125. Chapter 125(Oliver and Kara)(12/11/2019 Update...

Some family fun featuring the Queens, Oliver, Thea, Emiko, and Mia. Check it out here: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2019/12/family-bondinghit-mark-blog-exclusive.htmlWell, this is it. The finale of this anthology of shameless smut one shots. Or at least being a regularly posted 2 to 3 chapters a week thing. Much like the Breeding Ground still has occasional chapters posted after nine months of being finished, but on the blog, I suspect a similiar thing will happen. Although with this, I think I may be posting the odd chapter on AO3 as well, but exactly how often is due to numerous factors far too complicated to explain at the moment. And all blog exclusive content will make it's way here eventually when I feel it's run it's course over on my blog. Thanks for reading regardless and I should link to the Hit the Mark page for the blog, which has and will continue to post some blog exclusive content: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2018/05/hit-mark-archives.html and for all blog exclusive content: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2017/03/regarding-blog-exclusive-content.htmlAnd let the shameless smut commence. Not Complicated(Oliver Queen/Green Arrow and Kara Danvers/Supergirl).

“I’m telling you right now. I want the zoning plan done and I want more money poured into the schools of the Glades. Writing off those kids before they even have a chance to start is going to put them down the wrong road. Don’t tell me they’re not worth it. Because, if we don’t give them the opportunity to succeed, all it’s doing is creating a cycle of pain. The same cycle which lead to the Undertaking five years ago.”Oliver Queen finished his conversation with one of the most frustrating City Councilman. He put a lot of time and frustration into improving the educational system in Star City and recruiting new teachers to the Glades. While Oliver admittedly to not take his own education seriously when he was younger, he thought some people would need a bit more of a leg up and to be make something of themselves. Writing off a section of the people who was supposed to protect was not going to cut it.“You seem tense.”Kara Danvers slipped into the office. She pushed the glasses up the bridge of her nose, with a smile. The woman who had been Supergirl secretly and teamed with Oliver as the Green Arrow, had worked with Oliver as his press secretary.“Your approval ratings are up across the board,” Kara said him.“Polls mean little if I feel that I’m not accomplishing my goals,” Oliver said. “And I feel like I’m butting heads with City Council every time I try and push something through.”Kara locked the door behind her. In addition to working together in both aspects of their life, they had struck up a friends with benefits relationship. It had been very discreet. The only people who knew about it, was Thea and Alex, and they knew how to remain discreet about such a thing.“You are tense,” Kara said. “I’ve been neglecting some of my duties as our...are we officially boyfriend and girlfriend by this point?”“It’s complicated, isn’t it?” Oliver asked. “People like us, we don’t do traditional relationships. And the Mayor fucking the press secretary is something the press will pounce on like a dog on a bone.”“Speaking of pouncing on bones,” Kara said coyly.Kara’s skilled hands already had Oliver’s pants open and his cock out. She ran a finger against it and stroked it to get Oliver good and hard. All of the tension appeared to go straight to Oliver’s loins and make his cock as hard as a rock. Kara lowered down and took Oliver into her mouth.Oliver appreciated her mouth and more than appreciated her super throat. Not to mention super breath, as Kara descended all the way down Oliver’s prick and took it all the way into her mouth to give him an amazing blowjob. She thrilled every inch of Oliver’s cock with the blowjob.Kara pulled up and licked Oliver’s cock head to get it good and wet. As much as she wanted to and could suck this cock all day, Kara got plans.“Time to return the favor, Mr. Mayor,” Kara said in a faux professional voice.Oliver pushed his hand underneath Kara’s skirt and felt around on her bare crotch. Kara’s nipples stuck out from behind her blouse which Oliver slowly unbuttoned to reveal the delicious cleavage underneathh.“No panties, Ms. Danvers?” Oliver asked her.Kara let out a breath as Oliver drove his fingers all the way into her. He kissed the side of Kara’s neck and made her squirm as Oliver casually fingered his press secretary in the office.“You know I never wear panties in the office, sir,” Kara said, slipping into her role very well.Not as easily as Oliver’s cock would slip into her in a matter of minutes. Oliver pressed his fingers against Kara’s warm opening and caused her to breathe in when Oliver slid his fingers all the way into her tight cunt and made her shiver and shake all over the place.“You’re easy,” Oliver said. “Like butter in my hand.”“Not that easy,” Kara said. “Just you have the right touch.”Oliver could go with that. He leaned down and licked Kara’s pussy.“Mmm, eat me out, Mr. Mayor!” Kara breathed. “Take out all of your frustration on my hungry cunny and make me cum all over your handsome face!”Soundproofing the outer bugs of his office had been. And having a fuck buddy who could hear the subtle clicking of any bugs in his office helped the rest of the way. Oliver devoured Kara’s pussy like a gourmet meal and made her just quiver all over the place.“How about that?” Oliver asked. “Why don’t you take off your clothes the rest of the way?”“Sit in that chair, sir,” Kara said.Kara climbed on top of Oliver and performed a lapdance for him. Her pussy and ass rubbed all over Oliver’s cock and got him rock solid. She moved for the glasses, but Oliver stopped her.“Leave them on.”Oliver’s throbbing cock edged a little bit towards her gates. Oh, the pulsing of this strong cock just made Kara ooze all over the place. The Girl of Steel rocked down a little bit as the Emerald Archer parted her pussy lips. Oliver’s strong body pressed against Kara’s and lowered her all the way down inside of her.Kara bit down on her lip. She slowly let out the cry, to enhance the moment. Just as Oliver fed her pussy his cock and made Kara shake all over the place. The Girl of Steel quivered as Oliver entered her warm hole from beneath and pushed a little bit further.“Cum for me.”Kara already had been in the process of doing so. Oliver treated her body to an intense worship session and squeezed her breasts. Kara just shook all over the place and came hard on Oliver. Oliver slid a little bit further into her and rocked Kara. Oliver’s chair creaked up and down and Kara cried out in pleasure.“Mr. Queen!” Kara cried out.Oliver grabbed ahold of Kara’s cheeks and pushed down onto her. Kara’s head pushed back. She looked hot as hell. The beautiful blonde rode Oliver with nothing other than a pair of glasses and loopy grin. She bounced a little bit harder and very much faster as she slammed down onto Oliver’s thick prick.The handsome Mayor of Star City lifted his press secretary out of his arms and sent the papers flying everywhere. Oliver spread Kara’s legs and spiked down into her body. She rocked back and moaned when Oliver pushed into her. He rode Kara onto the desk.Anyone who walked in on them, boy it would be a scandal. Thankfully, Kara double locked the door and Thea had been just outside, knew what Kara’s intentions were, and would likely intercept anyone and tell them that Oliver was busy in a meeting.More like a meating. Kara reprimanded herself for the really bad joke, even though it had been confined to the annals of her mind. And Oliver pressed down and rode the hell out of Kara. His hard balls smacked against Kara’s thighs and rocked her into the desk.“Still with me, beautiful?” Oliver asked.Oliver lovingly kissed Kara’s lips. Despite the fact they swore they would not complicate this relationship with deep feelings, time spent together working had caused some small complications to arise. Mistakes had been made as they got a bit too close for comfort. Not that Kara minded being close to Oliver. And more importantly, close to the thick meat which pushed into her body.“Always with you,” Kara moaned out loudly. “Always.”Oliver pressed up into Kara and filled her up. Kara almost blurted out she loved Oliver, which would make things awkward. Heat of the moment thing it was.It had been a long and hard road for Oliver Queen, but with Kara by his side, as his partner, things would be right. The problem was, Oliver did not want to complicate things by making this more serious than it needed to be. Much like he complicated things with other women in the past.“Ollie, you can cum inside me,” Kara said. “Please, cum inside of me. Fill me up with your warm cream.”Kara had been looking into ways of chemically altering Oliver’s DNA to make him more compatible to hers, just in case things became more serious, and they ever settled down, well about as much as two people like them did. Did Kara want them to become more serious? Oh, this had gone too far, but Kara could not pull away.“Oh, Kara, I can’t wait to fill your pussy,” Oliver said. “You’re the most beautiful girl ever.”Which said something, given Oliver had some extremely beautiful women in his life. Sara, Laurel, and as neurotic as she was, Kara thought it could not be disputed that Felicity was an attractive woman. Among a few others. Kara pressed down onto Oliver and allowed him inside of her.“I...don’t know,” Kara said. “But I am lucky to have you.”“As I am you.”The two entered a hot kiss before their words could get them in trouble. Oliver pushed into Kara and rode her all the way to the end. Oliver pressed against Kara and came along with her this time.Oliver Queen and Kara Danvers came together with each other. The Girl of Steel sighed as Oliver left his mark on her body. She gently caressed Oliver’s hair as he sucked her nipples while they both came down.“I’m thinking about going away on a long weekend,” Oliver said. “Care to join me?”“Away from Star City?” Kara asked. “For that long?”“Thea and Laurel can handle vigilante stuff, and the city is not going to fall apart if the Mayor takes a weekend trip,” Oliver said. “Nice intimate island, the two of us. I know I haven’t had good luck with islands in the past, but I’m sure this would be fun.”Kara knew, and wondered just how serious Oliver would make this.“No need to make this complicated,” Oliver said. “A simple yes or no answer would be.”“Yes I would….I would love you...love too!” Kara blurted out.If Oliver noticed the slip, he did not call her out on it.Spend some time with Oliver and figure out how things were, outside of helping Oliver run a city and save it. She realized Oliver cuddled her in close and that was not something that happened when it first started. It had been just sex and they went their separate ways.What in the name of Rao had Kara gotten herself into? The Girl of Steel nestled her head into Oliver’s chest and smiled despite this situation getting very complicated.End.