"Deals?" I ask.

He nods. "Yep. That's where we're heading right now, there's a group of human here to see me and possibly sell their soul in exchange for my word."

I glance up at him. "So, who are these people?"

He sighs. "They're everyone. Princes, farmers, popes, peasants. I get a different mix every day."

"And what do you do with them?"

"Deals, mostly. Though I'll admit, the exchange rate isn't too good here." He offers sly smile.

I scoff. "Oh, yes. A marriage into the royal family in exchange for three hundred years of servitude or your daughter. That sounds like a wonderful bargain."

"She'll pay her debt sooner than you think." His voice is low, and there's a wicked gleam in his eye.

I nod. "The demons who came to collect me said she wasn't getting off so easily."

He shakes his head. "She isn't. The deal is in her name, not yours, so she still has to pay despite your welcome substitution."

"Why do you do that? Make people do stuff like what my mother did? Is it a rush?" I ask as calmly as I can. It seems so vicious to trick people into paying off a debt they can't afford.

"No, it's not exciting for me. It's the way of the world. People will always sacrifice one thing for something else. They just need to have the right circumstances." He shrugs his muscular shoulders. "I don't make people do what they do. I just give them the opportunity to do it. And then I run them through the ringer for it."

I short softly. "You're awful."

He gives me a wicked grin. "It's who I am and what I do."

The end of the hallway comes quicker than I'd thought. Just a few feet ahead of us, two massive twin doors signal the entrance to they foyer. They're nearly thirty feet high and elaborately carved with more dancing demons and screaming souls. There are gems and thick bands of silver and gold imbedded into these doors, giving them a more regal presence that the ones in the hallway.

As we approach the, they swing open, welcoming us with open arms to the main meeting area. Already, I can hear the thunder of demonic voices and the tinkle of succubae laughter. I'm nervous about going inside, frightened that one of these hellions won't approve and attack me for being a human. I slow my pace a bit, trying to prolong the inevitable, but Lucifer presses a hand to my back and urges me forward through the doors.

We're greeted by a mass of demons milling about the colossal room. Each wall is nearly a hundred feet long and set with huge slabs of veined marble. More Greek columns extend up towards a plate-glass ceiling that lets in rays of warm sunlight. An enormous set of carved granite stairs stretches across the back wall. Two carved stone and iron thrones await us at their peak.

It's very much like the great halls of the kings of old, but much more sinister.

In the center of the room is a considerably large group of humans, maybe thirty at least. They're dressed in a variety of clothing, from the fine linen of the wealthy to the torn rags of the destitute. They're here to see my husband and barter their soul for a promise. My heart breaks for them. They'll never get out of that bargain even if they tried.

I'm lead towards the thrones, the sea of demons parting as we walk. They bow their heads in respect to us, even me. My gut tells me they have to; either they bow or they burn. The humans notice us as well, scurrying back as we pass by and ducking their heads to avoid my gaze. I avoid their gaze, my fear of being judged as a traitor suddenly bursting to the surface.

As we make our way to our thrones, I spot Leyna standing beside the far wall, chatting away with a group of succubae. I suppress a grimace. That man-eater is annoying as shit. She's conceited, vain and relentless when it comes to my new husband. She's been trying for centuries to catch his attention, and hates me because I caught it instead of her. If I weren't queen, I'm sure she'd try to kill me.

Leyna sees me as we draw closer to our seats. She shoots Lucifer an overly-flirtatious smile. He answers with a dark glare. She giggles girlishly and brushes aside his rejection, a response that literally drives me nuts. When she spots me, her spine straightens and a look of enraged jealousy comes over her face. That makes me smile. It's nice to know that having my status as queen is enough to piss her off and keep her in her place.

We climb the steps of the staircase, with Lucifer right at my side. The thrones he's commissioned are quite beautiful actually, if you're willing to look past their dark presences. They're made of solid black iron, twisted and sharpened in accordance with Lucifer's own eccentric tastes. A multitude of black spikes radiates out from the crests at the top. The backs and arm rests are encrusted with jewels of every color and shape. Thick velvet seats have been sewn in to make sitting a bit more comfortable. They're a perfect blend of opulence and wickedness.

Lucifer steps aside and lets me sit first. I sweep the gown around me feet as I sit, smoothing the skirt over my knees. I hear the soft squeak beside me as Lucifer takes his own seat. He leans over to one side of the chair, resting an elbow on the armrest and cupping his chin in his hands. He stretches his free arm out and flicks his fingers at the mass of demons surrounding us.


The herd of demons turns to him for a second, then scatter in all directions from the room. The chamber empties in seconds, leaving only the small group of humans behind. Two armor-clad guards stand behind them guarding the main doors. As the last of the demons exit, I catch a glimpse of Leyna leaving the hall. She whips her head around, gives me one last withering glare, then vanishes.

I roll my eyes and focus half-heartedly on the humans that are left. I try my best to ignore Leyna, but her constant jabs and stares are starting to get on my nerves. My rational mind begs me to talk to Lucifer and see if he can put out a restraining order on her, but my own personal ego won't allow it. I don't want to go crawling to my husband at every mean word and nasty glare aimed towards me. That will make me look like I can't handle holding my ground as a queen. If she wants to fight me, then she can.

The hall is completely empty now except for me, Lucifer, a few guards and the mass of humans. The huddle together slightly, terrified to be here and to be standing in front of my infamous husband. If I was them, I'd be freaked out, too. But I'm not. I have a different perspective than they do being married to him. It's a bit like living in a glass house: they're on the outside looking in, and I'm on the inside looking out. Our perspectives will never match.