The answer is yes as they rush me out of the room. I'm lead down the hallway, surrounded by a gaggle of laughing demon girls. I'm still clad in nothing but my lingerie and I suddenly feel self-conscious. I cross my arms over my chest and stare at the ground as we walk. Heaven forbid any stray demon walks into the hallway and sees me. I think I'd race back into the dressing room and Lucifer would have to come collect me from the closet.

We stop at the end of the hallway, coming to another enormous door. This one is solid oak like the last one, only its carvings are of huge bonfires and dancing pagans. It's far more intimidating than the door of my dressing room. The girls all gather behind me and gently shove me towards the door.

This must be where Lucifer and I are to sleep together. It's certainly dark enough. I take a deep breath and take a reluctant step towards the door. I turn back and thank my girls. They smile happily at me, then scatter into the hallway, leaving me alone.

Well, they're certainly supportive, aren't they?

I gather my strength and raise my fist to the door. This is what I have to do. Now that I'm in Hell, running away won't do me any good, especially not in these heels. Besides, where am I going to run to? Lucifer can find me anywhere. I shake my head, cursing my fate and knock on the door.

"Yes?" Lucifer's deep voice booms through the door. He sounds annoyed, like he doesn't want to be bothered.

Fine, then.

"You want to let me in or not?" I snap.

The door swings wide open. I smile to myself. He may not be getting anything tonight, by the threat of not having his virile new bride in his bed is enough to wake him up. I straighten my spine and step through the archway, listening as the door slams behind me.

Dark grey marble, strewn with thick veins of blue and white, is the central theme here. Again, more enormous columns stretch from floor to ceiling, with clusters of small carved coral flames licking their way to the top.

Our marriage bed is the central masterpiece of the room. Rich dark wood has been molded into a beautifully sculpted headboard. Spires of oak reach up from the four corners of the bed, cradling a mass of sheer black and cobalt fabric that spills halfway down the bed frame. The thick sheets are pure white and embroidered with rich crimson scrollwork on the edges.

It's going to take me a while to get used to all this luxury.

Lucifer stands beside the bed, leaning against one of the thick posts. He's naked, allowing me to see every rippling muscle and sinew in his perfect body. His brows are raised a slight smile plays on his lips. Oh, yes. I look like a perfect little escort, don't I? I hope he like the view, because he's not getting any of this just yet.

"You look stunning," he purrs. His voice is low, and I can almost feel the lust radiating off him.

I square my shoulders and smile back. "Thank you. Your girls are very proficient."

"Aren't they?" He strides towards me, his smile growing another inch with every step. His walk has a natural, perfect swagger to it that most wannabe rappers would sell their souls to have. "Although, I do believe you're far too overdressed."

I swallow, suddenly concerned that he's backing out of our deal. "You promised me the night off."

He nods. "I did. But I still want you naked."

I step back, my hands flying to my hips and a scowl plastered on my face. "And if I refuse? Maybe I like this outfit."

He stops in his tracks, his eyes wide with a mix of shock and outrage. "You're going to challenge me on this?"

I shrug, calling forth every ounce of strength I have. "Maybe. Depends on how bossy you're going to be tonight."

He scowls at me and my gut twists. Oh, boy. Now I've set him off. And while my mind is begging me to apologize and strip naked, my ego won't let me. I stand my ground, determined to prove my point, even if it means bodily harm.

He closes his eyes and sighs. "I was hoping you'd be more agreeable than this."

I shrug again. "You take my mother for a ride, steal my life as collateral and force me into a corset for your entertainment. You expect me to call you 'master' as well?"

His eyes narrow at me. He lifts one hand, points his finger at me and swipes his hand through the air.

My eyes nearly pop out of my head. Try as I may, my lips are sealed shut. My vocal cords are frozen, so I can't even squeak out my shock. I can't talk! No...I can't argue.

He smiles again and continues striding towards me. "Your mother warned that you had a mouth on you. The fantastic blowjob aside, she was correct."

Damn it, mom.