74. Bent At the Knees(Kara and Faora)(5/15/2019 Upd...

Bent At the Knees(Kara Danvers and Faora)

Kara Zor-El, Supergirl, laid down on the ground, breathing heavily. The dark haired woman landed down on top of her. Despite Kara’s attempts to struggle to her feet, she could not. The woman looked murderous, brutal, and also gorgeous as hell. Faora, who had been sent into the Phantom Zone by Kara’s Aunt Astra all of those years ago. Faora put her hand on Kara’s shoulder to force her down.“You wear this symbol like it means something,” Faora said.“Means more than being Zod’s lap dog,” Kara said.Faora tore the “S” symbol off of Kara’s chest and exposed her chest to the horrified public. She grabbed Kara by the hair, while snapping a collar around her neck. Faora dragged Kara around the town square, like some kind of prized pet. All Kara could do was thrash, and groan in her valiant attempts to break free. But, they did not happen. Oh, they did not happen. Kara, no matter what, could not break out.“You should be honored that you would be at my feet,” Faora said. “And you will be honored to kiss my boots.”Kara kissed Faora’s boots at a little prompting. Faora’s smile radiated on Kara. The Kryptonian fugitive wiggled her boots loose, while also sliding a pink crystal against the side of Kara’s neck.“Now, you’re mine,” Faora said.Kara, without being told, took Faora’s toes and sucked them quite eagerly. She went from fighting this, to worshipping Faora. Worshipping her feet, kissing them, and doing whatever she could to serve her mysterious. The crazed Kryptonian woman smiled and leaned down towards Kara.“Kiss my pussy.”The Girl of Steel scrambled to do so. Faora hissed in pleasure from Kara’s obdience. She undid the armor and allowed Kara to taste her juices unrestrained. Kara’s tongue, wet, pink, and eager, slid all over Faora’s opening. Faora just grabbed the back of her head and guided Kara in a little bit deeper.“The entire world is watching you kneel before me,” Faora said. “I just opened the door into your depraved little mind. You claim to be this world’s protector, but all you want is to serve a more powerful woman. And soon, all of the women of Earth will do so, while the men line up around me, begging for seconds.”Faora would keep a few of the stronger or more amusing ones, and kill the rest. Kara’s pretty little face dove down between her legs.“If only Astra had been alive to be in your position,” Faora said. “Or Alura...well it doesn’t matter, does it? Because, you’re more than enough to make up for all of the time I spent stewing in the Phantom Zone. I stewed in my own juices and then it’s time to stew in yours.”Kara’s mental state was a mess. She knew that there were people watching. The flashbulbs capturing every moment of her kneeling before the fallen Kandorian Commander and eating her out. But, yet, Kara could not help and be bent at the knees to eat Faora out.“Enough,” Faora said. “To your feet, Superpet.”The Girl of Steel rose and Faora owned her tits by squeezing them. Kara’s shirt had been ripped in half, exposing her flat stomach. She breathed heavily when material had been ripped from her skirt. Faora was tearing through her clothes and tearing through the symbol that was Supergirl.“So, turn and smile for the camera, Superpet,” Faora said.Kara flashed a smile as Faora rubbed that pink crystal up against her lips. The dust particles intermixed with Kara’s juices and made her as so horny she could fuck a steel pole.“Pink Kryptonite makes even the strongest of us a bit more...liberated,” Faora said. “It’s the current year, women should be proud of what they feel after all. And I will enjoy feeling your pussy.”“This is...you’re….you’re…..”“Shh, sweet little Kara, let me make you feel things that you couldn’t make you feel,” Faora said. “Alexandra? Lena? We’ll keep them as pets, as we reshape the world, but only I can make you feel this good.”The finger dipping into Kara’s gushing pussy made her feel as good as possible. Faora knew all of the right ways to press Kara’s buttons. Currently, she pressed on the one that mattered.Faora rearranged Kara’s outfit, to ensure that the rest of the world knew she was fucking Supergirl. To give them a good view, Faora held up the tattered symbol which she ripped up off of her face.“Be honest with me,” Faora said. “What did you think of me before I drugged you with the Pink Kryptonite?”“I thought you were hot, but crazy,” Kara said. “Oh, Rao, why do all of the hot ones have to be so crazy?”Faora just smiled and pressed her lips down onto Kara’s neck. She bit Kara’s neck and ensured the entire world knew that Kara belonged to her. Faora’s fingers brushed against Kara’s back passage and she reacted quite vocally to it.“Soon enough, Superpet,” Faora said. “For now.”The strap on, equipped with more of the Kryptonite, brushed against Kara’s opening. She felt as if her pussy had been set on fire and there was only one thing and one thing alone which would quench the fire. Faora offered it to her, sliding deep inside of her tight pussy.“I have you,” Faora said. “Who do you belong to?”Kara, in some vain attempt to struggle back her scream, tried to fight this. Faora slammed her onto a hood of a car, rocking the ground. Faora held onto Kara’s hips and rocked back and forth onto her.“I didn’t hear you.”Faora grabbed ahold of Kara’s hair and pulled back. The DEO agents who started to close in had been rocked back. One of them was Kara’s own sister. Oh, how Kara did not want to be seen like this in front of Alex. But, yet she could not resist what Faora was doing.“Tell the entire world whose bitch you are?”Faora edged Kara and pulled back, denying her the orgasm. Kara realized she would not get to cum unless she admitted it. Faora leaned into Kara and rubbed her pussy repeatedly.“Who do you belong to, Superpet?”“Faora.”Kara said the name barely in a whisper. The finger pushing into her ass teased Kara. Faora leaned over to Kara. Her hot breath on Kara’s neck, ear, and hair made the Girl of Steel’s heat up all over.“Say it so loud that they can hear you over the humans who pleasure themselves to this video.”The sounds of people masturbating to this hit Kara’s ears. Now Kara heard it, she could not unhear it. It made her so wet, so hot and so gushing wet. Countless men and women masturbating to her humiliation. It turned Kara on.“I’m Faora’s bitch!” Kara yelled out. “I belong to her! Everything belongs to her. There’s no part of my body that she can’t have!”Faora turned Kara over and laid her out on the hood of the car. She spread Kara’s ass cheeks, opening her asshole. The skirt flipping up exposed more of Kara’s cheeks. Faora waved Kara’s torn symbol in her face. She lapped up Kara’s juices with the symbol cloth and licked it clean.“All this symbol is worth to me is a cum rag,” Faora concluded. “To clean up your dirty little pussy after I’ve fucked it.”Faora’s fingers, diving deep into Kara’s puckered cheeks, sent a flare of very intense lust through her body. Oh, Kara was feeling it, feeling it, and about ready to feel it penetrated.“Open your eyes. I want to see the lust in them when I fuck your ass.”Kara’s attempts to break free from Faora’s fingers wrapping around her hips had faded. Oh, no matter what, Faora was going to own her and she was going to love it. Kara’s tight asshole opened up for Faora to slide all the way into there. And take her ass whether or not Kara was ready.She did not mean to scream so loud. Time pretty much froze as Faora caused windows to shatter from the force she drove into Kara’s ass. Kara closed her eyes and just let it.“You want me to keep doing this, don’t you?”“Y-yes!”“Yes, what?”“YES! MISTRESS FAORA!”It had been a slip of the tongue. Kara did not mean to say it. She could not help it. She would do anything for Faora. Only if Faora would make her feel so good. Faora dug her nails into Kara’s sweet backside and rammed into her, pummeling her hard.Faora clutched onto Kara’s ass and plunged into her extremely hard. She rode The Girl of Steel towards a gushing orgasm.“Earth’s protector,” Faora said.She said this in the most condescending manner. Kara realized that Supergirl had fallen, and failed on this day.  Faora grabbed ahold of Kara’s hair and looked her dead on in the eye.“What you call insanity, is clarity? For all you’ve done for these people, they will turn on you. Years of service will be erased one mistake. The well had been poisoned. I will open your eyes and show you what I mean. But, for now, I want you to cum before me, Superpet!”The daughter of Alura came underneath Faora. The niece of Astra, the niece of Jor-El, and the holder of this symbol which had been stained by her own arousal, succumbed. Faora triumphed over Supergirl.And now Faora would break Supergirl down and rebuild her as a worthy second in command. They would create a new Krypton here on Earth. Faora put her hand on Supergirl’s hip and pushed as far into her ass as humanly possible to get her to erupt even more.“Such a mess,” Faora said. “You can’t resist me any more than everyone watching now can resist fondling themselves to your humiliation.”Kara realized the video of herself would be plastered all over the Internet. She could not cry. She was cumming too hard to cry. Faora turned her into a devoted sex slave. Not living for truth, justice, and the America way. Rather, Kara lived only for her next orgasm.Faora finished all over Kara. Kara laid on the hood of the severely dented car. Breathing in, breathing out. Eyes fixed on Faora waving the symbol.Kara flipped over, a river of juices flooding from her body. Faora placed her foot firmly on Kara’s reddened ass as a twisted symbol of victory. She held up Kara’s ruined symbol in triumph.Faora smiled. If this was what this planet had to offer, becoming their new ruler would be simple. Supergirl succumbed and the rest would fall in line.A few more pictures snapped of Supergirl’s humiliation drove the entire point home.End.