He steps around behind me and leans forward. I can feel his chest against my shoulders, his nose in my hair.

"Now, let's get you out of this lovely corset."

He taps my shoulder and a chill roars through me. I try to turn around, but I'm stuck. Panicked, I try to move my arm, my foot anything. He's frozen my body as well, a precaution, no doubt, in case I try to break free. Damn him.

I feel his cool fingers as they work at the ribbon laces of my corset. He flies through them, and my top falls to the floor within seconds, leaving me completely exposed.

"Still wearing your necklace?" His fingers caress my collarbone. "Good girl. So you're not completely insubordinate."

He moves around to my front and drops to his knees. He starts working at my stockings, pulling them off my legs. At the touch of his hand my legs unfreeze, though I'm only allowed to move as much as he allows me. My stockings gone, the pulls my thong down as well, tossing it aside as he stands.

I'm naked now, and feeling more exposed that I've ever felt in my life. A deep blush works up to my cheeks, though I manage to hold my expression still. He stares at me for a moment, taking in every curve I own. A new smile breaks onto his face.

"You're very nice, Amelia. Very nice. Now, let's go to bed."

He steps forward, puts one hand behind my back and scoops my up in his arms. Much like when he carried me out of the church, I'm limp in his arms. But this time it's not from exhaustion or hopelessness. I'm unable to move or talk, so I can't do much more than lay here and wait.

Gently, he deposits me on the bed, flipping the sheets back to slide me under and rolling me onto my side. He follows, pressing the entire length of his body against mine. His cold skin makes me shiver, though the warm blankets help ease the chill a bit.

He loops his arms around me, pulling me close and molding my body to his. He nuzzles my neck, making me shiver again.

"I take it you don't want to play?" His voice is soft, but I can hear the lust and need coursing through it.

He kisses my shoulder and I'm free again. I open my mouth to take a deep breath, stretching involuntarily as I regain control of my body. He tightens his grip on my body. Free as I am, he's not letting me go anywhere.

I shake my head. "No." I'm not in the mood to play.

His hands slide up my torso, cupping my breast in his hands again. "Not even a little?"

He squeezes and massages my breasts in his palms. A tiny spark of lust, no bigger than a grain of sand, stirs in my belly. I force it down. No matter how good this feels, no matter how much I may hate to admit that I want him, I'm in no mood for games. The tricks he's pulled have cost him his chance at another blowjob for the next three days.

"No." I shift slightly, trying to put a little distance between us. I bury my face in one of the many soft pillows and close my eyes, cutting him off.

He groans and reluctantly moves his hands back down to my waist. "Fine."

"Thank you." I settle into my new bed, allowing the warmth and softness to coax me into relaxation.

I feel Lucifer's hands leave my body as he rolls over. He silent for a moment, then I hear him let out a litany of soft moans. He's masturbating, no doubt about the missed opportunity with me. At this point, I don't care. He can jerk off all her wants. Right now, I'm exhausted.

I close my eyes and exhale loudly. I feel my body sinking into the soft sheets, hear my heartbeat subtly growing slower. The sounds of Lucifer's moaning become muffle and the world falls away as I drift into sleep.