81. Releasing Aggression(Dinah D and Laurel(Black S...

Releasing Aggressions(Dinah Laurel Lance of Earth Two/Black Siren and Dinah Drake/Black Canary). 

Black Siren slammed down to the ground. The landing had not been very soft. Dinah Drake, the Black Canary, landed on top of Black Siren. Pinning her down on the ground, roughly by the wrists. Which Black Siren did not mind because she liked it good and rough.“Finally,” Dinah said.“Yes although if you wanted to be on top of me, there are far nicer ways to do so,” Black Siren said.“You are a delusional little psychopath,” Dinah growled in her ear.“Yeah, I have my problems, but have you ever looked in the mirror?” Black Siren asked. “You have your share of problems. And I wonder if you hate me because I murdered him, or you hate me because you can’t stand the fact that you’re attracted to me. I see your eyes, rake over my body. It’s not because it’s hate, it’s because of lust.”“I could break your neck right now,” Dinah said.“Mmm, that would be a mood killer,” Black Siren said. “But, look at this….you will be no better than me. And that’s what you want. You want to be better than me. Or better than her rather. The one who Oliver handed the mantle, because he wanted a replacement goldfish after his Laurel got killed. You know deep down you’ll only be second best to her...third best to Sara.”“What’s your point?”Black Siren gasped underneath the staff digging into her throat. Oh, she moved and had gotten rather excited.“My point is, you don’t want to kill me,” Black Siren said. “You have me pinned down and for the first time in a long time, you have control….don’t….”Dinah silenced Black Siren by face down. Dinah leaned into the attack, with every intention of headbutting Black Siren. Instead, Black Canary and Black Siren made out in a very sexually charged kiss. Dinah’s nails dug down every part of Black Siren’s body.Hatred and lust burned through the latest Black Canary’s body. Their tonsils vibrated each other against each other and sent pleasant vibrations erupting through their mouths. Black Siren grabbed a handful of her lover’s ass and pulled her in close enough to make this count.Dinah could not believe she was doing this. This was a hardened criminal, a murderer, and yet, Dinah wanted to fuck her. She wanted to sit on Black Siren’s face, and make Black Siren eat her out. She wanted to return the favor, and do more of the same.The beautiful scent of an aroused pussy, a very familiar and welcome sight, hit The Black Siren. She grabbed Black Canary’s hips and moved down from her exposed pussy. Dinah shoved her warm thighs down onto her face and almost practically smothered Black Siren with her pussy.The thought of struggling to draw breath, with only the scent of a very warm pussy the only thing fueling her along excited Dinah. Dinah leaned back.“Time to put that mouth to use!” Dinah yelled. “OOH YES, USE THAT TONGUE AND WORK MY PUSSY!”Dinah tore through the lower end of Black Siren’s suit and exposed her pussy. The heat coming up from it made Dinah stunned. She did not want to bring the house down. Because, like Black Siren or detest her, the woman knew her way around a pussy.Therefore, Black Canary dropped down to take the only gag which made sense. Namely the one between Black Canary’s legs. It was dripping hot, wet, and gushing extremely hard. Oh, it felt really good and Black Canary submerged herself deeper. She tasted sweet, almost like some kind of forbidden fruit.Forbidden indeed. The criminal and the vigilante dove back and forth into their pussies. The vibrations hit them and pleasured them more than a very good vibrator, on a couple and warm night. Their bodies could take it more than most, given the cry came naturally to them.Juices stained the face of these women. Black Siren almost sat up only for Black Canary to slam her back down.  Black Canary just smiled and pulled down Black Siren’s top, to expose her breasts. Demanding to be touched and to be touched with. Black Canary leaned a little bit closer to Black Siren, smiling with wicked intentions dancing through her eyes as the two of them kissed, very aggressively and very viciously.“Mmmm,” Black Siren moaned.Oh, Black Canary would have a hell of a time. Dinah parted Black Siren’s thighs and shoved a couple fingers deep inside of her gushing, hot pussy. Black Siren rocked her hips back and force with repeated motions. Every few movements, Black Canary extracted her fingers and licked the dripping juices off of them.Another kiss followed and Black Siren tried to get some kind of momentum, anything. Black Canary practically opened her body and Laurel was not completely opposed to it. Although, one day she would turn the tables. Getting in a fight and getting almost knocked through a wall took some of the starch around her.“Lick my ass,” Dinah hissed in Black Siren’s ear.Black Siren admired Black Canary’s beautiful and athletic body. She looked at her perfect, tanned cheeks. The lack of tan lines on Dinah’s body brought a smile on her face. Dinah practically shoved her ass in Black Siren’s face and Black Siren dove face first and tongue first into the Black Canary’s marvelous and oh so delicious looking ass.“Yes, work it,” Black Canary moaned. “You’re nothing, but a little slut who likes eating another woman’s asses out, aren’t you?”Well, who was more depraved? The woman who ate the ass or the woman who enjoyed having her ass eaten? A philosophical debate for another time, Black Siren summarized. She picked up Dinah’s panties and shoved them in her mouth. The juices which stained them from earlier showed just how aroused she was. She worked her tongue around the fabric of the panties and munched away at Black Siren’s ass.Dinah closed her eyes. A finger and then two buried into her body caused everything to happen. She stuffed Laurel’s panties in her mouth and muffled her own screams. They were damp and Dinah could not believe how much this bitch had likely been aroused even before they started grunge-fucking each other.Finally, Dinah’s entire body exploded. Laurel switched positions, panties clasped between her teeth. She snorted, when seeing Dinah had the same idea, with the panties as the gag. The two aggressively kissed each other  the fabric. Black Siren found a handful of Dinah’s nice, supple breasts and handled them expertly. Squeezing and releasing her nice firm tits until Black Siren just broke out into rampant cries of pleasure.Black Siren spat at the panties and climbed onto Dinah. Sucking on her breasts. The sighs of content sent Black Siren into a very pleasant sent. She pulled away from Dinah and kissed up her body.“Don’t try and enjoy this too much,” Black Siren said.Dinah took her staff in response and rubbed the edge it against Black Siren’s clit to inflame her body. Black Siren bucked her hips forward, towards the point of the staff, and got it nice and warm. Black Siren wondered if Dinah would be bold enough to ram the staff inside of her and fucked her.She imagined Black Canary using the staff like a double-sided dildo to fuck both of them. Oh, this only heated up her loins and made her moan even more.Sadly, Black Canary chose not to go down that particularly road.  She did pull Black Siren in by the hair and kissed her, as their pussies scissored together. The heat and the friction increased the closer Black Siren moved towards her lover. Their mouths sealed together with a kiss with each trying to drive the other one breathless.What started out as a power play between two lovely women ended up leaving them both sweaty and sticky. They fondled each others bodies. Dinah put Black Siren’s nipple between her fingers and twisted it to result in a soft cry pleasuring Dinah’s tonsils.Dinah would never admit in a million years this was the greatest sexual thrill she had. Laurel, or Black Siren rather, stimulated her body until she finally exploded and allowed her juices to saturate Black Siren’s crotch as the two of them finished off with each other.The two laid in a hot and steamy embrace in the aftermath. Sticky and satisfied. Dinah could not believe they were doing this.“Can you honestly look me in the eye and told me you regret anything we did?” Black Siren asked.The longest pause. Dinah Drake realized how messed up this situation was, but it had felt good to have it so messed up.“No,” Black Canary said.One final aggressive kiss. Neither was willing to make the next move. As much as Black Siren wanted to blast Black Canary through the wall and take her leave, she could not do it, right now. Not after one more hot and steamy round between the two of them.At the very least, maybe twice, and Black Siren would have Black Canary right in the position she wanted her.End.