127. Vixen Does Rogue(Mari McCabe and Rogue)

This Blog Exclusive Smut Was First Posted on My Blog on October 24th, 2018. For the latest blog exclusive content go to: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2018/05/hit-mark-archives.html


Vixen Does Rogue(Mari McCabe/Vixen and Rogue from the X-Men)

Mari shivered when the feeling of a pair of beautiful hands rubbed down the back of her neck. The tension flooding her body from earlier seeped away from the relaxing motions. The crime fighter known to the world at large as Vixen turned around.Beautiful dark hair with a white strip down the center and gorgeous green eyes looked into Mari’s eyes. Nice high cheekbones, supple lips, and a stacked figure, wearing a transparent yellow night dress which stretched against every inch of her body. Her ass and breasts were out of this world. Mari smiled when closing in on her lover.“Hey,” Mari said.“Long day?” Rogue asked.“Yes,” Mari said. “But, it’s worth it to be with you.”Rogue smiled and met Vixen halfway with a kiss. The beautiful dark skin of her lover shined in an alluring manner. Rogue, thanks to the power of Mari’s totem, could touch her without any consequence. Normally, Rogue would drain her lovers and not in the fun way ever. Rogue recalled when her powers kicked in, and how the southern belle put her boyfriend in a coma.Now, Rogue had more control, although she could lose control very easily when losing concentration. And she lost control in a good way from Mari parting her night dress. Mari placed a hand on her breast. The contrast of their skin tones, Rogue’s light and creamy, Mari’s dark and chocolate-colored, made her just smile. Mari closed her hands around Rogue’s nipple with one hand.“Oooh, Sugah, touch me all over,” Rogue mewled hotly.Mari watched her sexy girlfriend bend back for the totem-powered heroine to get greater access. Knowing that she could touch Rogue more intimately thanks to the totem. Which pretty soon would be the only article on her chest. A nice supple squeeze of her chest follows and Rogue moans in heatedy fashion.“Keep sucking my tits, baby,” Rogue breathed.One nipple pushes into Mari’s mouth. Mari sucked on it and Rogue brushed through Mari’s dark hair. The sucking increased and Rogue’s soft cries only escalated.“Suck my tits, they’re yours. Oh, that just hits the spot. It feels very nice...really nice...keep touching me baby...keep touching me.”A woman who could switch between refined and dirty so much made Mari’s heart beat with desire. She pulled Rogue’s panties down to reveal her sex. And the scent of the sex. Mari started licking her lover like a playful cat and moved down between Rogue’s legs.“Eat me out!” Rogue yelled.The light encouragement brought Mari between Rogue’s thighs. After ensuring the totem was in place, Mari dropped down between the thighs of the female mutant.Rogue had been skeptical the totem would work and negate her powers at first. Now, it blocked out her abilities and protected Mari from them. All while allowing them the intimate contact. The touch of Mari’s tongue, first on her outer lips and then on her inner core rocked Rogue back, making her break out into a soft sigh. Content feelings spread through Rogue.Mari lapped the savory fluids from Rogue. The heated pleasure rocked Rogue back and forth, with her crying out in pleasure.“You taste divine,” Mari said with a smile as she leaned in briefly to nibble Rogue’s nether lips.The minute Mari came up, she climbed on top of Rogue. Rogue grabbed ahold of Mari’s tight ass and sank her down tongue first her down onto her probing tongue. The loud cry of pleasure followed from Rogue going tongue deep into Mari’s tight, warm pussy.“That’s it!” Mari hissed. “Touch me all over. Oh, those hands, those tongues, they’re perfect, you’re perfect!”Mari’s warm thighs slid down onto either side of Rogue’s face. Rogue disappeared in between Mari’s thighs and sucked her hot in pleasure. The juices trickled down onto Rogue’s face. She lapped up the sweet and wild taste coming from Mari.“Get that naughty little tongue deeper!” Mari yelled. “Oh, lick me out! Lick my delicious pussy out.”The power of the totem caused Mari’s hair to whip back. She gave a seductive pure in reaction to Rogue’s probing tongue.The more Rogue dug in, the more of that sweet juices trickled. Rogue sucked them down and made Mari rock back and forth on her, the tension of her fingers increasing. Mari released some juices onto Rogue who lapped them up one more time.After getting Mari’s pussy nice and wet, Rogue pushed her away. Mari crawled down Rogue’s body and covered it with sweet, tender kisses. Every movement pressed down onto Rogue’s heaving chest which rose and fell from her.“I’m going to take you,” Mari said. “But you like that, don’t you?”“You know it, Sugah,” Rogue breathed. “Oooh...mercy..that feels good!”Mari rubbed Rogue’s nether lips. The cries she came off with was music to Mari’s ears. She nibbled down the front of Rogue’s body, leaving marks and love bites over the southern vixen. Rogue’s hips shot up with Mari plunging deep into her body.“Ohhhh, yes!” Rogue said. “I want you!”The fever spread through Rogue’s body and there was only one thing which could quench her thirst. More of Mari touching her all over and driving Rogue several steps past the edge. Mari shoved three fingers into Rogue in succession and worked her pussy furiously.“Touch my ass,” Rogue said.“I was going to anyway.”A squeeze of Rogue’s succulent ass added to the pleasure. Mari thought about using the power of the totem to drive into Rogue. The pure wild fury which went through the ebony goddess made Mari hunger for it. She licked her lips and slipped the fingers from Rogue upon her orgasm.Mari sucked the juices off of her fingers. Rogue turned over and sat up with a smile on her face. Mari enjoyed when Rogue watched her with lust, when sucking the juices. Mari sucked her fingers completely dry, the digits being drawn into her mouth one by one, until Vixen sucked them dry.“That’s hot,” Rogue said. “I can take you.”“Mmm, honey, I believe I’m the one who is going to take you.”The scream of pleasure came out of Rogue. Mari pounced her and started kissing her on the lips. Rogue put her hands on Mari’s ass, feeling their pussies grind together. Mari pinned Rogue down on the bed and bit down on her neck, sucking on it.  She screamed, incoherent from what Mari was doing to her.If this was wrong, than Rogue did not want to be proper. Despite being a southern  lady, something about Mari made her act like a proper whore.A dazed smile came over Rogue’s mouth. The marks on her neck flashed into the light. Mari dragged her fingernail down the side of Rogue’s neck and then past her collarbone. Rogue quivered underneath Mari’s touch. Mari rolled her hips down and sent Rogue shooting up.“Come for me, babe,” Rogue said.“Mmm, such a sexy bitch,” Mari moaned.Rogue spread her thighs and could not wait for Mari to take that final plunge. The glowing light of the totem enveloped Mari’s body. Something long and hard pressed up against Rogue’s moist pussy lips. Rogue rocked herself up, and Mari squeezed Rogue’s thighs.Mari looked dead on into Rogue’s eyes. They screamed one thing. Screamed at Mari to take Rogue.A deep plunge allowed Mari to experience the full tightness of Rogue’s pussy. The cock of some wild beast started to pummel Rogue and caused her to breath in. The hard light construct pushed in and out, making Mari rise up and down.“JESUS CHRIST!” Rogue howled.Mari’s eyes and hair looked pretty wild and that hit all of Rogue’s buttons.Like a bull, Mari smashed deep into Rogue and made her cry out. Rogue’s soft features, gone untouched for so long, just writhed on the bed. Mari dug her fingernails into the side of Rogue’s legs, working her in. Rogue clenched down and the juices pumped out, solidifying the need to get stuffed completely full. Rogue clamped down and released Mari in sensational waves of pleasure.She screamed, cumming extremely hard. An endless flood of juices soaked Mari’s pussy.Rogue’s cries of lust only enticed Mari. She had thrown all inhibition to the level and attacked Rogue with multiple thrusts. The loud cries followed by Rogue clamping down onto her cock construct made Mari just rise up. Mari buried herself down and devoured Rogue’s chest.“Mmm, mmm, oh...right there!” Rogue moaned.The climax reached a fever pitch. Rogue’s toes curled something fierce. Mari gave Rogue an aggressive rubdown the faster she rocked the woman. Deeper, fiercer, faster, and with more aggression than ever before, it sent Rogue spiraling out of control.Mari pulled away at Rogue and licked her lips at the woman’s utterly fucked body. The hand pressed against Rogue’s inner thigh and made her break out into a cry. Rogue’s pussy ached and Mari rubbed furiously against her.“Would you cry if I pulled away?” Mari asked.“You know it,” Rogue said with a smile.A motion allowed Mari to sit Rogue up onto her lap. Rogue wrapped her arms around Mari and leaned in to hit her with a succulent kiss. Their mouths moved together and Mari rolled her hands down. Her fingers, dripping wet from Rogue’s arousal, shoved deep into Rogue from behind.“Ohhhh!”The surprise penetration of her ass caused Rogue jump up. Mari kept kissing her, bruising Rogue’s lips. Rogue pushed her hand on Mari’s head. Instead of pushing her away, Rogue deepened the kiss.Their tongues moved back and forth until the point where Mari overwhelmed Rogue and turned her around. Mari dug her fingers against Rogue’s ass and released it. A couple of spanks followed and Rogue bent over the side of the bed. Mari opened up the taboo back entrance.Mari shoved her face between Rogue and sucked her asshole. When it was nice and wet, Mari pulled back and continued to spread Rogue’s cheeks.After kneading Rogue’s ass cheeks like the fine clay they were, Mari moved in. She ground a little bit against Rogue’s ass.“This ass,” Mari said. “Is mine.”“Are you going to fuck me in the ass like a proper slut?”Mari smiled before matching Rogue’s tone from earlier.“You know it.”The deep thrust of Mari shoving her hips forward and the glow of the totem penetrated Rogue. Her sweet and succulent ass cheeks spread apart for Mari to repeat her driving inside. Mari squeezed on Rogue and then pushed back into her.Rogue clutched onto the edge of the bed. Mari penetrated Rogue’s tight ass from behind and rocked her body so hard. Red marks on Rogue’s ass only enticed Mari to go in even more.Mari rubbed her nipples in excitement. She could not wait to spin Rogue around and make Rogue worship her breasts. For now, the hot Vixen took her sexy mutant lover up her ass. The power of the totem brought Mari’s hips repeatedly forward in feverish actions.“Don’t stop!” Rogue yelled. “Oh for the love of God don’t stop fucking me!”Who could deny a woman who took it so willingly in her ass? Mari made sure Rogue would think of her always when sitting down. Mari squeezed Rogue’s succulent rear and caused her to scream out.“I wonder if you want some of this?” Mari asked.Oh, now Mari’s sweet fingers pushed into her pussy. Rogue lost herself to being pleasured in her pussy and anus at the same time.Rogue closed her eyes and got hit hard. Mari rode away of her until Rogue was a gushing waterfall between her legs. Mari fed Rogue her juices and took some of her own. So sexy to watch Mari do this to her and worship her body.The final pop concluded with Mari working deep and hard into Rogue’s completely fucked anus. She pushed into Rogue and made her leak even more. Those juices flooding made Mari smile. She got as much on her hand, enough to have a good meal.Mari licked up the excessive amount of juices. She turned Rogue around and lowered Rogue’s head. Rogue’s face disappeared between Mari’s dark heaving melons.“Get to work, hon,” Mari said with a nail raking down Rogue’s right earlobe.Rogue did not disapprove of this any. She could suck Mari’s delicious breasts every day. In fact, Rogue got a headstart in doing that right now.A finger brushed against Rogue’s ear. Mari whispered sweet, succulent nothings, in Rogue’s ear as they prepared for more hot fun.Rogue did not want this night to end. Mari pulled Rogue away and cupped her beautiful face. Several light kisses trickled all over Rogue’s face.“If you’re think that you’re up for more, I am too,” Mari said.“Honey, I can take this all night long,” Rogue told her.The sassiness in Rogue’s voice encouraged Mari to pounce her. From one vixen to another, they were going to have so much fun.End.