Lilith's eyes open, sliding to me. "So this is the new Amelia?" "New?" I stare at her, confused. "You think that just because I'm not in my body I'm just some replaceable thing?" Her evil smile returns. "As far as I'm concerned, you're not my queen right now. No crown, no queen.". The boost in self-esteem and pride I've gained from being queen comes roaring to the surface, giving me a much-needed blast of strength. Unfortunately, my defensiveness rises too, along with my competitiveness. "Come down off that chair and say that to my face." Lilith stares at me for an instant, caught off guard by my challenge. Her smile returns anyway. "At least I'm in a throne. You seem to have lost yours. And to a succubus, no less." I'm hurt, but not surprised. Lilith may have the body of a woman, but like most of the girls I went to high school with, she's got the mentality of a spoiled kindergartner. Luckily, I've dealt with this type of personality before, so I know just how to handle myself. "Fine, then. Since you're too much of a coward to come down here, I'll come to you." Before Kerion can step between us, I make my way toward Lilith's chair. She bolts upright and glares at me, outraged that I would dare challenge her. But in her eyes, I can see fear and uneasiness. She's unused to someone not taking her word as a final answer, so seeing me walk towards her with pure determination and frustration is a shock to her. I stop a foot before her chair, staring down at my most powerful adversary. In this body, I'm weak and can't defend myself. But my soul is the exact same as before, so I can and will stand my ground no matter who I look like. If that means I have to fight Lilith head-on, so be it. "As your , I'm giving you an order," I make my tone as steady and even as I can. "Say that to my face." Furious, Lilith rises from her chair and looks me dead in the eye. In Leyna's body, we're evenly matched in height; if I were in body, she'd have to look up slightly. But here and now, we're on even ground. No unfair height differences, no fights over whose boobs are bigger. It's just the two of us staring at each other and fighting it out like normal, hell-born women. "I said," she rolls the words in her mouth, savoring their taste. "You're not my queen." My mask of cool composure never shifts. "Fine. Than I refuse to recognize you as superior as well.". She pulls back an inch, indignant. "How dare you! I watch over ever succubus that comes through here!" I shrug. "But I'm not a succubus. Like it or not, I'm your queen. I may be in a different body, but I still rule this place." She smiles at me again. "Only until Lucifer figures out what happened. One he realizes the woman he's sleeping with isn't you, he'll toss her your body into the fire pits. Which means you'll be stuck here in Leyna's body and Lucifer will be free game." For the second time in my life, I explode on Lilith with full force. "You spoiled, rotten little whore! How dare you presume me to be so weak that I would roll over and allow myself to be cast aside! After all I've gone through! After all the shit that's been dumped on me! I don't care if you were born and raised in the dirtiest slum in Jerusalem! Your queen has been replaced, hell is going down the drain, and all you can think of is yourself!" She steps back a foot, trying to retreat but having nowhere to run. Her eyes are wide, filled with shock and horror. Exactly what I want. "Being soulless and empty is no excuse for acting like a trashy, spoiled child. Lucifer is your master. Your obligation in life is to defend him at any cost, even if that means putting up with . Now, I give you a choice. Either rise above your childish behavior and act like a woman who's of your position, or continue with your games and see your master and your world fall to pieces." My heart is pounding, and my pride and anger has swelled beyond the confines of my tiny frame, but I don't care. I've said my piece. The ball's in Lilith's court now, and it's up to her to decide if she wants to make or breaks us. She stares at me for a moment, her eyes still wide and fearful. Slowly, though, her face returns to its normal snobbish appearance. A sly smile breaks on her lips, and she gives a quiet laugh. "You've got a backbone, I'll give you that." Her smile never fades. "You're human, but at least you've got some strength to you." "Damn straight." My defensiveness has subsided, but my irritation remains on full blast. "I say again, chose your path. Either find yourself under the rule of a highly unstable succubus who's willing to let your world fall into ruin, or helps us save it." She half-scoffs, half-laughs at my order. "Oh, sweet Amelia. Thinking she has the power to rule our world. Such a simple little human girl." She steps forward, closing the tiny distance between us. Her smile widens, becoming more sinister and ugly. "You really think he cares about you? About a mortal girl who has no business holding the queen's throne? No, he doesn't give a shit about you. You're just a silly little toy he brought down here to play with, not a . You don't deserve him like even Leyna does. At least a fucking demon. But you...so simple, so quiet, so weak. You don't have what it takes to rule over us. And once Leyna signs that execution order, I'll never have to deal with your stinky, worthless-" I don't let her finish. Cocking my arm back, I swing as hard as I can and smack her across the face. She squeals and stumbles backwards, cupping her cheek in her palm. Somehow, I manage to keep myself from exploding in rage, but I'm more than done with this bitch. She's obviously too absorbed in her own chance of stealing Lucifer to care about Hell falling into Leyna's hands.