79. Chased Down(Lisa Snart and Thea Queen)(5/29/201...

Chased Down(Lisa Snart/Golden Glider and Thea Queen/Speedy)

Nothing like a good heist to get the blood pumping. At least in Lisa Snart’s opinion. Granted, she just snatched a purse, and not knocked off a bank. Still, done in the middle of a party in Star City, right under the nose of the rich and the elite. She managed to charm her way into the party, using some douchebag city councilman as her designated sucker.The handbag in her hand looked to be pretty expensive and Lisa hardly could wait to see the contents in side. Of course, it was merely not the score which mattered, but rather the thrill.A figure swooped down and startled Lisa. One arrow shot the purse out of her hand and another arrow hit her, exploding and binding Lisa up in ropes dropping her down to the ground. She fell down, not to see an archer in green, but rather one in red. A young woman, by the looks of her very fine figure, although she had her hands on hips.“Oh, Red Archer...Girl?” Lisa asked. “I’m sorry, I don’t know.”“Speedy.”Lisa raised an eyebrow. “With a name like that, you should be Flash’s sidekick.”Speedy looked unplused and unamused at her quip. Obviously must have heard it before, several times, so it was not like Lisa broke new group with her quippage.“You’re a long way from Central City, Ms. Snart.”“Well, you caught me,” Lisa said. “You caught me...but just once purse...and I don’t even know who it belongs to...must be a slow night if you’re after purse snatchers.”“I could have sworn that you reformed,” Speedy said.“Yeah, going straight never really appealed to me,” Lisa said with a knowing smile. “But, maybe you could let me off with a warning...just to see if it sticks. I’ll go to my room and think about you having me tied up on my knees, helpless, long and hard.”Thea looked at the beautiful brunette on her knees. It had been a bit rough taking care of Starling City for those past couple of months ever since Oliver dropped off of the map. Not even Felicity could locate him, which meant that wherever Oliver was, he either did not want to be found, or had been taken by people capable enough to mask his presence from someone like Felicity.“You get off,” Thea said. “But, only if you get me off.”“Mmm, nothing like this ever happens in Central City,” Lisa said. “Normally, the criminals there spend a year locked in a secret basement underneath Star Labs. Well, the metas do anyway.”Speedy pulled down her pants and exposed her pussy. She grabbed Lisa by the hair and pulled her over.“You know, this would be a lot easier if you untied my hands,” Lisa said.“Just get to work.”Lisa leaned in and kissed her smooth toned thighs. Oh, no point in not enjoying this. Not enjoying putting her soft, savory lips all over the archer’s thighs. Making sure to get them nice and wet and her pussy, oh her pussy would follow soon enough.Thea put a hand on the back of Lisa’s head and guided it between her legs. Lisa’s tongue found the center, slowly licking it up. She really was good at this, and Thea really needed this stress relief. Lisa stole her favorite bag, and it had been the wrong night to do something like that.“Really make me think you want off.”Oh, Lisa knew this archer wanted off alright. She made a show out of it, a show out of tasting the young woman’s sweet pussy. It tasted sweet, savory, and very good. The juices, flowing into Lisa’s warm mouth, made her just hunger for even more.Oh, she tasted better than bourbon. Lisa lapped up more of the woman’s juices, getting her going forward. The back of the woman’s hands were on Lisa’s head.Thea reached up to play with her nipples to enhance the arousal. Oh, yes, Lisa Snart pushed all of the right buttons, that much was for sure. Lisa, leaning on in to Thea, sucked her nether lips, hotter, harder, with more vigor, and more intensity. She really was good.“Doing a good job so far.”Lisa always put her all into any job. No need to half ass it. Especially since such a beautiful woman was before her and one which had Lisa at her mercy. Oh, all of the things Speedy could do to her. Lisa did not, oh Lisa had to. She really had to eat, such, and lick every inch of Speedy’s heated and delicious mound.“Mmmmph!”Those sounds coming from Speedy encouraged Lisa to dive deeper. She ate her up.“Well, you are serious about this,” Thea said. “I’m almost done...but you sure won’t be.”Oh, Lisa wondered what Speedy meant by her statement. Lisa slipped her tongue in, making sweet and hot love between her mouth and Speedy’s pussy. The woman’s heaveningly juices spurted out and spilled into Lisa. Lisa sucked the juices in so hard, savoring every moment.She allowed the taste to linger in her mouth. Speedy pulled away and oh, Lisa could not help and lick her exposed abs. Speedy’s tight stomach was so fine, Lisa practically drooled over it.“So, are you going to give me a peak underneath the mask?”“Not on the first date.”“Right.”Obviously vigilantes in Star City were a bit more guarded with their secret identities then Central City. Handy information to have when comparing the cities.“So, do you have a strap on in that quiver of yours?”“Yes.”Lisa only had been joking. However, Speedy produced it, along with a small bottle of lubrication. An oil, handy for tripping up criminals she supposed. Although the naughty female archer had another application in mind.Thea spun her prey around, hiking up Lisa’s dress to expose she had been wearing a thong underneath it. She spanked Lisa’s ass several times and earned a very vocal response. The archer’s skilled fingers, perfect for pulling her bow back, manipulated the rogue’s ass just as much.Thea slicked her finger with the oil and slid it all the way down. She smiled from Lisa getting the desired reaction from her.“See this cock?”Thea waved the phallus at the end of the strap on in Lisa’s face.“It’s going to be in your ass, once I’m done getting it ready.”Getting tied up and ass fucked, well it was better than being thrown in prison. Speedy’s talented fingers manipulated Lisa’s hole. She had been forced, face down onto the ground, assuming a position she had been in so many times before. Although for less pleasurable reasons like this.With Lisa’s asshole prepared, Speedy pushed inside of her. She was not at all gentle, but Lisa thought a little pain made it work somehow. She wanted to be fucked roughly, wanted to be dominated.“I bet you act out because you want to get punished!”Oh, Lisa thought Speedy hit the nail on the end. And speaking of being nailed, the sounds of Speedy’s hands slapping off of her tight ass echoed. Speedy roughly manipulated Lisa’s clit like a master.If Lisa did not know any better, Speedy regularly tied up women, and fucked them up the ass. She would ask for details, perhaps names, but to be honest, Lisa had been too busy moaning to even register the thought. Speedy pushed deeper and deeper into her, riding Lisa’s tight asshole and manipulating her pussy.Thea never had been more happy to have her purse snatched. Oh, she had no desire to press charges. It would be kind of a dickish thing to do after making this woman lick her pussy and then fucking her up the ass.“Next time, I won’t be as gentle on you.”“Oh, you can get rougher than this?” Lisa asked. “This I would like to….ooooh!”Thea showed just how rough she could get, ass-fucking the criminal as hard as possible. The sounds of hands bouncing off of Lisa’s tight ass echoed throughout the room. Thea knew precisely all of the ways to punch Lisa’s buttons and the end result was more pleasure than she could handle.“So much rougher,” Thea told her. “You’ll see.”The orgasm which Lisa had, messed up the carpet. She smacked down onto hard with Speedy riding her harder and harder.Thea’s orgasm hit as well. She left a nice sticky mess over Lisa’s ass and her thighs. She did not slow down, because an ass like this would need to be reddened raw and red.After Thea was done, she left Lisa on the ground. The archer gave the rogue’s raw red ass a few more long spanks and leaned in, breathing hotly in her ear.“I hope you learned your lesson.”“Try not to get caught next time?”Thea hit Lisa’s ass hard and made her cum all over the carpet one more time. She untied the rogue, still naked from the waist down.The moment Lisa regained her bearings, both Speedy and the stolen purse was gone. Lisa, rubbing her ass, pulled herself up and staggered towards the bathtub.She wondered if vigilantes ever skimmed a cut off of the stolen goods they returned and passed it off as the criminals hiding the money somewhere. Just something for Lisa to mull over while she soaked in the tub.End.