60. Driven Batty(Batgirl and Batwoman)(4/10/2019 Up...

Amaya Jiwe/Vixen and Diana/Wonder Woman join in some shameless smut on the blog exclusive chapter: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2019/04/after-team-uphit-mark-blog-exclusive.htmlDriven Batty(Barbara Gordon/Batgirl and Kate Kane/Batwoman)

“I disabled the radius...but we’re going to have to get out of here, or we’re going to have a serious problem.”Kate Kane, Batwoman, heard that statement from Barbara Gordon, Batgirl. She jumped high into the air. One jump into the air sent the mind-controlled henchmen down onto the ground. Someone, got their hands on some of Poison Ivy’s spores, and a bomb and threatened to blanket Gotham City with the spores for reasons which only made sense to them. While they had been unable to track the individual or individuals behind the operations.“Kate, we have to go, it’s beginning to leak!”Barbara tried to jump back from the bomb as it leaked, but instead, she got a face full of pink dust in the face. The gas mask on the suit should have protected her.“Oh, they also laced the spores with Titan!” Barbara yelled.“I thought Batman destroyed the rest of that years ago?” Kate asked.Barbara tried to keep a clear head and knock out a henchmen who pulled his gun on Kate. She had been completely protective of the other crime fighter. And also enjoyed how Kate moved in her suit, watching her body. Watching and admiring it from afar.“It’s the gift...that keeps on giving,” Barbara said. “I think that’s all of them.”Batwoman jumped up and sent one final goon flying off of the scaffold. She strung him up by the feet and dangled him.“That’s all of them,” Kate said. “Are you okay?”“I’m fine,” Barbara said. “We stopped the entire city from being infected...we’re amazing.”Barbara joined Kate on the catwalk. She moved to leave, only to find Barbara’s hands on her backside from behind.“What’s the rush?” Barbara asked. “Don’t you want to celebrate?”“Batgirl what are you….mppph!”Kate never would have thought it possible. Barbara pressed her lips down onto Kate’s. She knew Babs was bisexual, but this was a bit brazen and very stunning. Barbara’s fingers danced over Kate’s body and clutched her ass, daringly squeezing it through the suit.“Oh, you’re wet,” Barbara said as she slipped her fingers into the waist band of Kate’s suit. “You’re wet and I bet you taste great.”“Babs, you’re not well,” Kate said.“Oh, but I’m fine,” Barbara said. “Please let me taste you.”Kate backed up against the wall. Maybe she inhaled some of the spores as well. Not as many as Barbara, but she was not fighting this. The younger woman’s fingers danced over Kate’s womanhood and caused her to breath in.Despite Kate’s hard edge, she had such a nice, soft, pussy which Barbara could have to stroke. She pulled down Kate’s pants and saw a small tattoo of a bat giving the middle finger.“Very classy,” Barbara said.Barbara nuzzled her face against Kate’s bare pussy and sucked it, extremely hard. Oh, Kate’s fingers, driving down onto the back of Barbara’s hair just made her go down. Kate knew she should be fighting this, getting Barbara back to get her checked out medically.The problem was, Barbara’s tongue was so good, that Kate succumbed to it. Kate leaned on it and drank the juices from Barbara’s hot box. Enjoying it, savoring this moment. She savored Barbara as she went down on her.Barbara got Kate gushing in several moments flat. Kate’s hips, moving back and forth against Barbara’s mouth, flooded her face with juices. Oh, this was just too much for her to bare. Barbara licked Kate clean and pulled herself up.Kate put her hands on Barbara as she bent over the rail. She moved back Barbara’s cowl, ever so slightly, to expose her neck without unmasking her. Kate trickled several kisses down the side of Barbara’s neck and leaned into her, pulling her pants down.“You didn’t think we would be going without me returning the favor?” Kate asked. “The Commissioner’s daughter….a kinky little minx, who would have thought it?”Kate only said this loud enough for Barbara to hear. They had not quite forgot about the henchmen dangling beneath them. Kate’s fingers dipped into Barbara’s honeypot and got her completely riled up. Oh, Barbara, turning, twisting, shifting, moaned with even more aggression. She pawed Barbara’s chest through her suit with a free hand.The juices pooled down across the floor. Those fingers, slipped faster and faster against Barbara’s willing cunt. She squeezed down onto Kate and released the juices all over them.Kate lapped up the juices and smiled. She shifted a bit, pressing a button in the side of her utility belt.“Your utility belt turns into a strap on?” Barbara asked. “That raises...so many questions.”“Oh, just shut up and let me fuck you.”Oh, Barbara was already there. Kate rubbed Barbara’s already inflamed slit and worked inside of her. The bisexual crime fighter moaned from Kate’s very intense ministrations. She leaned on forward, cupping Barbara’s chest, ass, and then driving deep into her wet pussy.Barbara grabbed onto the railing of the catwalk for ledge. While Kate drove deep inside of her. Lightly teasing Barbara’s ass.“Are you going to do it?” Barbara asked.“Maybe,” Kate said, adding lubrication and then fingering Barbara.The fact they did this mostly in costume made this even more exciting and ten times more alluring. Kate picked up the pae and slammed into Barbara. The weight of their thighs just slapping together echoed very nicely all throughout the room. Kate grabbed Barbara’s nipples, giving them a very nice twist.Then, with Barbara’s asshole completely open, Kate switched holes and edged her way into Barbara’s ass. She had the ass of so many lovely women over the years, that it was only second nature. She did love having a woman face down in bed, presenting themselves, with her ass standing up.“I’m pretty sure the spores….only enhanced your desires,” Kate said. “Am I right?”Barbara’s toes curled within her bat boots. Batwoman showed Batgirl why she was in fact all woman and slipped a little bit deeper inside, riding her more aggressively to the point of no return. Barbara’s inflamed thighs, rocking back and forth, received a good plunging from Kate directly up the ass.“You’re such a naughty girl,” Kate said. “Maybe you deserve a spanking?”“Maybe I do,” Barbara saucily replied.Kate slapped Barbara’s tight ass and dangled her over the edge. It was the trust the two partners and friends shared, that Barbara fully trusted Kate in not letting her go.A single finger, then two, and three, and then finally Kate was all in on Barbara. Testing the limits and testing just how far she would go. Kate teased going all in in fisting Barbara while anally fucking her. Instead, she pulled back and made her younger partner just moan.“Best way to cure one of Ivy’s infections is to really sweat it out.”Barbara had gotten enough sense back into herself to be in disbelief that she was doing this. But, she was so into this as to not care. She enjoyed it, enjoyed the very intense ride. Kate’s hands were all over, worshipping Barbara’s body. The latex hugging her body while being fucked hard made Barbara just lose it.Kate lost it along with her. Pulling Barbara back, Kate bearhugged Barbara from behind, rocking her body and firing kiss after kiss over her body.After exacting her toy from Barbara’s ass, Kate lightly squeezed her reddened rump and like a devoted lover, leaned down to kiss it to make it feel better.Dangling below, the thug’s breathing became even more shallow. He only caught a few glimpses of what was going on above, but it was enough to fool his depraved imagination. Two super hot crime fighting sluts, going at it above him, was better than anything that he could find on some dodgy Russian porn site.It did not really matter if the thug had the blood rushing from his head or not, because all of the blood traveled south anyway with this.The boys at Blackgate would never believe this.End.