56. Worthy of Celebration(Barbara Gordon, Laurel La...

Worthy of Celebration(Barbara Gordon/Batgirl, Gwen Stacy/Spider-Woman, and Dinah Laurel Lance of Earth One/Black Canary)

Gwen Stacy, Barbara Gordon, and Laurel Lance all settled in for a long night together, looking very happy about themselves. They teamed up, to take down a gang of human traffickers, who managed to elude capture over several states. Granted, humans were not the only thing they trafficked, but it was one of the reasons to put them down and hope that they would stay down.“We’ve done it,” Laurel said with a very pleased smile on her face. “Well, Barbara did most of the legwork.”“Hey, I just broke into their systems,” Barbara said with a modest shrug. “It was encrypted, and in another language….just hopefully people will open their eyes on what Kasnia is doing, under our noses.”“Sure hope so,” Gwen said. “We should do that more often...just the three of us.”Gwen’s eyes drifted over Barbara and Laurel. The three of them knew each other practically since childhood. Their fathers went through training to become police officers at the same time. They had some challenges, and rose up to the ranks, where they became either Captain, in the case of Quentin Lance and George Stacy or Commissioner, in the case of James Gordon. George Stacy dealt with the least amount of problems, in New York of all places.On the record, he had to disapprove of his daughter’s vigilante activities as the Sensational Spider-Woman, although he did approve of it behind the scenes, and help Gwen out very discretely. Fathers were always the first one to know about what their daughters were up to.“So?” Gwen asked. “Time to celebrate.”Gwen leaned in and caught Barbara off guard with a kiss to the lips. Only for a few seconds before Barbara returned the kiss and made out with Gwen with practiced ease.Laurel, looking amused at first, turned into frustration. Watching her two friends make out with each other was really starting to make Laurel feel left out. She tapped her foot on the ground.“Sorry,” Gwen said, not sounding sorry at all.Laurel instantly forgave Gwen, the second Gwen locked lips with her and kissed the utter hell out of Laurel. Oh, the warmth of their mouths, just going together, resulted in endless pleasure. Barbara wrapped her arms around Laurel and kissed her, while working Laurel’s outfit off and revealing her crotch.“Seems like you’re excited,” Barbara said. “Just as well, I’m excited as well.”Barbara buried her fingers into Laurel’s pussy while rubbing her bare pussy against Laurel’s ass. Gwen’s fingers latched onto the clasp of Laurel’s uniform and pulled it off to reveal her bountiful breasts for Barbara to suck on them. While also taking one nipple between her fingers, sticking onto it and releasing it.“You and your sticky fingers,” Laurel managed in between breaths.The sweet milking of Laurel’s nipple caused a smile to appear on Gwen’s’s face. She worked, back and forth, causing a cry to merely escalate through her. Gwen wished she had the extra arms once again, so she could finger Barbara as well.She made use with the arms she had, putting Laurel and Barbara on the bed. Legs spread, and Gwen buried fingers deep into them to make them cry out.Laurel’s thrusting hips moved up and down from Gwen’s probing fingers. Gwen leaned down and kissed her nipples, making Gwen excited. Out of the corner of her eye, Laurel noticed Gwen reaching around and grabbing onto Barbara’s nipples, pulling on them and releasing them.It did not take too long before Barbara and Gwen moved up Laurel’s body.“Always tag-teaming me,” Laurel breathed.“Oh, you know it, don’t you?” Barbara asked with a saucy smile.A strap on, because of course Barbara had one, at the ready. And ready for shove down Laurel’s throat as she got on her hands and knees. The loud soft cry of pleasure emitting across the room made Barbara just flash a very knowing smile.Gwen created her own strap on, thanks to some well placed webbing. She webbed it to her pelvis and moved in. The first test of this little implement did not work out so well. Now, Gwen had it down to a science. She rolled back, pushing as deep into Laurel as possible and ensuring that Laurel’s warm pussy pretty much sucked up Gwen’s makeshift cock.One woman fucked Laurel’s mouth and the other buried deep into her pussy. Gwen and Barbara pushed Laurel’s body in between them. Their hands reached to caress her body. Barbara stroked Laurel’s face and moved into a pure. While Gwen grabbed ahold of Laurel’s hips and rocked into her.Laurel thought she would collapse from the constant amount of pleasure both of her lovely friends were giving her. Oh, yes, this felt beyond amazing. The thrill which entered her body, just sent her straight into dream land. Barbara picked up things a little bit and rocked into her mouth.“Pour it on Gwen,” Barbara said.“Oh, of course,” Gwen said.Gwen enjoyed the insides of Laurel’s body. She dripped with increasing pleasure. Gwen leaned in and grabbed onto Laurel’s nipple to squeeze it extremely hard from her position. The force which Gwen released and grabbed Laurel’s nipple just sent a pleasure jolt through the stunning blonde the faster that Gwen rode her from behind.“Yes, that’s perfect, isn’t it?” Gwen breathed. “You like what I’m doing to you? You really like what I’m doing to your body, don’t you?”Laurel could only answer with moans. The state of her answered Gwen’s questions perfectly. She rocked a little bit deeper, hips moving back and forth to the point where she rode Laurel all the way to an amazing orgasm. The thrill only increased to the end of the rode.Barbara pulled away from Laurel as did Gwen. Only not for long. Laurel settled down in Barbara’s lap, with her asshole opened up and primed with salvia. Gwen helped out by licking Laurel’s back passage to get it nice and wet.“Time to make a Laurel sandwich,” Barbara said.“Oh god,” Laurel said.Barbara kissed Laurel’s neck, and then her shoulder. She pinched Laurel’s nipple and pumped it up and down. Edging just a tiny bit closer, Barbara opened up Laurel’s very snug asshole for intrusion.One in her pussy, one in her ass, and Laurel could feel it just build up in inside of her. Gwen’s hands, the nearest to her breast, cupped and released them, making Laurel explode out into passion. Thankfully, Gwen web-gagged her to prevent Laurel from bringing the house down.“Wow, that webbing is very strong to prevent a Canary Cry,” Barbara said.Laurel closed her eyes. Ever since coming back from the afterlife, she returned with the same powers as her doppleganger, Black Siren. Although, it took a while to control them. Thankfully, Gwen put a muzzle on her before Laurel could do some serious damage.Now, Laurel had been pinned down, without anywhere to go, Gwen and Barbara had their way with her and could do pretty much anything they wished. And what they wished had been completely devious.“Let’s test her limits,” Barbara said. “It’s been way too long since the three of us have gotten together like this.”“Agreed.”Gwen stuck her fingers to Laurel’s clit, pinching it at all of the right spots. Right as Barbara just had been launched over the top with a very pleasurable scream. Her hips, moving back and forth, crashed down onto the bed. Her cries only intensifying with each passing moment.“Way too long,” Gwen said.Barbara and Gwen stuffed Laurel in both of her holes. The webbing was about ready to melt, and Gwen took advantage of the last few minutes with it. She pushed in and out of Laurel and stuffed her body completely full. Leading up to that pleasant moment where Gwen’s loins were about ready to give way and cum.The webbing melted and Gwen scissored Laurel instead. She rocked back and forth, taking her pleasure deep and hard with their wet pussies and thighs rubbing together. The end caused both of them to crash down to Earth.Pulling away from Laurel, Gwen prepared to make her next move. Only to realize she could not move it all.Gwen realized her hands had been webbed to the top of her head and feet webbed to the bed. With Barbara putting her hands underneath Gwen’s ass and lifting her up on the bed. Barbara kissed from Gwen’s shoulder to her ear, before whispering in it.“Do you ever learn that it isn’t a good idea to leave your toys lying around?”Barbara used some oil, normally for slipping up criminals, to make Gwen’s asshole nice and wet. Gwen’s thick, beautiful ass, a marvel of beauty, fit nicely in Barbara’s hands. Barbara clutched Gwen and oiled up her ass all the way, not just her hole. She leaned Gwen forward.“When this webbing melts, you’re so going to get it.”“Promises, promises,” Barbara drawled. “As for you….you’re going to get it down, Gwendolyn.”Using her full name and teasing her, oh Gwen would not be forgetting this. Barbara opened up Gwen’s tight hole and shoved deep into her.Finally, the web gag on Laurel’s mouth gave way. This allowed her to properly register a whistle of pleasure to the mouth watering sight of Barbara ass-fucking a webbed up Gwen. Laurel thought about fingering herself, and she still might. However, she had an even better idea.“You are wet,” Laurel said.“You know how much she likes her ass getting fucked,” Barbara said. “Almost as much as Sara, and I should know.”Laurel smiled, she knew that as well. She leaned in and kissed Gwen’s warm nether lips, sucking them extremely hard and making her just lift up. Prior to Barbara stuffing her ass full of that cock, which just seemed to react to Gwen’s ass, one hundred percent of the way.The fingering of herself and the licking of Gwen’s perfect, gushing pussy, sent Laurel over the tipping point. She leaned in, sucking on Gwen’s clit and then moving in to lick her wet hole. The circular motions of Laurel going in and out of Gwen sent her to the tipping point.“You can’t free yourself, even if you want to, right?” Barbara asked.Oh, Gwen would have to agree with that. Nothing she could do, would free herself. Barbara knew precisely how to hit all of the right buttons and send Gwen to the tipping point. Barbara’s arousal staining the back of her legs, made her just lose it even more with pleasure.“No, you have me,” Gwen said. “But, one day, I will have you.”“Promises, promises,” Barbara repeated from earlier.A small part of Barbara wished Gwen would follow up on her threat. But, she was not going to make it easier on the web swinging. Because, what’s the part of it? Barbara pushed in, enjoying how Gwen’s ass stuck to her, much like the spider-empowered heroine stuck to walls when crimefighting.Laurel topped off Gwen’s arousal with another orgasm. She gushed all over Laurel’s face, staining it with juices. Laurel rose up and kissed Barbara over Gwen’s shoulder. The fact Laurel and Barbara shared Gwen’s juices just seconds away from her made Gwen tingle. The fact Laurel, without missing a beat, started to finger her, only increased what Gwen was feeling.“Almost there,” Barbara said.Gwen’s webbing melted, but her body melted even more from the tag teaming Barbara and Laurel did to her. The tension in her released and something far stronger than Gwen’s spider sense tingled. She gushed all over. Laurel and Barbara rode out both of her holes.The three women ended up in a nice, sticky pile. Hands aimlessly groping breasts, asses, thighs, while they kissed each other. The unspoken agreement they would pick this up the moment their heads cleared.End.