46. Just Take It(Helena Wayne and Alex Danvers)(2/2...

Barbara Gordon, Nora Darhk, and Illyana Rasputin hook up in some Hit the Mark Blog Exclusive Smut: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2019/02/cleansedhit-mark-blog-exclusive-smut.htmlJust Take It(Helena Wayne and Alex Danvers)

There are times where Alex felt herself quite fortunate. Way too many brushes with death in her young life, way too many to count. Alex drew in a couple of breaths as the dark-haired woman beside her finished mixing together an antidote.Helena Wayne, the Batwoman of Earth-Two, almost completed the antidote. The grown daughter of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle, taking up the mantle of the bat after her father had been killed by a fanatical cult that worshipped the Joker, she found herself on Earth Thirty-Eight thanks to a malfunction in the Justice Society transporter device.And it appeared that she had arrived here just in time, as alien plants, controlled by a powered up Poison Ivy, threatened to level national city. Teaming up with a younger version of her father had been surreal, but he had been very suspicious of Helena.Some things never changed, but the DEO agent had gotten infected, and while Alex’s injuries had been stabilized, the poison would spread back into her body.Thankfully, the DEO’s lab allowed Helena to mix up what she needed.“It’s not the best tasting, but it will do,” Helena said.“If I survive, then it’s worth it.”Alex took the antidote from Helena. The stench coming from it already gave a hint that it might not have the best taste in the world, but Alex downed it all the same. The disgusting taste in her mouth faded in a matter of minutes. Helena ran a couple of scans on Alex.“The poison is leaving your system,” Helena said. “Good.”“Why do I feel all warm all of the sudden?” Alex asked.Without even thinking about it, Alex stripped her suit off. Helena modestly looked away from Alex’s nude body to double check the scans, which showed something interest.“You’re cured, but there’s been a significent spike to the hormones your body is putting out,” Helena said. “Along with an increased spike of pheromones which should stop after….”Alex grabbed Helena and kissed her full on the lips. All impulse control had been driven out of Alex’s body and instead raw need at followed. Alex put a hand on Helena and moved down her back. Strokes followed with Alex ending up right at Helena’s backside and squeezing it.An ass like that deserved to be worshipped, and Alex did all she could to squeeze and knead it. The two kissed each other, more heatedly than ever before.The heat centered around Alex’s loins. All while stripping Helena until she was completely bare. The pheromones shot through the air, and Helena’s eyes darkened several shades, before kissing Alex.It would take six hours before Alex returned to normal. Helena was more than willing and more than able to withstand the distance. A hand pressed against Alex’s wet pussy, and Alex returned the favor. Both women stroked each other, while exchanging hot and heavy kisses.The two women exchanged a very vigorous round of heavy petting until Helena won the battle. The crime fighter backed the government agent into the table. Alex’s legs spread apart, the horniness in her body almost accelerating the very second that Helena pushed her hand into her. A finger slipped into Alex and caused her to breath.“You know, I could control your pussy with the merest touch,” Helena said.Helena forcefully fingered Alex. Slowly, torturing the woman, with the finger flicking in and out. Alex shoved her thighs forward.Every moment, Alex stood at the edge, expressing a denial. Alex tried to gently coax Helena’s wrist forward. A second finger topped off the first. A third followed a minute later. Alex’s neck cranked back, mouth hung open, and she looked dead sexy taking these fingers deep into her tight cunt.Thankfully, Alex finally got off. Every inch of her body shook all over, with the juices flooding her thighs. Helena stared her in the eye and kept forcefully stuffing those fingers down.Helena pulled out of Alex and caused her to stagger back. Only Alex’s quick reflexes and putting her hand on the cart saved her from taking a topple. Alex leaned in and locked eyes to Helena who popped a finger into her mouth, two and three at a time.“Why don’t you take a seat?” Alex asked.“Love to.”The dark-haired crime fighter dropped on the chair. Alex moved over and touched Helena’s body. A few scars lined it from the rigors of battle, but this just added to Helena’s sex appeal in Alex’s mind. She had been through a lot and had been build to last.The next step, Alex dropped down and moved in closer. The scent of Helena’s pussy intoxicated Alex and made her lips extremely moist.Alex pried open Helena’s legs and buried between the woman’s thighs. Devouring the woman, devouring her like there was no tomorrow. The extremely happy feelings Helena felt were beyond anything ever. She pressed down, mouth going deep inside.Screams from the Heiress only encouraged the DEO agent on. Alex licked the outer lips and pushed in, with an extremely loud and vigorous slurp. She rubbed Helena’s clit, and made the woman just lose it completely on her.The shower of juices made Alex just hunger for more. The lust continued with the chair popping back into a makeshift cot. That two in one deal made Alex just pleased.Helena’s body laid out on the cot, breathing extremely hard. Alex climbed into position, just between Helena’s legs.Alex licked her lips and climbed on top of Helena. The two exchanged a very heated kiss, with Alex pressing her fingers down onto the back of Helena’s head. They sunk on in, the heat just increasing between the two of them. They leaned in and out, sucking on their lips.Lining up for the sixty-nine position caused rampant excitement to spread through Alex’s loins. She sunk down tongue first down into Helena’s pussy, and Helena did the same to her, ramping up the intensity the two of them felt.A fire awoken deep into Alex spread her tongue as far into her as possible. Oh, she could take this tongue all day long, and not even bat an eyelash at it. The loud and vigorous slurping from both women trying to outdo the other turned them on.Helena showed exactly what she could bring to the table by eating Alex out quite vigorously. Those sweet juices, like fresh melon, made Helena just mad with lust. The pheromones only kick started only what was a very intense sexual attraction.Alex dove tongue down into Helena, lapping up her delicious juices. The lemony taste send Alex into a tizzy, making her want more, making her crave pretty much everything.Time passed after both came at the same time. Heavy breaths followed and then Helen rose up from the depths.The two came up, with Helena nuding Alex off of the cot. She bent Alex over the edge of the table nearby and pressed her hand against Alex’s pussy. Helena kissed Alex all over, edging extremely close between her legs. Oh, that felt so hot, so very hot indeed. Helena’s eyes closed shot and Alex knew precisely all of the ways to drive her completely mad with pleasure.Oh, Helena could lose herself between Alex’s thighs for days. Helena worked into Alex, dominating her by slipping a tongue into her and sucking her.“Just get a look at this.”A secret weapon pulled out from Helena’s bag. A strap on, prepared and primed for Alex, just ready to fit her pussy.Alex’s eyes widened at the size of the dildo Helena produced. Alex wondered if it would fit and she anticipated what would happen if it could not. Helena moistened the path of her pussy. All while lining up with Helena and preparing to take the plunge.“Just relax,” Helena advised her.The strap on pushed deep into Alex and filled her up. Alex cried out in pleasure and most people would scream bloody murder at how big this thing was that split them in half.Given who her mother was, Helena was very comfortable utilizing a strap on and working Alex to a fever. Helena pressed all over Alex, cupping her ass while going into her. Alex clenched down onto her and released Helena, moaning lustfully.“I don’t know what to say!” Alex yelled.“Say you like it.”“YES! Alex yelled. “I like it! Oh, damn it, do I ever like this!”Their flesh connected with endless thrusts on Helena’s part. All while repeatedly slapping and spanking Alex’s tight ass. It was intense and measured pleasure at it’s very finest. Helena pulled out just long enough for Alex to catch her breath.Right before Helena pushed Alex back first down onto the table and slammed the strap on into her. She wanted to see the pleasure in Alex’s eyes while Helena fucked the gorgeous and skilled agent. Especially, when Helena performed this next step.Helena twisted Alex’s nipples to send her into a fit of electric lust. Oh, she could have this done all day, Alex really could. Helena knew all of the right spots to touch and all of the ways to make Alex just come alive with such lust. Helena smashed her repeatedly.Then, Helena pulled away and climbed back onto the chair. She pulled Alex over and Alex sat onto her lap, pussy dripping wet.Alex wrapped her arms around Helena and made out with the crime fighter like Alex’s life depended on it. And given how much Alex’s hormones overdose, she damn well thought it mattered. Alex lined up for Helena and pressed down onto her, fitting her wet pussy down onto him and sinking down onto Helena.Now, Alex rode Helena, their muscles tensing up and releasing in a feverish grip. Oh, she sounded so extremely hot, it was just beyond anything. Alex bit down on Helena’s shoulder, letting out a cry of pleasure.Just because Alex rode Helena, Helena still had most of the control. Helena traced patterns on Alex’s body, her touch lingered at all of the spots which riled Alex up. Alex closed on and released Helena for a couple of long falls and longer drops, oh damn, she could not...she would not resist this for a moment.Helena worked Alex to a feverish end, making her clench hard. Alex tightened her arms and moaned directly in Helena’s ear which made her just push up.Alex whined at Helena slowing down. She did not want Helena to slow down.Helena cupped a hand over Alex’s mouth to stifle her protests. Words said so much however, and the lust that burned through Alex’s eyes.“You know, you’re so eager,” Helena said. “But, you should know that the best things are the ones you have to wait for it. And I could have let you cum at any time.”Slowly, Helena toyed with Alex, moving down her body. Alex shivered, everything just shaking her all over. She did not know what to say, other than the need to cum outstripped pretty much any other need in her mind or body.Sweet release followed seconds later.  The sweetest release as it turned out, with Alex’s tightening loins pressing down onto Helena and sending endless splatters of juices all over her.Helena did not wrap up things with Alex, making her cum from every position. Alex was not sure how she bent over the table, hands pressed down, but Alex was not going to quest it either. Just so good and so amazing how these touches drove the DEO agent into a woman.The more Helena made Alex come, the more she craved Helena’s touch. Helena took full advantage of this situation, bending Alex over until her hands touched the floor. The flexible woman had what it took and Helena gave it to her repeatedly.Again, Alex came and again Helena explored her body.The final orgasm happened with Alex laid out on the table, with Helena pressing down onto Alex and driving deep inside of her. Helena just smiled.“You’ve cum so many times, but it’s my turn.”Helena threw down the strap on and got into position. Alex looked up like an eager child waiting for Christmas morning. Helena’s warm thighs pressed down onto Alex’s face and she released endless juices onto her.Alex’s beautiful face soaked with Helena’s juices in the aftermath. It practically glistened and made her feel so alive. The shine was out of this world, just completely beautiful to be perfectly honest.The two ladies laid on top of each other with a long kiss following. Helena cupped Alex’s face and kissed the woman, running fingers through Alex’s auburn hair. Alex responded by rubbing down Helena’s body and touching her all over, until hitting one spot in particular.An ass like this deserved to be worshipped, and Alex was damned if she was going to let this one go.Alex’s naughty push into Helena’s back passage showed how kinky she could be. The moistened finger tip slid deep into Helena, riling her up completely. Alex sucked one nipple, and fingered Helena’s ass, sending her over the top.With powerful leg strength, Alex flipped Helena over and positioned on top of her.Now, Helena positioned wide open for Alex to claim the strap on. And Alex locked eyes with Helena while pushing into that snug asshole. Alex rubbed Helena’s legs while pushing into her.“You love having your ass fucked, don’t you?” Alex asked.Helena closed her eyes and nodded. After Helena’s mother introduced her to the pleasures of anal sex, it had been a kink of hers. And Alex picked up on it, touching Helena’s ass with one hand and rubbing her pussy with the other.“Yes, I knew it,” Alex said. “But, an ass like this would be a waste….if it didn’t get touched.”Alex worked over Helena’s ass, pleased at the loud cries. Worship, slavish and hungry worship followed, with Alex folding her nails against Helena’s perfect backside and releasing her into multiple cries.An ass like this deserved worship. Alex could not hammer home the point long enough. Much like she could not hammer Helena’s ass enough, despite the fact that red welts appeared on it. All while Alex lavished perfect torment on Helena’s pussy.Now the shoe had been on the other foot, with Alex finding Helena’s weak spot. Not that she minded.Alex released Helena’s pussy to allow the juices to gush all over the place. The juices dribbled with Alex collecting some on her finger, rubbing them all over her body. Alex smiled when edging herself to a very early release.After one more thrust, Alex’s premature release followed. Juices splattered all over, and made Helena’s ass nice and sticky.Alex pulled back, and Helena sat up, although she had to do so crookedly as her ass had been tendered. One drawback of being a badass normal was not having a healing factor like some did.A nice long soak was on Helena’s menu for when she returned back home.The two ladies faced each other with a smile on their face.“Still feel a little warm,” Alex said. “But, I’ve got it worked off.”“Let’s make sure.”Helena proceeded to work off Alex’s added energy by forcing her fingers into Alex’s ass, getting it nice and wet. Turnabout was in fact fairplay.End.