103. Stunned by a Siren(Black Siren and Batwoman)(1...

In this Hit the Mark Blog Exclusive smut set, Oliver Queen and McKenna Hall have some fun: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2019/10/a-quick-breakhit-mark-blog-exclusive.htmlStunned By a Siren(Dinah Laurel Lance(Earth Two)/Black Siren and Kate Kane/Batwoman)

“I wonder what I’m going to do with you.”The teasing tone of the Black Siren made Batwoman realize she never both hated or loved a woman at the same time so much. It was quite the paradox. One thing which was not confusing is how Black Siren got the drop on her. She was a bit sloppy tonight and paid for it big time.Now Black Siren strung up Batwoman, legs spread in a very intoxicating manner. If Black Siren decided, she could leave Batwoman to be found. Either both Gothams Gangs or by the extreme corrupt Gotham City Police force. Neither appeared to be good to be honest. Black Siren’s fingers danced against Batwoman’s slit and slowly, she undid her belt and removed it.The alternate Earth version of Dinah Laurel Lance licked her lips and looked at Batwoman’s pussy. Juicy as ever before. Kate Kane had been a very interesting and challenging woman. However, Black Siren loved a challenge and loved how this woman reacted to her touch.“Dry spell for you lately, honey?” Black Siren teased her. “I’ve been there.”“Just shut up and fuck me already,” Batwoman said.“Yeah, that Bat thing really isn’t that intimidating because you’re strung up like a Christmas decoration,” Black Siren said. “Or, Halloween, I suppose, because that would be more fitting with the Bat thing.”Black Siren exposed Kate’s neck ever so slightly and kissed her a couple more times, lightly pressing her lips against the back of Kate’s neck. Oh, this was going to be kind of intense by the time Kate got done with her. So hot and so good, for so many reasons.“I’m going to fuck you and you’re going to enjoy what I’m going to do with you,” Black Siren said. “But, first, a little taste test for what is to come.”Batwoman’s legs spread. Black Siren had been right about one thing, she had been in the midst of a dry spell. And Black Siren’s skilled hands and even more skilled tongue pushed into her. Kate tried to keep her stoic look, trying not to let Black Siren in on how much this thrilled her.The human body had a way of betraying the human mind, when she needed to keep cool the most. And Black Siren tasted the evidence of that, slurping on Batwoman and getting her intense.One of Batwoman’s arms wiggled free, but not enough to break free completely. Black Siren’s hands brushed over Batwoman’s boots and removed them. With Kate’s feet bare, Black Siren pushed her tongue against Kate’s feet and slowly tortured them by licking her feet and sucking on her toes.A small vibration against the sole of Kate’s foot sent tremors through her body and caused her juices to rain down.“Batwoman has sensitive toes, good to know,” Black Siren said. “To think, all people need to defeat you is a giant feather. Upload that one on the Internet and it will go viral.”Batwoman almost slid out of the bindings. Black Siren grabbed her and released Batwoman, showing who was in control. The two women entered a heavy liplock with each other, hungering for the other’s mouths. Batwoman opened up wide and Black Siren shoved her tongue a little bit deeper.Love bites had been left on Batwoman’s neck and Black Siren pulled away.“If I didn’t know any better, you were getting into this.”Black Siren exposed her pussy and wiggled it into Batwoman’s face. Until Batwoman dove into it, like a starving woman going for her meal. And the meal had been one which had been appreciated things to Batwoman digging her tongue all the way into her.Oh, the loud slurping, the intense slurping, Black Siren’s eyes just popped open and she moaned. To say Batwoman had her right where she needed to be would be putting things mildly. This woman knew exactly how to hit all of the right buttons to make Black Siren lose it completely. Black Siren clutched onto the floor, rocking back and forth with Batwoman eating her out.Finally, Batwoman pulled out of Black Siren and kissed down her neck. Black Siren turned around and Batwoman wrestled her to the ground.“You’re going to pay,” Batwoman breathed. “You are going to pay.”“Mmm, so you tell me,” Black Siren said. “What if this is part of my plan too?”Batwoman rubbed her pussy against Black Siren and kissed her aggressively. The jaw breaking fury of their lips smashing together excited Black Siren, who had never been afraid of a little pain in her sex. Her legs lifted up and Batwoman tore at Black Siren’s fishnets.All she needed was hair pulling to add to the fun. And there it was. Batwoman aggressively bruised Black Siren’s lips through the kiss while pulling her through. Their tongues matched each other and got even louder. The faster Batwoman and Black Siren made out, the more their nipples ached.Batwoman straddled Black Siren and pinched her nipples hard. Black Siren let out a cry of pleasure.“Do it harder,” Black Siren said. “You squeeze nipples like a girl.”That taunt made Batwoman go in on the attack. Black Siren’s pierced nipple pressed between her fingers and Batwoman leaned down to kiss her aggressively on the lips. The loud pop of her lips just echoed throughout the room with Batwoman and Black Siren getting into it with each other.Flipping Black Siren over, Batwoman grabbed her ass cheeks and pushed all the way into her perfect hole, getting it.“Oh, this should be good, you trying to fuck me in the ass and make it count,” Black Siren jeered.Batwoman produced a large dildo and strapped it to her body. She made sure it was nice and wet, using Black Siren’s dripping pussy as a natural lubricate. Black Siren’s ass bounced from Batwoman squeezing down onto it hard and coming closer to her.A smile flickered over Batwoman’s face before she speared into Black Siren’s tight ass from behind. The sound of Batwoman slapping down onto her ass echoed throughout the building. The acoustics in the place was incredible. Which is why Black Siren held back her scream.In addition to avoiding property damage. At least unintentional property damage. Intentional property damage had always been another matter entirely.“Your ass is mine,” Batwoman breathed intensely at her.“Yeah, I know, you’d like to take me like this!” Black Siren cried out. “Keep fucking me, if you think you can handle it. Oooh, that feels so fucking good, feeling you buried in mya ss like that! Harder! Harder!”Batwoman buried Black Siren’s face into the ground while holding her ass and ramming into it hard. As much as Batwoman hated to admit it, she was really getting into this one as well. She could ride the hell out of Black Siren’s ass all day and all night.An orgasm visited Batwoman and she came all over the place, and all over the Black Siren. Who left a puddle on the floor which she would be fucked.Scraped up knees, scraped elbows, aching pussy, and a sore ass, all symptoms of this good encounter. Not the roughest one, at least not yet. Black Siren pulled off of the floor and Batwoman pushed her back down to ride the hell out of her ass.“Was this part of your plan too?”No answer, other than blissful cries of adoration. Black Siren ground against the ground and Batwoman pulled her up. She ground against Black Siren and owned her pussy. She was going to cum.“I let you lose too soon or maybe not soon enough,” Black Siren commenced.“Either,” Batwoman said.One more mind numbing orgasm on the part of the Black Siren before Batwoman really lost it inside of her and came hard along with her. Batwoman clutched her ass and rode ita ll the way to the end. Black Siren’s nails scrapped against the floor and she cried out.Batwoman smiled and let out her orgasm. In a way, this was fun. And Kate Kane’s devious mind crafted a way to have even more fun.The fog cleared and Black Siren found herself tied up, in the same position as Batwoman had been tied up earlier. With a ball gag in her mouth for good pleasure. And Batwoman’s hands teasing her body.What goes around comes around? Batwoman had not been quite done with the Black Siren and now she had gotten a taste of her own medicine.End.