I groan in frustration, but I know my conscience is right. As much as I want my husband to throw me on the floor and tear me to pieces, I do what to do it while I'm still stuck in Leyna's body. Once I'm back in my own skin, I plan for us to smash every piece of furniture in that bedroom. "No, no," I whisper in his ear. "Not now." He stills, confused that I would turn down his offer for sex. "Amelia," he groans. I stroke the length of his spine with my thumbs. "Not while I'm like this. After all the shit she's put us through, I don't want Leyna to walk out of my room knowing that her body got a piece of you even when she wasn't there to enjoy it." Thankfully, he gets the message and pulls his hands back an inch. He's got the same idea: no sex, even while the one in this body, until we get things back to normal. Relieving ourselves now will still give Leyna a tiny bit of satisfaction knowing some part of her managed to capture him. If we can hold out for a little bit longer, we can send her to her execution as a complete failure. Still, I hate seeing my husband in the grip of such a painful need for release. I feel awful for making him hold his libido back, even if it is for a good reason. I sigh and decide that even though I won't allow him to take what he wants, I'll give him what he needs. "Come here," I whisper, pulling him against me. He comes willingly, pulling his hands away from my pussy and looping them around my back. His face remains buried against my shoulder, but I don't care. He's dealt with enough shit today. It's time he gets a little relief. I pull one of my hands away from his back and reach down to trace the edge of his tattered jeans. His body trembles slightly, and he bucks his hips against my fingers. I smile and dip my fingers past the sturdy denim, tracing my way around to his chiseled abdomen. The light hairs on his treasure trail tickle my fingertips, and I continue to teasingly trace the deep lines of muscle carved into his flesh. "No, sex," I whisper. "But I'll get you off." He groans against my shoulder and hugs me tighter. "My godsend." I laugh. "Not quite a send, but you're welcome." I manage to unbutton and unzip his pants with one hand, using the other to stroke his back and keep him close. The instant his jeans come undone, his cock flies out, hard and ready for some serious attention. I laugh softly and rub his back in apology. My poor husband. He must have had one nasty case of blue balls.

I don't waste any time getting him the relief heso desperately needs. I reach down and grip his enormous girth in my hand,holding completely still when he twitches and groans softly. I wait for asecond so he can steady himself, then I slowly, gently start to stroke him. Imove my hand all the way up and down his cock, taking my time to make sure nopart of him goes unloved. He groans again, his wings flaring out a bit beforefalling limply to the ground.I continue to keep my leisurely pace, giving himthe pleasure he needs but making sure he has time to enjoy it. With his chestpressed against mine as I squeeze him off, I'm unable to see exactly what I'mdoing. I'm flying blind here, so I have to rely on my sense of touch and hisreactions to know if I'm doing a good job.Apparently when it comes to hand jobs, I'm afucking rock star. Every time I pull back on his cock, his hips jerk and a lowgroan escapes his throat. His body twitches under my fingers, and a tiny bit ofpride swells in my chest. First I've got the best rack he's ever seen, then hetells me I'm awesome at blowjobs, and now I rock at jerking him off, too. Myhusband is a lucky, lucky man-angel-thing."Doing alright?" I whisper in his ear.He groans and straightens his spine, pullingback just enough that his mouth can touch mine again. Our kiss is gentle, along, slow melding of tongues and lips that send a flurry of sparks racing upmy spine. I tighten my grip on him and he moans, a sound that's half animal,half surrender."More," he begs, his mouth barelybrushing against mine.I smile against his lips and quicken my pace alittle, secretly enjoying his gasp of surprised pleasure. As I continue to kissand stroke my husband, I realize just how far we've come from our wedding day.It's been barely a week that we've been legally married, and I've gone frombeing terrified of his touch to relishing it. I love being close to him,whether it's curling up with him in bed, or laughing with him over screwingwith people, or jerking him off in the middle of the hallway. I finally, love this creature likeI promised I would.I break away from his mouth and pull his bodyback against me so I can whisper in his ear. "I love you.""I love you, too." His whisperedbreath grazes the skin of my neck, making me shiver.I never stop stroking him, but I'm surprised athow quickly he responds. Before tonight, saying he loved me was a challenge forhim. He would pause, almost thinking if he loveme, then say it with a strained voice. But now, his response was automatic, asif he spoke his feelings without thinking. I smile and kiss his shoulder,elated to know I've finally won him over and claimed the Devil himself as .A few seconds later, he stiffens and buries hisface against my neck. His groan is muffled slightly, but just as powerful. Ican feel his cock twitching in my hand, and small drips of his cum spill ontomy arm. I don't care, he's my husband. Why would I be freaked out? I've alreadygiven him two mind-numbing blowjobs, so this is nothing. If anything, it has solidifiedmy status as an awesome queen. I switch into good-girl mode and slowly, gentlystroke him through his climax, savoring the fact that I can drive my husbandwild with just my hands..He throws out one arm and braces himself againstthe wall, pulling away from me a bit to catch his breath. I look up at him ashe comes down from his high, once again enamored with his painful beauty. Hiseyes are barely open, thin rings of electric gold surrounding enormous pools ofjet black. His perfect lips are parted, torrents of warm breath spilling out ofthem and down my chest. There's a thin sheen of sweat glistening on his skin,highlighting every dip and bulge of his muscled body.