82. A Sincere Apology(Zari and Sara)(6/5/2019 Updat...

A Sincere Apology(Sara Lance and Zari Tomaz)

Zari Tomaz shuffled her feet and took a deep breath. Sara raised an eyebrow and looked at her for a good long minute.“Okay, I guess...we got off on the wrong foot,” Zari said. “And...I should know that you’re just doing the best...and with a really bad situation as well.”Sara just smiled and leaned closer towards Zari. Zari’s heart fluttered in such a manner it took her completely off guard. Why was her heart racing like it was in the midst of a marathon? A good question, a very good question.“Apology accepted,” Sara said. “But, there’s another reason why you’re here...isn’t there?”Zari tried to protest there was not, although Sara leaned forward and kissed Zari on the lips. Zari’s eyes widened in surprise and she returned the kiss. The butterflies in her stomach. Oh, she could feel it, something pleasant rising through her loins from Sara’s touch.“You’re very hot as well,” Sara said.“Oh, I’m hot alright,” Zari said. “I never thought….”“Shh...just let it happen.”Sara wrapped her arms around Zari’s neck. Any thought of this potentially going a little bit too fast had went out of Zari’s mind. Sara kissed Zari’s neck, several times over and made her squirm. Sara’s skilled hands made sure to get out of her clothes.“You’re beautiful,” Sara commented. “And really horny….and it’s my job as Captain to lend people a helping hand when they’re in trouble.”Oh, Sara’s version of a helping hand became obvious when a single finger, oh make it two, brushed down into Zari’s core. She leaned back against the edge of a shelf. Sara would do anything she wanted to her and Zari would enjoy it. Enjoy it a whole lot in fact.Especially when Sara added a third finger and introduced a surprising pleasant feeling into Zari. Her thighs clamped apart and worked back and forth with feverish pumps. Sara leaned in and thrusted her fingers a little bit deeper inside of Zari until extracting them from her.“Very delicious.”Sara popped each finger into her mouth and savored the taste off of them. Zari closed her eyes and watched Sara enjoy her juices, like some kind of gourmet meal.“May I?” Zari asked.“I would be insulted if you didn’t.”Zari pulled Sara’s shirt off and then her pants, leaving her a very lacy black bra and thong combination. Zari traced patterns down Sara’s lovely body and kissed her. The two moved closer towards a nice chair, with Zari positioning herself on Sara’s lap with another long and passionate kiss, which got deeper and noiser.They unclipped each other’s bras and felt the breasts. Another heat emitted from Zari’s body, and Sara wrapped her mouth around Zari’s nipple. Never did she imagine any woman doing the things Sara did for her, but now, Sara was driving her completely mad.She knew all of the points on Zari’s body to bring pleasure and Zari let out a very sharp intake of breath. Sara slid her fingers a little bit deeper into Zari’s gushing pussy while sucking on her nipples. The intake just built and built and built until finally Zari exploded.Oh, it was so heaveningly.  Zari just leaked all over Sara’s fingers and Sara pulled them out and tasted them.“This isn’t some kind of erotic dream, is it?” Zari asked.“Do you regularly have erotic dreams about your Captain?” Sara asked.Zari just snorted. She walked right into that one, didn’t she? Sara’s panties slid off to expose her shaved, and very wet pussy. Oh, Zari’s mouth got really dry.“Let’s see if we can put that mouth of yours to a better use,” Sara said.Zari slid down Sara’s body and attacked her with kisses. Oh, Sara’s warm pussy, ready to go, opened up for her. Sara’s lips spread and Zari’s tongue slid into Sara’s warm core. Getting the delicious and warm honey taste directly from the source. Zari leaned in and sucked a little bit more of the juices out. The hunger spreading through her body only increased the faster Zari leaned in.“You’re a good pussy eater,” Sara said.Zari was glad to hear this one, because this honestly was the first time she went down on another woman. Yet, it felt like the most natural thing in the world. Sara’s fingers danced all over the back of Zari’s head and caused her to breath out the moment her hips bucked up.Sara closed her eyes. The woman’s fingers shifted a little bit down her thighs while going deep into her. The stress of dealing with this crew needed to be relieved at times in some rather hot and sticky ways. Fortunately, Zari was able to indulge Sara in the kind of stress relief she enjoyed.“Oh, fuck, you’re making me cum!” Sara yelled.Sara thrust her hips deep into Zari’s mouth and enjoyed the fruits of her tongue working back and forth in circular motions. Her hips, bucking back and forth, fed Zari a nice steady stream of juices, which she lapped up.Zari pulled away. Despite being on her knees, she looked like a goddess. Sara just smiled and leaned down, cupping Zari’s chin and pulling her into a breath. The two jockeyed for position, and Sara decided to bring Zari over to the couch and lay her out.Oh, Zari realized, perhaps just before it penetrated her, Sara had a strap on. Of course, she would be prepared for such a thing. Sara’s cock rubbed against Zari’s entrance and Sara grabbed her hips.“Lean in, please,” Zari said. “I want to suck on your breasts. I can’t…..”Sara dangled her breasts closer to Zari’s face while sliding in between her thighs. One of Zari’s legs balanced on Sara’s shoulder, while the other dangled off of the edge of the couch. The woman’s dark hair matted across her forehead. Sara slid on top of her.Today, Zari could feel what Sara could do with her hands, her tongue, and so, so much more. Zari’s entire body felt like it melted like a stick of butter left out on a hot summer day. Sara leaned in and licked every inch of Zari’s lovely, sweaty body. Kisses followed with Sara’s thrusts growing deeper, harder, and even deeper than before. Sara pulled almost all the way out and smashed down into Zari, rocking her body something fierce onto the bed.“Mmm, fuck me hard!” Zari breathed in. “Please….oooh please….pleasure me….my Captain!”Sara picked up the pace and ran her fingers down Zari’s legs. The sheer amount of electricity which passed through both of the women could astound anyone.Finally, Sara propped up Zari, so Zari bounced up and down on her lap. Leaning her forward, Zari’s face smothered in Sara’s sweaty breasts. A handful of Zari’s ass had been grabbed and Sara played with it.“You know, I should have taken a more hands on approach to disciplining you for any infractions,” Sara said. “But, sometime tells me you might have enjoyed it.”Zari could not speak through the mouthful of nice, warm tit Sara introduced to her mouth. Oh, but it did feel really divine and she could not help and suck on it.The loud sounds Zari made, to register her pleasure only made Sara grin. She got closer to the breaking point and closer to breaking Zari on her. She had so much fun rocking the dark-haired beauty up and down on her.Zari ran her hands all over Sara’s back. Any time she touched Sara, it just sent a pleasure through her body. Hearing Sara moan in her ear while Zari worshipped the Captain just sent another warm tingle all through her. Sara picked up the pace and kept filling Zari with multiple long thrusts.“Cum with me, Z,” Sara said with a smile.Zari’s body clenched up and she had one of the biggest explosions just rock through her. Sara manipulated Zari’s already wet groin and made her gush like a fountain. Tugging on Zari’s nipples and sucking on them herself, Zari closed her eyes.No wonder so many women through history jumped in bed with Sara. She was the best in the world at what she did and what she did was very nice. It was like Sara hit dozens of pleasure points at once. Her training gave her an understanding of what parts of the human body could register different sensations and touched in different ways.Zari looked forward to cumming with Sara daily. Sara fucked Zari, with the strap on, and then pulled it off to rub their heated pussies together. The juices stuck them together as Zari and Sara made out just as fiercely beneath the waist as they did above the neck.Finally, finally, the end came, and Sara pulled away from her. Zari just leaned back and smiled.“Sorry, I’m not one for pillow talk,” Zari said.Sara cupped Zari’s beautiful face and smiled by raining down several kisses on it.“Fine by me,” Sara said. “I’m a woman of action most of the time.”Sara leaned in and nibbled Zari’s neck. Oh, Sara wanted more. It seemed insane she would be ready to go again, this soon.But yet, Zari’s libidio kicked up even more. She leaned into Sara’s ministrations on her body and wondered what other fun she and her Captain could get to.Heat emitted from Zari’s loins and a fire rose in her body, which would not be quenched by anything other than Sara’s skilled actions.End.