138. Oliver, Thea, and Artemis(Oliver Queen, Thea Q...


Blog Exclusive chapter first posted on February 6th, 2019. For the latest blog exclusive content, view: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2018/05/hit-mark-archives.htmlThea, Artemis, and Oliver(featuring Thea Queen, Artemis Crock(the Young Justice Version), and Oliver Queen-Hit the Mark Blog Exclusive Smut

Stepping back into the training area, after a patrol, Artemis Crock thought about how life ended up taking her to some strange places. She was not from this Earth, from another alternated Earth, Earth-16, which was a more animated place than this one. Artemis ended up, thanks to a freak accident, on this Earth.

She walked into the room, with a shirtless Oliver Queen, doing pull ups. Artemis had been distracted for a moment at the handsome young man, closer to her age than the Oliver she knew back home. And so hot, she could fry butter off of her abs. Slipping off to change, Artemis came back to the gym, wearing nothing but a sports bra and a pair of black yoga pants, opting not to go for shoes.

Artemis trained for a few minutes and just began to work up a sweat, until Oliver dropped day. She could feel Oliver’s eyes on her body, and Artemis had been very proud of her body. Nice supple breasts, muscular, but still feminine arms, and tight ass, along with a nice ass and long legs, Artemis had worked very hard for her body.

“We’re looking at a way of getting you back home,” Oliver said. “But, your Earth...it’s very….”

“I’m in no hurry,” Artemis said. “And I have to admit...while I wasn’t too happy about being here in the first place...there are certain perks...and we do work rather well together out there.”

Oliver just smiled. Artemis had not been another sidekick, but rather a partner, and a trusted one, someone who could watch his back on the field. And they had found solace in each other as well. Artemis lost her boyfriend back home just around a year ago, and Oliver, well he had still been bitter about what happened to Laurel.

“There are perks,” Artemis said. “Many perks...and Ollie...I’m glad that we found each other.”

Artemis and Oliver moved in, without words. Artemis did not hesitate to kiss him and Oliver did not hesitate to kiss him back. She was amazing, even though not to hold together. Their hands explored each others bodies, touching and feeling up each other. The scars on Oliver’s back had been traced.

The door opened, and Thea stepped into the room. Oliver broke free from the kiss, but Thea saw it.

“Oh, I figured this was going to happen,” Thea said. “With the way the two of you were eye-fucking each other….so...guess we’re done, aren’t we, Ollie?”

Artemis broke away from Thea. She liked Oliver’s sister, and wondered why the two of them being together upset Thea.

“What do you mean the two of you are done?” Artemis asked.

Oliver sighed, as Thea shifted guilitly. “Well, when the two of us aren’t together….we have an arrangement with each other...where….”

“You two were fucking, weren’t you?”

The blunt way that Artemis said what was what Oliver appreciated and loved about her. Among the many other things he loved about his partner.

“We were,” Oliver said.

Artemis figured about as much, although she did not want to throw about allegations without proof. Oliver and Thea seemed closer than most, just by their body language, Artemis suspected there could be something going on with them.

“You don’t mind?” Thea asked.

“You two are grown ass adults,” Artemis said. “You can sleep with whoever the fuck you want...and besides...I think that I have an idea how we can make all three of us happy.”

Without any shame, Artemis kissed Thea right on the lips. Oliver had been extremely interested, at the sight of his partner and sister, playing tonsil hockey with each other. Thea had been caught off guard for ten seconds, before kissing Artemis back.

“So, how about it, bro, are you going to share with your little sister?” Thea asked.

“I’m sure he wouldn’t mind having two badass and sexy lady archers who really know how to handle his arrow,” Artemis said with a smile.

Oliver just smiled and reached over, to wrap both Artemis and Thea into his arms and he kissed both of them. And they moved in to kiss Oliver as well, helping him out of his pants.

Artemis smiled, they were all going to get naked in the fun away, and it was going to be glorious. Oliver wrapped his arm around her and kissed Artemis on the lips. The pent up sexual tension between the two partners, had increased, and then Oliver switched to kissing Thea, and the two siblings maintained a familiar harmony with each other.

Slowly, Oliver found himself on the workout bench, with Thea and Artemis kissing down his body. Oliver felt their fit and sexy bodies, their strong arms, perfect for firing arrows, felt very nice underneath his grip. And their strong arms were nice for other things, as they both took turns jerking Oliver off.

Oh, it was official, these sexy female archers gave the best handjobs ever, knowing how to move their wrists and arms perfectly. Oliver groaned without words.

They made it even better by leaning down and sucking on Oliver’s throbbing hard manhood, taking turns, shoving it deep inside of their mouth. Artemis was more subdued, more calculated, but she knew how to induce pleasure. Thea on the other hand, she showed more aggression on Oliver.

“You two are so sexy.”

Artemis sucked Oliver’s balls at the same time Thea pleasured her brother’s stiff pole. Oh, it had been too long since Thea tasted her brother’s cum. She resigned herself to back off, as Artemis and Oliver grew even closer, but now, now she had gotten a new lease on life.

And Thea almost thought about stealing Artemis away from her brother, but it turned out, this was a far better arrangement. There were no hurt feelings, only pleasure and fun, able to wind down. The three of them might not have been the original version of Team Arrow, but they were the best.

At least in Thea’s own unbiased opinion. Artemis swirled her tongue down against Oliver’s balls and came up to join Thea in kissing and worshipping his manhood.

With several long sucks, Oliver began to spurt like a fountain, first going into Thea’s mouth, and then spraying all over Artemis’s face. Then the two lovely lady archers leaned in to get a full blast facial from their man.

“And he can reload quickly,” Thea told Artemis.

Artemis eyed Oliver’s still twitching manhood which hardened mere seconds. She swallowed the salvia which threatened to leak out of her mouth. “I can see that.”

Oliver pulled Artemis onto his lap and played with her lovely body. Artemis squealed in pleasure, with Thea sitting next to them, smiling. She helped Artemis position herself, knowing the perfect angle to have Oliver enter her all too well. Oliver pushed up on Artemis, squeezing her breasts as she slid down onto him.

“OOOH!” Artemis yelled.

She could not help and think Oliver would not fit all the way inside of her. It had been over a year since Artemis had any kind of sexual contact, but it was time to move and time to heal. Oliver treated her body nicely. He squeezed her breasts and dove in, worshipping them.

Artemis pushed all comparisons from the past out of her head. She wanted to focus on the then and the now, and more importantly what Oliver Queen did to her.

The reason why Artemis was not in a hurry to return home hit her hard. Namely Oliver, sliding as far into her as possible, and stretching her. No wonder so many women slept with him when he was younger, and by Oliver’s own admission, kind of a jerk. As in very much a jerk. Artemis used her tight muscle control to drive the man underneath her wild.

“Like that, baby?” Artemis breathed.

“Love it,” Oliver groaned. “Oh, Artemis, you and Thea both...you’re more than I deserve.”

“You earned it, big brother,” Thea said.

After Artemis needed a break, Thea entertained herself by sucking Oliver’s cock. She savored every single last drop of juices until Oliver pulled away.

“You are amazing,” Oliver breathed.

“Yeah, we know,” Thea said. “Go ahead and fuck your baby sister’s brains out.”

Oliver climbed up on Thea, indulging in her sexy body, and more importantly her tight pussy. Oliver slid deep into her, the workbench making it a snug fit for all of them.

Artemis climbed on top of Thea’s face and rode her tongue.

“Nice to see you put that wicked tongue to a better use, sis.”

Thea did not say anything, other than lap up Artemis’s juices. The sweet, juicy taste of freshly squeezed melons spilled into Thea’s mouth. She enjoyed the taste, going up and going down even more.

Artemis peaked over her shoulder, flashing Oliver some very aggressive bedroom eyes when he pounded his sister’s pussy nice and hard. Oh, Artemis was so hot at it. She wanted Oliver back inside of her. This younger, version of Oliver was something that hit all of Artemis’s buttons.

She came all over Thea’s face. Crawling back, Artemis gave Oliver a full view of his sisters face.

Oliver never thought that Thea would look so hot with another woman’s cum just painting her face. But, yet she was, and yet it was. Oliver drove himself into his sister, giving Thea multiple, rapid-fire orgasms, only she had been left practically drooling.

Artemis swung her legs over Oliver the moment he got out. They sat at the edge of the bench, with Oliver putting his arms on Artemis’s sexy back. Not an ounce of fat on her body, the perfect combination of being muscular and being womanly. In some ways, Artemis reminded Oliver of Sara.

Oh, if those two ever met, Oliver doubted he would survive the experience. But, if you had to go, go out with a bang. Oliver pulled Artemis onto him and slid deep inside of her body.

“Now, I’m going to finish you off,” Artemis said. “Oliver Queen...you will fail...not to cum!”

She made that sound so sexy in the breathier voice. Combined with her inner muscles squeezing Oliver, her hands weaving a very nice wave of touches and caresses through Oliver. Oh, yes, this was perfect. Oliver grunted, going in further, faster, harder, deeper, until the point where Oliver thought he would explode.

“After you.”

Artemis rode him, looking particular majestic as she did so. Her tight walls closed down onto Oliver, squeezing him and releasing Oliver. Oliver pressed down onto her body and allowed her to ride him out.

After Artemis finished, Oliver buried deep inside of her body. She bounce, glistening with sex, with a confident, sexy smile which turned Oliver on. She was not a girl with stars in her eyes, no Artemis was a confident woman, who knew precisely what she wanted, and knew how to do it.

“I love you,” Artemis murmured.

It just slipped out, and Artemis wondered if she had been premature. What was not premature, was the fact that Oliver blasted Artemis’s insides with his seed, after several intense, mind-rattling orgasms on his part.

Oliver planted his load deep inside of Artemis’s body. Her tight muscles clamped down onto Oliver and milked him of pretty much everything that he had.

Thea crawled over to them as they parted. Artemis’s thighs spread, with Oliver’s gift draining down.

“And I love you, Artemis Crock,” Oliver said. “And you too, Thea.”

“And I love both of you,” Thea said.

The new and improved Team Arrow prepared to take on the world and also satisfy each other. Thea once again savored the taste of Artemis, while their mutual lover moved in to caress their bodies.

Thea, Artemis, and Oliver were ready for another round or two, or dozen.
