105. Sessions(Caitlin Snow and Samantha Arias)(10/2...

In this Hit the Mark Blog Exclusive smut set, Oliver Queen and McKenna Hall have some fun: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2019/10/a-quick-breakhit-mark-blog-exclusive.htmlSessions(Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost and Samantha Arias/Reign)

Honestly speaking, Samantha Arias did not know how she got into this position. Laying face down in bed, fingers casually curling on the sheets. Another lovely women kissing her on the back of the neck and lightly teasing her body. The hint for more after their wet and sticky encounter the night more made Sam just gush with pleasure.Caitlin Snow and Samantha Arias had been from different worlds. Quite literally, as Caitlin came from a different world. Yet, something about this situation just worked out for the best. Caitlin, a friend of Kara Danvers, showed up and Sam had been blown away by her.And in more ways than one, Sam’s mind had been swimming with lust. The kisses, raining down across the back of the neck, excited Samantha to no small degree. Caitlin moved closer and closer to her ear and sucked on it. The hot breath rose goosebumps on the side of Sam’s neck.“Ready for more?” Caitlin asked her.Sam bit down on her lip and vigorously nodded. Caitlin’s skilled hand rubbed Sam’s hot pussy and allowed her to rock back and forth, hungrily enjoying what was coming on. Those fingers edged deep inside of Sam and made her gush very intensely.Fuck, Sam thought she had just lost it completely. Caitlin had been toying with her body, rubbing back and forth into her, teasing her. While kissing the back of Sam’s neck and rubbing up against Sam’s hip with a very wet and eager pussy. Which Samantha longed to bury herself in.Caitlin buried fingers deep into Samantha and rode out her orgasm. She made the woman underneath her cum, good, hard, and fast. She yanked the fingers out and slowly, casually licked them dry, with a big smile on her face.“Taste as good as I remembered from last night.”Samantha rolled over and Caitlin climbed on top of her, pinning her down to the bed. The soft lips of Caitlin pressed against Sam’s. Something dark, primal, rose through her body. Samantha put her hands down onto the back of Caitlin’s head and moaned, very much into the kiss the two of them shared with each other. Their lips popped against each other, loudly, kissing very hard and very aggressively.Finally, Caitlin worshipped Sam’s body with multiple kisses. She sighed deeply from Caitlin leaning in and touching every inch of Sam’s body. Her hips bucked up and down with Caitlin edging her tongue into Sam’s wet slit and working against her. Caitlin pulled out after a brief spell and kissed Sam’s wet pussy.“I want you!” Sam breathed out.“Return the favor.”Caitlin spread her legs at the other end of the bed and Sam wasted no time scrambling for the brilliant scientist’s pussy. She got licking, licking very good and hard, and sucked Caitlin’s wet peach until she spurted into Sam’s mouth. Sam drank the brilliant pussy juice from Caitlin, hungering for even more.She came up, face looking beautiful with all of the juices dripping down on it. Sam and Caitlin kissed each other, playing with each other’s bodies.“You’re so beautiful,” Caitlin said. “Ready to have some more fun?”The moisture spilling between Caitlin’s thighs had been just enough for her to freeze into a large cock made completely of ice. Sam looked at it, apprehensively. Caitlin smiled and spread Sam’s legs. The combination of arousal and apprehension locked into the eyes of the lovely woman was a delicious treat.Sam speared down onto Caitlin’s ice cock, with it spreading her legs and pleasuring her body. Every last inch sent Caitlin over the top with intense, mind blowing pleasure.“Fuck, that’s better than I thought!”The cupping of her breasts added to the fun as well. Caitlin manipulated Sam’s body and sent her flying over the top with endless waves of pleasure. She dropped back and forth down onto the woman, stretching her pussy over the length of his cock and rising almost up above the ground. She sunk back down, one more time, crying out in pleasure. Caitlin kissed Sam’s lips and sucked on it while bouncing her up and down.The endless stream of pleasure blew Sam’s mind. Every time she had an itch to scratch, Caitlin Snow had been there to pleasure her and make her feel so good. Sam reached around, playing with Caitlin’s body as well. Caitlin pulled back and allowed Sam to dive into her chest and sucked them.“Suck my tits, make me cum harder!” Caitlin breathed. “Oh, you have no idea how erect you can make this cock if you make me cum.”Sam had a pretty good idea. The thick, throbbing, veiny ice cock pushed into her body. The durability of her body allowed Sam to take a lot of punishment. She was not fragile by any means and Caitlin knew this and took full advantage of it.Lifting one of Sam’s lovely legs, Caitlin planted kisses down on it. The sweet sweat of the lovely woman, just bouncing up and down on her cock make Caitlin explode all over Sam. Over and over again, her pussy just spilled juices and made Sam just cry out in pleasure.Caitlin wrapped Sam into her arms and held her tight before thrusting away very gently. Sam took the back of Lena’s head and kissed her, quite endlessly and very vigorously as well. Their lips, mouths, they molded together, and showed an intense lust for each other.“Oooh,” Sam breathed in Caitlin’s ear. “Yes!”Sam nibbled Caitlin’s lower lip very casually and pumped her icy cock Sam’s. A loud slap of thigh flesh echoed throughout the room the faster Caitlin drove into Sam’s tightening cunt. Sam edged closer and closer to the orgasm, her mind being taken on a joyride.One more orgasm, for the road and Sam quivered all over the place.“Yes,” Sam breathed. “Oh, yes.”Caitlin kissed Sam’s lips, putting her down on the bed. Legs kicked up on the bed, Caitlin elevated them over her shoulder. Caitlin held the position for a few long seconds and teased Sam.The anticipation was almost deadly. Sam could hardly believe what was happening and yet it was happening. Caitlin Snow had Samantha at her tender mercy, ready to be fucked.Caitlin redoubled her efforts to pound Sam relentlessly in the bed. Those legs up against her shoulders was perfect and Caitlin leaned down to squeeze onto Sam’s tits before slapping down onto them. Sam let out a primal scream and did not mind a little bit of pain.Especially when it had been coupled with a whole lot of pleasure. Sam leaked all over the place, only giving Caitlin more moisture. The two women tested each other’s limits and Sam’s pussy only got hotter, threatening to melt Caitlin on the spot.Caitlin pressed down onto Sam with several hard thrusts just splitting her body open. Sam pressed down and moaned intensely on Caitlin pressed down onto Sam, pleasuring her and teasing her. The end was going to come soon for both of them and Caitlin prepared to give everything to Sam.“You’re just too much.”“And that’s what you like about me, babe.”No denial on Sam’s part was forthcoming. The two exchanged a steamy kiss with Caitlin thrusting hard into Sam. Their thighs slapped loudly together with Caitlin pleasuring every single inch of her body. It made Sam feel beyond alive, made her feel so good she was going to explode all over the place.Caitlin smiled and thrust down into Sam a little bit deeper, pressing their bodies together. Sam lifted her hips up off of the bed to meet Caitlin and the two joined each other in a hell of an orgasm.The ice melted, in more ways than one. Towards the end, Caitlin grounded her bare, dripping hot pussy against Sam’s. This intimate encounter made their lower lips just press together. With Caitlin reaching everywhere she could touch Sam, legs, breasts, ass, the entire works.The two collapsed into each other’s arms. Caitlin nibbled on Sam’s jaw in the aftermath and cradled her, kissing her lightly.They were just one push away from enjoying each other again. Sam’s thighs ached a little bit. Yet, an arousal deeper inside pushed Sam through the aches and pains. To return the kiss and to enjoy Caitlin’s body, just as much as Caitlin enjoyed her and Caitlin enjoyed her a whole hell of a lot.Pleasure, one of the things which could not be beaten. Caitlin brought that into Sam’s life and despite being from two different worlds, Samantha Arias had been happy with the meeting.End.