71. Mother Knows Best(Dinah Lance, Laurel Lance, an...

Caitlin Snow and Carla Tannhauser have a little mother/daughter fun in this blog exclusive smut: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2019/05/boiling-pointhit-mark-blog-exclusive.htmlMother’s Day is Sunday, so let’s celebrate with some good old fashioned Motherfucking. Classy I know. Mother Knows Best(Dinah Lance, Dinah Laurel Lance of Earth One/Black Canary, and Sara Lance/White Canary)

Two sisters staggered awake in a dark room, unable to process where they had been. Sara turned her head a fraction of an inch to the side to Laurel. Sara could not believe she let someone get the drop on her and Laurel had been captured as well. Whoever tied these knots had been very good as well.“Laurel?” Sara asked.“Sara?” Laurel asked groggily. “What the hell is going on?”“Well, we’re tied up,” Sara said.“That’s just great,” Laurel grumbled.Yeah, Sara figured just about as much. She had allowed herself to go a bit soft, and forgo the training that the League offered her. Because if she had been more sharp, Sara would not have been in this position. Imagining the look on Nyssa’s face caused Sara a lot more pain.“Good, you’re awake.”Sara saw their apparent abductor come into the light and who she saw shocked her to the core. Maybe, Sara was hallucinating although she doubted it.“Mom?”Dinah Lance just smiled at her two daughters. She dressed in a black leather jacket, a bustier top, and fishnets along with boots. Her hair had been done up in a ponytail, and she looked about ten years younger, if not more. And she was wearing a green medallion on her neck.“I’ve been doing some thinking,” Dinah said. “And my two daughters should be getting along better.”“Sara did sleep with my boyfriend,” Laurel said.“Yeah, I did sleep with her boyfriend,” Sara said. “And Laurel was….”“The past is the past,” Dinah said. “I’m going to untie you from these ropes, and we’re going to have a nice little chat.”Dinah removed Sara and Laurel from her ropes and released them. The two Lance sisters looked at their mother. Sara’s attention had been drawn by the medallion on her neck.“Mom, where did you get that?” Sara asked.“Oh, this piece of junk?” Dinah asked. “I found it on my last trip with Doctor Sandsmark. It was of no value, but...I felt a pull for it.”Oh, that explained why her mother was acting so weird and dressing like a playboy bunny. She was wearing some medallion, and Sara knew all about magical artifacts and how they could make a person act strange. Nyssa warned her the prettier the jewerly, the more dangerous it could be if it had mystic powers.“Enough about my jewelry,” Dinah said. “I want to see my girls kiss and make up.”“Oh, come on, we’re cool, now, aren’t we Sara?” Laurel asked.“Yeah, cool as ice,” Sara said. “Look, Laurel, we should go along with this….okay?”Sara did not know how to convey to her sister that her mother might be possessed by some kind of crazy demon without cluing in Dinah. So she grabbed Laurel and leaned in to kiss her on the cheek.“Sorry about sleeping with Oliver,” Sara said.“Yeah, and sorry about wishing you died at sea,” Laurel said.Dinah did not seem too appeased. In fact, she frowned and reached over to grab her youngest daughter by the shoulder. Sara could feel something, strong pulling her towards her mother. Sara tried to block it out, but it just dug in, increasing it’s pull towards Sara.“You call that a kiss?” Dinah asked. “This is a kiss.”And with that, Dinah pulled Sara in and practically shoved her tongue into Sara’s mouth. Laurel gasped in surprise as Dinah put her hands all over Sara and squeezed her daughter’s tight ass while kissing her. Far from fighting back from the kiss, Sara put her hands on the back of Dinah’s head and made out with her, nice, loudly, and hard.Dinah reached down Sara’s pants and started to play with her sex.“You are a naughty girl who is getting wet for your mother?” Dinah asked. “Did I raise you to be such a slut?”She looked up at Laurel, who had her mouth half open.“I want you to kiss your sister somewhere else,” Dinah said. “And I’ll reward you if you do.”Dinah stripped off Sara’s pants and revealed her wet sex to the world. Laurel looked down at her, surely her mother could not want Laurel do what she thought her mother wanted her to do. This had to be some kind of joke.The mother slipped behind her oldest daughter and wrapped her up around the hug. Laurel turned into butter. She could not believe she let another woman feel her up like this, and the fact it was Laurel’s own fucking mother drove her insane. Did someone put a bad batch of Vertigo into the water supply? Was she having a bad trip? What the hell was going on?“Let Mommy help.”Laurel’s mouth lowered to Sara. The first taste of Sara’s honey to her lips was not the worst thing Laurel ever had in her mouth. In fact, it tasted pretty good. Laurel got into her, hoping to appease her mother.She would woke up with a bad headache and this would all be a bad dream. Was that Dinah’s finger burying into her pussy? Oh of course it was, of course it was?Sara closed her eyes and enjoyed her sister’s tongue lapping her up. Laurel pleasured Sara with warm, vigorous strokes. Oh, Sara really wanted this, although she kept her wits about herself.That necklace dangled against Dinah’s neck. Somehow, Sara’s eyes drifted past the necklace and towards her mother’s warm, inviting cleavage. Oh, Sara needed to get it off her, without arousing suspicion.Laurel buried tongue first down into Sara and the shockwaves emitting from her pussy were mind-numbing and very good. Sara kept rocking her hips back and forth, repeatedly into Laurel’s line of sight or rather her tongue’s line of sight.Finally, Sara and Laurel both came, Sara thanks to Laurel and Laurel thanks to Dinah. Dinah moved in and licked the juices of her oldest daughter clean directly on her. And then, Dinah moved in and kissed Laurel’s lips, sucking Sara’s juices out from her.“You want to suck my tits, don’t you baby girl?” Dinah asked. “I couldn’t get you off of them when you were a baby...but I guess things haven’t changed.”Dinah exposed her nice supple tits to Sara. Sara could not keep one thought out of her mind. Her mother was a MILF and had tits which Sara wanted to suck. Sara dove down into Dinah and kissed her. Very messing sucks.Focus, focus, Sara tried to reason. She could get her mother’s mind blown and then get the necklace off of her. And then worry about what was going to happen next.Laurel pleasured her mother’s loins, returning the favor for earlier. She got onto her knees, and buried her face between Dinah’s warm inviting thighs.“Good girls, you can learn how to share and to work together,” Dinah said. “I’m so proud of you.”Sara could not say anything snappy, focused on her mother’s tits. And also trying to discreetly reach around her, on the pretext of feeling her up. Not that Dinah minded her daughter’s efforts. Both of them in fact, they were getting into this.The necklace, whatever it was, fed on carnal energy, and only increased the sexual attraction. Sara had to remember her breathing, her mind exercises, and the fact that she was strong enough to overcome whatever pull the necklace had.“You two have done a good job, it’s time for your reward.”Dinah positioned her daughters side by side and rubbed them to an orgasm from behind. It did not take too long before Dinah equipped herself with a strap on. Sara closed her eyes.“Do you think I could look you in the face while I fuck you, Mommy?” Sara asked in a little girl’s voice.Dinah chuckled while squeezing Sara’s ass. Sara was too used to men and women going after it. Oliver and Nyssa had been the two prime offenders of being obsessed with her ass. But, having her mother do it, it was another matter entirely.“Sweetie, I like you just right here, where you are.”“But, I want to see the pleasure….mmmm!”Dinah slid into Sara from behind. She slapped Sara’s ass and smiled when it bounced. The faster Dinah plunged into her, the more Sara got lost to it.“Yes, you naughty little girl,” Dinah breathed. “Naughty little girls deserved to be punished, don’t they?”“I deserve to be fucked more than her, mother,” Laurel said.Dinah slid out of Sara and straight into Laurel’s pussy. Her pride and joy, her oldest daughter, named after her, received a long plunge of the messy dildo just sliding inside of her body. Making her just cry out in pleasure. Sara’s juices lubricated Dinah’s toy and allowed them to slip into her.Being this was really bad trip, brought on by the Vertigo in the water supply, Laurel had no desire to hold back. She was just going to ride this fantasy, all the way. And allow her mother to ride her out.“It’s not nice to try and take Mommy’s necklace.”Dinah bent Sara over and spanked her while fucking Laurel. Sara had made an attempt to swipe Dinah’s necklace, only it did not happen. She kept Sara occupied for a while, before switching into her and shoving deep inside of her body.Sara tried, she tried, but failed. And now Dinah turned her complete attention on Sara. Burying deep inside of her with multiple thrusts which made Sara just lose it completely. Lose all focus on her. Dinah put her hands on Sara’s neck and kissed her repeatedly. Dinah left a very obvious mark on her neck by biting Sara.“Only I can make you feel this good, right?”For a second, Sara tried to make one last valiant attempt to fight. But why fight something which feels so good? Dinah held onto Sara and rode Sara.Both Laurel and Sara became obedient sex pets, to Dinah’s whim. Dinah just smiled, she really had them crying and moaning. Finding this necklace had opened up Dinah’s mind to new possibilities. She explored them briefly with Helena Sandsmark, and her research assistant, Diana. And now she explored them even more with her daughters.She was feeling so much younger, so much more vibrant, and ready to kick some serious ass. Along with taking her daughters. Fingerbanging one while fucking the other.Laurel’s knees weakened and quivered like jelly. Maybe, this was not a dream. Maybe not a trip? Maybe this was real. The thought did in fact cross her mind. And made her just feel naughtier? Oh, she was just a little motherfucker after all. And enjoyed being fucked by her mother.Sara wondered why did she even begin to fight this? This was so good, feeling her mother’s body up against hers. Dinah pressed her breasts against Sara.“Let’s face it, you all had thoughts about fucking me,” Dinah said. “I want my two pretty little birds to sing.”Sara and Laurel came undone from what their mother was doing to them. Oh, they could feel it, their knees practically knocking together with endless pleasure. The breaths coming from behind.Dinah let them go and they both came. And she did as well, and it happened to all over her daughters. Dinah just smiled and allowed her children to drop down onto the ground.“Such a mess you two made,” Dinah cooed. “Good thing I’m here to clean it up.”Dinah smiled when leaning towards her daughters. She picked them up on the ground and gave Laurel and Sara one more sweet kiss. They were submissive, docile from it. Dinah melted the resolve of her daughters like butter in her hands, making them only live for the next orgasm.“Oliver lost his mother, didn’t he?” Dinah asked.“Yes,” Sara said.“Tell the poor thing that if he needs someone to talk to, I’ll be there for him,” Dinah said. “Thea as well.”The calculating look on Dinah’s face made Sara just smile. She would happily deliver Thea and Oliver to her mother, if it made her happy. Because, then Sara would be really happy.Deep within the mind of Dinah, the wicked specter of Circe just chuckled. She did not need to pull too many strings. Give a little nudge towards this debauchery really. And she was under the impression that binding the Amazon in her own lasso and ass fucking her would be the highlight. Oh Circe could not be more wrong.Laurel and Sara dropped to their knees, worshipping their mother.  And Dinah leaned back, smiling. She felt powerful, like a goddess, and having her daughters worship her caused Dinah to be addicted to these waves of pleasure just coursing through her.End.