She makes the first move and takes a step towards me. "So maybe, if I can't make him fall for me, I'll just use ."

She reaches out and grabs my shoulder, jerking me forward. Before I can pull way, her hand slides up to cup the back of my neck, holding me in place as she closes the distance between us and kisses me.

My first instinct is to scream like a banshee and claw her face off, but as the kiss goes on, my head starts to swirl and my hands go numb. The room starts to spin, my knees give out and I can't breathe correctly. Leyna is falling with me, and the two of us collapse to the floor. She's got a death grip on me, but I can feel her fingers slip a bit. My entire body is numb, and I lose the ability to think completely.

I take one last breathe before the world goes dark and I hit the floor.

My head aches. My body still feels numb. My thoughts are jumbled. And I'm still starving.

I groan and gingerly push myself up from the floor, looking around to survey the damage. There's no massive crater in the wall or burn marks streaking up the marble, but Leyna is gone and I'm reeling from whatever magic trick she pulled on me.


I nod and crack my finger, trying to rid my hands of the numbness. It works, so I roll my wrists and ankles, hoping to gain back enough strength so I can walk again. The pins and needles fade away, and I smile. I can get going and figure out just what the hell happened to me.


Nodding to myself, I push against the cool stone floor, using every ounce of my strength to try to stand. I fail and crumple to the floor again, panting. I'm not ready to move yet, so I sit down and rest for a bit until my body has recharged enough so that I can move. In the meantime, I sit back and listen to the screaming souls again, relieved to know I'm not completely alone in my misery and confusion.

I look up for an instant and freeze. Before me is a small puddle of rainwater that's seeped down through the cracks and pooled on the marble floor. In the puddle is a reflection of Leyna, her red hair a mess and her yellow eyes bewildered. She stares back at me, looking as confused as I feel.

I reach up to cup my aching head and freeze again. Leyna moves when I move, the reflection showing a mirror image of what I'm doing. Dread pooling in my gut, I reach up and trace my lips, watching as the reflection copies me perfectly.

I scream and scramble backwards, pressing my back against the wall. My breathing is panicked, my heart bursting from my chest. Leyna! How the fuck did this happen!

I think back to her numbing kiss. She must have used her evil bitch power to switch bodies with me. She has my body and I have hers, which means she can finally accomplish her goal of having Lucifer. With my body, he'll never know she and I have switched and that the woman he's with isn't me.

Tears sting my eyes. No, no this can't happen. We were just starting to break ground with him, just beginning to open him up. And I was just starting to actually love him. I can't lose him now, not yet. Not to her.

As much as I want to cry and scream and yell, I can't. That will just do more harm than good. Forcing my natural instincts down, I shake off the despair and pain, focusing my mind on anger. Crying about it won't fix the problem. I need to find Lucifer and explain what's happened, then find Leyna and get my body back.

Gathering my strength again, I shakily haul myself to my feet and pull my now red hair away from my face. I glare down the massive corridor, knowing that's exactly where Leyna has gone. I take a tentative step forward, then another, slowly but surely making my way toward my bedroom. I swear once I find that woman, I am going to tear her head off with my bare hands and serve it on a silver platter.

The screams fade away as my mind slows down and focuses on my goal. My sights are set. I'm going to find Lucifer. I'm going to tell him what happened. And I'm going to find Leyna and get my body back.