59. Spoils of War(Sara Lance and Lady Sif)(4/3/2019...

A Hit the Mark Blog Exclusive featuring Karen Starr and Jessica Rabbit. Check it out right here: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2019/04/the-booby-traphit-mark-blog-exclusive.htmlSpoils of War(Sara Lance and Lady Sif from Thor)

Sara laughed as she kicked back another glass of mead. Oh, she was a bit tipsy. And yet about as dangerous as she would be if she was stone-cold sober. Because, a true warrior did not let a little thing like being drunk dampen her ability to do well in battle.The latest misadventure for the Legends lead them to the realm of Asgard to track down the latest demon which frustrated them. They teamed up with Lady Sif and the almighty Thor, the Prince of Asgard, God of Thunder. Who ended up being turned into a frog.Which, as Sara found out from Sif, was an all too common occurrence. And Sara and Sif went out, to swap stories about their past battles, like two warriors were. The more Sara drank, the more she loosened up.“Come on, one more!”Sif frowned. “Captain Lance, I believe mortals have what they call a limit, and you might have passed it. You have no need to impress me by keeping up on me drink for drink. You’ve impressed me with your prowess today.”“It’s fine, I know when I’ve had enough,” Sara said in a slightly slurred voice as she staggered. “Okay, maybe I have had enough..but hey...just one more...besides Gideon can create a new liver for me. That’s what she does.”“Well, I do believe you have had enough,” Sif said.“Oh, maybe I have,” Sara said. “Did anyone tell you how beautiful your eyes are? And since I’ve obviously had a enough to drink, we can do something else to celebrate. Something wonderful...you know I’ve laid with some...great warrior women. Princess Diana of Themyscira...Red Sonja….Xena....and there are others as well...but my head’s a bit fuzzy and besides I think the two of us can have fun.”Sif’s fond smile increased. She scooped Sara up off of her feet. Sara smiled, she always enjoyed how a strong and powerful woman could scoop her up.“Well, Captain Lance, you do talk a good game,” Sif said.“Plese, call me Sara, my fair lady,” she said. “You’re going to be screaming it before too long when my tongue’s in your pussy.”Sloppy kissing and very eager tugging of each other’s clothes. Sara finally had tugged the top half of Sif’s armor off and then the under garmets. A pair of nice, supple breasts greated them. Sara grabbed them, managing to make Sif give a moan of surprise.Sara hungrily slurped through a mouthful of tit flesh. Sif put her hand gently on the back of Sara’s head and guided her face from breast through breast. Sara spent the next few minutes nursing on Sif’s breasts before the Asgardian warrior pulled the Captain’s face away.“I believe you said something about me screaming your name,” Sif said.On the bed, Sif, completely nude, spread. Sara drank in the gorgeous form of the warrior. She licked her lips and climbed between Sif’s thighs. She parted them to properly rub Sif’s mound. The dark curls covering it increased Sara’s desire to be between Sif’s thighs.Burying her face between those powerful goddess thighs were far too much for Sara to withstand. She buried deep into Sif’s mound and started to lick her out.Sif’s eyes faded out and her hips jumped up a bit.“Sara!” Sif called out.There was it, the sweet sound of her name. Sara enjoyed it and enjoyed the taste of Sif. She tasted of ambrosia and made Sara repeatedly lap the goddess’s wet pussy out. To get a goddess to climax gave Sara’s ego a little boost.She rose up after finishing Sif. Sif sat up off of the bed and helped Sara out of the rest of her clothes.  The Asgardian marveled at the body of the Captain. From head to toe, her tight, defined body appeased Sif. Sara could not help but smile and display herself for Sif to visually eat up.Oh, Sif smiled and licked her lips while admiring the eye candy.“Are you certain you are not of divine blood?” Sif asked.“Mmm, you are rather generous with the compliments,”  Sara said. “And you know, you can do more than look.”Sif took out Sara on the invitation. She moved into Sara’s body. Sara loved the strong, but at the same time very gentle, hands roaming her body. Shameless exploration followed. Sif’s fingers dipped into Sara’s honey pot and set her off. Sara rewarded her goddess lover with multiple moans.Putting her face up to Sara, Sif went all in to devour the woman. Sif stroked the thighs of the wonderful woman back and forth on the bed. Sara’s breathing only increased.“I like how you’re drinking me more eagerly than that mead earlier,” Sara said.Oh, it was true, something about Sara just drove Sif further over the edge. She dipped a tongue in and out, repeatedly sucking the juices which flowed out of Sara. Sif tested Sara at several speeds and several spots. Finding a good spot to tip her over to the breaking out.Finally, Sif hit that sweet spot. She bottomed out, burying face first in Sara. Nuzzling her face against Sara’s warm cheeks while eating her out hit that particular spot. Sif shifted her tongue in and out of Sara at a rapid fire rate until she really was going to town on her.Sara clutched onto the edge of the bed and shifted back. Sif finished eating her out and pulled back. Rolling over, Sara spread her legs. Sif scissored and kissed Sara at the same time.Having sex with a goddess ended up being quite the sobering experience for Sara. Sif roamed over Sara’s body in an endless wave of strokes, and squeezes of her thighs. Sif worked down a little bit against Sara. Their thighs smacked together and Sara cried out in pleasure. Sif left a slight bruise on her thigh.“If I harmed you….”“It’s fine,” Sara said. “You won’t hurt me any more than you want to.”Sara tightened her grip around Sif. Sif ground together in circular motions and made her thrash on the bed. She edged Sara closer and closer to the breaking point.Clutching onto the bed, Sara’s hips thrusted back and forth. The soaking orgasm coated Sif’s fingers with the arousal.A long pause followed before Sif pulled the fingers out of Sara. She took one finger at a time and tasted Sara. The visual of Sara looking over her shoulder at Sif with both want and need, caused a flare to enter Sif’s body. She jumped onto Sara.The two made out for several minutes and indulged in each other’s bodies. Sif put a hand on Sara’s ass and squeezed it extremely hard. More moans followed from Sif’s actions. In several moves, Sif had Sara on her back, begging without words for the touch.Sif forced her fingers repeatedly into Sara’s gushing womanhood.“Are you still with me?” Sif asked.“Yes, yes, keep going!” Sara yelled. “Oh, you better not stop at all. I swear, if you stop, I’m going to….”Sif cut of Sara by hitting that one pleasure peak inside of her. Sara’s hips, dancing up and down on the bed, released several explosive blasts of juices.After finishing, Sif propped Sara onto the bed. The two women wrapped their arms and legs around each other. The final bow on their exchange occurred with Sara and Sif making out with each other. Sif created delirious friction until Sara came again and again.The next few minutes became a blur. Sara kept crying out in bliss and continued to encourage Sif. Sif extracted her fingers every couple of orgasms and licked them clean. While offering her pussy off for Sara. Who took it after a couple of rounds and lapped up Sif’s warm juices.The two women switched positions and sat face to face. They fingered each other from this position and took turns leaning forward to suck on each other’s sweaty chests. Sara’s hips bucked forward first. Sif’s went the second. They brought each other to the edge of pleasure.They raced to the edge the next time. Sif had a bit of a head start. No one could count Sara out. Sara used every trip she learned over the years, a lot of them from Nyssa, to edge the goddess and make this orgasm one of the biggest ones yet.Sif screamed and let loose with an orgasm. Sara slipped a finger into Sif’s ass to added a bit more spice. The combination of Sara fingering her ass and pussy at the same day did a lot to drive Sif to the brink of pleasure.“Did I break the goddess?” Sara asked.Sif sat up with a smile as Sara climbed on top of her. To be honest, Sif never never a mortal woman would cause her to lose it that vigorously.“Down, but not out,” Sif said.“Good to know,” Sara said.Sara marveled at Sif’s squirming body. Toying with her just opened the door for Sara to have some more fun with Sif.Yes, Sara would be having some fun today. She shifted to sit on Sif’s face and see just how much fun the both of them could get up to.And maybe just how much trouble they could get into as well.End.