73. Unforgettable Evening(Clark Kent and Lena Lutho...

An Unforgettable Evening(Clark Kent/Superman and Lena Luthor)

Wrapped in a red cape, Lena Luthor sat on the bed. A fluttering outside of the balcony caught Lena’s attention. A light knock on the window caused her to avert her eyes towards the window.“You can come in.”The window opened and Superman appeared in front of her. Lena was glad to see him, after the last couple of days both of them had.“Lex went too far,” Superman said.“Yes, well hopefully he’ll finally pay for it,” Lena said. “I...wish i had seen what was happening sooner….”“I should have seen the signs,” Superman said.“How could you?” Lena asked. “Don’t go blaming yourself for Lex’s choices, because that’s a dangerous road. He was a ticking time bomb, just ready to explode. And you just happened to be the person unfortunate enough to light the fuse.”“You almost paid for it,” Superman said.A lot of people paid for it. Superman wondered if he should have seen the signs.“I did, you did, the only people who didn’t pay for it is the people who made Lex that way,” Lena said. “My father….and Lillian...one’s dead, and the other is hopefully rotting in a hole somewhere.”“You don’t mean that,” Superman said.“You didn’t have to grow up with them,” Lena said. “You can see the best in people and I respect that. Whoever you are, you must have had a good upbringing.”Did Lena have her suspicions who Superman was? Naturally, she did, but Lena figured any speculation was pointless. She could figure out who these heroes were, but what did it change? It only served to make her look smarter and to flaunt her superiority to everyone. That made her like Lex and turning out anything like Lex made Lena quesy.“You want your cape back, right?” Lena asked.“You can keep it,” Clark said.Lena just smiled and allowed the cape to slip from her. She crossed the room with surprising speed, her nude body pressing against Superman. Ever the boyscout, the Man of Steel looked away until Lena focused the issue.“Look, we both had a really shitty night,” Lena said. “One night, no strings attached, just forgetting Lex’s latest escapades...we both need this...and then we’ll move on with our lives.”Lena traced down Superman’s S and smiled. She reached down and could smile at the reaction.“We really shouldn’t be doing this.”“Live a little, Kal-El,” Lena said. “Because, tonight proved that a madman could end our life in a snap.”Lena kissed Superman’s lips, and he responded. Her skin felt so soft and the perfume she wore smelled so nice. Plus, Superman always thought that Lena was a very attractive woman. So, why not get into it? Lena stroked him through his tights and smiled.“Well, the Man of Steel is earned.”Using Superman’s cape as a cushion, Lena dropped to her knees and took the Man of Steel deep into her mouth, sucking him extremely hard. Superman groaned when Lena’s rather able lips wrapped around him. Sucking him very aggressively and making Superman just bury a little bit deeper down her throat. Oh, this was very good, Superman found himself very fortunate to feel what Lena was doing to him.Lena looked at him, eager eyes, and her mouth wrapping around him. Oh, she looked so beautiful, doing this, like an angel, although there was the naughtiness of a devil in her eyes. She darted her tongue and cradled his balls, worshipping him and taking him inside of her.Hearing Superman grunt like that was a mark of pride for Lena. She pulled out and licked all of Superman’s length, petting him all the way down and making him drip. He was so wet right about now, and Lena just smiled. She popped her lips all the way around him, aggressively sucking him off.She loved how Superman throbbed in her mouth.“Lena, you better be careful, once I get going.”Lena, rising to the challenge, bobbed her mouth up and down on the Man of Steel’s iron rod. She had her mouth stuffed full, cheeks bulging. Superman gently grabbed the back of her head. Despite his immense strength, he treated her body with great care.And Lena appreciated it and appreciated the flood of warm, semen. It tasted as warm and pleasant as a summer day, which was fitting even it was the sun which empowered them. Lena swallowed as much of Superman’s eruption as possible before he pulled away from her and coated her body.“What a mess,” Lena said. “Oh, but I should have known.”Lena wiped the cum off of her face and drank it. She could see Superman hard as ever before. Lena motioned for Superman to join her on the bed.“Get my pussy nice and wet,” Lena said. “Because, otherwise this wouldn’t work.”Superman balanced Lena into the air by his two thumbs. Legs spread Superman moved in and kissed Lena’s lips. He went in, tongue moving in a rhythmic pattern to stir up Lena’s juices a little bit more. Oh, Lena could just lose it completely the more Superman employed the full usage of his tongue onto her.“Is this working for you?” Superman asked.“YES!” Lena yelled. “OOH, SUPERMAN!”Superman drank the heavenly nectar which trickled down from Lena Luthor’s delicious peach. She moaned the faster Superman worked in. He got her pussy dripping and happy in no time flat.Lena dropped onto the bed. The landing was not rough, in fact, she went down like swandiving on a cloud. Superman’s hands placed all over Lena’s body and touched her all over. Some kisses planted all over her body, from her neck, back, and down into her hip. Superman rubbed between Lena’s legs and really got her going. Moaning even more the faster Superman moved into her.Superman edged his big cock deep into her inner chambers. Lena cried out and Superman stopped.“I didn’t tell you to stop.”She spoke with such conviction that Superman held onto her hips. He slid almost all the way inside of her, filling Lena’s tight pussy up with as much cock as he could shove into it. Lena clamped down onto him, moaning out loud. Superman rocked himself back and forth into her body.Oh, now Lena was getting it right now? Was this wrong? Was this something they should not be doing it? The thought of having this steamy sexual affair with the Man of Steel just made the Luthor heiress become damp with pleasure. Superman was all over her body.Tonight, Superman buried his frustrations with how the situation with Lex turned out until the very wet pussy of his half sister. A small, dark part of Superman’s mind, still intact from past exposures for Red Kryptonite, thought the best and sweetest exposure.“Your pussy is so tight, Lena,” Superman groaned.“Little looser after tonight,” Lena gasped. “Keep going.”In the most amazing turn of events, Lena did more damage to her bedding. Superman filled her, first from behind, and then by turning Lena around. His strong hands gently squeezed her soft tits, and made her moan while Superman slid her all the way down to him. The base of her wet pussy gushed all over Superman and flooded him with the tip, all the way to the base. So hot, and so good, Lena could just break down and gush all over him.“Keep going, don’t stop,” Lena pleaded of him.Superman thrusted as hard as Lena as he would dare. He had great control and Lena moaning in his ear showed she really liked what he was giving her.“I’ve always wanted to fuck you,” Lena said.“Well, you can scratch that item off of your bucket list,” Superman said with a smile.The two kissed each other. Lena could not get bored of what Superman was doing with her, not by the long shot. He had her pressed down and treating her body like fine wine. If only she had a good bottle of wine to pour over her body, so Superman could lick it clean.“Keep it up,” Lena said. “Don’t bother pulling out...those red solar lamps are going to make any….eruption inside of me safe.”“Wait, you have red solar lamps in your bedroom,” Superman said.No wonder he was sweating. Lena wrapped her legs around him and actually had Superman weak enough to leave lasting marks on his flesh by dragging her nails on it.“I told you I wanted to fuck you,” Lena said. “And I was prepared. Did I blow your mind so badly you forgot my last name?“Absolutely not, Ms. Luthor.”Lena had Superman on his back and she was riding him. She mounted him like a prized race horse and he was most certainly hung enough to be one. Her pussy, stretched out and wet, slid repeatedly over Superman’s long manhood and she fucked herself silly on him.Superman tried to hold back. Lena’s intoxicating scent, dark hair brushing over his body, breasts scrapping over it, and long kisses, never mind the warm velvet vice she had him in weakened him more than Kryptonite. And Lena grinned even wider when thrusting all the way down on her.“Mmmm!”They kissed while Superman blasted Lena’s insides with his seed. A never ending eruption poured into Lena. She came harder around him.Normally, Lena was not much a cuddler post-sex, but this was fucking Superman. And she just fucked Superman. Oh, Lena just smiled, when wrapping her arms around the Man of Steel. Kissing him softly, and enjoying his body, nice and sweaty, and sexy, smelling really good post sex.Lena only had one more pressing question in mind.“Can I keep the cape?”“You can keep the cape,” Superman said.Lena responded by kissing the hero who had done so much for them. And chuckled into his neck when realizing if Lex ever found out about this night, he just might have an aneurysm.End.