. The thought was angry, filled with hatred and disgust. And for good reason. That idiot Bradfield dared to show his spoiled face again, demanding yet another chance with Amelia and taunting him with his own twisted ideas of superiority and power. It was a miracle in itself that Lucifer didn't kill the boy this time. Instead, all it took was a few bursts of fire and another round of degradation to send the idiot packing. A spoiled little shit with a mouth to match, but completely lacking backbone or the ability to defend himself. It amazed Lucifer that this boy's face was still intact; surely he'd pissed off enough people with that attitude to warrant a few good beatings. The old angel sighed. He didn't know why he spared the boy's life. It wasn't in his nature to do so. If he did things way, that brat would be a soot stain on the marble flooring. But no. Something was holding him back from incinerating the child. Something strong, powerful and beautiful.. He stopped, standing completely still in he empty hallway, his mind spinning and his emotions going haywire. Since when did care about a human's emotions? After millennia of manipulating and seducing them to their dooms, he now suddenly for how his queen might feel. But why? True, Amelia was his queen, but she was still human. Skinny, weak by comparison and completely unacquainted with the rules of this realm. It shouldn't matter what she thought of his actions. All she to do was keep his bed warm and the spare throne occupied. Her thought and emotions shouldn't have even been considered on the issue. Unfortunately, they were. As much as he hated to admit it, Amelia did have a certain charm that left his head spinning and his knees weak. She could tempt him into anything, even a round of rough sex minutes after spilling his heart into that bath. She could tease him, taunt him and toy with him. And every time, he fell for it and ran straight into her arms. Lucifer sighed and continued his languid pace. A human... millions of years later and it was a that brought him to his knees. Not Michael, not his father. A teenage human girl from Arizona with long, dark hair and eyes that pierced through his rotten soul. As much as he filled his thoughts with anger and frustration, he knew he could never deny that woman anything. She held what was left of his heart in her soft, warm hands, and she wasn't letting go for blood, flood or fire. Not that he minded being entranced by her. Amelia was a knockout in her own right. Long legs, soft skin, eyes that burned through him and a rack he could springboard from. She was by no means as famous as Gisele Bündchen-- poor Gisele could never compare to his lithe, ample queen -- but she was more than tempting enough to draw his eyes during even the most crucial of conversations. But it was more, much more than her simple appeal or her ability to coax him into anything. Amelia for him, taking the time to let him rant and pour his heart out when no one else would care to listen. She'd shown him kindness and sympathy when no one else dared to. She kept repeating how much she loved him, how much she wanted him, and how much she never wanted to hurt him. How she would never leave him until he tried to harm her. She'd promised that. No one had ever promised him that. Even his father had abandoned him, and for the slightest of reasons. But Amelia...she had more courage and heart in her than most demons. She'd charmed Beelzebub and the others, and managed to put Lilith in her place, so she couldn't be completely foolish and incompetent. In truth, she was anything but. After spending only a week being married to her, Lucifer could tell she was more than able to hold the reigns of his kingdom. If Michael somehow managed to take him out for a moment, Amelia would make sure the ship stayed afloat. It was a deadly mix of beauty, strength and kindness that made him lose all thought and spill his soul. She had the power and the skills to make him do anything she wanted but never took advantage of them. Yet she was a genuinely sweet soul who only asked form him to share the bed and speak his thoughts. "Alright, fine! I love the woman!" He yelled the words into the empty air. "There! Satisfied?" In a strange way, the silence almost was. He sighed and kicked at a small stone as he walked. That woman was intoxicating, almost annoyingly so. But she was kind and gentle enough not to drive him mad. Unlike that damned Leyna... He shivered at the thought of the wretched creature. Arrogant, idiotic and beyond infuriating, she would stop at nothing to gain his attention. It wasn't Leyna's looks or body that repelled him, it was her attitude. Her pride and vanity rivaled Lilith herself, but her lower rank made it all the more annoying. That, and she constantly degraded Amelia simply for being human. He growled to himself, barely resisting the urge to slam his fist into the wall.