I wake up starving. My body has survived the last few hours on the few slices of meat I consumed during dinner, but it's craving more. My stomach starts growling, warning me of a growing rebellion inside me that will turn into a riot if I don't eat within the next fifteen minutes.

Groaning, I slip out of my husband's embrace and push myself upright. Gently, I pull back the blankets and swing my legs over the edge of the bed, landing softly onto the cool tile floor. I turn and replace the sheets over my sleeping husband's body, taking a spare second to stop and admire his beauty one more time.


I look around the room and spot my black satin robe lying in a heap on the floor. Silently, I walk over and scoop it up, swinging it around so I can slip it on. I tie the ribbon around my waist and check to see that I'm fully covered. I know it's Hell and there are topless demons walking around everywhere, but I feel uncomfortable having anyone besides Lucifer see me naked. As far as I'm concerned, my body is his to stare at and his alone.

I make my way towards the door to our room, moving as quietly as possible so Lucifer can sleep. He doesn't need to wake up to just because I'm hungry. I'll be back in less than fifteen minutes and he'll be none the wiser.

The door to our room swings open silently, and I quick-step through the doorway. It swings closed, but seems aware of my intentions and locks with the slightest noise. I smile.

Turning, I start my way down the main hall. It's empty now, so it must be either really early or really late. I'm alone now, which grants me a few precious moments to clear my head. I listen to the sounds of the screaming souls below me, trying to gauge if I can become numb to the sound.

Nope. I still possess my human heart.

I smile to myself. Good. Even after spending nearly a week married to the baddest bad guy in the Bible, I haven't lost my empathy or my common sense. I'm normal. Thank God.

I breathe a small sigh of relief and continue on down the hallway. It's a bit eerie walking by myself, but I don't really mind. I like the quite, and the cool breeze is keeping me awake long enough for me to get to the dining room. My gut is starting to incite a rebellion, so I quickly try to remember whether we turned left or right after the hallway.

"He loves you so fucking much."

I stop, freezing in place. Leyna's voice echoes around the silent hall, bouncing off the stones and ringing in my ears.

"What I can't understand is why." Her tone is mocking and resentful, still upset that I got picked instead of her. Same old Leyna.

I sigh and turn to face her, my hunger slowly being replaced by an acute case of fuck-you-bitch syndrome. This woman, no mater how many times she's been screamed in her face to stop, just won't let this fight die. I finish turning and glare at her, sending as much of my annoyance at her as possible.

She stands about ten feet away from me, dressed in a long black Grecian gown, her cheery-red hair fluttering in the breeze. Her sickly yellow eyes are locked on me, and her lips are curved up in a sly smile.

"I mean, there's nothing really remarkable about you." She sneers at me. "You're human, you're weak, and you're way too sweet for him. What could you possibly have that makes you a better fit than me?"

I stop and think for a second. "A better rack?"

Her eyes narrow. "Lucky draw on the genetics card."

I shrug. "A sense of empathy? A bigger brain? A soul?"

She sneers against and waves her hand dismissively. "All things that prove your weakness. If you were a queen of Hell, you'd be just a ruthless as Lucifer."

My annoyance boils over. "You mean sink to your level? Pass."

Her eyes shoot wide. " level? I'm not the one following him around like a homeless dog begging for scraps."

"At least I have enough spine to put Lilith in her place!" I counter.

She pales for an instant, shocked that I've admitted having a strength she lacks. I smile to myself again. Leyna may hate me for marrying her crush, but there's not much she can do to his queen and a woman able to stand up to Lilith. I may be human, but I've got more balls than she'll ever have.

Leyna recovers and dismisses my attack. "She's Lucifer's right-hand girl. She may not like you, but she can't do anything to harm you. Lucifer would go ballistic."

"So have the right to harm me, but Lilith doesn't? I'm sorry, but where exactly did you get that entitled thought?" I stare at her coldly. "I don't think Lucifer would appreciate it if either of you harmed me."

"I'd be doing him a favor. Once his pesky little human is gone, he can look for a queen." Her smile turns reptilian, and a shiver races up my spine.

"A real queen? I hope you're not referring to yourself. If you were queen, this whole place would crumble within days." She's talking about supplanting me and taking my crown and husband. Now I'm pissed. "Besides, what makes you think Lucifer would even you?"

She glares at me, offended and confused. "Why wouldn't he?"

I laugh softly. "Honey, he's spent the last few days with me. We've fucked on nearly every surface in that room, and we've even pierced each other." In a moment of brazen boldness, I pull open the sides of my robe and let her take a good look at Lucifer's attempt at marking his territory. "See? He's mine and I'm his. Deal with it."

She pouts for a moment, and as I pull my robe back around me, I silently hope she's given up and waved her white flag. Instead, she lifts her head and glares at me, the corners of her mouth tilting into a cruel smile.

"You're right," she purrs, "He have you."