47. Unbridled Passion(Kara Danvers and Imra Ardeen)...

Barbara Gordon, Nora Darhk, and Illyana Rasputin hook up in some Hit the Mark Blog Exclusive Smut: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2019/02/cleansedhit-mark-blog-exclusive-smut.htmlUnbridled Passion(Kara Danvers and Imra Ardeen)

Well, Imra most certainly had been in far worse situations. She had been sealed in an underground cavern, with Kara, Supergirl, and she had been stabbed by the rocks, which by a quick scan appeared to be at least some form of Kryptonite. Although with the pinkish-purple hue, Imra could not determine exactly what the cause. Although the sweat boiling over Kara indicated it was not good.“Hold still, please,” Imra said.Despite the twitch going through her body, Kara sat perfectly still. She allowed Imra’s soft hands to dig into her, gently trying to get the Kryptonite shrads out of her arm. Kara’s chest rose and dropped several times over, her shirt feeling uncomfortable and tight.Oh, she looked down at Imra and Kara saw her in an entirely new light. Granted, Kara would be a blind idiot to see that Imra as anything other than attractive. Still the silky hair, juicy lips, and luscious body, along with Imra’s extremely beautiful face scent a scorching fire through Kara and her skirt felt surprisingly snug.“It’s just a little bit more, and we might have to clean the wound a little bit,” Imra said. “Making our way back out might be hard, but...can you walk?”“Yes,” Kara said. “Thank you Imra, you’re so beautiful.”Imra just took Kara’s comment in stride. Given that Kara had been infected by this mysterious Kryptonite, she might not be herself. Kara rose up to a standing position and wrapped her hands around Imra’s neck.“I can stand,” Kara said. “Mmm, your hair smells so nice.”“Thank you,” Imra said. “Just let me….”The two of them kissed and Imra at first tried to struggle against the grip. While Imra did have some attraction towards Kara, thinking and doing were two different things. Imra thought that they were about ready to cross some line that they would never come back from.The kisses grew aggressive, extremely so. Imra could barely even breath, from what Kara was doing to her. Oh, Imra knew precisely how to kiss a woman and Kara knew how to give her these kisses.“I always knew you would be delicious,” Kara said.“We should get out of here,” Imra said. “You’re not well.”However, Kara shifted behind Imra. Feeling Kara’s heat so close to her own most certainly made Imra wonder if the secrets of this cave were doing something to her as well.Kara’s strong arms wrapped around Imra from behind, grinding up against her. Imra almost jumped up in surprise, as she noticed Kara had something that Imra was pretty sure she had not been capable of since entering the cave.“Well, that’s a nice little surprise,” Kara cooed in Imra’s ear. “But, it’s not even little, is it?”The side effects of the Kryptonite became extremely prominent. From beneath Kara’s skirt, a large and throbbing long cock pulsed out. It was veiny, hairless, and it begged Imra to get down on her knees to suck it. Imra struggled to keep her head above the water, knowing full well what might happen if Kara had tempted her. Kara squeezed Imra’s chest and caused her to jolt.The moment the swell in Kara’s groin grew, the more horny she felt. And the size of her penis grew, the more she touched Imra.Kara tore her skirt off and allowed it to go free. Imra’s eyes widened down.“It should...go….once your infection has cleared,” Imra said.The cock bobbed up and down, and Imra tried to remember how to swallow. It was so beautiful, especially when attached to Kara. Oh, Imra could really almost sink down to the ground.“Only one way to get it to go down,” Kara said.A firm grip on the back of Imra’s head forced her down onto the ground. Kara slapped Imra roughly across the face with her cock.One part of Imra’s mind screamed loudly about how they should not be doing. Another more assertive part of Imra screamed about how she wanted to do this. Her mouth opened extremely wide and Kara stuck her cock out.“You have the perfect cock sucking lips,” Kara said. “Open wide and take your medicine, Saturn Girl.”Without any remorse, Kara shoved her cock deep into Imra’s mouth and started to fuck the woman’s face hard. The only thing which drove Kara was the lust, the need to feel the relief in this added body part. Kara pressed her fingers and stroked Imra’s hair. The brutal facefucking caused Imra to make some of the loudest dounds.Imra choked on Kara’s addition with each push. She did not ease up on Imra. Touching Imra’s face, and stroking it, before fucking it hard. Kara’s nails dug into Imra’s cheek with each push. A loud slap, slap, slap, of the two sacs of flesh which signified the end results of Kara’s arousal.Kara wondered how men could even stand to think straight with such a monster between her legs. The only thing Kara could think of was how to drive this cock into the nearest hole. And true to Kara’s deepest, most depraved fantasies, Imra’s mouth was the perfect hole to suck cock. She was put on this planet to suck, to fuck, and to have her throat stuffed.What started as reluctance turned to even more, as Imra pleasured Kara’s cock and grabbed onto her balls, stroking them harder.“You like that, baby,” Kara said. “Oh, that’s so hot...watching you blow me...I bet you’re going to take that cum down to the very last drop.”Imra’s beautiful eyes flashed with lust the faster that Kara shoved down her throat. She had to have it, had to have Kara’s essence, for lack of a better term, in all of its glory. Kara’s hips blurred back and forth and made Imra just come closer, her loins tightening and being about ready to explode.“I’m ready for you baby,” Kara breathed.Kara came into Imra’s mouth hard. The delicious seed fired down Imra’s throat. Kara’s biology changed somewhat, although it kept other parts of her. And enhanced them, as Kara’s tearing shirt proved. Her large breasts, swelling with something enticed Imra.Despite the orgasm, Kara’s loins did not deflate, far from it. Kara pulled away from Imra.“Why don’t I see you?” Kara asked.A small smile came from Imra, and she flipped her dark hair. The heat in her body screamed to remove every single article of clothing. Imra stripped down to the bare facts, showing off her nice breasts, flat stomach, wide hips, and wet pussy. The only hair on her body was on the top of Imra’s head and Kara just smiled, leaning in to expect the merchandise.Kara’s rock hard erection told the story. She could barely stand up straight, because of all of the blood rushing to Kara’s head. Was this what men went through? Oh, Kara had a new respect for them even being able to string together a sentence when aroused if it was this hard.“What do you think?” Imra asked.Imra stood naked by Kara and pulled her lover into an embrace. The two lovely ladies nuzzled against each other. Kara leaned in and covered Imra’s face with hot, wet, and endless kisses. All while pulling a strand of dark hair away from her and leaning in. Every kiss proved to be so much better than the last.“You want me, don’t you?” Imra asked.The cock slapping Imra’s clit answered the question and then some. Kara hovered up in the air and lifted up her sexy girlfriend with two fingers.Kara impaled Imra down onto her. Imra’s eyes bulged around, as Kara’s feminine form and big cock, hit all of Imra’s buttons. Saturn Girl tightened her grip around Supergirl, letting out a very intense breath. She rose up and dropped down onto Kara.“Go ahead, baby, that’s the best,” Kara said. “Mmm, you’re so hot.”Imra bounced harder on Kara’s cock than ever before. The loving affection Kara gave her, and the worship Kara lavished on Imra’s body, it was almost too much. And yet, it was more than she could ever dream.Then, something caught Imra’s attention which made her move in. Hands pressed on Kara’s chest, Imra investigated to make sure she was right. Mostly because Imra could not believe her eyes.Kara’s expanded breasts leaked milk as well. Imra leaned in to get a good look.“Taste them,” Kara moaned. “Oh, you are such a good breast sucker and cock sucker all in one...women from the future are perfect, aren’t they?”Milk splattered into Imra’s mouth when sucking Kara’s big breasts. The warm cleavage pressed deep against her face and Imra sucked down a pretty good meal. She could feed off of Kara’s nourishment for a long time.Kara ground her fingers into Imra’s head to encourage her to go on. Imra’s suckling made Kara just break down into a warm explosion.Reluctance turned into full blown eagerness, and Kara could not help and lead Imra on through. She leaned in and kissed Imra several times across the head.“You just need a little push,” Kara said. “Just a small push. To be the woman that you want to be. The woman you need to be.”The lust spread from one women to the other. Imra suckled on Kara’s nipples and enjoyed the taste, hungering for even more. The tension released and Imra collapsed.So good, even when they descended down on the rocks. Kara pulled away from Imra and looked at her body. Slick juices dribbles out of Imra’s nether lips. Milk dribbling off of Imra’s chin. Not for long though as Kara came down and kissed Imra. She licked the milk off of Imra’s chin.Imra’s pussy makes a lovely sound when it squishes together. Kara teases her lips as Imra rises up.“No, not yet,” Kara said. “Relax….I have you.”Kara climbed on top of Imra and pushed her down into the rocks. The heat of their bodies enters an unbridled and never lasting amount of passion. Kara and Imra’s makeout session continues in the most aggressive and heated manner possible.“Mmm...mmm,” Imra breathed in agreement.Super fast fingers brushed over Imra and drove her completely mad with unbridled passion. The deeper Kara dipped those fingers down, the more every inch of Imra longed to be touched. She went from fighting Kara’s touch.“Such a lovely body,” Kara said. “You’re a perfect woman...and you look nice and breedable.”The warm cock pressed against Imra’s opening and sent her into a fit of pleasure. She moved in.“Would you like to help me, Imra? Would you give me your womb?”Kara’s desire to breed Imra and any other woman she came across flared up. The look of intensity in Kara’s eyes showed just how sex crazed she was. And now, she had this desire to breed any woman.Exactly if it would work, Imra could not be for sure. But, she did know that until Kara got this whatever out of her system, she would seek out any woman, and bury her seed into them, until they will filled with her spawn.All Imra has to do is last, to keep Kara at bay. She pulled Kara into her.“I’m all yours, baby,” Imra said. “Take me. Breed me! Give me everything!”Some sacrifices were needed to make for the better good of the world. Besides, any child of there’s would be beautiful, so Imra could not deny this with a smile. Kara spread Imra’s thighs and lined up for her.The meeting of the loins caused Imra to shoot up in pleasure. It did not take too much time before Kara was pounding away at Imra from above.Kara pushed up and down to make Imra erupt all over her. She came extremely hard, with Kara pressing down onto her nipples and releasing them. The moan escalated from the squirming woman.“Oh, I know you like it when I touch you,” Kara said. “Do you like this baby girl?”The pressing fingers squeezed Imra’s nipples. Imra’s entire body shot over. The only thing in the universe, past, present, and future that mattered was giving her body to Kara. And trying to make sure that every bit of her Kryptonite infection just bled out of her.And if that took draining Kara, until both of them were spent, so be it. Imra tightened her legs around Kara and Kara rewarded her by touching. They moved closer with their dance. Kara’s swelling and lactating breasts pushed down onto her.“I always love to be touched by you.”“That’s my girl.”They embraced, making out very aggressively. Kara topped Imra at this position and made her entire body just repeatedly close and contract around her.Kara pulled out and left Imra hanging. She wondered why Kara would deny her. However, Kara picked up Imra and positioned the woman so Imra hung right over Kara’s cock. It was throbbing, wet, with balls about the size of basketballs, filled with cum.Alien biology, Imra just decided to roll with it. Kara sunk Imra down and the two pressed together, the heat emitted through her loins.Now, Imra sank down onto Kara, with Kara yanking her arms back and forcing Imra to fuck her hard. Imra cried out for more, and longed for Kara’s touch. Kara just repeatedly sunk in and took Imra up and down for the longest ride possible.Imra’s gorgeous body made Kara long to fuck her all night long. There’s no question about it in Kara’s mind, that’s what she wanted. And she wanted to breed her. Imra was perfectly compatible for Kara’s long term plans for the Kryptonian race.“You want my seed?” Kara asked.“Give it to me,” Imra said. “Impregnate me….I’m your gift.”“You got it baby,” Kara said. “In more ways than one.”The milking clench brought Kara deep into Imra’s body. Finally, Kara’s sacs reached to capacity, and they spilled their payload into Imra’s body.Thick, white cum splashed into Imra’s body, causing her to swell up. No matter how many times Kara blasted Imra’s insides, she wanted more. Up and down, squeeze and release, Imra took as much of Kara’s life bringing fluids.Saturn Girl swung around and Kara took her breasts, which swelled a little bit. Along with her belly, as Kara filled it with cum.“Kara!” Imra shouted.Kara sucked on Imra’s nipples which grew even more sensitive than the last time Kara attacked them. The aggressive actions made Imra twitch like mad, the insides of her body accomodating the new life which was about ready to grow into it.The longer Kara took Imra, the more the dark-haired woman wondered exactly how long it would be before this strange Kryptonite wore off. And whether or not Imra wanted it to wear off.Imra slowly began to understand her purpose the more times Kara filled her. She was to help Kara find as many willing and able women throughout time and space, so they could restore Krypton back to its full glory. Slavish devotion made Imra break out into cries of lust.Time passed as Kara filled Imra with belly expanding load, after belly expanding load of cum. Cementing Imra’s purpose alongside Kara.“Mmm, I can’t get enough of you,” Imra said. “But perhaps this gift should be shared.”Supergirl’s quest to revive the Kryptonian race kicked off in style. Right now, Kara enjoyed the one mate she collected. The first of many, giving Imra affectionate kisses and light nuzzles to her cheek.Kara pressed a hand against Imra’s belly, likely growing multiple children to their race to flourish once more. The Indigo hue of the cave shined bright as both of them enjoyed each other’s bodies and company.End.Two New Chapters(Chapter 48 and 49) to be posted on 3/6/2019.