78. Opening the Breach(Powergirl and Gypsy)(5/29/20...

Opening the Breach(Karen Starr/Power Girl and Cynthia/Gypsy)

Gypsy’s work took her to Earth Two, to hunt down and bring down a very dangerous fugitive, who had taken with him a very dangerous explosive device. He had been slippery, given the ability had to blend into the shadows. Cynthia thought she would be hunting him.Thankfully, Earth-Two’s resident Kryptonian, Power Girl, gave her a hand. Gypsy returned to the woman’s penthouse after sending the fugitive back to Earth Nineteen. Power Girl, or Karen as she had been known in her day to day life, sat on the couch, chilling by binging the latest shows and drinking some wine. She turned it off.“So, what can I do for you, Gypsy?” Karen asked.“Well, I’d like to thank you for what you’ve done,” Gypsy said. “Six months worth of hunting and you managed to stop him. Granted, I love my job, and I’ve given up a lot for my job but it’s just….”“It can be taxing sometimes,” Karen said. “Especially from the ones you lost.”Gypsy nodded. She eyed Karen. Beautiful, the perfect woman, with the perfect figure. Gypsy had been with both men and women in the past. Although it had been a while since she had been with a woman quite like Power Girl. Actually, she was with about three other women kind of like Power Girl, given the multiverse and their counterparts on different Earths. She crossed the room.“So are you going to stare at me all day?” Karen asked. “Or is there something on my face?”“No, there’s nothing on your face,” Gypsy admitted. “It’s just...well...you’re...beautiful.”Karen just smiled.“You’re pretty damn gorgeous yourself,” Karen said. “Why don’t you come a little bit closer?”Gypsy, heart fluttering, did just that, stepping inside of the room. Karen grabbed Gypsy’s hand and pulled her in closer. Gypsy decided not to beat around the bush. Her line of work was dangerous and it could all end in a minute. Better to seize these moments while she could.They kissed, and enjoyed each other’s bodies. It had been explosive. Hands explored and then undressed each other. Gypsy and Power Girl, Cynthia and Karen, regardless of the name.Karen laid Gypsy’s fine body on the hair. Her dark-skin shined with a bit of sweat and a little bit of arousal. Her fit, toned body, nice supple breasts, a flat toned tummy, and an ass to die for, along with legs inspired Karen.“So, what do you think?” Gypsy asked.“It’s time for me to open a breach of my own.”The finger slid deep in between Gypsy’s slick lips at this word. She rocked back a little bit, with a heaveningly moan echoing through her body. Oh, Karen knew precisely all of the right spots to attack and she dove in for the attack. One finger, two fingers, and three fingers, all in a row, all deep inside of her.Gypsy, rolling her hips back, let out a very passionate moan. Karen knew precisely how to attack her. Her fingers worked Gypsy over the edge, to a very messy orgasm.“Wow, it must have been a while for you.”A smile passed over Gypsy’s face. She looked at Karen’s breasts, properly looking at them for the first time. She was certain they had some kind of magnetic pull, all worth their own.“Yes, it has been...but I was wondering.”“Help yourself,” Karen said. “Never fails.”Karen chuckled before Gypsy dove deep inside of Karen’s chest and started to suck her breasts extremely hard. Karen, putting her hands on the back of Gypsy’s head, guided her through the very intense and extremely hot breast sucking. Gypsy knew how to bring pleasure to a woman.Gypsy’s hands, talented for more than opening breeches, rubbed Karen’s womanhood. Her pussy felt rather good. Gypsy, being with at least three other Kryptonian women in the past, knew the right ways to apply pressure, to make them feel it. And Karen sure felt it.Karen closed her eyes. Gypsy sucked on her breasts, felt her pussy, and Karen created a pool on the ground with her legs spreading even more. Her body, hot and ready, primed for an explosion kept moving her hips back and forth. Oh, Gypsy could just keep going.The honey spilled out of Karen. Gypsy tasted it. Savoring the moment. She climbed up and gave Karen a kiss. A breach opened behind them and Karen reached behind it.“That’s living dangerously,” Gypsy said. “You really shouldn’t reach into a breach without…..ooooh!”Karen reached through the breach to grab ahold of Gypsy’s ass and squeeze it tightly.“I think it was worth the risk, wouldn’t you?”Those super powerful fingers kneading her buttocks made Gypsy think it was more than worth the risk. She opened up a second breach, hoping she timed it right. Gypsy would know. She stuck her tongue through the breach.On the other side, Gypsy hit Karen’s pussy. Oh, she never really did this before, lick another woman’s pussy through a breach. However, it made her feel tingling inside. Something about this made Karen hotter and more bothered than before. Thrusting her hips forward into Gypsy’s mouth.“Oh, you kinky little breacher, you know what I like.”Gypsy closed the breaches and turned Karen around. Bending her over the bed, Gypsy licked Karen’s pussy. All while opening a breach for Karen to slide her fingers through and tease Gypsy’s pussy and ass. Bending another woman over, while getting her pussy fingered and ass grabbed through the breach was a thrill that Gypsy never thought she would have. She opened a second breach and Karen’s mouth appeared at the other end, playfully nibbling on her nipples.“This is….against so against protocol!”“Don’t worry, I won’t tell,” Karen said in between breast sucks.The breaches made this little encounter an even more tangled mess of limbs and tongues. Gypsy lost control of the breaches and collapsed on the ground.Karen put her on the bed and ate up Gypsy greedily. Oh, Gypsy lazily slipped her hand through a breach to stroke Karen’s pussy, to encourage her to keep eating. As she felt around, a door opened up, and a dildo slid out of it, into Gypsy’s hand.Working her hand, clasped with the dildo, through the breach, Gypsy slammed it as hard as she could through the Kryptonian’s love tunnel. She might get wrist strain because of this, but it was worth it. She pulled the dildo out every dozen or so thrusts to lick it clean of Karen’s juices.Gypsy abused the breaches, to touch places which she would not normally be able to touch. Naturally, Karen did not mind that. In fact, she encouraged it. Like some kind of sexy devil on Gypsy’s shoulder, just encouraging the gross abuse of her powers.Karen brought Gypsy to one orgasm after another as reward for her constant exploration through the breaches and into Karen’s body. Karen came up from her after a while. She crawled up Gypsy’s body and kissed her. Gypsy tasted how aroused she was. How Power Girl’s warm mouth just captured the entire essence of her.They kissed, harder and more vigorously than ever before, with Power Girl’s fingers dancing all over Gypsy’s tight body and tipping her over the edge, making her cry out in pleasure. Power Girl moved in closer, like some sexual huntress, like the prey which demanded to be devoured.Oh, Gypsy just could lose it completely. Now, their bodies touched directly. Power Girl scissored Gypsy for a very long time. Making her cry out in so much pleasure it rocked her from head to toe.Karen opened more than a breach. She opened Gypsy’s asshole to lick it open. The taste of Gypsy’s own juices combined with Karen’s salvia opened up a back passage. Gypsy’s toes, curling with delight, and her moans, getting louder, increased the faster Karen twirled her tongue inside. Savoring the touch, and more importantly savoring the taste of Gypsy’s tightest, back hole.“I have to, I’m sorry.”She finger-banged Gypsy’s ass.“I can open a breach, if you want something.”“I’m good for now, and you’re still much too coherent.”Gypsy opened a breach she could return the favor by licking Karen’s asshole. The two women moaned as they tasted each other’s asses and pussies. This new position, only possible thanks to the abuse of breaches, made both of them happy and both of their orgasms reached the breaking point sooner rather than later.They came all over the place and all over each other.The breach closed and Gypsy, dangling lazily off of the bed, with Karen on top of her, breathed heavily.“Let me know if you need any more help,” Karen said.Gypsy struggled to figure out whether Power Girl meant with the criminals or getting laid. Because, she could use it on both accounts. Karen’s large breasts, surprisingly neglected during this entire encounter, pressed against Gypsy’s back while spooning her from behind.“Breaches were never meant to be used in that way,” she muttered.“Maybe, but you can’t deny that is a fun use of them,” Karen said.Cynthia found it extremely agree to disagree with that. She could surprise Karen from several Earth’s over in any number of fun ways, if she played her cards right. Breaching in underneath the table while Karen was in a board meeting for example was a tantalizing possibility.Of course, breaching in such a matter should only be done by a certified professional.End.