Spinning around, I walk away from Leyna and her exquisite throne, striding across the marble floor with my head held high. I pass by Kerion, who watches in amazement as I dare to turn my back on one of the most powerful demons here. "Come on, Kerion," I call as I make my way to the doors. "She's not going to help us." Without hesitation, Kerion nods and follows behind me. Without having to look, I know Lilith has recovered behind me and is glaring daggers at my back. I don't care. She's not going to help me save my home or my husband, so she can rot in Heaven for all I care. "Kerion!" she calls after us. "You're going to follow ?" Kerion stops and turns to face Lilith. I do the same, partly because I want to wait for my friend and partly because I want to watch the fireworks. Kerion nods to Lilith. "Yes. Unlike you, Lilith, my loyalties are set with those who have offered me help and kindness, not privilege and power. You choose to sacrifice our world and our master for your own petty jealousies. Your selfishness with be your end someday, and Amelia and I will be there to laugh as you tumble from absolute power into oblivion."

Having said his piece, Kerion turns back toward me and crawls across themarble to the doors. Lilith stands by her throne, staring wide-eyed at the twoof us. She's never been called out before by anyone, and now she's just beenblasted by a human and a very powerful spider. We've knocked her off balance abit. Good."Ah, one final thing..." Kerion never turns around as he addressesLilith. "If Amelia and I do manage to recover ourselves and fix this messthat Leyna's set up for us, I'll be sure to tell Lucifer how very helpful youwere."I smile as her jaw hits the floor. Kerion threw out an amazing last card. Thethreat of facing my wrath might not be enough to frighten her, but facing myhusband's wrath leaves her speechless. Risking facing his anger just to bespiteful is suicide on her part. I watch her lip tremble as she considers justhow bad Lucifer's eruption might be.Knowing my husband and the situation we're in, it's probably going to be epic.Forgetting to take one last look at her, I spin on my toes and stride out thedoors. Kerion follows close behind me, his head held almost as high as mine. Wemay not have succeeded in gaining Lilith's help, but we definitely left onehell of a soul-searching session for her. I celebrate quietly as we turn backinto the main hallway. I showed her my backbone twice now, so she knows thatI'm ready and willing to use it.The main hall is empty now, almost deathly silent compared to when we firstentered here. I'm relieved; Kerion and I can talk in peace now without beingquestioned or berated by an overly-curious demon.One of his long, slender legs strokes my back as we walk. "You did verywell back there. I can see why the master trusts you so much."I smile back. "You weren't so bad yourself.""Gah, that woman is nothing to me. I've dealt with her on a few morechildish occasions than that. We're all used to it now."I sigh and stare at the ground as we walk. "It's sad that she's willing tosacrifice her entire world just to see me miserable.""That creature would sell her own mother to gain power," Kerion adds."Shit. Even I wouldn't go that far, and my mother's the one who got meinto this mess."My stomach turns at the thought. Mom's a little self-absorbed, but I'd nevertoss her into the pits for money or power. Not that I'd ever need to; her greedgot me Lucifer and a crown, so I'm practically set. But I know her. Greedy asshe is, I'm still her daughter, and there's been more than one occasion where she'sgone ballistic on someone because they messed with me. She's a mess, but if Iwere in trouble, she would care enough about me to push Lilith into the firefirst."Some people are users and abusers, nothing more." Kerion sighs alongwith me. "But we may have a chance with that last threat. As insatiableand self-centered as she is, Lilith's no fool. She knows that once the masterfind out what happened, he'll figure out that she never helped us when she hadthe chance. She's risking her black soul to spite you.""Well...I guess that's good." My stomach is still turning from thethought of my mother. I wonder how she is. I haven't seen her since she waspresented to me. I hope she's okay through all of this. I'd hate to lose herbecause Leyna and Lilith want my Husband more then Hell."It will certainly give her something to ponder."I swallow whatever fear I have and straighten my spine. I set my eyes straightforward, staring down the hallway in the direction of my bedroom. Down there,my unknowing husband and my evil hyper-bitch doppelganger wait for me. I'mscared to fight her, but I have no choice. It's do-or-die time, and I'm readyto do."Well, until Lilith decides to help us, we do this alone."Kerion nods and follows closely behind me, ready to sacrifice life and limb fora queen he barely knows. Loyalty at it's best.