He laughs and angles his head to kiss me. "Have patience. Let's get this next one in and I'll give you more attention."

I groan and lean back, sulking slightly. I pout at him, silently willing him to change his mind and launch himself at me.

He crooks his finger at me. "Two more and you're done."

I sigh and pull back my pout. Begging won't work here, but compliance will. The faster we finish this off, the sooner we can go back to destroying the bed. I reposition my grip on his shoulders and straighten my spine. He brings the needle back and picks up the second small hoop. Although my gut clenches again, it's nowhere near the anxiety I felt before. I've survived nipple ring number one, so number two should be a bit easier.

He moves faster this time. Instead of going slow so I have time to prepare, Lucifer gives me one second of soul-searching before running the needle through my other virgin breast. It hurts, but my body's now accustomed to the pain, so I wince instead of crying. I'm also holding my self stiller than before, which means ring number two goes in easier and I don't have to strain my body as much.

Once the ring is in, I relax a bit and exhale slowly. My other nipple now matches my first with its tiny gold ring and small black jewel. They're quite beautiful, these tiny little gems that adorn my body. I feel like I'm having ornaments stuck into my skin, like some horrifically perverted version of a Christmas tree. I love it, though. I feel sexy and free, as if this is rebellion against my mother.

I'm still a little sore, and I intend to be soothed as soon as possible.

Lucifer does exactly what he's supposed to, pulling the needle aside and leaning in to ease the throbbing in my breast. I have a plan for him; he's not pulling away so soon this round.

His lips wrap around my nipple and I moan softly. As evil and tempting as he is, he really shouldn't feel this good. should feel this good, yet here I am, wrapped in the arms of a fallen angel getting my rocks off with him suckling my breast. I've lost my damn mind and I don't care.

As he continues to lave my tender skin, I manage to claw back some of my sanity so I can move. I reach around his neck and tread my fingers into his soft, messy hair, pulling him close and holding him in place. He's startled slightly and his fingers dig into the bedding, trying to push away. I hold him steady, throwing my head back and closing my eyes so I can revel in the prolonged sensation of his mouth on my skin.

I freeze, my breath halting in my throat. That's not thought voice. It's deeper, darker, slightly annoyed. My gut clenches again, a small spark of fear rocketing up my spine.

I untangle my hands from his hair and lean away, giving him back his freedom and relinquishing any control I have over my own pleasure. He sits back and stares at me with hollow eyes, his brows slightly creased, his lips turned down in a frown. He's upset, all because I wanted more and had the balls to take it.

I turn and stare at the wall, scowling at the stone. I do love him, and I'm honestly trying to have patience, but it's becoming increasingly difficult to deal with his controlling, aggressive attitude. I shouldn't be surprised, but I annoyed. He's had a shit life and dealt with some fucked-up circumstances, but he has the mind of a self-centered teenager.

He sighs, almost exasperated. "Amelia."

I glance at him, still glowering in the wake of his less-than-gentlemanly silent scolding.

His eyes have softened a bit, becoming a bit more apologetic. "I just need you to relax, alright? If you try to push me down a more sexual street, I'll end up slamming you into the bed and we'll never get this done. I need you to stay still so I can concentrate and not accidentally scar you. Once we're finished, we can destroy the bed."

I clam down a bit. He's not mad, just frustrated. He's got good logic, though. The more I try to nudge him away from finishing this piercing session, the less focus he'll have and the more likely he might make a mistake and harm me. I nod and turn back to face him, looping my arms around his neck one last time.

He takes the small gold barbell from my palm, smiling at me. "Last one, then it's my turn. After that, we can trash the room."

I nod, my smile returning. Secretly, I look forward to having a go at this. Watching his reaction to me shoving a needle into his skin should be entertaining.

"Lean back a bit."

I nod and grip his shoulders as I slowly lean my body back, giving him access to my torso. Once again, the heat from the needle pulses against my skin, just enough to let me know it's there. I take a deep breath and squeeze my eyes shut, jerking slightly when the needle pierces my belly. Again, the pain only lasts for a second, and the cool metal of the piercing helps sooth my skin. Lucifer's tongue doesn't magically appear to ease the burn, but his icy fingers do the job just fine.

A minute later, I've caught my breath and have pulled myself back up. I don't look down at my stomach to see the piercing, but I know it's there. I've got three piercings altogether: one in each nipple and one in my belly, each with a small black gem. Exactly like my dream. I'm now marked as Lucifer's queen, a bit like having a "Property of..." tattoo on my skin. These are far more scintillating, however, and much more fun.

If Leyna ever tries to make a move on Lucifer, I can just pull down the top of my dress and shut her up.

Lucifer smiles at me. "Okay, you're done. Was that really so bad?"

I sigh and roll my eyes. "No."

"Good." He gently lifts me away from his body and hands me the needle. "My turn."