I shake my head. "No. I just... Alright."

His eyes soften a bit. "Amelia, if you're really that scared-"

I force a smile and shake my head. "I'll be fine. I live in a dark, fiery underworld filled with demons and tortured souls. I need to get over my anxiety if I'm ever going to survive here."

His smile returns. "Good girl."

He turns and digs through the box, finally pulling out the longest, sharpest, most terrifying needle ever created. It's pure silver and carved with the intricate markings that make up the demonic tongue. It's beautiful, but horrifyingly sinister. And it's going to poke me.

Lucifer pushes the box aside and shifts closer to me. He holds up the needle, the shining tip glinting right in front of my eyes. He smiles and blows on it gently. The silver starts to glow bright red. I swallow loudly, my gut spinning itself into so many knots that the makers of the Twister game would be amazed.

His smile never waivers. "Ready?"

I nod despite my growing panic. I'm terrified, but I know if I don't plant my feet and grit my teeth, he'll probably see me as a weak queen who has no business ruling here. I've already admitted to myself that I somehow love him, so being cast aside for being scared -- and possibly being supplanted by Leyna -- is an option. I'll have to bite the bullet on this one and cry myself to sleep later.

He reaches out and plucks one of the gold rings from my palm. He inches closer, folding his legs across the bed. With one hand, he reaches out and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me forward and into his lap. Fisting my hand around the other piercings, I loop my arms around his neck and hold on tight.

"Hold still. This will only sting for a second."

I nod and tighten my grip. My heart is racing, my lungs have ceased and my thoughts have stopped. He's all the stability I have left.

He holds me close against him, angling me back a bit so he has a good view of what he's doing. I hope he what he's doing as well. God forbid this is his first time and I end up with more holes than a block of Swiss cheese.

He raises the needle to my nipple and I recoil a millimeter. I can feel the heat radiating off the metal and my stomach starts to twist.

"Deep breath." He moves the needle a hair's breadth closer.

I nod and force my lungs back to work, inhaling a long breath just as he presses the needle's tip against my nipple and pierces my skin.

He's right. The pain only last a second, but it's the longest, most agonizing second of my life. I manage to clamp my jaw shut, but streams of tears replace my screaming. I whimper once as the needle passes through my skin, and again when Lucifer slides the cool metal of the ring through the fresh hole. I dig my fingers into his shoulders, holding on for deal life as my body is marked as his.

A heartbeat later, the pain has lessened. I still wince when a slight breeze from his breathing brushes against my nipple, but it's no where near the pain I had before. This is bearable...barely.

"Ow," I whisper, wincing slightly.

Lucifer's bright eyes flick up to me. "Are you alright?"

I take a long breath, exhaling slowly. "Mostly. A little sore and freaked out of my mind, but I'm okay."

He smiles. "My poor sweet queen. Here, let me sooth your wound."

Moving the still-glowing needle away from my skin, he leans in and wraps his lips around my nipple. Heat and pain is replaced by cold and numbness. His tongue gently paints circles around my wounded nub, soothing my aching body and reigniting the fire in my belly. I won't lie, his mouth feels damn good. It's cool and soft and everything I need right now. He's more than just an extremely experience kisser; those lips might save my life one day. Or at least heal me when I'm accidentally pierced by an arrow or something.

He pulls away too soon, but he's done his job. The pain his disappeared from my skin; my nipple, which was swollen and red from the piercing, is now back to it's regular rosy pink. I still miss his mouth on me, but I'm relieved to be healed of my injury.

Looking down, I inspect the damage. A tiny gold ring, no more than half an inch in diameter, loops through my skin. Below it, a thin strand of gold chain connects it to a tiny black faceted gemstone. I sigh and smile a bit. It's was painful, but worth it. It's a lovely piece, exactly like my dream, so I feel better about having it in me. That, and it also makes me feel damn sexy.

"Better?" Lucifer's tone is playful and inquisitive.

I lean forward, pressing my newly bejeweled breast against his chest. "A little. I'm still sore."