45. Call Me Laurel(Black Siren and Oliver Queen)(2/...

Some Shameless Smut is on the blog, featuring Laurel Lance of Earth One, Laurel Lance of Earth Two and Ruby from Supernatural. Check it out at: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2019/02/triple-visionhit-mark-blog-exclusive.html And also make your requests for the upcoming next set of Hit the Mark chapters here: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2019/02/hit-mark-request-thread-2019read-rules.htmlCall Me Laurel(Dinah Laurel Lance of Earth Two/Black Siren and Oliver Queen/Green Arrow).

Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow, caught up with the Earth-Two  Meta-Human known as Black Siren. Who happened to be the Earth Two Counterpart of his late ex-girlfriend, Dinah Laurel Lance, or Laurel as most called her, the former Black Canary. Who had been killed in one of the most senseless manners possible, almost as if there was some higher god who flipped her and the people who supported her off.Regardless, Oliver had been chasing Laurel’s darker counterpart across the city after he caught her breaking into a facility. It was a game of cat and mouse, or rather bat and cat, if Oliver was honestly honest. Black Siren stopped and locked her eyes onto Oliver’s, licking her lip.Oliver found it difficult not to notice how beautiful Black Siren looked, just as beautiful as Laurel. However, with an aura of untamed and shameless sexuality, that made it think she would up to be up for anything. The tight leather and choker did not help Oliver, along with every now and then, Black Siren flickering her tongue when catching Oliver’s eyes.This bitch asked for it, and it took every ounce of self control Oliver had not to give it to her, in every single way possible.“Are you done running?” Green Arrow asked.“Yes, I’m done running from you,” Black Siren said. “I’ve been a bad girl, but I just wondered what it would take to get your attention.”The woman ensnared Green Arrow in an embrace, which he braced for a trick of some sort. Black Siren just smiled.“I don’t bite until the third date,” Black Siren teased him. “Although, could we really call what we’ve been doing dates? We haven’t even reached first base. Hell, we haven’t even made it out of the dugout.”“What do you want?” Green Arrow asked.“Oh, just someone to share my bed tonight,” Black Siren said. “How’s your wife?”Oliver said nothing, and Black Siren offered him a sympathetic smile.“That bad, huh?” Black Siren asked. “Don’t know how you put up with her. She must be a demon in the sack for you to put up with her bullshit. Then again, with an ass like that, if you’re not tapping it on the regular, what’s the point?”Oliver knew Black Siren was trying to raise his ire. She moved closer towards them.“That’s her, now, isn’t it?” Black Siren asked. “Checking up on you...almost like she doesn’t trust you….I’m surprised she doesn’t have you in a chastity belt, with a tracker in it, tagging your every move.”Black Siren pulled the phone away and then dropped it off of the roof, Felicity’s call coming off.“Ooops,” Black Siren said. “Guess my finger slipped.”“Now she’s going to be….”“About ready to bitch you out for not checking in?” Black Siren asked. “Oh, honey….”“She’s been a lot more understanding lately,” Green Arrow argued.“She loves me, she really does, she just doesn’t know how to show it,” Black Siren said. “Oh, if your relationship was any more toxic, you would be dressed in a harlequin outfit, and Fefe would in a purple suit, with green hair, and a permanent grin on her face.”“Watch it,” Oliver warned her.“Relax, I’m just having some fun,” Black Siren cooed wrapping her arms around him. “Just like you used to have fun….Oliver Queen, the man who couldn’t keep it in his pants for more than ten minutes...and couldn’t find a pari of legs he didn’t want to be between.”Black Siren rubbed down Oliver’s chest, with a small smirk on her face. Despite Oliver’s self control, he started to react to Black Siren’s touch.“What happened to you?” Black Siren asked. “I know she doesn’t have your balls her in purse. I feel them right here.”She rubbed against Oliver’s crotch.First with a hand and then with her ass, grinding up against him.“You can’t say that you haven’t thought about pushing me against this wall and taking me,” Black Siren said. “Because, I dreamed about your big fat cock. It’s been a long time.”Different Oliver, different Earth, but why split hairs over technicalities like that?The expression on the Black Siren’s face dared Oliver to keep himself at bay because of her leather clad ass Despite Oliver’s struggles to keep himself at bay, he could not.“Oh, I can feel you pressing against my ass,” Black Siren said. “Come on, baby, give a kiss. Kiss me like you would kiss Laurel.”Oliver pushed her against the wall, kissing the hell out of her. Black Siren smiled, her triumph assured. Obvious domestic life did not suit a free spirit like Oliver Queen. Which she liked. Oliver Queen the family man was a bore, after all.Black Siren squealed when her man touched all over. It made her feel so good, knowing that he knew all of her pleasure points with ease.He stroked her thighs to send Black Siren almost over the edge. Despite still being clothed, Black Siren’s outfit felt so tight and so warm. Her eyes locked onto him.Oliver could not believe that she got him to do this. However, much like when Oliver used to sneak one taste from the candy jar before dinner, just one small nibble would not do. Oliver had to have everything, and he had to have the Black Siren.A playful nibble on Oliver’s neck encouraged the archer to continue. Edging Black Siren to the edge, the stretching of Oliver’s pants getting wild.“You’re cheating on her with me,” Black Siren. “Oh, everything in life is circular.”“Just get my pants off,” Green Arrow growled.“Testy, test,” Black Siren said with a pout.Black Siren removed Green Arrow’s pants with interest. His manhood throbbed, almost as if it was excited to be let out of the self composed cage. Black Siren leaned down and gave Oliver a kiss.“Mmm, I’m into this, Ollie,” Black Siren said. “And I’m going to take what I need. I love sucking a big cock.”A slutty smile caused Black Siren to drop down to her knees and take Oliver into her mouth. A slutty look flashed through the Black Siren’s eyes the minute she got to work. Loud pops around Oliver’s stiff organ made him groan.So wrong, so wrong, but yet, the reminder that he committed infidelity woke up a certain part of Oliver that laid sleep from years. He locked onto Black Siren’s eyes, so like Laurel’s, and Oliver grabbed the back of her head, to push deep down her throat.Something wonderful happened which caused Oliver to shake and shiver.Black Siren’s throat vibrating against Oliver’s stiff prick made him groan. Every few sucks, Black Siren came back and licked the length, covering it in spit. She did several sucks, several licks, and covered Oliver’s manhood with salvia and black lipsticks.The minute Oliver edged closer to cum on the Black Siren’s beautiful face, two fingers pressed on him.Sweet denial followed, with Black Siren breathing on Oliver’s package. Black Siren licked his head, smiling, while clenching him hard.“We’re not going to end it that easily,” Black Siren said. “While I’d love for you to cum on my face, and then send a picture to your wife...that’s not what I have in mind.”Black Siren stripped off her clothes. Normally she would make a bit more of a show of it. However, two things worked against this. She was hot, horny, and in desperate need of Oliver’s big stiff cock inside of her body.The naked woman sat at the edge of the ledge, legs spread for Oliver. A come hither look pressed on Black Siren’s face, beckoning from him.Oliver grabbed Black Siren by the hips and slammed into her pussy. Black Siren tightened her soft legs around him, pulling Green Arrow into her.“That’s my guy, right there,” Black Siren said. “Oh, stud, you still can go….just think of how many years you wasted when you could have been fucking me like this. Oh, I want you to touch me all over, feeling those strong hands. Hardened by shooting so many arrows….mmm...fuck me, Ollie! Fuck me hard.”Black Siren purred in Oliver’s ear.  All while his hands just covered her body, making Black Siren weak with desire. No question about it, she would like nothing more than to cum all over him.She lightly traced the scars down Oliver’s body, breathing even more heavily. It seemed unfair that Oliver got to enjoy her body, but Black Siren did not. The two pumped back and forth, working each other like rabbits in heat. Black Siren’s walls clamped down tight.The woman barely avoided screaming and shattering every window on this city block. Yet, the fact that Black Siren’s body felt such a vigorous explosion made her extremely hot.“That feels so good baby.”“Oh, we’re just getting warmed up.”The next thing Black Siren knew, Oliver hoisted her up and put her down on the mattress made of their clothing. He pulled out of her, taunting Black Siren. The moment that she was dripping wet and practically begging without words, is when Oliver slammed into her.The two met, heat spreading through their bodies.Oliver sank repeatedly into Black Siren, causing her to breath in and out.  Oh, she wanted to come once again. With her body on a trigger, every touch being sensitive as well.“Fuck, I can’t believe you made me do this,” Oliver said.“Oh, fuck off, we know that you like this,” Black Siren said. “Come on, Ollie...are you afraid to be with a real women and not some girl.”Black Siren clung onto Oliver hard, pressing his face down onto her chest.“You know, she might be able to hack anything, but to be honest, I don’t think that she can hack it in the bedroom. If how pent up you are is any indication...and you’re making me cum again. Oooh shit, Ollie, you’re making me explode.”Green Arrow grunted, enjoying the warmth of Black Siren’s cleavage. More enhanced than Laurel’s, thanks to the dark matter. Oliver did not really want to get into the scientific reasons for that. The only thing that mattered is sucking Lau...Black Siren’s tits and making her cum.The second Black Siren came, she flipped Oliver onto onto his back. She climbed on top of him, grinding over his body. The woman’s mouth leaned down and sucked on Oliver’s nipples, making them hard as a rocBlack Siren mounted the Green Arrow, teasing him. Yet, Black Siren did not take the drop. She pinned Oliver’s hands down with her feet.“I need you!” Oliver growled.“Oh, I know,” Black Siren said. “But before I fuck you….I want you to call me Laurel.”Despite all of the lines Oliver crossed, he could not...that would admit what this true is. Black Siren grinned at him.“Oh, you know that’s the attraction. But it’s something more than that….I’m what she would be like, if she pulled the stick out of her ass. You know, I wouldn’t have waited for you to cheat on me with my sister. No, I would have invited Sara into bed with us...and we would have had a kinky threesome….and then when Thea was old enough, we would have invited her as well.”Oh, Oliver should really be revolted by this shameless hint of incest, but he just got harder.“Naughty, Ollie, thinking of his sister’s tight pussy and tight ass,” Black Siren said in a little girl’s voice. “I bet you think about bending her over….and I bet she enjoy you as well….like I’m enjoying you...but I’m not letting you fuck me, until you call me Laurel.”Until Oliver did what she wanted, Black Siren refused to let him inside of her nice wet pussy. She teased Oliver with her legs and feet, and made him hard as could be, ready to explode. But Black Siren would not let him explode until she got what she wanted.“Say it, Ollie,” Black Siren breathed on the tip of his cock. “Say it, Laurel I want to fuck you.”About a dozen denials later, with Black Siren’s stop and start footjobs driving him mad, Oliver finally broke.“Laurel, fuck me!” Oliver yelled.“Yes?” Black Siren asked.“DAMN IT LAUREL, I WANT YOU TO FUCK ME!” Oliver yelled.After the man broke from the constant teasing, Black Siren rewarded Oliver by impaling herself on his love organ. It was just as well, because Black Siren almost broke. She admired Oliver’s will power, as she suspected it took a good forty minutes before he gave it.Black Siren squeezed Oliver’s love muscle with her vaginal muscles. The tension between her inner muscles, stretched and released. She knew how to work a great big cock.“Laurel….you’re making me feel so good,” Oliver said.“Better than Felicity?” Black Siren asked.“Mmmm,” Oliver said.“Oh, you don’t have to tell me right now, baby,” Black Siren said. “Because, I know. I know that you settled for her...because you couldn’t have me...her...does it really matter? You know it’s because I’m a woman and she’s a little girl...who seems to think she’s a bad ass because she cheapshots someone when they’re head is turned.”Oliver closed his eyes, admitting what she said was completely true. Black Siren pressed her hands down, rocking up and down, the juices flowing over Oliver’s engorged manhood.Black Siren pulled Oliver up and pressed his face into her chest. The Green Arrow buried his face in Black Siren’s chest with a smile.“Time for you to cum, my love,” Black Siren said. “For me...all of that cum is stored up in those big thick balls.”The small smile showed Black Siren’s ultimate triumph. To get Oliver’s seed, to be knocked up by his lovechild. Oliver made no attempt to push away.“I’m ovulating Ollie,” Black Siren told him. “Are you going to be a pussy and pull out or are you going to be a man and seal the deal?”Oliver could not do anything, the primal part of his mind demanding to breed this fit and capable woman. Black Siren just smiled and kissed him.“It’s not any question that I would have your cum tonight,” Black Siren said. “All of it.”Oh, Oliver groaned, knowing that Black Siren would not stop until she milked every single drop out of him. Oliver Queen held back, not wanting to her.“Mmm, you cheated on that bitch,” Black Siren said. “How good does it feel?”“It feels good,” Green Arrow admitted. “To fuck you….Laurel…”“That’s my guy,” Black Siren said topping him off with a very powerful kiss.Black Siren finished first and hard, clamping down onto Oliver’s throbbing hard organ. She smiled when pushing down onto him.The faster she rose and dropped, the better this felt. Those muscles tightened around Oliver’s tool.“Knock me up,” Black Siren breathed.Black Siren’s barely managed to stop her scream. He pounded her, with no restraint whatsoever.The second Oliver burst inside of her, Black Siren felt her ultimate triumph. Oliver’s thick and virile seed splashed deep into her fertile eggs. Black Siren was certain that Oliver just impregnated her with their love child.Finally, finally, and Black Siren clutched him tight, assuming the last drop.“Oh, shit, Laurel, why do you have to be so hot?” Green Arrow asked.“Because, I’m a woman,” Black SIren said. “Women are hot. Insecure little girls are not.”The final squeeze sent the last rope of cum back into her body. Into her very likely impregnated body.Oliver came back down, a small amount of regret hitting him. But, in other ways, Oliver was not sorry at all.“Now what?” Green Arrow asked.Black Siren smiled, kissing him. She had no answer, but her hands never drifted far from her favorite part of Oliver.The slow handjob combined with Black Siren staring in Oliver’s eye made him ache and want her all night long. And every night.Black Siren put the hand with Oliver’s wedding ring on her breast and made him squeeze it and smile.It was funny how things had gone circular.End. Two New Chapters(Chapter 46 and 47) to be posted on February 27th, 2019.