139. Split the Different(Sara Lance, Natasha Romano...

Blog Exclusive smut first posted on February 13th, 2020 on my blog. Latest blog exclusive Hit the Mark Chapters can be found here: https://webofchaos.blogspot.com/2018/05/hit-mark-archives.html


Split the Difference(Sara Lance, Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow from Marvel Comics, and Bela Talbot from Supernatural)

Bela Talbot swallowed, having been put in a very, potentially problematic situation. Not only was the League of Assassins, and the feared Canary after her, but also the legendary Black Widow. She had been tied to the bed, wearing nothing but her underwear, the case on the floor forgotten. The black lingerie pressed against Bela’s body.“The League’s involved in this one?”“Ra’s al Ghul would want what’s stolen back,” Sara said.“I had no idea it belonged to him,” Bela said. “Do you think I could have gotten more out of it?”That was the wrong choice of words, and Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, had posed to try and get the object in question from Bela for months, only for the League to swoop in.“I’m not letting her without a fight,” Natasha said.“Well, maybe we can come to an arrangement,” Sara said. “Maybe, I don’t take her head, if she convinces me to do so...and perhaps I let your organization take her if you can convince me.”“I’ll do anything,” Bela said. “Anything.”Anything was preferred to dying after all.Natasha frowned and tried to protest this. She and Sara, and Nyssa as well, crossed paths a few times. Sara put her hand on Natasha’s arm to steady herself and then she leaned forward.Not really a surprise that Sara kissed Natasha on the lips. Regardless, Natasha put herself on guard. Sex, could be a deadlier weapon than any knife, gun, or sword, and the Canary had mastered the art of seduction. But, so had Natasha, and she kissed Sara back.Bela looked at the sexy show in front of her. She should really find a way out of this, but she had been too enamored. Bela would drink a bathtub full of water that their sexy bodies had soaked in. They were both so hot and something twisted to them.“We can...come to an arrangement...to split the share,” Sara said while pulling down Natasha’s bodysuit and exposing her breasts. “After all...we teamed up to get her….”“An arrangement….”“Yes, an arrangement,” Sara said.Sara buried her face into Natasha’s warm cleavage. Oh, those breasts were so nice, and so supple, and likely could smother Sara if she was not careful. Which was a very effective tactic, if Sara had to say so herself, and she honestly did. Sara’s warm mouth, sucking on Natasha’s nipple, nice and hard, brought her to pleasurable ways.“What do...you have in mind?” Natasha asked.“Well, let’s see how good her tongue really is.”Sara stripped down naked, only leaving on a pair of boots, with a very obvious knife easily drawn. And Bela swallowed, if that was the weapon that was obvious, she struggled.“So, you said that you’re willing to do anything,” Sara said. “Let’s see how good you’re...anything is.”She cut the bindings on Bela. The knife, close to her jugular, showed Bela that if she tried any funny business, the Canary would slit her throat. The beautiful con-artist dropped to her knees, pressing against Sara’s thighs and inhaling the sweet taint of her peach. She sucked the juices from her.“Good so far,” Sara said. “You might have skills that would be squandered if you died.”The gorgeous brunette pressed against her. Sara pressed her fingers against Bela’s scalp, keeping one eye on her and another eye on the Black Widow. Being one of the most notorious women in the world, Sara found it beneficial not to underestimate her. Hell, Ra’s al Ghul wanted to recruit the Black Widow for the League, but the Widow declined the offer.“I’m not convinced she’s good enough to let run free,” Natasha said.“Seeing is believing,” Sara said. “Why don’t you show the Widow how good you are?”Bela crawled on her knees, to a fresh pussy. She buried her face into it, lapping up the juices. Natasha’s fingers raked down her neck. She did not need a knife to intimidate a woman into doing her very best.“So, do you want her mouth or her ass?” Natasha asked conversationally.Sara decided to amuse herself by squeezing Natasha’s chests and sucking on her nipples. A hand cupping Natasha’s ass made her just smile and rock into Bela’s probing tongue. Natasha still kept her hands firmly on the back of Bela’s neck where she could snap it, if Bela tried her.“A good question,” Sara said. “I’ll take her ass, you take her mouth.”Natasha thrust her hips forward, not caring whether or not she bruised Bela’s cheeks. Bela, pressing on in sucked as much of the juices out of her mouth.Bela stepped up her game, with her life on the line. And she felt the warm fingers of the Canary against her. Why was the fact a knife was an inch away from her back so hot? Bela did not know, but what she did know was Sara slipped some kind of oil onto her finger and was pumping deep into Bela’s ass.“I made the right choice,” Sara said. “Did you bring your own?”“Of course,” Natasha said.Natasha produced a very sturdy strap on, with a fake cock which responded to body temperture, along with moisture. Sara, smiling, produced one of her own. Maybe not as high tech as Natasha’s body was, but, it was not the technology that mattered, it was what they did with it, and Sara intended to take Bela Talbot straight in her whore ass.Bela laid out on bed, Natasha grinding the black dildo directly onto her mouth. The big, throbbing cock pushed against Bela’s lips and forced her mouth open. Gagging slightly, Bela took it directly down her throat, being rocked back and forth on the bed.Sara could watch the Black Widow mouth-fuck another woman all day along. She focused on Bela’s body, each subtle shift of her lovely frame opened up for Sara.“Hope you’re ready to get it up the ass,” Sara said. “It’s what a dirty little con-artist like yourself deserves.”The demeaning language made Bela gush. Although not as much as the feared Canary pushing her cock deep into her ass, practically splitting her open. Bela’s deepest, darkest sexual dreams came true.Sara rocked herself back and forth, the tight ass of this woman calling for her. And oh boy, Sara longed to prey on her, pumping down to the last thrust. She pulled back almost all the way and shoved deep inside of her. A huge, deep thrust rocked Bela’s anal core.“Having fun?” Natasha asked.“Oh, I am.”And she saw Natasha’s ass, jiggle in the mirror. Sara practically drooled at the thought of being deep into the Black Widow’s ass and making her submit. Although, it would be an intense struggle between both of them. Two naturally two women, who topped pretty much every woman they ever encountered.Natasha closed her eyes, enjoying the suckling of this woman. She locked her gaze on Sara. Natasha wished for some one on one time, to test herself with the Canary.Perhaps Natasha would come out on top, or perhaps Sara, but regardless of the fact, the effects would be spectacular.“You better not falter on us,” Natasha said. “You know what’s on the line.”The fact that her life was at stake, and disappointment was going to cost her, lit a fire underneath Bela. The most powerful aphrodisiac possible, the thrill, the danger, everything just hit her. The Canary manipulated her core, and got her to gush extremely hard onto her.Sara, pulling her fingers out of Bela’s twitching, creaming pussy, offered them up to Natasha.“Want a taste?”Natasha took them greedily, sucking the juices of the woman. Sara could just get more, although right now, her other hand was pressed firmly against Bela’s hips. Thrusting further and further into her, the friction just spreading through them. Sara crammed deep into Bela, filling her up as far as possible.Bela could have screamed out in pleasure, if her mouth had not been buried completely full. She almost broke underneath them.The pleasure challenging through Natasha’s body intensified. The visual fuel of Sara taking Bela deep in the ass, combined with the woman pleasuring her, caused Natasha to push herself to her lips.She came, and came hard. The dildo, jammed all the way down Bela’s throat, caused her to practically gag. Natasha rocked a bit further, riding her out.“So amazing to see the Black Widow cum,” Sara said. “But now it’s my turn.”Bela’s entire body contorted. Now that the Widow slipped away, the Canary had her full attention. She did not need the knife anymore, although Bela was sure it was not too far away if she tried any funny business.“Do you think this is a very fair split?” Sara asked.To demonstrate, Sara practically split Bela’s asshole, grinding up against her. Oh, the depths which she plunged, they were hotter, faster, and more vigorous than ever before. Yes, the split was more than perfect. It was so sexy.At the end of the bed, Natasha waited for Sara to finish up. The red marks on Bela’s ass, along with the juices just staining the bed indicated she would not be forgetting this night for now.“And now, it’s my turn,” Sara said.Bela could do nothing more than scream. She might wake up in a SHIELD holding cell or a League prison, but she would be going out with a bang. Her orgasm broke free and sent her collapsing down onto the bed.Sara rode the woman’s sexy ass all the way down to the bed, sliding her body. Her touches, a little trick that Jade Nguyen taught her, brought Bela completely into a stupor.“I’ll take the item, and you take the woman,” Sara said. “Or would you rather me take you first?”Natasha wanted it, so badly, but common sense got the better of her. “The extraction team is coming in about fifteen minutes. You really shouldn’t be here when that happens.”“Right, and I’m sure the League’s going to send someone if I’m not back by morning,” Sara said. “Another time?”Natasha parted ways with a passionate kiss to Sara. It only seemed inevitable that they would cross paths again. And Natasha hoped it would be under similar, sexy circumstances.The Canary and the Black Widow parted, with the unspoken agreement that some day their encounter would reach a natural conclusion. And they would see who came out on top.End.