161. Harmonious Workplace(Iris West-Allen and Alleg...

Harmonious Workplace(Iris West-Allen and Allegra Garcia)

Allegra Garcia closed her eyes and sighed. Why did Iris have to wear those stockings? They clung to her legs very nicely and made Allegra’s imagination run wild. She longed to run her hands up Iris’s legs, no matter how improper it would be, for a couple of reasons. First, Iris was married, and to a wonderful guy as well. Who was pretty hot as well, Allegra mused, but that was beside the point.And then, Iris was her boss, which was a few different levels of line. Oh, if Iris only knew how Allegra touched herself to Iris late at night. All of her sinful fantasies, which made Allegra wonder just how messed up this entire situation.And speaking of Iris, she was right across the room. Bending over slightly against the desk. Her tight skirt hiked up ever so slightly. Allegra turned her attention back to her laptop and tried to get back to work. Only, Allegra really wanted to to just stare at Iris and do more.Stupid, sexy, West-Allen. Allegra popped her mouth.“You seem distracted.”“Huh!” Allegra yelled. “No, it’s just, I’ve got writer’s block.”“Right,” Iris said. “Of course you do.”Iris leaned in and she peered over Allegra’s shoulder. The scent of Iris’s perfume intoxicated Allegra and Iris put her hand on the chair. Not on her shoulder, but on the chair just enough. Allegra could just see the first button of Iris’s top undone right now.“You’re eyes have been wandering today,” Iris said. “You’ve been looking at me and then looking away. You’re not subtle about it, not at all. And you took a pretty long bathroom break this morning, didn’t you?”Allegra tried to shake her head to deny it. Iris turned the chair around with her in it. Oh, this was beginning like one of her dreams. And if Allegra woke up with another ruined set of sheets, she was going to be pissed. Iris put her hand on Allegra’s knee, but went no further.Did Allegra want her too?“You’ve been touching yourself to me,” Iris said. “It’s fine. I find you a cute little piece of ass.”Oh, this was not happening. It so was not happening. Allegra breathed heavily.“Barry and I have a special relationship,” Iris said. “We’re close. But we also have a similar taste in women.  And we both agreed that I would see about getting you into our bed.”“You...you’re messing with me right?” Allegra asked. “This is some kind of test. Because, I swear, I….I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable with looking at you like that. It’s just, you’re so beautiful.”“You don’t think I’m beautiful,” Iris said. “You think I’m hot. This is lust you’re feeling, Ms. Garcia. The type which sets your loins completely on fire.”Allegra’s heart raced and she felt a pounding against her chest. Oh damn, this could not be happening. But yet, it was happening. Iris’s fingers wrapped around her head and pulled Allegra close. Their lips were so close, it almost set Allegra on fire.“I think you’re hot, but you’re also beautiful,” Allegra said. “I want you to hold me in your arms and do whatever you want to with. I want to worship you like the goddess you are, because you deserve it.”“Mmm, you have a way with words,” Iris said. “Let’s see if that mouth is good for other things. And see if I can help you with these distractions.”Iris leaned in and kissed Allegra on the lips. Oh, she froze, for about ten seconds, until Iris put her hand on the back of Allegra’s head and deepened the kiss. Allegra had to kiss back. She just had to. Allegra’s eager tongue sought Iris’s mouth as the two kissed. She gingerly ran her hands down Iris’s body. Until the point where Iris took her hands and placed them on her backside to make her squeeze ass.“Mmmm!” Iris moaned.With a bit more confidence, Allegra’s fingers moved down Iris’s ass and touched the legs she longed to touch. Iris broke the kiss and trailed a line up Allegra’s neck, the side of her face, and all the way to her ear. The horny girl writhed a little bit more as Iris cupped her thigh firmly.“You like my stockings, Ms. Garcia?” Iris asked her.“Yes, boss,” Allegra said.“Go ahead and kiss my thighs.”Iris sat down on the chair right next to Allegra. Allegra dropped down to her knees and worshipped Iris’s legs. Iris stroked the back of her head lovingly as Allegra slowly worked her way to Iris. She nuzzled, licked, and sucked the apex of Iris’s warm thighs. Those delicious chocolate thighs demanded to be taken.“Do a good job, and we can have more fun,” Iris breathed. “You’re going to eat me out. Show me what you can do with that mouth.”The panties slipped down and Allegra licked Iris’s slit. Oh, damn, she could hardly even stand it. Iris’s pussy tasted sweet as honey, and boy would Allegra like to smear it on her toast every day before breakfast. She leaned in and lapped down to her.“That’s it, eat me,” Iris said. “And don’t worry, you’re beautiful as well. But, hot, scorching hot. You’re going to be my favorite toy, Ms. Garcia. I can’t wait to share you with my husband.”Neither could Allegra. Iris came in her mouth. The sexy intern lapped up more. Her hair held back from Iris as Allegra sucked it down. She was drunk with pussy lust. The bisexual Latina kept drinking from Iris’s juices and made herself just ease back with pleasure.“Rise.”Allegra obeyed and climbed onto Iris’s lap upon her invitation. Iris’s blouse opened up and her bra was off. Her mouth watering tits were exposed and Allegra lowered her face into Iris’s chest and sucked on her breasts.“Such a quick learner,” Iris breathed. “Go ahead and suck on my tits.”The pleasure rippled through Iris’s body as the squirming woman ran her wet pussy up and down with the heat just erupting between them. Iris spanked Allegra’s tight ass and made her just cry out in endless passion as she sucked on her tits.Oh Allegra could get lost in these delicious melons. She craved chocolate milk she kissed and sucked on Iris’s thighs.“Good girl, making me cum like that,” Iris said. “I’m going to have to give you a raise, Ms. Garcia.”“Mmmph!”The heavenly breathing intern released Iris’s nipple. Red in the face, and breathing heavily, Allegra wondered what would happen next. Iris hiked up her skirt and revealed Allegra’s panties which were soaked.“Maybe I should make these optional?” Iris asked. “What do you say?”Iris cupped the pussy of her intern and made her lose it completely. The talented fingers stroked her. First through the panties and then Iris peeled them off. She revealed Allegra’s super soaked pussy and lifted her up onto the desk. Allegra’s legs spread apart and she fell onto the desk, with a breathing smile.The quickness of Iris’s fingers slipping into Allegra’s wet hole made her lose it. Her nipples stuck through her blouse and Iris played with her breasts. She just gave Allegra a small sample of her.“Are you going to cum for me, Ms. Garcia?” Iris asked. “Is your slutty little pussy going to squirt for your boss? Do you think you can keep think with your brain and not with your pussy for the rest of the day if I let you cum?”“YES!” Allegra moaned.Allegra jerked her hips up and down, for Iris’s fingers spearing all the way into her. Oh, the tightness of her body just was something Iris enjoyed with her.The girl was pretty tight with a fun fuckable body. Not the tightest Iris enjoyed, that was Kara, but perhaps an asterisk should be put next to her name for obvious reasons. She could not wait to watch as her husband drove his cock into this woman. Iris grew giddy, and could hardly wait to indulge in her Cuckquean fetish with Barry pounding Allegra’s tight body into submission.“If you need some help at work, all you have to do is ask,” Iris breathed. “But, you should be good for the rest of the day, shouldn’t you?”Allegra peaked with a hell of an orgasm and Iris rode it out. Those fingers worked her to an edge and stretched her pussy. Allegra came hard, spurting all over the place and onto Iris’s probing digits.Iris took her time in licking her fingers clean. One thing was for sure, Allegra enjoyed the show. Iris leaned in the desk. Always good to gaze closely into the eyes of a well-fuckced woman in the aftermath.“You’ve passed with flying colors,” Iris said with a casual lick on Allegra’s ear lobe to punctuate her words. “Get yourself cleaned up, Ms. Garcia. We’ll discuss your future position later.”Iris leaned in and kissed her on the lips like a lover. And Allegra could not help she had been drafted into some weird harem style thing that Barry and Iris were involved in. All because she could not keep her eyes to herself at work.It was the ones you least expected. Always.End.