Finally, Lucifer manages to regain his balance. His eyes flutter closed as he laughs quietly, leaning into to claim my mouth. I stand up on my toes and accept his kiss willingly, letting go of his cock so he can dress himself properly. He doesn't, instead stepping closer and pressing his hips against mine, holding me against the wall so I can't escape... as if I'd want to? He pulls away breaking the kiss and leaning in to nuzzle my cheek with his. "Thank you. I needed that." I giggle and close my eyes, savoring the chill of his skin on my own. "You're welcome. I hate to see my poor, sweet husband suffering from blue balls like that." He laughs in my ear. "Such a tease. I may have to find a way to make you a bit more agreeable. Maybe we'll find something that will make sure you never leave me." His tone is light, teasing and playful. I pause, considering my options. I know Lucifer would never hurt me, so I'm safe from being whipped or beaten in any sense of the thought. But there are others ways he could torture me, like cutting me off from sex with him or denying me caramel. But neither of those things would make me subservient, just annoyed. And does he even me to be docile? He's always said he likes my independent spirit, so probably not. Teasing me is just another way for him to have fun and get a nice thrill at the same time. Still, the gears in my head start to spin. I love this creature, despite his reputation, and I feel the need to prove to him that I'm all his. After this little soap opera drama we've just been through, he'll need something to prove to him that I'm not going to leave him for anything. Something dramatic, something that's sure to make him understand that I'll do anything for him... "I...may know a way you can start..." My voice is soft, a little shaky from the idea that passes through my mind. He pulls back an inch, concerned by my sudden shyness. "Amelia?" I take a deep breath, forcing down my fears and insecurities. "Remember the first night we were married? The night I told you about my dream of being pierced?" He nods, suddenly silent and focused on hearing me out. I'm slightly relieved that he's willing to listen to this. Having him shoot me down now would destroy my fragile sense of security and personal worth. I swallow loudly. "I didn't tell you all of it." His eyes widen, his expression both curious and alarmed. "Yes?" "There was another piercing..." I can't finish the sentence, I may be married to Satan himself, but the very though of what I'm about to suggest has made my throat lock up. There's a silence between us as Lucifer's face shifts from confused to thoughtful to surprised. His gaze locks on me, stunned that I would dream of such a thing and excited that I'm brave enough to try. I can only stand there and breathe shakily as the puzzle pieces click into place inside his head. "Your clit?" His eyes never leave mine. "Really?" I nod and chew my lip nervously, unsure of what to say or think or feel. A slow, wicked smile spreads across his face. He's probably been imagining this for months, maybe even years, but he's never had a chance to try it out. Until I come along and gather up every ounce of my strength to suggest it. I suspect that his smile is just the tip of an iceberg of excitement. Were he less calm and controlled, he'd probably be bouncing off the walls. "Oh, Amelia." He leans forward and kisses me again, wrapping his arms around my waist and crushing me against him. I'm relieved that he's taking this in such good stride. Not that I'm surprised -- what man would turn down an opportunity to play with his wife? -- but I was honestly worried that he might reject the idea and make me feel foolish. With his burst of enthusiasm, I can relax. He pulls away and grins at me. "Do I get to have the honors?" I manage a small laugh. "Nobody touches this body but you." "Good." He leans in and peppers kisses along my neck and shoulder. "Are you willing to let me devour you as well?" His question catches me off guard. I'm by no means ashamed of giving oral sex, but I've never been the recipient. All three of my previous boyfriends either shrugged the idea off or made a face when I asked. Having someone devour me has always been a huge wish of mine -- when I was 15, I actually wrote it down on my Christmas list - but the chance never showed itself. His proposal sparks a deep-seated curiosity in me that's been begging to be satisfied. I nod and smile shyly. "You'll have to break me in." He gives me a shocked, confused face. "Never?" I shake my head. "No guy I've ever dated was interested." He scowls at air. "Bastards." I stare at him, surprised. "Have you done it?" "Once or twice." His lips twist into a mischievous smile. "I'm not a master, but I know how it woks." My smile returns. "You're more experienced than I am." In one smooth motion, Lucifer sips one hand behind my back, then scoops me up into his arms. I lace my finger behind his neck and let him carry me down the hall back to our room both relieved about his acceptance and nervous about what possibilities now lay beyond that door. Once we're through with Leyna, there are a thousand different possibilities of tricks and games he could throw at me. And I've just given him permission to come at me with full force.