104. Succumbed(Kara Danvers and Big Barda)(10/23/20...

In this Hit the Mark Blog Exclusive smut set, Oliver Queen and McKenna Hall have some fun: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2019/10/a-quick-breakhit-mark-blog-exclusive.htmlSuccumbed(Kara Danvers and Big Barda)

Barda claimed bearing herself to the elements when fighting would allow Kara to prepare for any distractions. Or, in Barda’s words, fighting completely naked. And the first session, Kara had been a bit nervous. Barda stood, tall, beautiful, and well built, with large breasts, a toned body, long legs, and an ass to die for. All of the checkboxes in Kara’s mind had been practically pinned. And her fierce and confident nature only enhanced the sexiness.Still, Kara was a bit more confident, on today, the third time they did this. To the point where her hands did not shake where she stripped naked and Kara thought she might be able to do this hand to hand combat from Barda. Despite the fact every time Barda pinned her down, she made sure to press their crotches together, to the point where Kara was getting very wet in the process.“You’re distracted, Supergirl.”Barda pulled up from her and Kara closed her eyes.“You have not taken care of yourself lately,” Barda said.“I eat well, I get plenty of sleep, plenty of exercise, don’t do any drugs, don’t drink,” Kara protested “How could I not be taking care of myself?”“Sexually speaking,” Barda said. “You haven’t laid with anyone in a long time. And thus, my body is causing you to react more intensely than it should. Because you’re pent up.”Barda swept Kara off of her feet and put her hand on Kara’s crotch. The reformed Female Fury barely had to put her hand on Kara’s crotch to collect her arousal. Barda licking her hand slowly, as if savoring the taste did not help Kara’s mood.“We’re going to fix this so you can focus better.”And without another word or before Kara had a chance to argue she was fine, Barda took the matters in her own hand with a dominating kiss. And there had been very few women who could make Supergirl feel the full force of a kiss to the point where her lips were bruised.“I thought you were married,” Kara breathed.“Open relationship,” Barda said. “And other women don’t count, by the laws of New Genesis.”Okay, fair enough, Kara guessed. She could not argue it for Barda went straight in for the kill and fingered her. Kara had never felt anything more intense in her life. Kara realized, quite giddily, she would not have to hold back against Barda.Although a small part of Kara wondered if her best would make even a dent in Barda. Barda’s fast fingers made Kara question if she really had what it took to stand up and face the might of the one and only Big Barda. Those fingers slammed into her body repeatedly and stretched Kara out, to the point where she lost all sense of herself.“I guess...you have...a point!” Kara moaned out.Barda yanked her fingers from Kara and slowly, but surely, licked them. She savored every single lovely drop oozing from Kara’s wet cunt. She pushed back into Kara and made her hips buck up one more time.“No wonder you couldn’t look me in the face,” Barda said. “You’re really pent up.”She came up only to slurp the honey Kara spilled from her insides. Then Barda dove in for the kill, tongue first, eating Kara out.Kara never had another woman go down on her and she could not help to think Barda set the bar really high. A burning between Kara’s eyes caused a flash of light to erupt and the ceiling to be caught of fire. Oh, Kara had never lost control of that in a long time.Not since she set the curtains on fire when masturbating. Boy, Kara could not look either Alex or Eliza in the face after that one for a very long time.The sprinkler system had been activated and Barda’s body looked amazing while dripping wet. She came up from Kara as the water soaked her.“On your knees,” Barda said. “Get to work.”Kara obliged her new mistress. It surprised Kara just how well groomed Barda kept her pubic area. She felt something wild and untamed, like a jungle which she could get lost in if not careful. A neat landing strip sent Kara forward and Kara put her tongue at Barda’s warm opening, licking, licking her hard. She licked away and sucked on Barda’s warm little pussy. Barda pressed down on the back of Kara’s head and encouraged her.The little pussy licker had some fire in her and Barda smiled. She would have some fun with Kara, once Kara gained a bit more confidence. This training session went in an entirely different way which Barda had gone.Suddenly, Kara vibrated her tongue. Barda let out a cry and Kara stopped, concerned that she might have gone too far.“If I want you to stop, I’ll tell you to stop.”The firm clasp on the back of Kara’s head lead her deep into Barda’s warm pussy. The juices had been lapped out and Kara continued to shift back and forth. She worked magic and sucked down Barda’s juices. She tasted like delicious cantaloupe, and Kara could do nothing more than to go down on her.Barda stood firm with leverage. Kara had not got to the point where she would make Barda’s legs wobble. The raw potential had been there, it was just a matter of Barda finding a way to get it out.The end came with Kara pulling her mouth away from Barda. Face dripping with juices made Kara look hot, and Barda lifted Kara up, hoisting Kara into her arms and kissed her.Not many women could handle Supergirl like a small child either. Barda walked Kara over and threw her against the wall. Through hazed thoughts, Kara thought whoever built this building so sturdy deserved their pay and a little bit extra. Barda clutched Kara’s nipples and made the Girl of Steel just lose it completely from what Barda was doing to her. And Barda was doing so many wonderful things to her that Kara could just barely keep her mind intact.“Take me,” Kara breathed in Barda’s ear. “Please.”Barda pressed her warm pussy down onto Kara’s and sent a slight spark through her loins. The Girl of Steel leaned in and kissed Barda’s neck, hungering for her. The two joined each other in the most intense makeout session the two of them could manage.With Kara’s legs spread, Barda moved in for the kill. She rubbed against Kara, and forcefully slapped their thighs together.“Be careful what you ask for.”Barda scooped Kara in her arms, pinning her against the wall. Today, Barda did not have any toys, but she did not need them right now. Her body was more than sufficient. Kara rested her head on Barda’s breasts with the New God making sure Kara got to work with the vigorous sucking.Kara Zor-El just might be a keeper. Barda pressed against Kara and rubbed against her body very hotly. Kara moaned and Barda kissed her lips, sending pleasure through her body. And another set of lips had tribute paid to them when Barda slammed into them.Every inch of Barda’s body, and there were many glorious inches in her seven plus feet of height, burned Kara up. Barda would not be out of place amongst the Amazons, both with fighting style and both with looks. And if the Amazons fucked like Barda, well that would be a trifecta. Kara motorboated Barda’s breasts. Barda only reacted every now and then with a slight sigh.“Cum for me,” Barda said. “Let yourself loose. No more pent up aggression. Just let your lust flow!”Kara spurted all over Barda. Barda left marks on Kara’s body which did not heal right away. This only made her tingle with excitement and the tingle only made her pussy overflow with lustful energy.Barda had been close as well. She scissored Kara’s pussy while pinning her up against the wall. Barda took great care not to drop Supergirl. Not Supergirl would be harmed, but dropping your partner could ruin the moment. And Barda wanted to bask in this moment for as long as possible.“One more time.”Kara’s eyes glazed over and came hard. She spurted all over the place and shook wildly against the wall.  Barda kissed Kara’s neck hard and very aggressively before letting her go.Barda came next and the two women enjoyed the combined orgasm. Their juices flowed and made their groins nice and sticky when they pressed together.Swinging Kara in her arms, Barda calmly walked over to the shower area.“Your training gets harder tomorrow,” Barda said. “You said you were up for anything. There’s much more to explore.”And with that, Barda squeezed Kara’s ass to give her a not so subtle hint of what was to come.End.