power Girl’s hips.“I hope that Karen won’t be too upset we defiled her office,” Black Siren said.“Oh, she’ll get over it,” Power Girl said knowingly.Black Siren’s head lowered down into Power Girl’s chest to suckle on her tits. They would have some more fun soon enough.Power Girl was not going to admit it, but she hoped that Black Siren tried to rob Starrwave more often. So, she could come up with more creative ways to punish her.End.