61. It's Cold Outside(Caitlin Snow and Jo Harvelle)...

Amaya Jiwe/Vixen and Diana/Wonder Woman join in some shameless smut on the blog exclusive chapter: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2019/04/after-team-uphit-mark-blog-exclusive.htmlIt’s Cold Outside(Caitlin Snow and Jo Harvelle from Supernatural)

The crackle of the fire offset the cold weather. The soft, silky bathrobe wrapped around Jo Harvelle’s naked body, as she rested her ankle.Caitlin Snow slipped into the room, dressed in a silky black bathrobe. She sat down on the rug in front of the fire. Caitlin leaned closer to Jo who smiled. Tilting her head put Jo and Caitlin in perfect position for a kiss. The softness of their lips moved into a tender makeout session.“It’s cold outside,” Jo said.Caitlin wrapped her arm tighter around Jo and planted a series of kisses down the side of her face. The closer Caitlin pulled Jo in ,the more she relaxed.“Don’t worry, I’ll warm you up.”“I’m sure you will,” Jo said. “Oh, that feels really good.”Caitlin ran her finger down Jo’s busted up ankle. Things could have been a fair bit worse for her. She was lucky not to lose a foot. And very lucky to have Caitlin with her. Caitlin massaged the side of her foot and moved a little bit closer towards her. The robe flipped open so Caitlin can nuzzle her face into Jo’s cleavage.She peered up between Jo’s creamy breasts with a soft smile.“We’ve just gotten started,” Caitlin said. “I’m going to make you feel so good. And I’m going to make you drip. It might be cold outside but you’re going to be very warm and very wet.”Caitlin pushed her fingers into Jo’s heated mound. She teased Jo a little bit by draining the body heat back out of her before pushing it back into her warm pussy. Jo rubbed back and forth, mewling in pleasure. Caitlin sucked on Jo’s nipples and caused her to cry out in pleasure.One finger inside of her gave way to two. Two turned into three and Caitlin worked her with perfect harmony. Jo would say this about Caitlin Snow, about both sides of her. She knew how to make Jo writh back and forth in pleasure. The wet sounds Jo made and the moans she made, just sent Jo into overdrive.Caitlin removed her fingers from Jo with a sexy wet sound. The juices clung to her fingers. Caitlin shifted Jo’s juices into an ice cream treat. She sucked it down, savoring it.Jo never wanted to taste herself so much.“Time to return the favor,” Caitlin said. “Try not to get brain freeze...again.”“No promises,” Jo said. “I want you so bad.”Jo crawled between Caitlin’s thighs and started to devour her. The first few swipes of her tongue started testing the waters for what she wanted to do with Caitlin. The next few slurps sent Caitlin into overdrive. Caitlin put her hands down onto the back of Jo’s head and rocked her back and forth.“Did I mention how much I love your mouth?” Caitlin said.Not recently, although the sentiment had been appreciated. The shower of sweet savory juices spilling down her gullet was even more appreciated by Jo. Jo buried her tongue, going in, out, and all around.The windows iced over and the snow storm got even more intense outside. The storm within side, made Caitlin just pick up the pace and moan even louder. Jo effectively dug her nail in and out of Caitlin’s thigh and caused her to explode in pleasure.Caitlin fell back onto the soft rug and took a series of deep breaths. She played with her nipples which was stiff as hell. Jo pulled up with a smile.“You left something on your mouth,” Caitlin said. “Right there.”Caitlin cupped Jo’s face and leaned in with a very long kiss. Oh, their mouths just folded together. Caitlin won the battle. Jo did not go hand at all. Jo’s hand worked over and cupped Caitlin’s ass, pulling her forward. Their legs touched together with the most intense feeling ever. Something long and hard poked Jo against her warm slit and caused her to gasp in pleasure.“Cait,” Jo gasped.“Are you sure you want to do this?” Caitlin asked.Caitlin lifted Jo’s right leg up and planted numerous kisses down the woman’s leg. She ended up, touching Jo’s toes and sucking them very aggressive. Her toes, shifting back and forth in Jo’s mouth like candy, sparked some lust into her. Caitlin’s eyes flooded over, the faster she tasted Jo’s fine toes.“Oh, you do feel sure?”Jo lifted up and dropped down onto Caitlin. Caitlin filled Jo up, causing a rush of adrenaline to spread through her. Caitlin dug her fingers into the back of Jo’s neck and thrilled her. She spent the next several minutes working over Jo. Threatening to allow Jo to melt her.And Jo melted her with nice, hot, and wet rises and falls. Caitlin reapplied the frozen material into her cock and buried deep into Jo. The cool air pressed against Jo’s nipples. Caitlin slobbered on them, worshipped them, and absorbed just enough of Jo’s body heat to make it thrilling.What Caitlin did made Jo’s ankle feel about ten times better. Jo wanted to reward Caitlin. Caitlin’s nipples extended out with cold precision and Jo leaned down onto them, slobbering all over Caitlin’s nipples. Oh, this was so hot.“Cum for me,” Caitlin said.Caitlin leaned Jo up and down onto her. Watching Jo ride her reverse cowgirl style was a treat. Caitlin had some problems growing a second cock with her powers, without breaking the first. So, she would have to make do with what happened. Caitlin bearhugged Jo’s body and rode her very aggressively into a very pleasurable explosion.“Can’t have enough of you,” Caitlin said. “Do you want a finger in your ass?”“Did you really have to ask?”“It’s only polite,” Caitlin said.She got her finger nice and wet and slid it deep into Jo’s ass. The hot, and eager hunter took the full penetration. And took Caitlin’s eager thrusts into her. The loud slaps into her drove Jo closer and closer into the edge.“Go ahead, let it go.”Jo’s body cried out for it’s release. Caitlin held onto her and eased out that release just a little bit more. Thrust, thrust, thrust until Caitlin practically left her mark on Jo.Deeply breathing, Jo laid out on the rug. Caitlin created modified shackles with her powers and crawled on top of Jo.“I better be careful, or your body heat is going to melt these babies before we really have fun,” Caitlin said. “And we’re going to have fun...lots...and lots of fun.”Each word caused Jo grind onto her. Caitlin drank in the sight of Jo’s writhing body. Transferring her sweat and juices into frozen treats made Jo ooze even more underneath Caitlin. Caitlin popped the sweet frozen treats into her mouth and savored them. The juices melted in her mouth.Caitlin smothered Jo’s mouth along with her body with a near heat draining kiss. The game they played brought Jo to the edge of being completely drained. Caitlin had great control, teasing Jo’s body. And Jo enjoyed the rush of being in such a potentially dangerous, but very alluring.Jo pumped her hips back and forth, meeting Caitlin going inside of her.“Go ahead, go nuts,” Jo managed. “I can take it.”Caitlin smiled and worked Jo over into a feverish pitch. She took Jo completely to the edge. Jo’s legs, tightening up against her waist, enticed Caitlin into going into her. Caitlin slapped down onto Jo, repeatedly hammering down onto her with multiple thrusts.  Caitlin pumped Jo’s hips and then her breasts to cause her to cream extremely hard.The heat and the contractions caused Caitlin to practically melt. She gushed deep into Jo’s body, causing their juices just flowing together with each other. Caitlin rocked Jo through orgasm after orgasm until both of them collapsed in a heap of sweaty lust.Jo and Caitlin wrapped their arms around each other, enjoying the afterglow of what happened. Caitlin leaned in and lightly nibbled Jo’s neck and face.“So, warm enough yet?” Caitlin asked.Jo only responded by deepening the kiss. No words, but Caitlin got the message loud and clear. They were going to kick things up a notch and will away the night in each other’s arms. It might be cold outside, but it was steaming hot out here.End.