Oh no.

I flick my eyes to Lucifer, my stomach twisting tighter as I do. There's a look of horrified outrage on his flawless face, something I'd never thought could exist. He looks ready to launch himself at this cocky little wannabe politician, but he manages to hold himself back...just.

"You're referring to my queen, I suppose?" He grits his teeth.

Bradfield's eyes light up. "Queen? I never read about you having a queen in the Bible."

Lucifer narrows his already burning gaze. "New addition to the family."

Bradfield's smile grown an inch. "Well, that certainly makes things a bit more interesting?"

He's caught my attention now, and I'm just as curious as Lucifer is to know what he wants. At the same time, I'm scared to find out.

"Interesting in what way?" Lucifer's words are methodically chosen.

Bradfield shrugs. "Royalty's always a better score."

Oh, he's fucked now.

I look at Lucifer to see his reaction. I can practically see steam pouring out of his ears.

"A better score?" My husband's composure is held together by some glue, a lick and a promise.

"They're harder to get to, so getting the chance to fuck any royal, even one from the underworld, is a great achievement." His voice is smooth, his tone even. He's done this before. "And by the looks of your queen, you've scored in the fucking department."

Lucifer takes a long, slow breath. I can see him nearly shaking from rage, but he holds it back. I can understand his fury. As much as I appreciate the compliments, I'm not interested. Men like that make my skin crawl. That, and I'm really not in the mood to get incinerated by a jealous husband because someone else touched his toy.

Lucifer manages a small smile. "Quite lovely, isn't she?"

Bradfield grins back. "Got a hell of a chest on her."

Well, aren't you subtle?

For a moment, Lucifer's able to calm down a bit. He glances at me, his eyes flicking down to my generous cleavage, then back up to my face again. "I'll have to agree with you on that. She's got a fantastic rack on her."

I smile back shyly. An idea pops into my mind then: a playful, devilish idea that will drive this unwelcome guest nuts. I decide to go for it. I feign absentmindedness and pluck at the chains that hold the front of my dress together. The action causes my breasts to giggle a bit, making my more-than-generous cleavage all the more enticing. From the corner of my eye, I watch Bradfield's eyes widen in shock.

Lucifer catches on almost instantly. He smiles back at me, a glint of mischief in his hypnotic eyes. He's as tired of this asshole as I am, so blowing off a little steam by making him squirm will help both of us.

"Alright," he whispers. "Let's play."

I smile back, and he reaches out to caress my face. His touch is icy, but calming.

"How is my queen doing? I hope you're not too bored with this process."

I shake my head. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" He stars at me intensely.

I start to answer, then stop. His fingers have gone from arctic to hot, and the heat is spreading over my entire body. I'm not sweating at all, and there's no alarm bells ringing in my head, so I'm technically fine. I'm confused for a moment, until I start feeling uncomfortable in my gown. I'm sweltering now, and I long to undo the chains at the front and relieve myself...

I almost burst out laughing. I know the game now, and I'm more than in the mood to play along.

"I am feeling a little warm. Would you mind if I cooled myself off a bit?" I ask in the most innocent voice I have in my arsenal.

He grins at me. "Of course, my queen! I wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable in your new home."

I smile back shyly, the lean back from his touch and settle into my seat. My high school drama classes kick in, and I start acting like it's July back in Phoenix. I tug at the top chain of my dress, happy that it comes undone relatively easily. The front of my dress pulls apart another inch, revealing even more of my awesome cleavage. Is grin to myself and look down at our unwelcome guest.

Bradfield's jaw has smashed through the tile floor.

Lucifer turns his attention to Bradfield. "Now, where were we?"

"Dear sweet God," he whispers.

"Mister Pellistar?" Lucifer feigns annoyance.

The young leech shakes his head a bit, tearing his gaze from me and reluctantly going back to my husband. "Forgive me, sir. I just-"

Lucifer waves his hand. "It's nothing. She can be quite an exhibitionist at times."

I smile back, toying with the free chain.

"Now then. What was the deal you wanted to make?" Lucifer leans forward an inch, gazing at the man with barely contained joy.

Bradfield manages to center himself again. "With all due respect sir, I was wondering if I could make a deal about your queen."

"A chance with my queen? Why on earth would I allow that?" There's a sly smile on those perfect lips. He's relishing this.

Bradfield's gained his balance again, and his cocky attitude has resurfaced. "I figured, since she's going to be stuck here with you for so long, she might need a bit of real company."

Lucifer's smile fades replaced by another scowl. Bradfield's made the fatal mistake of accusing Lucifer of being a less-than-passionate lover. From what I've experienced so far, that's a damn lie. But now he's set himself up for annihilation, and as annoying as he is, I don't want to step over a giant bloodstain every time I walk in here.

The asshole shrugs. "I only figured she might like a real man have a chance at her. Who knows how long it's been since she's had a good, long fuck. Maybe she'll actually enjoy-" He stops and stares at me.

I've unclipped another chain on my dress, my chest now nearly bursting out of the fabric.

Whoops. Silly me.

Lucifer turns to look at me, the first hints of a smile touching his lips. "Amelia!" he admonishes me sternly.

I look at him, genuinely afraid I've gone too far with this game.

He gives me a look of exasperation. "We have a guest! Control yourself a little."

I drop my head and pout, convinced I'm screwed up. From the corner of my eye I catch him staring at me. We lock eyes for an instant, and he smiles softly. His gaze slips down to the third chain of my dress, then back to me. I catch his game and smile back, reaching down the play with thin metal hook cautiously.

He grins, then looks back at Bradfield. "Forgive her. She hasn't learned to control herself around others."

Bradfield shakes his head. "It's no trouble at all."

Lucifer's warm tone disintegrates. "For you it is." He rises from his chair, glaring down at the mortal below him. "You come into my house, insult me, upset my queen, then demand a night with her?"

Our adversary takes a step back.

"You honestly thought that I would ever allow a maggot like you to even touch my queen?" he roars. "How dare you, you insignificant little piece of sewer shit!"

Bradfield has stumbled backwards, nearly tripping over his own feet. He's staring at us, petrified with fear. Although it serves him right, I know Lucifer is nearly about to lose control and kill him. I rise up from my own chair and race toward him, catching his arm just as he starts to descend the stairs.