124. Generations(Blackstar and XS)(12/11/2019 Updat...

Generations(Nora West-Allen/XS and Mia Queen/Blackstar)

“You are a terrible, terrible liar.”Nora West-Allen found herself pinned against the wall at the skilled hands of Mia Queen. Mia brushed up against her thighs when she edged a little bit deeper against her and made her cry out. Her nipples hardened a little bit more against the suit she wore.Mia smiled. She knew she had Nora. While Nora was technically older than Mia thanks to some timey-wimey bullshit, Mia had been born first. So, that had to count for something, right? Mia took off Nora’s suit and unraveled her like a Christmas present.“You’ve been checking me out,” Mia said. “You’re a little pervert, and I’m going to punish you for that.”Nora tried to protest Mia had been the one to pin her to a wall and molest her body through her suit. However, Nora lost all sense of protest with Mia kissing her neck and mouth. Oh, damn, Mia really hit all of the right spots. Her hands moved and proved to be deadly weapons in one sense of the words.Training prepared Mia for a lot in life. Nyssa taught Mia had to read people and their expressions. But, Mia did not need any special skills to read Nora or to figure out how she had been infatuated with the woman since they teamed up three weeks ago. Mia made her move when the time was right.Nora West-Allen was an open book and Mia opened her up alright. The cute speedster shook underneath the hands of the skilled archer. Mia bit down on her lip and kissed Nora on the lips.“The way your body reacts tell me you masturbated to thoughts of me pinning you down and taking you in every way possible,” Mia said. “Well, today’s your lucky day, kid, because I’m going to make your dreams come true.”Mia threw Nora down onto the bed. Quicker than even Nora could protest, Mia stripped her clothes to reveal her hot body. Nora tried not to drown in a puddle of her own drool when looking at the woman. Mia climbed on top of Nora and pressed her hips against Nora’s to pin her down.“Touch me. Don’t think. Just react and feel.”This flew in the face of everything which drove Nora. Yet, she dove down and captured one of Mia’s firm tits into her mouth. The nipple hardened in Nora’s mouth as she sucked on it. Not to neglect the left breast, Nora dove down all the way and sucked it hard.“I’m going to make your greatest wet dreams come true, kid,” Mia moaned when Nora pushed up against her.To Nora’s credit, she made Mia’s loins ache. Nora’s perfectly curvy body set a fire in Mia’s mind and she needed to put it out. Mia was just less obvious about her feelings.“Turn around.”Nora turned around and boy Mia enjoyed having a good look at that ass, inhibited by anything. Nora’s perfectly thick booty bounced and Mia tested its firmness further. She explored every single inch. An ass which Mia had to have and she would have.“MIA!”The shot and awe in Nora’s voice came out and her body crackled. Mia shoved her tongue all the way into Nora’s ass and licked it good and hard. Nora clutched her hands against the bed as the dirty actions of the blonde archer continued and Nora shook all over the bed.Mia pulled all the way out of Nora and admired her messy, dripping wet asshole. She leaned in and planted a couple of kisses on Nora’s brown cheeks which made her shiver on the bed.“My trainer showed me this one. It’s perfect for bringing a woman to her knees. Too bad you’re already there.”A concentrated attack on Nora’s clit made her explode all over the bed. Nora never had such pleasure rock through her body. Mia attacked her and hit all of the pleasure centers. She knew all of the spots which drove Nora nuts, almost better than Nora did.“See, you can’t hide anything from me.”“That’s not fair.”“All’s fair in love and war. And love can be a real battlefield.”Nora’s cheeks spread wide and the speedster was quick enough to realize something pushed up against her anal opening. Fuck, it felt very good to have this cock all the way into her ass as it got pushed inside. Oh, that felt very good and Nora just moaned out loud the second Mia slid into her ass.Mia closed her eyes. The cock reacted to her body heat and hardened to push into Nora’s tight ass from behind. Oh, Mia had a better idea. She grabbed Nora and set the speedster onto her lap. Mia squeezed Nora’s hips and moved to squeeze her breasts.“So, is this schway enough?” Mia asked her.The cries which came from the speedster intensified the more Mia rocked Nora up and down her body. The loud slap echoed against Nora’s ass as Mia grabbed her meaty cheeks and bounced her up and down. Nora’s pussy began to ache and she knew that it would only be a matter of time.Nora flushed when she realized what Mia made her do. The speedster went off like a water gun all over the place and pasted the bedsheets, the wall, and Mia’s skilled fingers with her cum.The moment Mia savored Nora’s hot juices only made her lose it even more. Her pussy went off again and left puddles all over the bed. Nora thought she would die of embarrassment which how much she lost it.“Not unexpected. I knew you would burst.”Mia manipulated Nora’s body even further. Oh, Nora realized she bit off more than she could chew. This woman would top her constantly and use Nora’s ass as a toy to get off repeatedly. And Nora would love and enjoy it. Mia bent her down and pushed deep into Nora.“I knew I would have you. And that’s perfect. That’s what you want, isn’t it, you little speed slut?”“OH YES!” Nora screamed out loud.Nora topped Mia repeatedly with multiple thrusts and buried all the way into her ass. She slapped down onto Mia’s ass and rocked her a little bit more.“Cum for me again.”Oh, Nora, now pushed down face first on the bed, vibrated. She never did this, unless she got aroused. And Mia, the devious archer, pushed her to this point. Mia’s hands manipulated Nora’s body and turned her into a woman who practically orgasmed on command.“Much better than your own fingers, isn’t it?”Not fair, Mia’s skilled manipulation of her clit turned Nora into a mewling and whimpering kitten. Loud slaps across Nora’s ass indicated made her squirt even more. The sticky sheets came off of the bed from Mia fucking Nora so hard. The matress slid down the wall and the pillows moved down.Mia bent Nora over the side of the bed and made her hands touch the ground. Mia grabbed the side of Nora’s legs and speared her ass from this position. The fact the blood rushed to Nora’s head while Mia took out all of her sexual desires son Nora’s ass just made it.It had been a very long time for Mia, and she would make Nora’s ass her own personal plaything for as long as Nora would give herself to her. Nora submitted naturally to Mia.Mia realized they had been the opposite of their mothers. Felicity had been, as Sara Lance so succulently put it once, a bottom masquerading as a top. While Iris had been a bit more assertive, to the point where it was clear who ran the show in the West-Allen household. To the point where Mia almost felt sorry for Barry.Things were completely different than they would be between the mothers between these two lustful and adult daughters.Nora submitted even more. The blood rushed to her head. Mia moaned and touched her body. She yanked Nora up a little bit so she did not fall on the floor, but kept up the hammering.“Cum for me one more time. Cum for me now, my slutty little speedster.”Nora saw stars and almost blacked out from the combined pleasure and being hung upside down like this. The only thing which kept Nora awake was Mia’s thrusts deep inside of her. Mia trained her ass to react to the slightest touch and made Nora just hot.Mia thought now it would be her turn. The pleasure in her loins broke and Mia spurted all over the place. The strap on, still wedged firmly against Nora’s cheeks, soaked all over the place.The moment Mia pulled out of Nora, Nora’s dripping ass and pussy left puddles all over the place. Satisfaction ranged over Mia.“Was that everything your filthy little mind dreamed up?” Mia asked.“And more,”“Lick me you slut.”Nora compiled and went down on her new mistress. Mia leaned back and smiled.Tonight would be etched in her memory forever.  Mia allowed Nora to worship her like a good little slave pet. She had many more plans for her.End.