160. Red Planet Becomes Red Hot(Kara Danvers and De...

Red Planet Becomes Red Hot(Kara Danvers/Supergirl and Dejah Thoris from John Carter

A smoking crater rested in the center of Mars. Two lovely women crawled to each other in the center. Kara Danvers, Supergirl, with her costume slightly ripped, broke out into a wild smile. On the other end, the Princess of Maras, Dejah Thoris, beckoned Kara a little bit closer towards her. The gorgeous woman, with her rich dark skin, beckoned the fair haired blonde. The garments Dejah wore barely contained her breasts.“You’re amazing,” Kara said.She wanted Dejah. The two locked lips with each other. Both women were extremely thirsty with this kiss. Dejah dove all the way in and pushed her tongue as far into Kara’s receptive mouth as possible. Dejah twirled her fingers around Kara’s hair and pulled her in.The encouragement for Kara to explore Dejah’s body without any shame followed. Kara slid her hands all the way down Dejah’s thighs and then moved up to her breasts. Dejah put a hand underneath Kara’s backside and gave it a squeeze as the two moved a little bit closer together.“Want this, so badly,” Kara breathed.“As do I,” Dejah said. “I’ve always wanted to taste Kryptonian.”Kara’s panties almost crumbled in Dejah’s fingers as she pulled them off. The wet and inviting snatch of the Girl of Steel revealed. Pressed back first down into the bottom of the crater, not caring what would happen. They stopped the White Martians from trying to blow up both Mars in their all or nothing attempt to wipe out anything.Now it was time. Dejah pressed her warm mouth down onto Kara’s wet pussy and sucked on it. The taste of the Kryptonian juices spilled inside of Dejah’s waiting mouth.“How do you like that?”With a pop, Dejah surfaced and crawled on top of Kara. She planted numerous little kisses all about Kara’s face and down onto her earlobes. Oh, Kara almost melted because of what Dejah was doing to her. Dejah leaned in and kissed her neck.“Love it.”The loud slurp of kisses down Kara’s body burned her up. Dejah stripped the rest of her clothes off and helped Supergirl out of her tattered uniform. The two beautiful women, laid bare with each other, entered a kiss with each other. Dejah’s tongue joined Kara’s as the two sucked and enjoyed each other. Their bodies writhed against the crater with Dejah’s hips rocking back and forth to tempt Kara.“You’re so hot,” Kara breathed in Dejah’s ear. “I want you, bad, honey.”Dejah pressed against Kara’s thighs and rubbed their pussies together. Oh, it felt just amzing. Skin upon skin. Dejah gently caressed Kara’s nipples. The sound of the gorgeous Kryptonian cooing lifted Dejah’s spirits and aroused her a whole lot. Dejah swiped against Kara’s wet slit with a little tease.She buried a finger inside. A single digit, which worked in and out. Kara tightened around Dejah and clutched her tight. Her entire body just writhed back and forth.“Cum for me, my little heroine,” Dejah encouraged. “It’s what you deserve.”Oh, Kara threw her hips back and forth. Each plunge from Dejah, planted her fingers all the way into Kara’s love box. Kara juiced around her fingers as they pushed down inside. Kara writhed and moaned, the faster Dejah just rocked into her body. A little quick, a little fast, and so good.Kara came and hard. Dejah rode out her orgasm and made her cry out in passion.“Come over and put your mouth on my breasts,” Dejah said. “I want you to make them feel really good.”Believe Kara, she wanted to make Dejah feel really good, because in turn, that would make Kara feel real good. With hungry eyes, Kara drove all the way down into Dejah’s heaving chest. Dejah wrapped her arms around Kara and made her suck on her breasts.Dejah could feel a heat spike through her body. Kara knew precisely how to hit all of the right buttons and make Dejah just cum for her. The Girl of Steel locked her lips on Dejah’s nipples and sucked her breasts, good and hard to drive her completely wild.“You’re perfect,” Dejah breathed in her ear. “Absolutely delightful. Work that mouth. Like that.”“Mmmph!”Kara slurped on Dejah’s nipples and had been driven completely wild with pleasure. Their pussies ground together a little bit more. The sticky juices just oozed out. Kara loved how she had been fused with Dejah at the nether level. The heat which their hips worked against each other increased the pleasure they both felt.Perhaps it was just Kara’s imagination, but the crater was just getting a little bit deeper? Regardless, Kara threw her hips back and made Dejah cum and she did the same.“I want to taste you.”Kara put her hands on a ledge and bent over. Dejah dove between Kara’s legs and sucked on nether lips. Oh, Kara closed her eyes. Great Rao, this felt good. The Princess of Mars hit all of the right spots and drove Kara buck wild with pleasure. Kara almost shoved her fist into her mouth to stifle the moans.No need to stifle them though. Kara just let them all out. Let out her passion. Her desire. The ledge crumbled, and Dejah gripped Kara to bottom out in her pussy for leverage. The Girl of Steel threw her hips back and moaned.She came all over the face of the Princess of Mars. The most intense orgasm Kara felt in a while. Dejah licked Kara’s pussy and could not get enough of her juices.Kara turned her head and Dejah kissed her. Those skilled hands moved down as Dejah’s fingers rocked down into her. The fact their bodies were bared to the elements in Mars without any problems drove Kara completely wild. Dejah put Kara’s clit between her fingers and made her cry out in pleasure.Oh, the soft cries only erupted through the way, as Dejah pumped her fingers deep into Kara’s hungry slit, sliding it all the way into her with a few more pumps driving her completely wild.“You’re perfect,” Kara breathed.“Thank you,” Dejah said.Kara floated lazily on her back as Dejah climbed up. This goddess straddled Kara in mid-air. Pure erotic feelings erupted through Kara’s body as Dejah edged closer to her. Their loins edged a little bit closer together in a moment of unbridled passion.The deep breath hit Kara. On the edge, and Dejah would just push her off and mentally break her. Dejah worshipped Kara’s body with the sweetest of kisses and Kara dove in to do what she could. Their bodies met and Dejah gave that push.Kara broke and managed to hold Dejah between her strong legs as the two floated halfway up the crater. Which Kara knew for a fact was deeper now the Kryptonian woman got a better lay of the land. Dejah’s fingers distracted her from calculating just how far they went. All of those fingers, into position, swirled around Kara’s stiff nipples and made them just a tiny bit harder.“Cum for me.”Despite the fact Dejah was royalty, Kara felt like she was the one treated like a Queen.Kara’s heat only erupted from her body. Drip, drip, drip, oh it was quite a feeling to allow this energy to erupt between her legs. Dejah slid all the way between Kara’s legs, rocked in and rocked out. She slowly measured her actions and brought Kara to the breaking point.“I’m cumming, always cumming hard,” Kara managed to belt out with a light moan.“Keep going, don’t stop,” Dejah breathed.Their hips met together and a hot scorching feeling erupted through her. Dejah felt about as hot as the surface of the sun. Kara’s able hands locked onto her. She really was glad Supergirl saved her from the extremists who tried to kidnap her. This would be a night neither of them would ever forget.The two blinked to the edge of an orgasm. Only pure need drove them further. Kara’s fingers traced completely down and milked her breasts. This drove Dejah completely wild and made her spurt all over Kara.The two women came in succession with each other. Heavy kissing, heavy groping, and sensual messaging followed as the two beautiful women erupted with their peak. They hit the bottom of the crater like a ballistic missile.Thankfully, the planet remained intact although all felt the Earthquake, for lack a better term. Marsquake really didn’t roll off of the tongue, even if it was technically more accurate. And seismic vibrations were a bit too wody, Kara mused. Although the bottom of the crater was sticky. Kara decided to just enjoy the moment. She nuzzled against Dejah’s warm flesh and ran her hands down the woman’s back to play with her woefully neglected ass.“We should get out of the bottom of this crater.”Kara realized she had a mouth full of breast when she answered. With a sheepish smile, she pulled back.“Yes, eventually.”The two women kissed one more time and explored every fine inch. Before too long they would get out of this hole and find a bed to break.Eventually.