70. One Final Test(Wonder Woman and Hippolyta)(5/8/...

Caitlin Snow and Carla Tannhauser have a little mother/daughter fun in this blog exclusive smut: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2019/05/boiling-pointhit-mark-blog-exclusive.htmlSunday is Mother’s day. Let’s celebrate with some good old fashioned Motherfucking. Classy, I know. One Final Test(Diana/Wonder Woman and Hippolyta)

In the middle of the battlefield of Themyscira, Princess Diana showed fierce determination when rushing forward. Her mother Hippolyta and Diana were in the midst of a sparring session. Diana swung the blade and Hippolyta blocked it. Hippolyta moved in with a sweeping blow which could have spelled the end for Diana at any other day.The Amazon Princess blocked the blade. She pivoted and struck to send Hippolyta back a couple of steps. The deep breath coming from Hippolyta showed how intense she could get.Closer, could Diana pull this one off? Hippolyta wavered, a minor twist of her ankle sending the Queen off balance. Much like her teachers taught Diana, she took advantage of the opening. Trying to be confident, but not arrogant, Diana considered the possibility of what would happen.Hippolyta fought back harder, not wanting to give Diana the easy victory in this battle. Rather, it would be a credit to her daughter should the victory have been well one. Hippolyta swept back. Diana blocked the sweeping motion and sent Hippolyta down to her knees.“I yield.”The two most shocking words Diana ever heard came out of her mother’s mouth just passed. The Amazon Princess took half of a step back.“I….”“Yes, my daughter, you heard me correctly,” Hippolyta said. “I yield.”She heard it and at the same time, Diana did not believe it. Hippolyta put a hand on Diana’s thigh and got her attention. Her mother’s blue eyes locked onto her own. Hippolyta’s fingers moved up and started to stroke Diana through her toga.“And you’ve earned this...in a way which no other woman has.”Hippolyta exposed her oldest daughter’s sex to the open air. The Amazon Queen leaned in and dragged her tongue down onto Diana’s wet pussy. It had been a long time coming and Hippolyta deemed Diana to be worshipped.Diana overcame her initial shock a few seconds later and put her hands on Hippolyta’s head. She had dreamed of this moment, to have Hippolyta on her knees with feverish worship. But, Diana, never thought, never believed that something like this would happen.“Mother,” Diana moaned out in a very loud gasp.Hippolyta smiled and licked her daughter more vigorously. The sweet juices flowing from her daughter was just more than enough to get Hippolyta going. And she got Diana going as well. She pulled back and smiled. Hippolyta stood before Diana and disrobed her of her toga.The Amazon Queen laid her daughter down  on the ground and spread Diana’s legs. Hippolyta kissed Diana’s lips and Diana eagerly began to remove her mother’s clothing from her. The toga came off and Diana exposed her mother’s goddess body.  Diana drank in every last detail of her mother’s supple chest, practically drooling at the sight of it.“Would you like these, Diana?” Hippolyta asked while cupping her ample chest.Diana smiled and grabbed ahold of Hippolyta’s chest with a very steady squeeze.  The moans coming from the mother encouraged the daughter to move forward. To kiss Hippolyta’s lips and then to move down to Hippolyta’s neck. And then down to her breasts, sucking on them. Burying her face deep within Hippolyta’s face allowed Diana some enjoyment.Hippolyta rewarded Diana as she deserved by sliding a finger between her legs. The Amazon Queen worked Diana’s dripping core with precision and practice. Diana cracked her neck back and Hippolyta pleasured her oldest child. Getting the heat just erupting through her body.“Do you like that, baby?” Hippolyta asked.No answer, not yet. Diana thought it would be bad form to talk with her mouth full. And Diana filled her mouth with all of Hippolyta’s supple tit flesh. Sucking on it very hard and extremely aggressively. Making loud noises just echo throughout the room the faster Hippolyta dove down on Diana’s gushing center and making her cry out even louder in enjoyment.The bliss building through Diana’s body had been positively and utterly stunning. Both Amazons sat, legs scissored on each other while they exploded each other. Diana thought she was going to explode. Her mother knew exactly all the ways which she ruled her body.“It’s yours to do what you please.”Diana wanted to question what Hippolyta meant. She had the answer. Hippolyta spread her firm, golden cheeks. Diana could hardly tear her eyes away from Hippolyta’s ass. With all of the deplorable hunger dancing in Diana’s eyes, she dove down and slid her tongue all the way into Hippolyta’s ass to lick her aggressively.Hippolyta, dragging her nails up against the ground, announced her passion with a cry. Diana getting her asshole nice and wet made for some real fun. Diana started first with licking, and then she fingered Hippolyta to stimulate both holes.The explosion kicked up and as much as Diana wanted to dive into Hippolyta’s ass, she had been in need of relief. Hippolyta sensed her daughter’s need and pulled Diana over. Putting Diana down on her face and grinding her tight ass all over the Amazon Queen’s face. Hippolyta dove in for an amazing tongue job which set her loins ablaze.Diana could do nothing other than moan with pleasure. Every flame which needed to be quenched, every itch which needed to be scratched, Hippolyta was right there where she needed to be. Her toes curled and after a while, Hippolyta was now sucking on said toes.Vowing to return the favor, Diana dropped down and buried her face between her mother’s legs. Licking, slurping, just hungering for the taste. A loud cry echoed from both the Queen and the Princess as they fed on each other’s pussies.Diana turned and spread her mother’s legs before forcing herself down between them. The Amazon Princess made a mental note just how much Hippolyta enjoyed having her legs played with. Of course, amazing as Hippolyta’s legs were and as good as they felt when Diana fucked her, she just had to feel more of this body.“Still with me, Mother?”“Naturally,” Hippolyta said. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to break. Just let it all loose….learn to humble me carnally like you did on the battle field.”Diana edged her mother’s orgasm. As much pride as Diana had by defeating Hippolyta in battle, topping her in intercourse made Diana’s ego just swell. She reminded herself to keep it in check, as pride went for a fall. And Diana tasted all of her mother’s toes.Like candy, sweet and sinful candy. From the tiniest toe all the way down to the big toe, Diana enjoyed the taste. Enjoyed sucking on Hippolyta’s toes and licking the sweat from her soles while rubbing up against the Amazon Queen. The sounds of pleasure echoing throughout the room told Diana one thing. Hippolyta loved being pleasured about as much as Diana loved doing the pleasure.“Baby, I like...I like this,” Hippolyta said with her eyes half screwed shut and a soft moan escaping from her lips. “Cum over me, my precious child.”Diana tried to enjoy this one. To enjoy the touch of her mother. Hippolyta caused Diana to melt like butter underneath the touch. Diana squirted all over Hippolyta and in response, Hippolyta oozed all over Diana. The squirting of juices coated Diana’s stomach all over.Both Amazon’s smiled at each other, pride and satisfaction dancing in her face.“I was blessed sharing that with you, Mother,’ Diana said.Hippolyta broke out into a smile. “I believe that it was I that who was blessed by enjoying our time together. And there is even more time to come. We’re far from finished.”Once again, Hippolyta pulled Diana into an extremely satisfying kiss. The hand of the Amazon Queen dipped down to grab her daughter’s firm backside and pull her even further. Hot and steamy exploration followed from the pair indulging in each other and making out very aggressively.“May I taste you once more?”Diana thought it would be a disservice to deny Hippolyta the opportunity. She swooped down and planted numerous kisses all over Diana’s abdomen. Hippolyta cleaned the mess Diana left on her before diving down and kissing her on the nether lips.The sun set and Diana thanked the divine protectors of the Amazons for this blessing. Today will not be a day Diana forgot for a long time. She let the exchange of pleasure loose from Hippolyta swooping down and lapping up Diana’s juices from between her legs.Hippolyta settled in for the long haul to pleasure Diana. It was as much as her daughter deserved for years of hard work and dedication to defeat her in victory.Diana collapsed into a fit of pleasure. Laying in wait for Hippolyta to offer up her pussy, which she did. And Diana paid tribute to the beautiful and powerful Queen Hippolyta into the night. Licks, sucks, fingers, and just grinding their sexes against each other in an attempt to get off filled the evening.They both collapsed eventually in a puddle of their own juices. Content, for now. And ready to find each other’s bodies one more time. The smiles told the story very well.End.