Watch out!

I was stuck on the choices presented to me by the girls.

" I'm still unsure... if I want to join a club... I have a lot to do. " I tried to be polite as possible but that doesn't seems to penetrate through them.

Especially to the yellow haired girl who chuckled at me, poking my cheeks.

It seems like she saw through me, or not?

" You have a lot to do besides being turned on by me? " with a little movement of her, I could feel my arms being squished by her bust.

I would like to thank god for this gracious gift.

I don't regret any single moment from this.

" C-can you please stop that? " I said which wad completely different from what I feel inside.

I tried to push her away but she was holding on me tightly, not showing any sign of letting go.

" Chiharu-san, I think he's getting a bit uncomfortable by your treatment. " says the girl i'm familiar with.

" Really? " Chiharu looked at me and turn her head back to her.

" I don't know about that, I think he's feeling the opposite. " she teased.

" Chiharu. " her voice became a bit harsh.

" Kaaay~! " Chiharu stopped and walks away going into the other girl's direction.

With how she talks to the girls, it looks like she's the leader.

Now that Chiharu left I focused my attention to the girl who's still lying on the ground.

Her pinafore's button on the top was unbutton so I saw a glimpse of her bra.

I removed that thought in my head and decided to help her out, I tried to reach out my hand to her.

But as soon that I got close to her, she slapped my hand.

" Wha-- " Ignored what she just did, she picked up her chair.

" I can do it myself, don't bother. " but you were asking for help two minutes ago.

Whatever, I turned my attention towards something else which was the girl on the right, beside Chiharu.

The blue haired girl who was playing a game ever since I came here, I took a peek on what she was playing and which instantly piqued my interest.

" Isn't this My Girlfriend was a sadist? " I asked her, in which she nods her head and smiled.

It looks like she was busy playing so bothering her would be out of the options.

I'll just try to talk to her next time.

" Eri-chan, would you like to go shopping later? There's this new event called Spring Fever in the mall. " Chiharu wrapped her hand on Eri from the side as she watched her play.

Eri however didn't speak or react to what Chiharu did and continued playing.

I looked onto the other side which was where the purple haired girl was sitting.

She noticed me and wave her hand at me.

If I were to compare her sized to all of them, she's the winner.

Lastly, I looked at her. The girl i've met yesterday who was holding a paper and a pen.

This time, she approached me along with those in her hand.

She offered me a sit and which I accept.

She placed the paper down on the table and gave me the pen.

" You can start by filling your name here, and then contact number and... what else... " with her helping me, I easily filled out the form.

While I was busy writing, I noticed her to place her hand grip on my shoulder as she points out on where I should write.

There was only a few distance between us and if it couldn't get any better she leaned down to look at it.

" Mhm, you're almost done. " she looked at me only to realize the small gap between us.

We both frozed between our almost kissing position.

" I... u-uhh... " she quickly removes her hand at me and pulled back.

She starts to fan herself.

We both looked away from each other and coughed almost in unison.

" A-anyway please fill out the remaining forms! "

My heartbeat was starting beat loudly as I look at the paper.

That was too much.

Soon after, I passed the paper to her.

" There you go, now you're a proud member of our club! " she cheered.

I looked at her in confusion.

" Hold on... what do you mean by that? " that's when I realized that I fucked up.

" So that's what it was?! "

She responded with a tounge-in-cheek and a victory pose.

It was a complete set-up.

" Now that we're complete. Rica, can you please bring this to the faculty to be approved? Bring Eri along with you if it's tough. " she then pointed out at the pile of paper that's lying on the table.

Once Eri heard her name she grunted.

" Ah--I can't, Yuki. " Rika responded with an apologetic pout with her hands closed.

" I have an urgent matter at home, but i'll be sure to repay you back tommorow, okay? " Rika plead and grab her shoulder bag.

Yuki then looked at Chiharu who whistled it out, turns out this girl is just lazy.

" I'll help. " I voluntarily raised my hand and gave Yuki a smile, she looked very happy when she heard that.

We started to carry out the paper as the other three members left the club.

Now it way only me and Yuki.

I carried ¾ of the paper while Yuki carries the remaining ¼.

" Are you okay with that? You can carry that much? " she asked but I simply brushed it off with " Oh, it's nothing. "

We both walked out together carrying the papers to the faculty, Yuki was walking a bit faster than me.

I looked at Yuki who was silent the entire walk, she's probably thinking on something unrelated.

I also looked at every rooms we passed together which are mostly locked by now.

Simply because it's 5:45 PM by now.

That's when I noticed that Rika was looking at me.

" Hmm? Is there something wrong? " I asked her but she quickly looked away.

That's when I remember what happened between us earlier.

Because of this, it became a barrier for us to have a conversation.

Even though I could just take the initiative.

I kept on hesitating.

Akabe, you dumbass! A fine lady is with you. Alone.

Yet you have your tounge all the way to the back and became a mute.

I was annoyed at myself.

We reached the office and returned some of paper into one of the teacher's desk.

Rika placed her first, followed by mine.

Next was at the top of a shelf, it was pretty high for her so I tried to offer her a help but she refuses.

She struggles to place the papers properly which causes the books to shake.

" You might hurt yourself, are you sure you can do this? " I asked her.

But she ignored me and continued to struggle.

I was really concerned about her because if she might to lose her balance which will cause books to fall straight in her face.

What's worse is she might get injured.

Just when I think about those scenario in my head, it happened.

The shelf became slightly bent which caused the books to fall over.

" Wha-- " she panicked.

I pulled her back from the falling books but another batch of them falls over to us.

I changed my position with Yuki and tried to cover her sacrificing myself.


I could feel the hardness of the books falling on my back.

But I couldn't let this things hit Yuki that's why i'll endure this.

I tried to slowly move to forward but I tripped which caused the both of us to fall over.


I covered Yuki's head before falling into the floor but one thing I forgot is mine because the moment we fell into the floor.

A book drops into my head causing me to lose consciousness.

A couple minutes later, I woke up to a voice that's calling me.

" Akabe! W-wake up... "

" Hey... ahh..! "

I could hear a faint voice of a girl calling my name.

I could feel a warmth in my body as I tried to rise up.

I slowly opened up my eyes to see Yuki's embarassed face.

That's when I remembered what happened.

" A-are you okay? You're not hurt? " I asked her.

" Haa... n-no.. but please get off me.. " Yuki begged.

She was really embarassed to the point of crying, the reddness in her cheeks couldn't make the situation any better.

With our bodies touching, I could feel her breathe getting deeper.

I feel an extreme urge to stay, to do something as I look at Yuki who's on the verge of crying.

" I-i'm sorry... I must've lost my consciousness during that. " I apologized to her.

But suddenly she twitched like crazy and let out a soft moan.

" Hyaaah?! " she was extremely shocked as her voice echoes in the faculty.

" Y-Yuki?! " I looked at her with my eyes widened.

Strangely, I could feel something on my hand. As if I was grasping something very soft.

I tried to give it a squeeze which caused Yuki twitch again but this time it's much more sensitive.

" Ahh?!! You p-pervert.. what the fuck are you doing?! Get your hands away from my breast... i'm gonna kill you!! " she tried to push me away but it was very weak.

I quickly removed my hand while panicking as I tried to sway the books behind us.

I stood up first, I tried help her up but she just shot me a look full of contempt.


She just stood there, arms folded with her eyes closed still blushing.

There was a huge tension between us, and the only one to blame here was me.

She started picking up the books and placed them on the table, she grabbed one of them and covered her face with it.

With her eyes peaking yet avoiding my gaze, she spoke softly.

" T-thank you for saving me... " she was very cute.

" Why is it always that something unexpected happens when i'm with you... " she puts down the book she was holding and sighed.

" Come on, let's pick up all of this. " I looked around at the faculty which was a complete mess and started moving.

It didn't take us long enough to tidy up the place.

I wiped the sweat on my forehead and I let out a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, a cold sensation damped on my cheeks, I was taken aback and looked on where it came from.

That's when Yuki burst out laughing.

" Wahaha! Chill, dude. It's me. " she hands me a drink.

" You were so pre-occupied with your thoughts that you didn't even sense that I left earlier to buy a drink. " she take a sip on her own drink.

While I hold mine, I looked at her.

" What? Is there something you want to know? " she give me a quick glance before taking another sip.

" Yes.. there's actually a lot but the first would be.. "

I paused for a bit and think about on what should I ask her.

I should probably ask her on what kind of club this thing is, right? Yeah, That should be it.

I gripped the can hardly as I opened my mouth.

" Do you have a boyfriend? " she spitted her drink and started to coughing like crazy.

" W-w-what boyfriend?! What are you... what kind of question is that? " she exclaimed.

She shaked her head as she place her hand on her face completely forgetting about the cold drink she was holding.

" Waaah! "

" Pft--" I tried to hold back my laughter.

" How about this then? Can you tell me what's the purpose of this club? " I confronted her with my real question.

" This is a Pastime Club, simple. We research a good type of game to try it out. " Fair enough, this explains why they known about Eroge.

" But why Eroge? Don't you prefer normal visual novels? I mean eroge's just the same but a bit extreme. " I said but it seems that she expected this kind of question.

" That's true, but most of them are rather cliche. Eroge on the other hand is unique. It also add some factors and unexpected developments. Although it's explicit, We enjoy that. Don't you too? "

She's right.

" It was all good until the school created an order that if a club doesn't have atleast one activity presented then the group will be disbanded. " she said with dejected voice.

There was a trace of sadness in her face as she continue.

" Plus we were lacking members, which is another problem if we wany avoid being disbanded. Besides it's not like everyone know what eroge is. " she smiled bitterly.

She looked at me.

" But that's when I met you—it's like—fate. You're like a savior. "

I really wouldn't consider myself that.

But it is what it is.

" But seeing that you were forced on joining and we never respected your answer.. it's normal for you to be conflicted. B-but can you please...? think about it? I--I don't really know what to offer.. but will you? " she lowered her head trying to surpress her feelings.

I approached her, closening the gap.

Step by step.

With every inch disappearing between us—the harder my heartbeats.


I could feel my emotions inside me, ready to burst at any second.

If I ever tried to put my guard down, I would say " yes " to her in a heartbeat.

Did I do this because I pitied her? No.

I did this because I don't like it when a girl cries in front of me.

I held her face and brush her tears away, she looked at me with such confusion in her eyes.


I stared at her for a second, not wanting to let go.


" Yuki, I... "