Lucifer turns to me and smiles softly. "You can tune this out if you want. It's all selling souls and making promises."

"You should have told me to bring a book.' I smile back.

He snorts a laugh. "I could find other ways to entertain you."

I pause, pondering the prospect. I reject it, though. As much as I look forward to another round of mind-blowing sex, I'm no exhibitionist. I have no intention of having these poor souls watch me fuck minutes before they make a deal.

Might put a bad taste in their mouth.

I flick my eyes to the small crowd. "Later."

He sighs and nods. He turns his attention back to the crow of humans. "Which of you is first?"

They shift uncomfortably, looking at one another as a sense of horror envelops them. My heart breaks for them. They have no idea what they're getting into. I want to warn then, to jump out of my seat and yell for them to run away, but I hold myself back. Get between Lucifer and the acquisition of new souls? Even for a queen, that's suicide.

Finally, an old fisherman steps up to the plate. He's a wizened old scarecrow, with sunken black eyes, thin lips and a full grey beard. Time has not been on his side.

"Your name?" Lucifer asks thoughtlessly.

He coughs for a moment, then answers in a harsh, raspy voice. "Michael Hasen."

Michael...oh, boy. This won't go over well.

Lucifer nod politely. "And what's your request, Michael?"

"The catching's been slow this year. Those damn sea pirates on the Wendigo are catching every crab in the ocean. There's almost nothing left for my crew!" he cries.

That's it? That's why you're selling your soul?

I sigh and turn my attention to the elaborate stained-glass window above us. People are nuts.

"Michael, you know I can't just create more crabs in the ocean. That would upset the natural order of things." As if I really care about keeping order.

He nods vigorously. "Yes, I know. But can't you do something?"

Lucifer nod. "I suppose the Wendigo could have a minor accident at sea."

Michael's beady eyes light up. "That would save my ship!"

And screw you into the ground, old man. Oh, you poor baby.

"You're really ready to sell your soul just to have your competition knocked out of the race for a few months?"

Do you really have to ask?

He nods again. "My ship and my crew are all I have. If we lose this, we'll have nothing."

Lucifer stares at him impassively. "You do know the price for having me do this for you?"

He drops his head. "Yes, sir. It's a risk I'm willing to take if it means saving my business and my men."

My heart twists again. Oh, this poor old fart. He's selling his soul for a few years of good fishing so he and his crew can survive. Not for power or money or sex, just to survive. I stare harder out the window, doing my best to ignore the situation. If I keep watching, I'll break my silence and try to scare him off so he can save himself.

Lucifer smile at him. "Consider it done, then."

Michael perks up, staring at us jubilantly. "You're certain?"

"Of course. When have I ever backed out of a deal?"

The old man breathes a sigh of relief. "My God. Thank you, sire."

I keep my smile plastered to my face as Lucifer waves him out. He turns to me as his next victim steps forward.

"How are you?"

"Fine. A little bored. But fine." I'm lying through my teeth, but I don't want him to see the pain this causes me.

He shrugs. "There's a lot of boredom with this part. Yes?" He turns to face our next customer.

The next couple of hours pass by quickly, albeit heartbreakingly.. Darren, a father of two sick girls, bargains his soul for their cure. Natalie, a lonesome secretary, wants the looks of a supermodel. Brian, an underappreciated employee, wants his corrupt boss chucked out the top window. It's tiring, really, having all these people walk through our doors just to help themselves to something more. At least Darren had a noble reason to sell his soul. The rest just wanted what they themselves were too cowardly to chase after.

Finally, the last customer steps up. He can't be older than twenty four and he's quite the looker, with full lips and bright green eyes. Dressed in an immaculately tailored navy suit and black tie, I'm sure he makes quite the impression on women. His short blond hair is plastered to his head with two gallons of hair gel, his nails are cleaned to perfection, and there's not a single blemish on his face. He's every part the shark he's perceived to be. What could he possibly want from my husband?

"Your name, boy?" Lucifer calls out.

The young man looks indignant for a moment, then regains his composure and clears his throat. "Bradfield Pellistar, sir."

Well, that's a high-born name if I've ever heard one.

Lucifer has a similar reaction, but only shows his feelings toward the man in his eyes. The rest of his face is warm and welcoming. "And what deal did you plan on making today?"

Bradfield gives a sly grin. Those bright green eyes find me, narrowing as he focuses in. my gut twists slightly. I have a bad feeling about this one.

He laughs, a move that actually surprises me. "Nothing that the others would want. No wrecked ships, no superhuman looks, no dead bosses. I make enough, and look good enough, not to worry about those things." He smiles, showing of two rows of perfectly straight teeth.

Cocky little bastard. What's he after?

"Again, Bradfield, what's your deal?" Lucifer's as irritated as I am by his attitude.

He shrugs. "Something out of the ordinary, I suppose."

Lucifer scowls. "How so?"

He smiles again. "I've noticed your pretty little friend."