55. Sweet Temptation(Mari McCabe and Caitlin Snow)(...

Sweet Temptation(Mari McCabe/Vixen and Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost)

Mari McCabe, dressed in short shorts which fit her like a second skin and an extremely tight tank top, pounded away at a heavy bag. She reared back and smacked the bag extremely hard, causing it to move back and forth, on the chain. She broke out into a smile, barely breaking a sweat.Out of the corner of Mari’s eye, walked Caitlin Snow. She dressed in a simple enough outfit, a button up black blouse, a skirt, and stockings, but she looked amazing in it. The wonkiness with Mari’s totem as of late, which caused her to be a bit more adventurous made Mari fixate on her legs.Tearing the gaze away from Caitlin’s lovely legs, Mari, although shakily, managed to look Caitlin directly in the eyes. Caitlin flashed her a smile, a bit knowingly to be honest. And that was more than sufficient.“Thanks for your help,” Caitlin said.“That was my pleasure,” Mari said. “Besides, Grodd would have taken all over our minds…”“It’s a shame,” Caitlin said. “He has changed since he was at Star Labs those years ago.”Thawne just lit the spark and turned Grodd into who he was. Caitlin took in a deep breath, almost sad, but she could not see Grodd as the innocent gorilla that he used to be. He had turned into something else entirely, and that scared her. And deep down, Killer Frost mocked Caitlin for her sentiments.Something which Caitlin thought Frost might have had a point.“So, thank you….”Mari leaned in and surprised Caitlin by pouncing her. Something primal overwhelmed Mari. Caitlin gasped in surprise, but did not really fight Mari off. Not that Caitlin had a choice. She felt Mari pin her against the wall with a strength and smothered Caitlin with several kisses.A moment later, Mari snapped out of her senses.“I’m sorry, I don’t know what got into me.”Mari turned around, only to feel a hand strike against her buttock. Two arms wrapped around her.“They say if you play with fire, you’re going to get burned,” said a low voice. “But how about ice? What if you play with ice?”Mari turned her head around ever so slightly, to come face to face with the one and only Killer Frost. Caitlin shifted into her alter ego and had been eying Mari up. Feeling her up as well, which did nothing to expel Mari’s already very faulty self control. First through her top and then underneath her top, Then Caitlin pushed a hand down Mari’s tight shorts.“You naughty little vixen,” Killer Frost teased her. “You’re wet for me.”Perhaps this is what Mari needed to expel some of the added sexual energy she had been feeling. Caitlin may have been a bit more passive, but Mari awoke something which was less than passive.“Please don’t tease me like that,” Mari said. “I don’t know how the amulet will react?”Killer Frost only responded by rubbing Mari’s crotch a little bit more. The heat rising through it was intense and only pulsed a little bit more when she buried those fingers deep inside of her body and made Mari just moan. Thrashing.“Oh, you dirty little girl, I think you might be in heat,” Killer Frost moaned. “Bend over for me, and we’ll have some real fun.”The cold air around the room sent Mari’s sensories into overdrive. Despite the air being cold, the heat around her thighs remained hot, scorching, and she enjoyed the fast fingering from Killer Frost, who worked a bit deeper into her and made Mari just moan in endless delight.Then, something swelled against Killer Frost. A cock, made entirely of ice, rubbing against Mari’s heated mound. Killer Frost gripped Mari’s nipple and gave it a nice little twist, to cause her to breath in and breathe out very aggressively. The lust within her, almost made her collapse.“I bet you want me inside of you,” Killer Frost said. “Don’t you...you naughty vixen.”Every time Killer Frost called Mari naughty, that just made her flare up in even more lust. Oh Killer Frost knew precisely how to hit all of those right buttons. Buttons which made Mari’s groin flare with pleasure.Killer Frost grabbed a handful of Mari’s succulent backside and rubbed up against her from behind. Those fingers danced down Mari’s body and aggressively teased her until she turned into little more than a puddle of lust. One which Killer Frost just measured, ever so slightly. Rubbing in and out, until she had been almost inside of Mari.“Do it,” Mari said.“Patience,’ Killer Frost said.Mari grabbed onto the side of the wall, almost scratching up the finish. She did not want to be patience, she wanted to be fucked so hard.After one more tour of feeling up Mari’s fight body, Killer Frost reared back and shoved deep into Vixen. She stuffed Vixen completely full, pushing her up against the wall. Riding her a little bit before pulling out and spinning Vixen around so they could go face to face.Killer Frost plowed into Mari’s tight pussy from behind. Those beautiful cat-eyes, locked into Caitlin’s, were stunning as well. Caitlin leaned in, hips moving back and forth with a constant amount of thrusting. Which only deepened the faster Caitlin worked herself into Mari’s warm, pleasantly tight pussy.“HARDER!” Mari yelled.Mari dug her nails into Caitlin’s animals. The intense stare in her body made Killer Frost just smile. She made her cock even louder, stuffing Mari to the point where she could break the woman in half. Two large balls made of ice also slapped against Mari’s thighs, melting against her when hitting it.“I can touch these legs for days,” Caitlin breathed in Mari’s ear. “You know that, right?”Mari bobbed her head back and forth, knowing that indeed. She wanted Caitlin to have her hands all over her legs, touching them on a constant loop. Never once giving up. She edged closer, closer to the point of blissful release. The tension inside of her loins, threatening to burst, threatening to explode made Caitlin just a huge puddle of lust all over.“Oh, baby, that’s it, right there,” Catilin moaned in her ear. “Cum for me.”Mari’s totem glowed against her chest. The power of a python, squeezing its prey, squeezed against Caitlin’s thrusting cock. Caitlin managed to reinforce the size and the girth of her cock while plunging deep into the woman in question. The loud moans, only escalating, made Caitlin just lose it completely.The pure, sheer instincts in Mari’s brought her into one direction. Namely, she just had to devour Caitlin’s nipples. Suck on them and make them hers.Killer Frost, Caitlin, did it really matter at this point? Both of them agreed this felt amazing. Enjoying this moment with the totem wearer sent thrills through their loins. Caitlin rocked back and forth against Mari. Harder, faster, with their hips moving a bit over.“You make me melt,” Killer Frost said through a mouth full of Mari’s supple breasts.“Good,” Mari said. “Because, you’re making me feel like I don’t have to hold back.”In some way, the two lovely women helped each other, enter this moment of sexual fulfillment. The thrill, which built through their bodies stunned them both. Killer Frost, grinding the edge of her nail against Mari’s long leg, sent her several more steps over the edge.Mari clutched Killer Frost just as hard. The cock melted inside of her body, and sent Caitlin’s warm juices to intermingle against her own. Mari returned the favor from earlier to suck on Killer Frost’s fine breasts.Killer Frost closed her eyes. Vixen nursed off of her breasts and made Killer Frost just drip for more. She would have liked to turn it around and grow another ice cock to plunge into Vixen’s tight body. She never got the chance and instead just kept thrusting away.Their thighs, smacking in an endless loop against each other rubbed together. They shared numerous orgasms together until they collapsed down onto the ground.Mari crawled between Killer Frost’s legs, who shifted back to Caitlin. The view of Mari’s beautiful face disappearing between her pussy and licking their combined juices out of it aroused Caitlin even more. Mari’s tongue rattled in her, making Caitlin think of a snake hissing and that made Caitlin almost lose it.They needed to work together more often, if this was the end result. Caitlin just rested on the ground with Mari eating her out. Until Mari prepared to mount Caitlin and take her prize over and over again. The number of orgasms which rocked Caitlin stunned her and thrilled her even more.End.