75. Speed Run(Barry, Caitlin, Iris, and Felicity)(5...

Felicity and Mia have some mother-daughter fun in some blog exclusive smut: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2019/05/coming-on-tophit-mark-blog-exclusive.htmlSpeed Run(Barry Allen/Felicity Smoak/Caitlin Snow/Iris West)

The whirlwind of the past couple of years of Felicity Smoak had been something. Mistakes, made mostly by her, granted. Felicity had been a part of Team Arrow, but after a particularly messy break up with Oliver, she decided to head over to Central City to figure out what she wanted out of her life. Oliver, either was dating Laurel again, or they had some kind of friends with benefits relationship, Felicity did not know, did not care, and felt it was not her business to pry. Not anymore.Working at Star Labs gave Felicity the chance to do something constructive with her life. And right now, she stood outside of the lab, and admired Caitlin Snow’s beauty from afar. Someone who Felicity admired quite contest. Not that she did not admire the man on the table, stripped down to his underwear.“So, what’s the damage?” Barry asked her.“Well, the swelling will go down, given enough time,” Caitlin said. “But, we need to be sure that the swelling cannot get any worse, and we’ll need the proper amount of stimulation to test that...so Felicity?”Felicity, happy to help, stepped into the lab. Caitlin, putting her hand through Felicity’s hair, pulled her in close. The two lovely ladies kissed each other.“I’m not sure this is helping with any swelling,” Barry said.Caitlin, smiling, reached behind and rubbed Barry. First through his shorts, and then she took Barry’s member out of his pants. Caitlin’s soft, silky fingers wrapped around Barry’s pole and rubbed him with her hand.Oh, Felicity took her attention away from Caitlin’s nice, rosy lips, to admire Barry’s throbbing hard manhood. It was hard not admire such a thing, even from afar. Barry, placing a hand on her thigh, and rubbing it, brought new sensations into Felicity.Once Barry’s libidio got going, there was no stopping it. Caitlin knew this full well and kept pumping him, making his balls and cock swell up to the point of near release.“Time to put that mouth to a good use, Ms. Smoak.”“I would love to,” Felicity said.Felicity dropped her jacket to use as a mat and dropped down. She worshipped Barry’s tight abs and moved in, to push Barry’s length into her mouth. Oh, Barry, was nice and gifted. And Barry buried his thick tool as deep into Felicity’s warm and wet mouth as humanly possible.“Use her mouth like a pussy,” Caitlin said while masturbating herself.Barry could hardly turn up such an enticing offer and he pushed himself deep into Felicity’s mouth. He could feel her warm tongue and throat lavish him. Her perfect lips, meant for sucking. A naughty thought entered Barry’s mind several times, where when Felicity kept babbling, he wanted to shove his cock down her throat.And he really wished he did. Several times over, rocking Felicity over over. Felicity took the first blast of cum deep down her throat, and Barry kept riding her.Barry was so prolific with his orgasm, Felicity let go of him thinking he was done. Rockets full of cum blasted Felicity’s face, and covered her glasses with cum.“That’s a mess,” Felicity said.Caitlin took Felicity’s glasses off and sucked the juices off of them. She made a production of doing so and offered a hand for Felicity to get up. Nice and clean, Caitlin placed Felicity’s glasses back on and stripped off her clothes.Barry, standing full at attention, joined the two lovely ladies at the table. One blonde and one brunette, and all hot and ready to go. Felicity shaved her pussy, and Caitlin trimmed it neatly. But they were both lovely and ready to stroke. So, Barry did, alternating between their bodies and sending them into fits of pleasure.Barry moved from pussy to pussy like a blur. Fingering them, licking them, enjoying the taste. Oh, both of them tasted so great. Caitlin flowed more like a steady drip while Felicity oozed like a broken water hose. Barry alternated, going from pussy to pussy, and hammering them with his tongue.Spreading Felicity’s tight lips opened her up.“OH GOD!”“He really is that good,” Caitlin said with a smile. “Oh, you’ve seen nothing yet.”Barry went at Felicity, fucking her pussy and going so fast that Felicity could taste the juices of her own orgasm seconds later when Barry buried himself deep into Felicity’s mouth. And then he switched to riding away at Caitlin’s mouth and then going inside of her pussy.Girls who knew he was the Flash, well he could have a lot more fun with it.Felicity breathed in and out, dripping over the table. Barry held her hips down and thrust inside of her. He went at her so hard.“Thankfully not the fastest man alive when it counts.”“You’re only about the fifth person to make that joke,” Barry said.Barry switched off to Caitlin and plowed her inside. Caitlin, tightening her hands around Barry, moaned even louder. She wanted to feel him, feel him just burst into her. Caitlin thought she had been very lucky to have Barry in her life and sharing him with Felicity and others, well that just made her hotter. To think Barry was capable of pleasing many women at once.From hole to hole, Barry did the dance. He gave Felicity and Caitlin so many hot orgasms.Oh, Felicity thought she had hit the jackpot. It was like finding a roll of one hundred dollar bills after losing your credit card. You know, other than the possibility that it might be drug money and thus tainted. Felicity, resolved not to take this and make it too complex. Just enjoyed being fucked relentlessly, and barely even coming down from her last orgasm before Barry rode her again.Seconds later, both Caitlin and Felicity laid, winded on the bed.“Barry Allen, I can’t believe the nerve of you!”Standing in the door was Iris West, hands on hips posed. She stared down at Barry who had been just pulling out of Caitlin.“You have these two fine bitches, and you don’t even invite me to have fun,” Iris said. “I mean...that’s just mean. I’m practically your sister.”Iris gave a cute little pout. Oh, Barry did not soften at the reminder that he and Iris had grown up together, and thus were practically brother and sister. Iris unbuttoned her blouse about as fast as a non-speedster could, and dropped it to the ground. Her skirt followed and Iris crossed the room, before kissing Barry. Barry grabbed onto Iris’s tight ass, and pulled her close to her.“Now, just so you remember, no one can make you feel better than your sister,” Iris said. “I mean, I know you better than anyone else.”Iris ground up against Barry and unclipped her bra releasing her delicious tits to the world. And to Barry’s groping hands.“You watch way too much anime,” Barry said in between sucks.“Only because of you, babe” Iris said.Iris ground her wet pussy over Barry’s member and took control of it. She slid all the way down onto it.“So, brother-sister kink?” Felicity asked. “When was this a thing?”Caitlin, climbing on top of Felicity, caressed her body.“Don’t know, but it’s hot, isn’t it?”“Yeah, I guess it is,” Felicity said.Her masturbation experience was thinking about her mother, so Felicity could not really throw any stones regarding any kinks. Besides, she was open minded to the fact that she had kinks that some people would call problematic. Because, quite frankly, some people were prudes.Speaking of kinks, Caitlin turned Felicity so she could bury deep into Felicity’s ass.“How does your big sister’s pussy feel?” Iris breathed in Barry’s ear. “Does it feel nice, wrapped around your big, hard, throbbing cock?”“Yes, yes, it really does,” Barry said. “Oh, you’re going to make me cum.”“Oh, you naughty boy, wanting to cum inside of me,” Iris said. “If you’re not careful, I’m going to make to take a more firm hand on you, dear brother.”Iris pushed herself all the way down onto her. She gave Caitlin a hand, as Caitlin alternated between Felicity’s pussy and her delightful ass crack. Iris just smiled.Say what you may about Felicity Smoak, but the girl had a fine, fine, booty.“So, do want your big sister to help you fuck that silly little slut’s ass?” Iris asked. “I bet you do, don’t you, Barry? She wears tight skirts and beds over all of the time. No one does that, unless they have a anal fetish.”“Given all of the times I’ve bent you over the dinner table, you would know all about that.”“Mmm, I cook you a nice dinner, and you reward me by fucking me in the ass,” Iris said. “And then I ride you wearing nothing but an apron...and you eat dessert over my nice tits!”“Oh, damn it, Iris, you’re going to make me burst.”“Good thing those reserves fill up nice,” Iris said. “Suck on your sisters tits, Barry, suck on them hard!”Felicity could not help and cry out in pleasure. Caitlin rubbed her toy against Felicity’s ass crack and got it nice and wet. She figured that Barry would want first dibs.Being nice and wet from Iris’s pussy allowed Barry into Felicity’s well prepared ass. Barry fucked it, not from behind, but from the front. So he could see the look in Felicity’s eyes while he thrust deep into her fine, fine ass.“All of those squats are paying off,” Felicity managed.“I don’t know, you tell me.”Barry lifted Felicity up and she squatted up and down onto Barry’s ass. She would have counted it out, but every three or four numbers, Felicity screamed and lost count. On account of Barry’s hands being everywhere at once and moving at super speed.Caitlin rode Iris into the bed, sliding her cock all the way into Iris’s pussy. Iris, tightening around her, could feel the pleasure of her fellow team mate.“You’re getting off on your brother fucking another woman up the ass, you dirty slut,” Caitlin said. “And you wish it was you, wasn’t it?”“Getting a bit frosty, aren’t you, Cait?”Caitlin smiled and forcefully fucked Iris. Every now and then, she could feel Barry’s hands come off her, hitting Caitlin in the asshole and then fingering Iris’s asshole.Time passed and all three lovely ladies assumed the position against the wall. Barry lined them up and fucked their asses one at a time.Oh, Barry was going so fast from woman to woman, and had to remember to slow down to savor their tight anal rings around him. They all felt so good and so warm in his hands, bouncing up against them. Moving about them, like an endless blur.Felicity’s knees buckled. Caitlin created ice shackles to hold her up to the wall and allow Barry to endlessly ride her. He stimulated her pussy as well.“OOOH BARRY!”That cry out for pleasure only echoed throughout the room. Barry pumped Felicity’s ass full of his seed and reloaded just as quickly.“Don’t worry, sexy, I’ll take a little bit of your heat, but it will feel good for both of us,” Caitlin mewled.Oh, Caitlin absorbing his heat while he fucked her ass caused a thrill to build through Barry. Barry enjoyed every inch of Caitlin’s body, lifting her legs up and sucking on her pretty little toes while fucking her.Then, after cumming inside of Caitlin’s ass, Barry switched the goddess which was Iris. Iris’s rich, dark-skinned body, dripped with sweat and arousal. Barry grabbed onto her thick booty and rocked deeper inside of her. Iris, clamping down onto him, moaned out.“Give the biggest load to your sister!” Iris screamed. “After all we’ve been through, I deserve it….you know that I deserve your big load.”Oh, Barry could not help and nail Iris up the ass harder every time she played the sister card. Perhaps they had been a bit messed up, but it did not matter. Barry’s loins charged with a super fast flurry. He finished the speed run through their asses and finished inside of Iris.All three women, sliding down the wall with her asses well-fucked, ever. Iris, Felicity, and Caitlin, all three of them looked even sexier after being well fucked. And they were gorgeous women.“Well, we should do this more often,” Felicity said.“We do this about every day,” Iris said.“And how am I wrong?” Felicity asked.Caitlin snorted. Felicity did have fascinating point.“I have to agree with Felicity,” Caitlin said.“And I would too.”“I would argue with you, but I can’t when you’re all so right,” Iris said.Iris wrapped her arms around Barry and gave him a wet, passionate kiss. They should have been doing this much sooner and more often, but still, Iris cherished the moments she had with Barry.All three women had been helped up by Barry, who would put them all to bed. Although, there might not be too much sleeping when they got back.End.