128. Batgirl Does Jesse Quick(Barbara Gordon and Je...

This Chapter Was First Posted as a Blog Exclusive Smut Chapter On November 1st, 2018. Check out the latest blog exclusive smut at: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2018/05/hit-mark-archives.html


Batgirl Does Jesse Quick(Barbara Gordon/Batgirl and Jesse Wells/Jesse Quick)-Hit the Mark Blog Exclusive Chapter. 

The drums of war pounded a beat in Jesse Quick’s head. She swore, everytime in Gotham City and only in Gotham City ,did Jesse suffer something along those lines. The latest events played out in Jesse’s head. It all started when Jesse studied some mysterious air samples which could be traced back to Gotham City.The people exposed to this toxic air went mad, quite mad with fear. The person behind it relished in the experiment and torturing innocent people until they were driven completely mad with terror. Professor Jonathan Crane, the Scarecrow, even exposed Jesse to the toxins.The after shock of being exposed still hit Jesse. Demons which she buried came back. Namely, Zoom, the evil speedster who kept Jesse prisoner, taunted her. Jesse thanked everything for Batgirl, who helped her out and helped her stop the Scarecrow from blanketing fear toxin across several cities.Jesse still tingled over the edge. Every time Jesse let her guard down, she saw Zoom. The only thing which caused her was deep breathing. Waiting for Barbara, or Batgirl rather, to bring her back the anti-toxin. Jesse thought the wait a the doctor’s office felt less nerve racking than this. Jesse tweaked her hair back and wondered what the hell took Barbara so long.“There you go,” Barbara said.“Let’s get this over with,” Jesse said.Really, Jesse did not like needles. She hated seeing a monster like Zoom even more.Barbara returned with the anti-toxin. Jesse rolled her sleeve up and prepared to take her medicine. Barbara jabbed Jesse in the side of the arm and made her eyes flood over. This particular rush sent Jesse over the edge and caused her to smile.Better, much better, better than seeing Zoom lurking around in every corner. Despite the fact Jesse consciously knew Zoom was gone and would not come back, the thoughts of her subconscious brain played havoc. She moved over, just in time to get an eyeful of Batgirl bent over.The tight ass in even tighter leather pants caused Jesse to fluster and shake a tiny bit. Barbara’s ass swayed from side to side. Something else rose up in Jesse, and she just had to grab onto it. Despite it not being approriate to do so, the tempetation reached Jesse.After a long moment, Barbara turned around. The frown as she looked at Jesse’s clenching hands, as if she longed to touch something.“Are you okay?” Barbara asked.Jesse nodded. Barbara’s juicy lips beckoned to Jesse. Screamed at Jesse to kiss them. Jesse tried to fight back. Fear left the building and finally had been replaced by lust. Barbara stood closer and put a hand on Jesse’s forehead.“You seem physically okay,” Barbara said. “You’re a little hot.”“And you’re very hot, “Jesse said. “And you….sorry about this.”“Sorry about what?”All inhibitions faded away as Jesse pounced on Barbara and kissed the ever living daylights out of her. For ten seconds, Jesse completely violated Barbara’s tonsils with her tongue and ass with her hands. Before, Barbara put a pair of hands on the back of Jesse’s head.Instead of pushing Jesse away, Barbara not only deepened the kiss, but showed the girl how it was done. She was so aggressive that Jesse’s lips tingled with pleasure. The heated pleasure going into Barbara’s warm mouth, with their tongues dancing together made Barbara and Jesse enter an extremely heated makeout session with each other.Barbara pulled away and guided Jesse back onto the desk. She straddled Jesse and tilted her head back. Kisses covered the side of Jesse’s mouth and then down the side of her neck. Jesse closed her eyes and put a hand onto the back of Barbara’s hair.“Oh I need this,” Jesse said. “Why do I need this so bad?”“Well, the anti-toxin reacted to your super powered body differently,” Barbara suggested. “Therefore, it elevated your hormone levels….you’re making me hot whatever it is.”As she tried to piece it together, Jesse rubbed Barbara’s nether lips. Barbara thrust her hips forward.“I want you, “Jesse said. “Oh, I always wanted to be with you. I mean, you always looked so sexy.”“You’re sexy as well,” Barbara said. “And I want you.”The sexy redhead attacked the brainy brunette, rubbing her body down. She started to pull off Jesse’s suit. Jesse pulled back with a wicked smile.“I can’t wait for you,” Jesse said.A blink of an eye caused their suits to come off, with Barbara only wearing a cowl, her boots, and gloves, and Jesse wearing absolutely nothing than all. Barbara clutched Jesse’s tight ass and pulled her in, kissing her even more.Jesse laid down, legs spread, and Barbara came down to touch her, worship her. Jesse closed her fingers against the back of Barbara’s hair and she doubled down with the kissing.“Mmm, Batgirl,” Jesse said. “Kiss me where it counts!”The closer Barbara came to Jesse’s inflamed slit, the more she wanted this. Barbara’s tongue danced back and forth, licking Jesse. A small lick, then another small one, and a medium one, with Barbara taste-testing Jesse’s pussy.Jesse closed her eyes and now Barbara sunk down and ate the speedster out. Something made Jesse’s mind collapse in pleasure, Barbara diving tongue first into the horny young speedster, and licking her completely out. The soft pop of Barbara’s mouth raised up.“Yummy.”Barbara smiled. Jesse tasted as sweet as strawberries on a warm summer day, so Barbara wanted her, and wanted her so good. She took a couple of seconds to draw out Jesse’s orgasm. Knowing that she had this horny brunette on the edge encouraged Barbara to delve deeper.She looked like a gusher and boy Barbara had not been disappointed. She buried her sexy face between Jesse’s thighs and devoured her.“Keep touching me,” Jesse said. “Oooh...yes...that’s so hot!”The speedster’s hands whirled over the back of Barbara’s hair and she broke out into loud moans. The minute Barbara finished going down on her was the minute which Jesse could recover, just a little bit.Instantly, Jesse attempted to return the favor when Barbara sat on the edge of the table. Jesse’s techinique needed a little refinement, and Barbara was only too happy to teach the young heroine how to get it done.“Slow,” Barbara told her. “Lick around the surface, on the outer lips a little bit. Nibble slightly, just a little bit more. Make sure you stroke my thigh as they dive in...nice and easy. Your hand’s so soft...that feels nice...your mouth’s so warm on my pussy.”Jesse followed Barbara’s instructions to the letter. The results did not disappointed. Barbara clasped the back of Jesse’s head and moved her in. Tongue delved in, tongue swirled out, with Jesse moving and causing Barbara to hit a gusher.“Deeper!” Barbara encouraged Jesse. “Just a little bit more.”The vibration of Jesse’s tongue made Barbara feel better than any sex toy. Oh, she could feel the rush and the ride. Jesse knew all of the ways to touch her extremely hard.After sucking through Barbara’s squirting juices, Jesse came back. The two crawled towards each other, kissing. Jesse’s vibrating fingers danced over Barbara’s fingers. The pleasure jolts made Barbara hotter all over. No matter how many times Jesse hit her, it was always an adventure.Jesse pulled away from Barbara and left a strand of salvia between their lips. A smile indicated Jesse was not done. She moved her hand down Barbara’s bare body and lightly stimulated her. Sparks of energy hit Barbara’s clit and caused her to buck up towards Jesse’s hand.“Damn it, Jesse, that’s the spot!” Barbara cried.“I’m glad you like it,” Jesse said. “Because, we’re just getting heated up.”Now, Jesse had been getting into it. And she buried her fingers deep into Barbara’s tight pussy. Oh, Barbara loved the sensation of her warm core closing down onto Jesse’s probing fingers. She moved in ,with a sudden plunge and release.The minute Barbara tapped a gusher, Jesse pulled her fingers out. And then replaced them with the fingers from the other hand, so she could taste Barbara’s juices while getting her to climax again. Barbara reached her peak pretty fast, and Jesse had to be the one to reign her in and slow her down.Savoring the moment made Jesse feel extremely good.Jesse alternated between fingering Barbara with one hand and sucking the juices of her last orgasm off of the other hand. The sexy redhead, dripping hot with sweat, made Jesse just throb. She wished for a third hand, to rub her heated core.After dropping Barbara back onto the table, with her legs spreading apart, Jesse pressed between her legs. Barbara’s hips shot up and Jesse just smiled.“Lesson number one,” Barbara whispered. “Just because you think you’re on top, it doesn’t mean you’re in control any.”Barbara showed how adept she was by sweeping Jesse over onto the table. The hot crime fighter landed onto the sexy speedster. Barbara’s arms wrapped around Jesse’s neck and she kissed the girl vigorously, until their mouths turned red and puffy from the aggression of the kisses.Jesse sighed contently and hungrily. Barbara kissed her lips aggressively and released them just enough for Jesse to come up for a tiny bit of air before diving back down tongue first into Barbara’s mouth.No matter how quick Jesse could be in these situations, Barbara pulling out a strap on caught Jesse very much off guard. The dildo slid preciously against Barbara’s lips and sent her almost rising up to meet it. Barbara pressed down onto Jesse’s chest and made her shake a little bit more.“Take...take me!” Jesse begged.“Mmm...in a minute,” Barbara said. “So sexy.”Jesse’s body and eyes screamed for Barbara to take her more than her voice could. Barbara rubbed all over Jesse’s body and took her on that very intense right. The massaging of her hips and then Barbara shot up, almost pushing her dildo, which reacted to Jesse’s heat.“I need you inside me!” Jesse begged. “I want you to fuck me hard. Please fuck me hard!”“Well since you asked so nicely,” Barbara said.“I did!” Jesse yelled. “And I need you know!”The begging of the brainy brunette speedster helped Barbara along. She moved down and shoved down onto Jesse’s deep and needy hole. Jesse’s legs came up to lock onto Barbara. Barbara ran her hands down onto it and stroked them up and down.The sounds Jesse made in time with Barbara stroking her legs, it told Barbara the story she needed to go. Barbara pressed her mouth down onto Jesse’s chest, and covered it with kisses. Then her legs and that really brought Jesse over the edge.“BABS!” Jesse cried, forgetting them were still technically in costume.Jesse’s fingers danced up and down Barbara’s back. The sparks of energy surrounding them increased the heat the two felt. This little encounter had been set off by Jesse’s warm loins squeezing Barbara. They met with pure electricity bombarding them.The heat both women shared would edge them closer to that mutual moment of pleasure.“We’re just getting started,” Barbara said. “But, you don’t want me to go easy on you. You want me to dominate you until you can’t think of anything other than me.”“YES!” Jesse screamed.“Good girl, “Barbara said.Multiple kisses peppered the side of Jesse’s mouth and got her going.Barbara rode Jesse, swaying her hips deep into Jesse’s. The peak of the speedster reached the second Barbara locked her eyes onto Jesse. Jesse moaned hard. Barbara picked things up a little bit and Jesse matched her.“Just a little bit closer,” Barbara told her super powered lovered.The final climax exploded through Jesse’s body, or so she thought. Every single nerve ending in her body sang from Barbara riding her. Jesse never had been more fulfilled. Especially from Barbara hammering all of her buttons with constant touches.Finally, Jesse took in a deep breath.“Oh, you think we’re done?”The second Barbara pulled away, she flipped Jesse over. The surprise happened when Barbara grabbed ahold of Jesse’s rear end. Hot oil from Barbara’s belt allowed her to rub Jesse down. The lubricating of her asshole, with Barbara’s finger slipping inside made Jesse excited.“I’m going to take your ass. And I’m going to mark it as mine forever. And you’re going to take it like a good little anal slut.”A squeeze of Jesse’s firm cheeks and she shivered from Barbara’s touches. The warm, oily hands slipping down Jesse’s butt with Barbara grinding against her made the young speedster excited as hell.Barbara told Jesse what she was going to do and Jesse could hardly hold back from it. The slow and soft grinding took place and Barbara lined up, ready to take Jesse in her tight hole from behind. Jesse opened up, mouth agape and ready to receive.“Babs,  I need….”“Don’t worry, baby,” Barbara said. “Let me take care of everything you need.”A sight to be seen indeed, with Batgirl taking Jesse Quick up her ass. The speedster pushed down face first onto the table, having been topped. Barbara clutched onto Jesse’s rear and spanked it hard. Red marks rose up off of it.“Mmm, love that ass.”“I’m sure you do.”Barbara thought Jesse had an ass to die for and an ass which she wanted to get lost into. It took a lot of self control not to go all out at once. Yet, Barbara needed to, she must, keep hammering away at Jesse. Her hips pumping forth like a blur and sending Jesse on a one way trip to the edge of pleasure.A clenching of her insides, with Barbara digging her skilled fingers in there, made Jesse break out into a scream of pleasure. Barbara stuffed two holes at the same time. Worked them very nice. In and out, at the speed which drove Jesse completely nuts.“That’s it, baby, cum for me,” Barbara said. “You can’t resist getting fucked in that perfect...snug...little ass can you?”“NO!” Jesse cried out.The minute Jesse climaxed, Barbara lost all sense of herself. She topped Jesse off and now it was her turn. With Barbara spearing Jesse’s tight rear passage until the juices filled out. Barbara clenched Jesse’s sticky ass and plunged into her, faster, deeper, with more vigor.Barbara dragged her nails off of Jesse and left the speedster panting from the aftermath. Jesse turned around, wincing at the aftermath of the mark Barbara made on her ass.An attempt by Jesse’s to get her hands on the strap on had been thrawted. Barbara grabbed Jesse by the back of the head and shoved her down mouth first onto the same dildo which Barbara shoved up Jesse’s ass just moments earlier.“Nice try,” Barbara said. “But, I’m going to have to work you hard.”Jesse throated the messy dildo. Barbara stroking her hair increased the depths which Jesse plunged down onto the dildo. Which would soon be in another hole.Today’s adventure triggered something between the speedster and the detective. Jesse could not wait to explore all of the possibilities with her.“You’re just born to fuck,” Barbara cooed in Jesse’s ear.One day, Jesse would get Barbara. And the results would be fun. For right now, Jesse resigned herself to having Barbara use her holes in any way possible.End.